why does my cat eat plastic

As cool as they come off, cats really don’t handle stress well. 30-Day Risk Free Guarantee. Why Does My Cat Lick Plastic? Playing with plastic bags creates a risk of strangulation and suffocation. If you’ve ruled out other possibilities for your cat’s bizarre behavior, let a vet take a look. Veterinarian-written / veterinarian-approved articles for your cat. We all know why dogs eat all sort of junk (even poop and vomit) and although it’s gross, we sort of know why they do it. Many cat health conditions can be treated or even cured if they’re caught early. The Best Plants That Are Safe for Cats to Eat, not having enough stimulation or play time, Try These Solutions to Common Cat Problems Affecting Your Kitty. Some cats have a strong predatory drive and just need that itch scratched with fun toys and laser beams that make them feel likethey’re on the prowl. Active 1 year, 8 months ago. Fortunately, he hasn't had any issues. Why Ozzy's oldest daughter wasn't on 'The Osbournes' The 10 absolute best deals for Amazon Prime Day 2020 Woman drowns, 6 children rescued in Lake Tahoe accident - Answered by a verified Cat Veterinarian. Hard plastic items can cause damage to sensitive mouth tissues when they are chewed. Sometimes your veterinarian will recommend making your cat vomit the item up, but this is not the case for all plastic items. Plastic carries odors from everything else. Our cat eats plastic bags and soon thereafter vomits. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. Anytime you … Initially, a bot will ask questions to determine the general nature of your concern. See you in the comments! Put differently, cats that are teething have a higher likelihood of eating plastic objects than adult cats that have grown all their teeth. Sign up for the FREE Cat Health Mewsletter: Pica in Cats: Why Cats Eat Strange Things. Learn more about how and why we started our company. Cats are naturally curious and, like kids, they’ll lick, bite, and chew on just about anything. Free Delivery. It's a full sensory experience for your little pal. If you’re using PrettyLitter, make sure you’re checking the color of the litter every day. Is there some medical issue involved? Your cat may have been searching around for something to do and found the bag to provide some entertainment for a while. "Cats may also chew plastic due to anxiety," says Dr. Pike, noting that it could either be generalized anxiety or a reaction to a lack of environmental enrichment. Many cat health conditions can be treated or even cured if they’re caught early. If your cat chews on plastic, you should be concerned. If chewed, there's a risk of choking and intestinal blockage. That’s why, as a good cat mom or dad, it’s up to you to get to the root of the cause and help your fur baby choose healthier options. Thank you, Elizabeth Williams, for your A2A: Why does my cat eat plastic bags? Why does my cat eat plastic? Cats may suffer from pica for a number of different reasons including: Nutritional deficiencies. Unfortunately, there’s. Does your cat do everything she can to get ahold of your plastic grocery bags? These procedures require general ane… Its possible causes include dietary deficiencies, boredom, and anxiety. Unfortunately, she constantly seeks out plastic and sometimes finds some. Actually, plastic pica - a recurring behavior of eating or chewing on plastic - is quite common in cats. Cats can also enjoy the crinkly noises that a plastic bag makes. Plastic can cause intestinal blockage so you need to make sure and not leave anything out- and keep the garbage can under the counter or in the pantry. Essentially, because she likes it. We’ll even pay your shipping. Cats are self-soothers. Some cats just seem to like the way the plastic tastes or feels more than that it being a "need" to eat plastic, so it doesn’t automatically qualify as a compulsive behavior. Rule out any possible stressors in your cat’s environment and do what you can to make your kitty feel at ease. Do you have to lock up garbage bags, packaging, dry-cleaning bags, cups, straws, and all other plastic items in your home so your cat doesn't chew on them? Obsessive-compulsive disorder can also be another reason why your cat wants to eat plastic. Never give your cat any medications without talking with your veterinarian first. If a cat is lacking certain nutrients in their diet, or fiber, you may notice them eating many things that are inappropriate, such as their kitty litter and plants. ... It’s not dangerous—unless the cat is ingesting the plastic, which can lead to intestinal blockages. Limited Time - Use Pretty15 to Save 15% on your first month. Look at the ingredients and make sure the first five are things you recognize. Cats that are fed manufactured cat food that’s lacking the proper balance may seek out other sources of nutrition. Some extreme deficiencies in nutrients can cause pica. You may have noticed that your cat is starting to eat houseplants, things made of wool, paper, rubber bands, or even plastic. Many cats will experience stress due to a health problem, even if they don’t show any other signs of being ill. Keep an eye on it. But we highly recommend you keep asking her. Inappropriate Urination in Cats, The Dangers of Strings, Ribbons, and Yarn for Cats. If you’ve ruled out other possibilities for your cat’s bizarre behavior, let a vet take a look. There are many reasons why plastic is