0000085504 00000 n In: Weeds gone wild: Alien plant invaders of natural areas. 0000098381 00000 n Ampelopsis, or porcelain vine, is part of the grapevine family.It looks good most of the year, but particularly in autumn. It spreads very quickly since birds and mammals eat the fruit and disperse the seeds. Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, commonly called porcelain vine, is a vigorous, woody, deciduous, tendril-climbing vine which is somewhat similar in habit to wild grape vines and will typically grow 15-25'.Features mostly 3-lobed, deep green leaves (to 5" long). Common Names: Amur peppervine, porcelain-berry, wild grape (1,8).. Etymology: Ampelos is the Greek word for vine, and opsis is Greek for “sight”, “appearance”, or “likeness.”Brevis is Latin for “short” or “abridged,” and pedunculata is the Latinized form of “peduncle” (2). 0000095636 00000 n 0000028722 00000 n 0000030211 00000 n 0000080059 00000 n 0000080377 00000 n 0000089918 00000 n 0000023746 00000 n 0000104540 00000 n brevipedunculata, with common names creeper, porcelain berry, Amur peppervine, and wild grape, is an ornamental plant, native to temperate areas of Asia. 0000089640 00000 n 0000058945 00000 n 0000071839 00000 n 0000064766 00000 n 0000075941 00000 n 0000077174 00000 n 0000086443 00000 n Insects, Diseases and Other Plant Problems: Japanese beetles will damage the foliage. 0000103150 00000 n 0000083602 00000 n 0000104023 00000 n brevipedunculata) supplied … Fact sheet: Porcelain-berry--Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) 0000108370 00000 n 0000028110 00000 n 0000075005 00000 n 0000076470 00000 n Cooperative Extension, which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. 0000065702 00000 n Ampelopsis brevipedunculata is a deciduous Climber growing to 20 m (65ft 7in) at a fast rate. 0000081146 00000 n 0000079077 00000 n 0000101813 00000 n Its colorful berries are consumed by wildlife, especially birds, thus it has dispersed throughout the eastern states. 0000085975 00000 n 0000077834 00000 n Plant in in any fertile, well-drained soil in part shade to sun, although locating in full sun will result in the best berries. Clusters (cymes) of non-showy, greenish flowers appear in the leaf axils in July. 0000072803 00000 n 0000091059 00000 n This plant is a deciduous, woody, climbing vine with few tendrils, that reaches heights of more than 20 ft. (6.1 m). 0000013599 00000 n 0000065559 00000 n 0000100300 00000 n 0000060284 00000 n 0000078803 00000 n brevipedunculata. Download PDF. Previously aired: (9/11&12/1999) #2610 Brenda Sanders, previous OKG host, discusses the species and how to care for a Porcelain Berry Vine. 0000059107 00000 n <<180cdef89236134bb987a9f0d2287aa8>]>> 0000059463 00000 n The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Insects. brevipedunculata : with short peduncles. 0000084182 00000 n As such, early detection and control is needed to prevent this species from becoming established in this state. 0000084653 00000 n 0000073103 00000 n Ampelopsis brevipedunculata . Porcelain Berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata) Porcelain Berry was originally brought from Russia and southeast Asia in the 1870s to use for ornamental purposes and erosion control. 0000100638 00000 n 0000106316 00000 n 0000092934 00000 n 0000065188 00000 n It is weedy in disturbed areas such as a landscape. 0000060144 00000 n 0000070890 00000 n 0000086773 00000 n 0000014278 00000 n 0000077563 00000 n 0000088239 00000 n 0000097767 00000 n K�X��. Herb: Porcelain Berry Latin name: Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Synonyms: Ampelopsis heterophylla amurensis, Cissus brevipedunculata Family: Vitaceae (Grape Family) Medicinal use of Porcelain Berry: The fresh fruits, roots and leaves are antiphlogistic, depurative and febrifuge. Common names: creeper, wild grape, porcelain-berry, amur peppervine Native Origin: Northeast Asia - China, Korea, Japan, and Russian Far East It was originally cultivated around the 1870s in the US as a bedding and landscape plant. Scientific name: Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, syn. It reseeds readily and seedlings can become invasive. 