should i pump if baby sleeps through the night

Nursing infants feed every three hours, and your body adjusts to that cycle of having enough supply every three hours. Since those things vary greatly between moms, there is no one size fits all answer to this question. As always, talk to your pediatrician if you are concerned about your baby’s ability to sleep through the night at this point. So I figure it finally adjusted to make the appropriate amount of milk. Should I Pump if My Baby Sleeps Through the Night? It was for this reason that our EP moms generally chose to continue to pump at night when baby began sleeping through the night. Change their diapers, put their PJs on, and feed them their last feeding of the “awake” day. Hopefully, this is the extent of it and very very hopefully, her night sleep isn't affected because I need rest after an entire day of taking care of two babies, one giant man-baby and one tiny adorable baby. Lucky you for getting sleep. Hurray! When your baby first starts sleeping through the night, you may want to pump at 2 AM. And you know what period means... low supply. If you are exclusively pumping for your baby, mimic a nursing baby, and pump only when your baby needs a feed, it will help ease pumping if the child sleeps longer. Many of our moms who did not pump enough during the day and supplemented formula, chose to pump at night in order to provide the most amount of breast milk possible to their baby. Your milk supply will not decrease because the baby has enough feed at once rather than often feeding. We see you, we hear you, and we are here for you. When your baby is around 3 or 4 months old, you should be able to slowly cut back on middle-of-the-night feedings, with the ultimate goal of getting your baby to sleep through the night. The advice is a little different if you exclusively pump. Just like many developmental milestones, when babies sleep through the night and are ready to night wean can vary quite a bit. There are some important ways that these long stretches of sleep by your baby can affect breastfeeding. I am b/f during the day with one formula feed at 10.30 pm. Do you pump at night? You have been blessed with a baby who sleeps so well at night! If she is sleeping so well growing and happy during the day there is no reason why you need to pump at night. Starting when your baby is 6 to 12 weeks old, soothe them until they are drowsy. Information is provided for educational and informational purposes only. Should I be getting up and pumping? Remember that sleeping through the night is a developmental milestone (like walking or toilet training) that different babies will reach at different times. What’s the best schedule for your 6-month-old baby? Don't pump in the night if your baby is happy. Every baby is different, and some sleep through the night earlier than others (schedules or food usually have nothing to do with this). Until your newborn regains this lost weight — usually within one to two weeks after … But mostly it all falls into place - the baby nurses enough during the day and you both sleep at night. Expressing milk before your bedtime will shorten the interval that your breasts go unemptied. Related article: 10 Reasons for a Sudden Drop in Milk Supply (and What To Do About It). Your baby may be hungry (keep in mind that breastmilk digests in less than 2 hours) or she may just want time with you. ), Pumping Supplies: All the Essentials You Need, Best Breast Pump for Working Moms: The Top 3, How to Pump Breast Milk: The Complete Guide. I remember desperately wanting the baby to wake up some mornings. I would love to catch up on sleep and pump in the day only... - BabyCenter Canada Your baby is FINALLY sleeping through the night! However, I will caution you that you will have to work harder since you are back to work. If you're breastfeeding, in the early weeks your baby is likely to doze off for short periods during a feed. Your baby doesn’t need solids to help him sleep. That first feeding in the AM sure was a relief. Again, it all depends on your comfort level and the amount of milk you have in the freezer. My schedule is 8am, 2pm, 8pm, 2am. For the first few weeks of your baby’s life, they feed every two to three hours. But not pumping at night when baby sleeps all the way thru with infrequent nursing (she’ll try to feed but too sleepy to) caused my period to come back. As your baby grows, they can take more milk than they were taking while they were infants. Of course, it's important to remember that hunger is just one of the reasons your baby may wake in the night. You can choose to begin pumping at night down the road if you need to. You may be worried about reducing the milk supply if your baby feeds once at a time instead of two or three times. If your baby has finally started to sleep through the night, grab some shuteye yourself. The dog is in great spirits, making baby Iris laugh with his antics and is the lowest maintenance family member. Mine came back 2 weeks after my son was sleeping through the night. Your baby's ability to sleep through the night depends on age, not size or diet. My little one use to wake up at 5 am for a feeding and I’d pump before bed, around 1 but lately she has been skipping that one and sleeping right through. If you find yourself in this category and wanting to give your baby as much breast milk as possible, you will need to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night. Before you hate me, my first baby was up every hour or two until he was over a year old. Depending on the age of your baby, you might only need to pump once a night and can do so right before your bedtime. As with every article that you will find here on Work Breastfeed Mom, our answer is: it depends. Now that your baby is sleeping longer at night, will your milk supply reduce if you don’t pump the milk? The dog is my rock. Don’t get excited. Every baby is different, but