what is the basic unit of the government

Define government as the organization through which a political unit (national, state, or local) exercises authority and performs functions. I can help u. The leadership in the calpulli would be responsible for the basic needs of the group. the Ol' Foolosifer. They were also responsible to make sure taxes were co… This power-sharing form of government is the opposite of "centralized" governments, under I wound't give him the answer I'm going to help him find the answers on his text book, I need someone to heck answers, the info you are asking for is irrelavant, Okay that's fine but what grade are you in batman, Just see if these questions are in your text book lucky?, I don't want to cheat, I just need someone to check answers, That's why want to know what grade because I don't want to check it and get you to get wrong answers. The correct one is C. GUYS, please trust me, ANSWERS is correct, instead of 5, which is C, trust me!!!! In which nation did a nationalist military regime lead the country to invade its neighbors and help launch World War II? What is the basic independent unit of world politics? Me: gets one answer wrong on purpose so the teacher isn't suspicious I'm so ashamed of the kids who are sitting right in front of their textbooks; they could read and learn more but they want to go in live lessons and talk about Roblox and Ben 10 and anime. While AIMIM had won 3 seats and is leading on 2. A municipality is a political subdivision of a state within which a municipal corporation has been established to provide general local government for a specific population concentration in a defined area. I haven't read my material in so long it's quite foggy over certain areas they have us at right now. Don't follow after people who cheat cause one day someone gonna ask you what's the circumference of a circle with a ratio of 7 you never gonna know. Ok chill. There is no basic unit of society... society is an abstraction.It's easier to illustrate the principle with another abstraction... "what is the basic unit of government?". 4 - B 5 - C The basic local unit of a party is the _____, a district ranging in size from a few to more than 1,000 voters;several adjoining precints make up a _____ Precinct and Ward: The national party organization has two components: the national _____ and the national_____ Covention and Committee 1. 7. 4. Which statement best explains why the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 was important to the development of the United States? I also hope I never have kids omg. A. 4: B 7. The people were just checking the other persons answers like wanted, and I like to believe that everyone here went with them because they were checking theirs and thought "Oh this is correct. Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question? Is correct. Lv 7. Ms. Sue and Writeacher are trying to help. 6. Some people find it difficult to find answers like I am considerd special ed so I use this app along with brainly it helps understand the answers I go back and look and say ooh this is how they got this answer EVER THINK OF THAT!!! oh boy guys chill out the reason this ssite exixstt is for cheating lets be honest. B 3. Does the Capitol Building in Washington D.C., come to mind? number 5 is C for connections kids !! Not everyone is trying to cheet. @LOL How would it be A and D if Mrs. Sue said 1 was C? 3 - B Part of the discussion at the 1787 Constitutional Convention focused on basic governmental structures. there are lots of people like that on here, and if people are cheeting it's their problem, not your's. why is everyone fighting over this if you don't like cheating why are you even here looking for answers? Don't harass everyone because of a couple cheaters, no one benefits from it! W hat is the capital of the US? 1. I'm going to go check my answers and have a good day. Maybe you get a mental picture of the president or Congress. Ms. Sue is getting the biggest amount of disrespect but she is just tryna help yall Kids get smart. B In the UK, the Prime Minister leads the government with the support of the Cabinet and ministers. B&C If it weren't from me also going on here and checking my answers I probably wouldn't know everything I do. Structure of Local Government Bodies in India Municipal Corporation in India Village (rural) Administration: Panchayati Raj: Basic unit of Administration in India, comprising of three levels - 1. Number 5 is incorrect. C arpenter v US - SCOTUS is trying to determine if the government can track your cellphone. stop judging people and just help each other. The Highest elected officials in a country B. He divided the empire into provinces and appointed leader for each province. The guy is right but it's hard to not look at all of this because social studies is hard for me and in order to rodeo I need to have good grades and I try in social studies but again it's really hard. grants-in-aid. But please, don't assume we are terrible people. d.extended family. C) nation**** B&C Is right but 5 is wrong it is c religious freedom. Aye thanks I was googleing the answers on a test and cam across this website and I got 100% that you guys, Answer!! part 2: d Also me: a small price to pay for salvation. a. country b. province c. nation *** d. organization Part B: Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question? (Part B) D Hehe thats what people say "I would never EVER cheat not if im forced to." After the family, the basic unit of ancient Aztec government was the calpulli. correct answers 100%. B. I would never ever cheat if I were not forced to. Unit #1: Foundations of Economics Chapter #2: The Organization of Economies 1 In order to solve the problem of scarcity, societies must make choices. Government is a big bucket that contains all sorts of things, but if you are an American, and you go to Washington with the intent to "change the government", you'll find a big problem: there's no such thing. As first early civilizations developed, the basic unit of government became the:? 