attractive to cats, aside from its ability to trap smells and make crackling sounds when batted about. Because they’re scavengers. One major factor that prompts your kitten to have the desire for chewing on plastic is teething. Cats are enigmas. Cats are highly instinctual animals, which means if they’re not getting something important in their diet, they’ll track down ways to get it - even it it means munching on a Mervin’s bag. This urge to eat items that are not food is called Feline pica. If your cat and plastic end up in the same frame multiple times, or if you start finding kitty tooth marks on your plastic goods, then it may be time to rule out other options. Notice: Ask-a-Vet is an affiliated service for those who wish to speak with a veterinary professional about their pet's specific condition. How to Decide on an Indoor or Outdoor Lifestyle for Your Cat, Sisal Fabric: The Best Material for Cat Scratching Posts, Cat Not Using Litter Box? Delivered straight to your front door, every month. Then, you will be transferred to a human. is one that is high in protein, moderate in fat, and super low in carbohydrates. Why Cats Are Attracted to Plastic. Theory 4: If your cat and plastic end up in the same frame multiple times, or if you start finding kitty tooth marks on your plastic goods, then it may be time to rule out other options. Other major causes of anxiety that could induce a kitty to chew plastic: Social conflict with other felines in the household or situational stresses, such as storm phobias or separation anxiety. Opt for cat food that lists healthy protein and fat sources - like chicken, fish, turkey, liver, and eggs - in the first 5 ingredients. If you see the words “grain,” “byproduct,” or any other. If you just started noticing your cat nibbling on plastic, it may not be cause for concern yet. The bags from the supermarket he does not chew on. But sometimes cats start eating things that aren’t food at all. Nutritional and convenient, only 100 calories per serving. Whether it’s crinkling paper, crinkling foil, or crinkling plastic, they just love that particular sound. Here’s what could be causing your cat’s odd plastic habit. I believe because it has a chemical type smell but the clear trash bags he is crazy overI’ve only seen him chew it but I am concerned that one day he will actually swallow. Kitties also find plastic bags especially alluring, explains the Pet Health Network, because "many bags are also coated in substances such as cornstarch, [and] stearates (salts of stearate acid), or are … What’s important is to let your vet help you determine the exact cause so you’ll know how best to manage it. Cats do like it. It’s a combination of reasons that give your cat the tendency to chew and eat non-food items. Ingesting plastic may not only result in minor problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, but it can also cause a serious intestinal obstruction that may require surgery. My girlfriend and I always try to remove any accessable bags from the cat. Also, as a general rule, the fewer ingredients, the better. We may never fully understand why cats seem to prefer plastic over all other substances. This question remains a mystery, but there are a few theories floating around. My cat eats plastic as well and even some leaves but not all plastics I believe it does have something to do with what is on the plastic bags. If you see the words “grain,” “byproduct,” or any otherharmful pet food ingredients, toss it. Get tips, spotlights, and upcoming offers/deals to your inbox, Chat with us: Take a look at your cat’s food. Your cat is basically testing other items to try to fulfill its dietary needs. Meet our new product. To see if this is what’s driving your cat’s mad munchies, give her something else (read: safer) to chew on that crinkles. Opt for cat food that lists healthy protein and fat sources - like chicken, fish, turkey, liver, and eggs - in the first 5 ingredients. My cat is obsessed with eating thin plastic. If your cat is nibbling on grocery bags, packing pillows, and shrink wrap, there may be an underlying reason - other than that your cat is just weird. Also, give your cat toys and other places to explore in the house. The best cat diet is one that is high in protein, moderate in fat, and super low in carbohydrates. Tell us what you learned and how you or your vet helped your fur baby break the habit. It is pretty intuitive that eating plastic cannot be good for a cat, but it is harder to answer why does my cat like plastic bags in the first place, and how do I get my cat to stop eating them? More often than not, surgery or endoscopy to remove the item from your cat is performed by your veterinarian. . Bella is a 4-year-old domestic short hair indoor cat. Cats that do this are in the minority, but it's still common enough that people ask their veterinarians about it fairly often. Unfortunately, there’sa lot that can stress your cat out, too. (Picture Credit: Getty Images) Cats are obligate carnivores, so they usually like to stick to eating meat. , toss it. This can lead your cat to seek out anything soothing, which may include hiding in dark, quiet places, scratching your favorite curtains, or eating things she shouldn’t. I’ve had cats lick it and chew it and try to tear off pieces to eat. Just discovered us? Playing with plastic bags creates a risk of strangulation and suffocation. Not every cat does this behavior but if your kitty does, it can be a seemingly endless battle to keep plastic bags out of reach. Cats suffering from anemia, dental problems, diabetes, brain tumors, hyperthyroidism, and immune system deficiencies can exhibit pica behaviors. If chewed, there is a risk of air blockage and intestinal blockage. Viewed 293 times 4. Why Do Cats Eat Litter? Cats that are fed manufactured cat food that’s lacking the proper balance may seek out other sources of nutrition. Ask-a-Vet is not manned by the staff or owners of CatHealth.com, and the advice given should not delay or replace a visit to your veterinarian. Your cat may be eating plastic or other types of things made of plastic because of a condition is known as feline Pica. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional consultation, diagnosis, or treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Plastic items can cause obstructions and prevent food and water from passing through the body or puncture or tear the stomach or intestines if the item has sharp edges or corners. Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic - Plastic bags are dangerous for cats for many reasons. We likethis crinkle stick that your cat can cuddle, carry, chase, or chew to satisfy that crazy craving. What to do: Keep an eye on it. Look at the ingredients and make sure the first five are things you recognize. This is another cause of stress, and it can even lead to your pet forgetting all about its normal activities. Make an appointment with your vet. Why Do Cats Eat Tape? Pica, or eating non-food items like plastic bags, is a common behavior issue in cats. Redeem Now! There is a charge for the service if you choose to connect to a veterinarian. Nibbling on plastic may be your cat’s way of trying to make herself feel better when an underlying cat health problem has her feeling under the weather. Some cats really enjoy the sound of crinkling. Here’s a short rundown on why your cat might be addicted to tape, why you should be careful, and how to try and break them of this habit. (Picture Credit: Getty Images) Cats are obligate carnivores, so they usually like to stick to eating meat. Like too much attention from the kids, not enough attention from you, being bullied by another cat in the house, not having enough stimulation or play time, or hidden illnesses. Some grocery bags are made with animal by-products like gelatin. If your cat prefers flimsy plastic, like what your grocery bags are made of, she may be craving some animal fat. The final reason why your cat may have started on their plastic chewing habit is simply that they are bored. Some Cats Chew Plastic Because They Have Pica. The urge to eat nonfood items -- called pica -- can be pretty common in cats. Many cats will experience stress due to a health problem, even if they don’t show any other signs of being ill. Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic? What to do: Make an appointment with your vet. But why are cats attracted to such materials that should have no taste appeal, like plastic. Also, as a general rule, the fewer ingredients, the better. We like. Actually, plastic pica - a recurring behavior of eating or chewing on plastic - is quite common in cats. Our thoughts: Well yeah, that makes sense. Why does my cat try to eat plastic bags? While PrettyLitter can’t detect every cat health problem under the sun, it can point out when something’s not quite right and is an excellent tool for keeping tabs on your kitty’s internal health. Why Cats Lick Plastic, and Other Odd Behaviors Explained. What can we do further? Monday-Friday, 7am-5pm PT. Why Cats Eat Plastic We use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. If you have a cat that loves to lick, chew on, or eat plastic, you're not alone. So why would a cat eat plastic? Another reason that cats will chew bags can be related to their dental health. If you find your cat engaging in these activities, a trip to the veterinarian to make sure her teeth are in good order is important. Do you find tiny cat-tooth marks in your sandwich baggies? But plastic bags, houseplants, wool, paper, rubber bands? I've seen plastic in his poop, so when he eats it, at least it passes. Have you discovered the root cause to the love affair between your cat and plastic? Pica is when an animal or person has a desire to eat things that are not food – and are nutritionally useless for that species to consume. Ask Question Asked 1 year, 8 months ago. You may have noticed that your cat is starting to eat houseplants, things made of wool, paper, rubber bands, or even plastic. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram: @prettylittercats. Plastic can be a choking or suffocation hazard, too, and plastic bags can be a strangulation danger. Plastic does collect odors and hold onto them, and cats would be interested in many of those odors. Of all things, why plastic? Why cats like adhesive specifically is a bit of a mystery – one possible explanation is that different cats just have different preferences when it comes to the smells or textures they are attracted to. Why? If your cat is nibbling on grocery bags, packing pillows, and shrink wrap, there may be an underlying reason - other than that your cat is just weird. Why they do anything is a mystery cat-parents love to ponder, mostly because the majority of your cat’s quirks are ridiculously cute. One of my cats will eat anything that is soft plastic. Here’s what could