most infants this age will sleep between 14 and 17 hours a day, including naps. Your milk supply will remain constant as well. I think you will find this read especially helpful in giving you some solid take away tips you can use to make your middle of the night (M.O.T.N.) Most of our moms who fell into this bucket experienced an undersupply or just enough supply of pumped breast milk. Good Luck! Not necessarily, but if you're saving up expressed milk for work/school/time away from baby, it won't hurt to wake up and pump it, if you like. DMKJ04051619. Additionally, many babies’ sleep patterns do not develop on a linear path. Restful sleep ensures that your baby is sleeping well and long enough for his own body. You do not need to pump at night. But every baby is different, so don't be surprised if your baby sleeps more or less than others. Continued Put Your Sleepy Baby to Bed. At first I would wake up after 4-5 hours with very tender, full breasts but lately it seems like I'm not producing as much at night… How to Increase Breast Milk Supply (Fast), 10 Reasons for a Sudden Drop in Milk Supply (and What To Do About It), 10 Reasons For A Sudden Drop in Milk Supply (and What To Do About It! Report as Inappropriate. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps. You should be fine. Understand your baby is growing and can consume more milk and nap more. Having your sleep interrupted several times a night is one of the most challenging parts of being a new mom. Pump? I would definitely have pumped at least once in the middle of the night if I knew that was going to happen (I thought the frequent feedings during the day were enough to keep delaying period). Sample sleep schedule for a 6-month-old. Experts generally consider “sleeping through the night” as sleeping 6 to 9 hours at a time for children and adults. It's also unlikely to fit in with your need for sleep. My son is now 5 months and I went through similar painful nights as he was beginning to sleep longer. Then swaddle them, lay them in their cribs, or wherever they will sleep at night. Related article: How to Pump Breast Milk: The Complete Guide. I used to pump out in the mornings after his first feed, because I donate milk. One second you are celebrating the sleeping through the night milestone, and the next you are wondering if you have mastitis! It can help to stimulate your baby during the day, keep things calm at night, and have a regular bedtime routine. Most babies start sleeping through the night by gradually going longer stretches, say from 2-3 hours to 4-5 hours and then up to 6-8 hours over a period of months. Babies whose mothers work during the week often nurse more at night and on weekends, perhaps to reconnect with mom. I know it might feel crazy to wake your baby when you are working so hard on helping him sleep better, but in some cases, not waking your baby can actually lead to other sleep problems. But actually, your baby's sleep (even waking up at night) might be entirely normal for their age, and stage of development (BASIS, 2018a). It may take a few days of waking at night for your body to begin making more milk, but rest assured that there is milk in your breasts for baby in the middle of night. Most nights, that’s once, somewhere between 2:30am and 4:30am. Good Luck! The… Smart Solutions for Baby’s Nighttime Waking. If you are exclusively pumping and bottle feeding your baby, mimic what a typical nursing baby would be doing. After all, everyone knows they're "supposed to." You don’t need to pump if your breasts aren’t uncomfortable. When babies start sleeping for longer, you should also begin to enjoy more sleep. Anonymous: How old is your baby? For the first few weeks of your baby’s life, they feed every two to three hours. We have been there. If your baby starts sleeping through the night while you are fully breastfeeding, I suggest you use hand expression or a breast pump to empty your breasts just before you retire. Since pretty much week 3, our LO has slept through the night. No fumbling through drawers looking for a new sheet and mattress pad, and having to change them while the baby is on the floor crying. It's so common for mothers to worry when their babies don't sleep through the night. Would you still wake up to pump? Another reason to stop pumping at night would be your mental health. If you exclusively pump, your body is taking its cues from the pump instead of baby at the breast. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps. 02/08/2019 20:47 Subject: Do you wake up to pump if baby is sleeping through the night? Early on, your baby will likely still be taking about 4 breast milk or formula feeds a day. Babies digest breast milk easily and quickly. Most women find that their bodies adjust over time. You might notice that they might be sleeping for six hours compared to the three hours they are used to, and therefore some feeding times are skipped. Read on to see our answers to see if you need to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night. When do babies typically start sleeping through the night? This reflex causes baby’s limbs to jerk in response to certain triggers such as a loud noise or change in temperature. Your baby is capable of lasting through the night without food — what they need more than anything at this age, is a good night’s rest! *****I should add, though; that if your baby is sleeping through the night and you don't continue pumping at night; then your period will probably come back soon if it hasn't already. What a wonderful feeling both figuratively and literally after days, weeks, and months of sleep deprivation. One idea that works well for younger babies is to pump before your bedtime and then set your alarm about 5 hours later for one more pumping session. When your baby starts sleeping for longer, it should be your time to rest as well. Soon, your breast will assume that it will only need