5. Anonymous cut the defensive stuff, we all know that you come here for answers, and so do I, theres no problem in doing it. B NDA Wins Bihar Election: Accurately Predicted by Elections.in – Chintamani Exit Poll, The Unpredictability of Exit Polls in Bihar Election, Chintamani Elections.in Exit Poll Predicts NDA’s Victory in Bihar Election 2020. It created new taxes on imported goods. (g) The basic services and facilities hereinabove enumerated shall be funded from the share of local government units in the proceeds of national taxes and other local revenues and funding support from the national government, its instrumentalities and government-owned or controlled corporations which are tasked by law to establish and maintain such services or facilities. 1. Me: cheats on a test It, If you rearrange the letters "CARNEF", you would have the name of? View Unit 1 Test US Govt.doc from GOVERNMENT 161523783 at Clay High School. Like They gave you answers and your wasting your time writing paragraphs that could've been you writing a paragraph for an essay question or an LA essay. I read the info and take notes, but my father torments me if I get anything less then an A. 2 - C He banned local customs and imposed Persian ways on all people. It resulted in immigration from France to the United States. Part A --C In India, the government of the country is officially known as the Union Government. I have the goals of going to Harvard. and onee more thing "HeY lOsEr, GeT sOmE CoMmOn SeNsE". C Everyone, please calm down and stop yelling at each other. Also, you and me both, homie. Families didn't individually own land, the land was owned by a group of families, the calpulli. The basic economic questions are the main or basic choices that all societies must answer. I think you have changed a lot since the old years. ok just me¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Unit 1 Test U.S. Government 1. A. the highest elected officials in a country B. the area ruled by an independent government ********** C. a country with defined borders and foreign policy enforced. 1. i like that :). If they want to learn and get the answers on their own great! In an economy, production, consumption and exchange are carried out by three basic economic units: the firm, the household, and the government.. Firms Firms make production decisions. B, part 1: C 7. I know that I'm a little late to this like 4 years late but I agree with ArkhamSeries if we were still in school but since covid we have been stuck at home when we get back to school people will probably stop using this but with online school I don't see the problem because we aren't learning much anyway. 1 Answer. 1 is right; 2 is wrong. To the people who are upset with everyone on this site: Part A (C) Part B (D) anyone actually read all of the comments So your on a right track in life? Give four specific examples demonstrating how the evolution of the executive branch has mirrored the evolution of. A. Everyone was a part of the political unit and voted. C 5. Relevance. It's disgraceful and sad. The 6 basic principles of the constitution is popular sovereignty, judicial review, _, _, _, A traditional economic system is the best place to start because it is, quite literally, the most traditional and ancient type of economy in the world. I moved to another country where I had to leave my books behind and the area I now live in in the country I live in does not receive WiFI so I cannot even use my online textbooks; else I wouldn't be here. 4 - B China B. Japan C. Korea D. Mongolia i think it s c am i right? B B PREACH MORGANA, PREAAAAACH!!! The basic health care unit that exists in every village and small town is a Primary Health Centre. Define terrorism. In the New Testament, the Greek word paroikia means sojourning, or temporary, residence. Read More…, Live at 6 PM | Bihar Exit Poll | Chinatamani-Elections.in Exit Poll, Live at 5PM | Bihar Elections - ओवैसी का बुख़ार महागठबंधन को | Sanjay Dixit. D) organization These choices are influenced or guided by the rules or parameters set by each society. Note: There have been people who set their name as "Ms. Sue" before, and they try to confuse people. I WOULDN'T BE HERE. 4 - B 5: C Taluka/Tehsil (Block) - Panchayat Samiti 3. 4. Part A: What is the basic independent unit of world politics? 8. 3. Answer Save. What type of government was displayed in the movie Braveheart? It provides up-to-date news, critical analysis, and facts on the various Elections in India. Really? There are Health Officers in each Primary Health Centre who are qualified doctors. 7 - B, C I read all my stuff, I take tons of notes, and get 100% on all my SS tests. i agree ArkhamSeries people should at least learn enough so that when they are older they will at least build up common sense so that they can tell right from wrong, hard work and patience pays off very well, people shouldn't cheat there way in life and get mad at others because they don't won't to cheat, maybe you should listen to the people that tell you to work its hard but honorable if you cheat your way in school you may be the cool kid but in the long run you end up probably alone and not a clue of what to do because you thought you would look cool and fail and when you find a job, guess what your boss the person that will pay you he or she was one of the people that tried hard and DIDN'T fail....who ever reads this please dont take this and a insult to anyone take it as a warning and maybe a chance to turn around onto the right path. HELLO PEOPLE,i have an opinion that everyone should consider, LET PEOPLE BE PEOPLE. She comes to see that popular dislike for the own measurement standard led to the revolt. Crank, that was an awful thing to say, do you know Anonymous? B) people who choose to live near each other This is the sharing of power between the national and state (as well as local) governments. What is the basic independent unit of world politics? Bull dookie Who ever you are, you must have very little common sense because only really dumbo people would say some silly nilly like that. For connexus users, @Answers answers is correct, just change number 5 to C and you will get a 100%! 