be causing your cat’s odd plastic habit. If a plastic bag once housed some delicious chicken or even cat food, cats little noses could detect it and be intrigued. They also could be attracted to plastic because of its scent, dental disease, stress or boredom. The most common causes of a cat licking plastic include: Food taste. However, this is rare and usually does not result in a cat relentlessly looking for one particular type of item, such as plastic, to chew on or eat. Rule out any possible stressors in your cat’s environment and do what you can to make your kitty feel at ease. To see if this is what’s driving your cat’s mad munchies, give her something else (read: safer) to chew on that crinkles. They prefer to try to make themselves feel better before letting anyone else know that they’re unwell. Full disclosure: this puzzle has yet to be solved. It can be scary to see your fur baby nibbling on something that has child safety hazards printed all over it. Your cat may be looking for something to satisfy that primal carnivore craving. Seeing a cat go crazy over plastic grocery bags or a plastic shower curtain can be a puzzling and frustrating experience for cat owners. Some cat cravings are easy to understand: Cream, catnip, mice.. After all, plastic isn’t exactly a nutritious feline snack, right? If your cat continues to pursue the plastic, get your cat a checkup. But sometimes cats start eating things that aren’t food at all. Pica is a medical term that means having the propensity for chewing on or eating non-food items. See what's different about our line of health food products. Plastic bags appeal to your cat's senses for a variety of reasons: the crinkle of the plastic, the smell of the food that was contained in it wafting through the air, the smooth surface under her paws. Once I heard him gagging somewhat in the middle of the night. What to do: Start by readingour guide to cat stress. For a limited time only, get 20% off your first PrettyLitter order. Like too much attention from the kids, not enough attention from you, being bullied by another cat in the house. It seems as though cats could seek out any other substance - cardboard, cloth, even human food - to munch on, but no. Ah, the love of plastic! For example, the plastic from bulk food bags and thin grocery bags. If you’re like us and you’ve been stumped as to why cats eat plastic, we hope this has cleared up some of the confusion. Cats can eat plastic because of behavioral issues stemming from boredom, anxiety, and stress. If your cat continues to pursue the plastic, get your cat a checkup. For this reason, jumping to behavior-modifying drugs is not typically recommended for cats who seem to be strongly driven to explore and chew specific tastes and textures. Certain cat breeds are actually genetically predisposed to developing pica. As cool as they come off, cats really don’t handle stress well. Strange Things Cats Eat. Plastic bags are dangerous to your cat for so many reasons. Why does my cat eat thin plastic? If you suspect it's a health issue, you should bring your cat to the veterinarian right away, especially if the behavior appears suddenly. Cats may suffer from pica for a number of different reasons including: You can learn more about cats that chew on or eat non-food items here: "Pica in Cats: Why Cats Eat Strange Things.". He will eat shopping bags, cellophane wrappers, anything. In this case, you will need to work a … Try PrettyLitter today and save 15% on your entire order with promo code "PrettyBlog"! If you’ve never heard of pica, essentially it’s a psychological disorder that animals and even humans sometimes have. Another reason cats may eat or lick plastic is if there's a deficiency in their diet. This is basically because they are … But eating plastic? Here are some things you can do if your cat licks, chews on, or eats plastic: If your veterinarian feels that your cat is truly experiencing an obsessive-compulsive issue, he or she may prescribe medications to be used short-term to enhance the efficacy of the behavior modification work you are doing at home. Why would a cat eat those?. There are other potential reasons such as a medical condition, nutrient deficiency, and genetics. If your cat or kitten is eating litter, it could be either a health or behavior issue. If your cat consumes plastic, it will need to be removed. They choose to go for the plastic. Enter code “LOVE20” at checkout. New snacks on sale now for a limited time! that your cat can cuddle, carry, chase, or chew to satisfy that crazy craving. Use code NEW for 15% off. What to do: Take a look at your cat’s food. To deal with the problem, stop your cat immediately when it gets into plastic and keep plastic items out of its access. And upcoming offers/deals to your cat wants to eat to their dental health may seek out other possibilities your... Be interested in many of those odors some cat cravings are easy to:... May suffer from pica for a limited time only, get 20 % off your first.! The fewer ingredients, toss it, plastic isn ’ t show any other basically other. At your cat ’ s food case for all plastic items or suffocation hazard, too, and.... Chewing on or eating non-food items cat eats plastic bags there is a domestic. Sandwich baggies odd plastic habit other types of things made of, she may be for! Give you the best cat diet is one that is high in protein, in! 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