what animal can kill a bear

Again, not common, but it's certainly possible. This weight is great for black bear but a grizzly may need 65 or possibly a little higher depending on the bear that you want to kill. This weight can change depending on the type and size of the bear you are hunting. I don't know of anyone that is confident that they can kill medium sized to large game cleanly every shot with a hand held slingshot and regular projectiles. A animal that might compete against a bear might be a cougar It depends on which bear you mean. The tiger is the largest and heaviest member of the cat family. A good draw weight to use for bear hunting is between 42 and 65 pounds. They can run fast and have surprised many campers because they can climb up trees fast too. This article is pretty ignorant what comes to facts. Today, animals still present a hazard to humans, and this article looks at which of them kill the biggest number of humans. Many large bulls, Bison, etc all can take down a grizzly or polar bear. Bears are way bigger and stronger than tigers, lions or gorillas and can simply overpower gorilla while mauling it to death. If your long gun you are carrying is small caliber, carry a pistol for backup. Situation awareness is key, most bear attacks can be avoided, and who wants to kill a animal unless you absolutely have to. Some small game and varmints such as squirrels are known to be harder to kill with a slingshot. The animal kingdom consists of a vast number of beautiful and intricate creatures who have learned over the eons to adapt to the world surrounding them--and that's totally cool, because if they come in our yard we can just kill them. Just choosing a massive animal is silly if it cant be agile enough to at least avoid the grizzly, something smaller, no matter how nimble and agile wouldn't pack enough of a punch, like say a wild boar. Surprisingly, the most dangerous animal to humans is not a large, sharp-toothed predator but rather a tiny, buzzing insect. Forget the cuddly teddy bears you used to have as a child, real bears are huge hulks of muscle, teeth and claws. It's a strange association, given that they are also on the shortlist of animals known to hunt and kill humans. It won't be a majority, but they have the tools to take them down. Who knows whether a larger game animal will die of fright or shrug it off. Big hard cast chunks of lead, don't bother with hollow points. And hippos are land animals as much as water animals. Elephants, Hippos, and Rhinos can all easily take down a grizzly/polar bear 9/10. Adult male Lions and Tigers CAN take down a grizzly or polar bear. This great bear is Yellowstone’s most iconic animal, both famous and exceedingly notorious, as legendary creatures have always been. 44 or bigger if you can shoot it. Bears kill less than one person per year. There are only eight species of bears in the world and all of them can kill humans. Wild boars are fierce, but the grizzly is simply too big. So what are the top 10 animals that kill humans? The only animals that have a chance are multipul wolves (very rare). 21 Bears. If the wild boar charges, do not run — the animal can outrun you, with the ability to reach speeds of 30 miles per hour. He won't be charging from a mile away. Lions can kill gorillas too. ... is waning.” This is true: you can’t kill … Males of some tigers reach a length of 3 meters and have a weight of over 300 kg. Stomp on 'em, poison 'em, shoot 'em, hit 'em with your car- … Animals that Kill the Greatest Number of Humans The Mosquito. Tigers and lions are practically the same and both are bigger and stronger than gorillas with superior killing abilities.

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