1. The government's intention is to support the needy by facilitating the provision of free basic services. 6 - C This means that the actual Bihar Election Result 2020 can swing in any direction. How do the three basic geographic characteristics affect a nation? @ArkhamSeries 7 - B&C Mrs Sue and Writeacher are practically the only ones here who even understand this. ... provided with a non-interchangeable voucher or token loaded with free basic units per month. If you try to cheat (giving away answers), you're moving yourself into the banned area! People link things that help me understand better, and I learn what I missed, and get it right next time. a.tribe. 8:B Correct answer C. nation 2. a) people, As the country has grown and evolved, so too has the Executive Office of the President and the independent agencies. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 1. 1 decade ago. A blended component unit’s financial information is reported within the government’s financial statements (as if it were part of the government), and a discretely presented component unit’s financial information is reported in a separate column in the government’s government-wide financial statements. 7 - B&C C I came to get answers I admit, but my life is downhill and I'm mental so I don't understand, Ms. Sue earns my respect cause she's smart and she's always right. If we are being honest, the stuff in math... Will it really come in handy in real life situations? What do you think of when you hear the word 'government'? The are ruled by an independent government C. A country with defined borders and foreign policy enforced by a military, Part A What is the basic independent unit of world politics? But can you define 'government'? Answers!! C) people who share the same political values**** B. (Part A) C Lucky just wanted to know the grade so he could give the right answers without confusing him/her I believe. GAQC Web Event: A Basic Background & Overview of State and Local Government Auditing February 13, 2018 7 Opinion Units 13 Concept unique to governments Plan, perform, and evaluate the results of auditor procedures on a government‘s BFS based on opinion units Technically conducting one audit but providing multiple opinions Box and Whisker plots?? 3 - B A) country They would set up the telpochalli, a school for common citizens (read more about the telpochcalli and other aspects of Aztec culture). B Back off! You can view more similar questions or ask a new question. A) a dog B) a city C) a country D) a province. Parish, in some Christian church polities, a geographic unit served by a pastor or priest.It is a subdivision of a diocese.. The real answers are c d c b b c c b and c b cause i got a 100 on my quiz. People are really triggered aren't they... Part A =(C) Part B =(D) why waste your time arguing with people online? 1. 8. Dont try to be mean and force your opinion on them. 2: C Y’all need to stop fighting. a. You got your answer now begone. Unit 8: Terrorism and CERT 8-Unit Objectives. A municipality may be If you're here, you're looking to get good grades. I want to be a smart dad with maybe one or two kids and I don't want to end up a who didn't learn a single darn thing in school! 2. Elections.in brings to you everything related to elections as they unfold. The U.S. Constitution establishes a government based on "federalism." 4. 7: B,C In declaring independence in 1776, highly centralized unitary government under a king was clearly rejected. 6 - C Zila (District) - Zila Panchayat What are two reasons that the state is called the basic unit of our government? a) country b) province c) nation* d) organization Part B Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question? This branch includes Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives) and special agencies and offices that provide support services to Congress. I just thought I should say something because so many people are cheating that everyone who comes here is generalised as the typical rebel lazy 8th grader. Relevance. 1. 2. C Gram (Village) - Gram Panchayat (for one or more than one village) 2. i read and know a bit of it, i put my answers in and just see if they are right and if not ill find how they got the answer. Sham W. Lv 4. Ughhh people up there shut up about the "Cheating" I would never risk getting kicked out of Connections nor would I ever cheat, seeing how I love school, learning, and reading. Answer Save. Identify the eight signs of terrorism. charter _____ are federal funds given to state and local governments for specific purposes. If that is all you are doing then you dont need to shame others let them do as they do!! 1 Answer. Start studying 3:13 Unit Assess: Institutions of Government. 2. . (Part A) C I have adult friends they never cheated and they almost never use the stuff they learned in school so I don’t really see the point in if you cheat or not, Omg all the people that say don't cheat on. 3 - B 8 - B, @ Answers!!! Good grades!" Here IS LITERALLY HERE SO THAT MEANS THERE ASO CHEATING SOOO, this conversation went from so mean to so nice. We just want to check our stuff so we can learn even more, and you came on this website searching one of these questions too, didn't you? Which of the following groups is an example of the basic unit you selected in the previous question? 3, 2017 at 10:35am 1 nothing to do with grade level you are doing you! With a non-interchangeable voucher or token loaded with free basic water and electricity services for all:! He banned local customs and imposed Persian ways on all my SS tests him/her I believe so your a... 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It is the basic independent unit of world politics UK, the government hospital in the previous question would make!

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