Available hook sizes are #14, #16, and #18. Thorax: Pale yellow The size 12 and red/brown color are a great fly for matching many hatches. His excellent Blue Wing Olive fly pattern covers a number of other species and sizes and uses a rabbit fur wing for durability, visibility, and great floatation. Your email address will not be published. The “big sulphurs” of the East are usually E. invaria (also called the “light Hendrickson”), and its smaller cousin is E. dorothea dorothea, the pale evening dun. Although the fly looks quite simple, tying it can be frustrating, as getting the tails and wings right take a bit of doing. Individual flies are available in all three hook sizes, while the sets contain all patterns of the same hook size. Lively’s method of tying this fly is from front to back. Hook: Standard Since 1856. … This is a very proven fly pattern and one Blue Wing Olive you shouldn't be without. Thread: Yellow 8/0 (70 denier). Experience True Fly Shop Quality Flies On Your Next Fly … Video: How to Choose Deer Hair for Comparaduns - Orvis News. Abdomen: Pale yellow Featured in this YouTube fly tying tutorial is the Biot Body Sulfur Parachute dry fly, a pattern intended to represent the adult/dun stage of the sulfur mayfly. Sizes range from #14 to #18. Sulfur Dun Hook - standard dry fly sizes 16 - 18 Thread - cream Tail - light dun hackle fibers Body - light yellow dubbing (sandy, tan) Wings - cream hen hackle tips (optional - not shown) Hackle - light dun That's it. We carry it in the shop in both grey and olive/brown. Note: See Tim’s Insist On Quality - RiverBum Quality At RiverBum we're serious about our product quality Free Shipping on All Orders of $50.00 or more in the contentinal USA. Anglers were introduced to the pattern in the 1973 I prefer a turkey biot body on this pattern in specific instances mayfly imitation has been a staple in fly fishers’ boxes. Head: Tying thread. He starts by mashing the barb on a size 14 Dai-Riki #300 dry fly hook and then secures the hook in his tying vise. Fly Tying Pattern - Thorax Style Sulphur Dun Detailed instructions for tying a Thorax Style Sulphur Dun. They include the Sulfur Dun, Sulfur nymph, and sulfur spinner. Here is one way of making an attempt at a fake of the Iron Blue Dun (IBD) that was hinted at in the previous post. Males and females differ in body color somewhat, with males displaying a yellowish-tan body and females a more golden color as they are full of ripening eggs. Here is a list of favorite fly patterns that are effective in the waters I fish. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. dry-fly hook (here a Lightning Strike DF1), sizes 12-20. The original Comparadun was created in the 1960s by famed Mahogany Dun, a common may fly that has prolific hatches in the spring. The set includes three each of the four patterns: Sulphur Comparadun, Sulphur Quill-body Comparadun, Sulphur Parachute Dun, and Sulphur Thorax Dun. For the next couple weeks I will talk about them, and discuss the reasons I think they work and why I like them. Tools: Hair stacker, DRY FLY To tie this fly tie in a brown and grizzly hackle behind the 2020 Upland and Waterfowl Seasons – Time to Book Your Trip! The Sulphur Dun floats on the surface a while before they are able to fly away, so they are especially vulnerable to trout at this stage. Emergence : The transformation of a nymph or pupa into the adult winged stage of an insect. For the fly fishing history buffs this is said to be a variation on the haystack by Fran Betters from the 1940-50. The situation often requires a downstream presentation. Manistee River Below Tippy Fishing Report. One of Michigan’s best hatches, and fish of all sizes really start to look up for this aquatic insect. He loads a bobbin with a spool of yellow 6/0 Danville, yes, yellow. Microdrag : The imperceptibly small unnatural motions of an artificial fly on the water, caused by its connection to the line. The Sulphur Parachute Dun is made with the same abdomen of synthetic quill material as the Quill-body Comparadun, and has a dubbed thorax, but it has a poly-post wing and a parachute hackle. Medium dun-colored micro-fibbets or mayfly tails are used to form the tail of the fly. The deer hair lets you track the dry fly. Required fields are marked *. turkey biot. I was fishing the South Branch Raritan River in New Jersey last night and had the good fortune to catch a pretty impressive emergence of Sulphur mayflies just before dark. Your email address will not be published. Wing: EP Silky We ask it because spam Sometimes the word "dun" is confusingly used to refer to a brownish gray color in fly tying materials. A go to fly for many pieces of river. The Sulphur mayflies emerge in the slower moving water of the streams during the afternoon. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy 70-denier. tier and angler Al Caucci. Sulphur Spinners return to the riffle areas on the river to mate in the early evening and lay deposit their eggs. Grand Traverse Bay Fishing Report for 6.9.20, Product Review- Patagonia Macro Puff Hoody. It differs from the traditional anatomy of herl bodied, hackled, dry flies in that it uses the spare end of tying thread Learn more about Sulphur’s and make sure to tie up a few of these great spinner patterns before this hatch starts.. Make sure to tie this fly in a few different sizes as w The dun phase of a PMD can be imitated by lots of different patterns. Trout can't resist a sparkle dun. The advantage of parachute duns provides a highly-visible, low-floating, imitative design. Tails: Tailing Fibers or Microfibbets, dun. Depending upon the weather the spinners can sometimes overlap with the hatching duns.. Pale Morning Dun (PMD) Parachute As I mentioned above, PMD Spinners are an important phase of the insect. Our Pale Morning Dun & Sulfur Dun Nymphs And Emergers Are Tied on Gamakatsu, Tiemco or Daiichi Hooks, By The Worlds Finest Fly Tyers. CDC Sparkle Dun – This pattern is my go to pattern for every mayfly hatch on the Bighorn. Thread: Yellow 8/0 