0000017888 00000 n It is hardy to zone (UK) 4 and is not frost tender. 0000084032 00000 n This will not eradicate but will control. 0000060770 00000 n 0000094282 00000 n 0000090348 00000 n 0000095499 00000 n Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans' (Variegated porcelain vine ) will reach a height of 5m and a spread of 4m after 5-10 years. ... for assistance with the identification of porcelain berry during the winter. They are born in clusters in late summer and fall and are dry or slightly fleshy. 0000083739 00000 n 0000091729 00000 n 0000079922 00000 n 0000097424 00000 n 0000099793 00000 n 0000092277 00000 n 0000022000 00000 n 0000071438 00000 n 0000061378 00000 n 0000100775 00000 n It is in flower from July to August, and the seeds ripen from October to November. 0000070177 00000 n 0000060424 00000 n 0000102700 00000 n 0000072666 00000 n Common Name: Porcelain-berry Scientific Name: Ampelopsis brevipedunculata Identification: Porcelain-berry is a deciduous vine that climbs into tree crowns. 0000064281 00000 n 0000102142 00000 n 0000097951 00000 n Elegans Porcelain Berry will grow to be about 15 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches. 0000007476 00000 n 0000079781 00000 n 0000075256 00000 n 0000104384 00000 n Weed of the Month: Porcelain Berry By Saara Nafici | October 26, 2017 As the weather turns brisk, you might find yourself doing a double take when you spot the gorgeous fruits of this month’s weedy plant, porcelain berry (Ampelopsis glandulosa var. 0000099582 00000 n 0000107822 00000 n 2005. 8 0 obj<>stream 0000069753 00000 n 0000077697 00000 n 0000087061 00000 n 0000067365 00000 n Porcelain Berry is a vine noted for its colorful Autumn fruits, attractive foliage, and rapid rambling establishment. 0000063080 00000 n 0000098920 00000 n 0000102005 00000 n 0000090146 00000 n 0000083043 00000 n 0000037461 00000 n Nobody cared. 0000093486 00000 n 0000080872 00000 n 0000037268 00000 n 0000070040 00000 n 0000073244 00000 n N.C. 0000078015 00000 n The stem and root of Porcelainberry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.) 0000062243 00000 n 0000100074 00000 n 0000099194 00000 n 0000068030 00000 n 0000095924 00000 n Summary 0000008117 00000 n 0000104237 00000 n 0000093664 00000 n (Poisonous part: berries). 0000088618 00000 n 0000071698 00000 n 0000079420 00000 n General Information: Once classified as Hedera, an ivy, and then as Vitis, a vine, the genus Ampelopsis was created in 1803. brevipedunculata translates as "short peduncle", referring to the short stalk that the fruits are attached to. 0000062633 00000 n 0000083187 00000 n The leaves are alternate with a heart-shaped base and 3 to 5 palmate lobes. 0000019889 00000 n 0000069031 00000 n 0000095184 00000 n 0000097150 00000 n 0000041993 00000 n Listed in the RHS Plant Finder. 0000065984 00000 n 0000081961 00000 n 0000088909 00000 n It spreads very quickly since birds and mammals eat the fruit and disperse the seeds. As a climbing vine, it tends to be leggy near the base and should be underplanted with low-growing facer plants. A member of the grapevine family, Porcelain Berry climbs up the plants around it, preventing them from getting the light, water, nutrients, and physical space they require. 0000099937 00000 n 0000090641 00000 n 0000074830 00000 n 0000108229 00000 n 0000078305 00000 n 0000093845 00000 n 0000067063 00000 n 0000014399 00000 n Ampelopsis brevipedunculata 'Elegans' Common Name: Porcelain Berry It seeds … 0000076333 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n Why are there no more details? 