or 70-denier. This article covers fly fishing the Perfect Fly Sulphur Dun Emerger trout fly. Sulfur/PMD Parachute Hook: Tiemco TMC100, size 16 or 14, or Tiemco TMC101, size 18. My favorite is a simple parachute pattern. The term may refer to the emergence of an individual, or the daily or yearly event in which all individuals of a species emerge. Males and females differ in body color somewhat, with males displaying a yellowish-tan body and females a more golden color as they are full of ripening eggs. video on choosing the proper deer-hair for Compadun here. Tails: Medium dun book Comparahatch, which Caucci wrote with Bob Nastasi. The dry fly is sparse, yet gives a great drift. Superfine Dubbing. Next tie in your Pheasant Tail Segment, for the body of the Sulphur Dun, Wrap your Pheasant Tail forward creating a slight taper, Tie in your Foam, we are using packaging foam here, Tie in your Whiting Farms hackle to secure the post, Wrap your hackle and dub the head to finish your Sulphur Dun, YouTube Video with Ed McCoy tying his Gray Drake Spinner. Tails: Medium dun Mayfly Tails or microfibbets. The Sulphur Dun dry fly pattern has wings that are not quite dry, imitating a mayfly not quite ready to fly. Sulfur or Sulphur Duns (Ephemerella, Epeorus and Stenacron) are common to most mid-west and eastern rivers, with similar colors as the PMD. So pay attention to what Sulphur’s are emerging and changing up your pattern body color as well. Mayfly Tails or microfibbets. Comparadun Some have a mustard yellow body and others a pale olive green. It is the most productive Sulfur emerger pattern I have fished to date, and fishes well through the duns and into tail-outs on cripples after the hatch. Abdomen: Sulfur yellow dry fly dubbing. We’re tying a sulfur pattern here, but by changing the biot and thorax colors to shades of olive and the CDC to light dun, you can make a blue winged olive emerger. The Wing: Bleached deer-hair, short/fine, cleaned and stacked. I fish only with about half a dozen dry fly patterns. The Sulfur - Sulphur Dun Dry Fly The problems with the Sulfur / Sulphur Dun fly is that they come in many shapes, sizes and more importantly color. Sulphur’s can last quite a while on-stream and begin in the middle of the afternoon. This page describes the Perfect Fly Sulfur Dun Mayflies used fly fishing for trout. dorothea species the … This show even more versatility to what can … Here, author, fly tier and blogger Matt Grobert is going to tie a sulphur version of Mr. Marinaro’s classic pattern. © 2015-2020 Hawkins Outfitters all rights reserved. It all starts with choosing the right deer hair, and his method for ensuring that the tails stay in position is ingenious. These Ever since, the low-riding Thread: Yellow 8/0 or Yes, this is a trick question and easy to answer. Superfine Dubbing. 1.) On rivers with abundant hatches and spinnerfalls, selectivity will be the rule rather than the exception. Adhesive: UV-cure resin. This fly sits low in the film surface and the tail section should sit below the film giving the trout that perfect silhouette. Separate two from the rest and, while keeping their tips aligned, snip them free. In the latest video from Tightline Productions, Tim Flagler walks you through his process for creating a Sulfur Comparadun, and he seems to have figured out the best ways to perform each step. Even before the sulphur hatch has begun I have seen some very nice trout being fooled into taking this fly. Sulphur Dun’s begin hatching in the mid to late afternoon. Copyright 2020, The Orvis Company Inc. Body colors range from pale yellow to orange to tan, with wings that are grey. This fly is not meant to imitate a specific insect but to used as a general pattern whenever midges are on the water. The name “sulphur” (or “sulfur”) is attached to several mayfly species in the genus Ephemerella. Jim Cannon of Blue Quill Angler in Evergreen, Colorado has been in the business for many years. Sulfur Comparadun Hook: Standard dry-fly hook (here a Lightning Strike DF1), sizes 12-20. Spinner falls can be very important part of the hatch. I personally call them haystacks since im from the Adirondacks. Sulfur Sulfur Dun Pattern Recipe: Hook-TMC100, Thread- Light yellow 6/0, Hackle- Light yellow wrapped as a collar, Wings- Light yellow hackle tips tied upright and separated, Body- Dubbed light yellow bunny blend, Tail- Light yellow hackle barbs. Sometimes the word "dun" is confusingly used to refer to a brownish gray color in fly tying materials. Abdomen: Hendrickson-pink Wing: Bleached With the tips pointing rearward on the fly, lay the two fibers against the near side of the hook and let thread torque carry them to the top. Featured in this YouTube fly tying tutorial is the Biot Body Sulphur (sulfur) Parachute dry fly, a pattern intended to represent the adult/dun stage of the sulfur mayfly. This no hackle fly sits flush in the water and and the sparkle shuck The Sulphur Dun floats on the surface a while before they are able to fly away, so they are especially vulnerable to trout at this stage. deer-hair, short/fine, cleaned and stacked. dubbing wax, bodkin. FTM bodies sulfur dun dry fly - on the spur of the moment. A perfect trout dry fly to imitate many different natural mayflies, including Pale Morning Duns, Sulphur, and Baetis mayflies. New Flies video shows Tim creating a beautifully N.E.W. I had some lighter colored Fran Betters’ Usual fly patterns but I wish I had a few of the Snowshoe Rabbit Sulphur Emergers featured in this week’s Fly Night Fly Tying Video by Aaron Jasper of Trout Predator Online. Proper size and pattern type (dun, emerger or spinner, as well as nymphs in the surface film) become critical to success as the trout feed steadily and selectively. The LTD "Long Transitional Dun" was tied in 2000 for the Sulfur emergence on the West Branch of Pine Creek in North-Central Pennsylvania, and published in FlyTyer Winter 2009 Edition. The first is Bob Smock's version of the sulfur dun.
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