0000095362 00000 n 0000066780 00000 n 0000096850 00000 n 0000082372 00000 n Porcelain-berry is often confused with species of grape (Vitis) and may be confused with several native species of Ampelopsis -- Ampelopsis arborea and Ampelopsis cordata. 0000092003 00000 n 0000110679 00000 n Ampelopsis gladulosa var. 0000094423 00000 n Trautv., [Online]. 0000109009 00000 n 0000063698 00000 n 0000068630 00000 n Young, Jamie. 0000093349 00000 n An aggressive weed of the eastern United States that closely resembles native grapes, Porcelain-berry is listed as an Invasive, Exotic Plant of the Southeast. Invasive Species Sheet - Porcelain-berry Invasive Species Identification Sheet Porcelain-berry (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (Maxim.)Trautv.) 0000072966 00000 n 0000078149 00000 n 0000060922 00000 n 0000089781 00000 n 0000092414 00000 n 0000077422 00000 n 0000095783 00000 n 0000076744 00000 n 0000111731 00000 n Elegans Porcelain Berry will grow to be about 15 feet tall at maturity, with a spread of 12 inches. 0000082703 00000 n 0000086265 00000 n 0000079637 00000 n brevipedunculata . 0000075667 00000 n 0000085351 00000 n 0000093212 00000 n 0000063356 00000 n 0000067203 00000 n (AB) was traditionally used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and anti-hepatotoxic agent in folk medicine. It reseeds readily and seedlings can become invasive. 0000018250 00000 n 0000085061 00000 n 0000084924 00000 n Symptoms: Unknown; questionably poisonous, but use caution. 0000107402 00000 n The berries start out white, but gradually darken to shades of pink, lavender, turquoise, blue and black as they age. 0000091866 00000 n 0000071998 00000 n 0000096713 00000 n 0000106568 00000 n 'Elegans' has leaves variegated in white and pink; selection is less vigorous than the species and makes a splendid choice for a hanging basket or container. trailer This plant flowers on new growth. 0000079236 00000 n 0000081633 00000 n 0000110972 00000 n brevipedunculata Identification: Porcelain berry is a woody, deciduous climbing vine that can grow up to 25’ long. 0000101465 00000 n 0000084516 00000 n 0000059625 00000 n 0000014312 00000 n Amur peppervine. 0000092634 00000 n 0000068167 00000 n 0000063220 00000 n 0000078666 00000 n 0000075804 00000 n 0000103338 00000 n 0000073659 00000 n 0000021623 00000 n 0000081318 00000 n 0000069493 00000 n 0000072409 00000 n 0000110343 00000 n 0000040095 00000 n It has become a serious invader of the eastern United States and closely resembles native species of grape. 0000074540 00000 n It grows and spreads quickly in areas with high to moderate light. It invades streambanks, pond margins, forest edges, and other disturbed areas. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. 0000069349 00000 n 0000072135 00000 n Leaves are deciduous, alternate, heart -shaped, simple or pinnately divided, and have coarse teeth along the margins. 0000092797 00000 n Portland: Elk Rock, The Garden of the Bishop's Close 0000029288 00000 n 0000098522 00000 n 0000070727 00000 n 0000098225 00000 n 0000019767 00000 n SERIES 16 | Episode 20. 0000106786 00000 n 0000073793 00000 n 0000013238 00000 n 0000062081 00000 n 0000029509 00000 n 0000015638 00000 n 0000089248 00000 n 0000076082 00000 n Experienced weed warriors know the difference, but to the casual observer, the invasive exotic porcelain-berry, (Ampelopsis brevipedunculata), does bear a strong resemblance to our native grapes.Both, in fact, are in the same family, Vitis. & Zucc. 0000064009 00000 n Noteworthy Characteristics. 0000072272 00000 n 0000105551 00000 n This plant can be weedy or invasive according to the authoritative sources noted below.This plant may be known by one or more common names in … 0000066923 00000 n 0000092140 00000 n Ampelopsis brevipedunculata: Porcelain Berry ; Porcelain Ampelopsis; Ampelopsis brevipendiculata 'Elegans' Elegans Porcelain Berry ; Elegans Porcelain Ampelopsis; Contact Info. 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