to produce milk every 8 hours (which ultimately will affect its milk production during the day). If and when your baby begins to wake at night, your body will respond to baby’s demand for more milk. That first feeding in the AM sure was a relief. If you continue waking your baby as they sleep for long hours, you will be waking from full, uncomfortable full breasts daily. As long as you feed her on demand during the day and don't try to force her to sleep through the night before she's developmentally ready, then your supply will probably be just fine. Because of this, if you find that you aren’t pumping enough during the day at work, pumping at night may provide the milk you need for the next day’s bottles. That means your breast does not get stimulation to make milk for 8 hours. Newborns sleep a lot. My breasts are only big and hard in the morning and then are very flat the rest of the time. How long should I let her sleep? The only situation where you may want to pump at night is if you are not pumping enough during the day. My son (12 weeks now) started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks old. The milk you pump at night will provide a buffer supply and may even negate your need to supplement with formula for as long as your baby sleeps through the night (which probably won’t be forever just yet!). Related article: How to Increase Breast Milk Supply (Fast). This will protect your supply until you hit 6 weeks postpartum. Most newborns lose weight in the first few days after birth. In The Baby Sleep Book, Sears offers strategies like sleep-sharing and nursing while lying down to make night feedings easier for parents. I wore breast pads (my leaked horribly) and sometimes I had to change them in the middle of the night. My question is, if she's sleeping more, should I be getting up to express? Although you may have a more consistent night’s sleep by the age of 6-9 months, it is generally around 10-12 months that most babies settle into a longer sleep at night without any need for night time feeds. He's very colicky and wants to be on the breast all the time. If baby sleeps through night should I still pump? Baby sleeps for about 10 hours at night and would wake up once to feed. Waking up with sore swollen breasts full of milk is painful. As much as you want to spend those few hours sleeping, you begin to worry if you should pump the milk or wait until the baby wakes. Your body should respond to the demand for more milk again. Pumping every time your baby feeds ensures you’re mimicking this relationship and will minimize night pumping.For a newborn, double pump every two to three hours for 15-20 minutes at a time. For our exclusively pumping moms who did pump in the middle of the night, most went 2-3 hours between pump sessions while baby was 0-6 months and 3-4 hours between middle of the night pump sessions when baby was 6+ months. (I never ever thought the day would come!) Should I be waking up to pump in the middle of the night to keep my sup… It will send a signal to your body that the night feed is still needed. Most babies this age sleep "through the night," meaning 6 to 8 hours in a row. 4 years ago. Are you looking to relieve breast discomfort or stock up? I could justify getting up in the night to pump because my son would be waking up for a bottle around then (my husband always does that feeding) but just recently he’s started sleeping great and sometimes sleeps through without a feeding. I was told to pump at the 11 or 12 feeding or if I was in pain. Signs include resisting bedtime or naptime, regular night wakings, waking up too early or not wanting to go to bed at night at all. While pumping can be a challenge, reduction of milk supply, mastitis, and clogged ducts are somethings that might be bothering you too. I wonder if I'm producing enough milk cause most of the time, my 2 month old son is always hungry and feeds for long stretches, almost every hour or hour and a half. Restful sleep is different than getting your baby to sleep through the night. But be sure to talk to your pediatrician first, since some babies may need those night feeds for longer than the first few months. If you choose to continue to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night, you may wonder at what point you should stop pumping at night. Take care of yourself. By and large, most of our moms did not feel the need to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night if they exclusively breastfed and only pumped at work. Whether you should wake a sleeping newborn for feedings depends on the baby's age, weight and overall health. Sleep averages for babies, 9–12 months . Most babies start sleeping through the night by gradually going longer stretches, say from 2-3 hours to 4-5 hours and then up to 6-8 hours over a period of months. But not pumping at night when baby sleeps all the way thru with infrequent nursing (she’ll try to feed but too sleepy to) caused my period to come back. Some newborns might get by on less (11 to 13 hours) and a few prefer more sleep time (18 or 19 hours). You get up for the day at 7am. However, you may be wondering how to handle night feeds or pumps. The younger your baby, the more times you will need to pump, of course. Find your scenario below to help you decide when you can stop pumping at night. Alternatively, if you can wake your baby and breastfeed them, this is not the best option, but if you feel like your baby has not mastered sleeping for long nights, you can always wake them up and feed them. If you choose to continue to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night, you may wonder at what point you should stop pumping at night. If you find that your mental health is suffering from the lack of sleep that comes with having a new baby, a stressful job, and balancing everything in between, it’s time to get some sleep. I wore breast pads (my leaked horribly) and sometimes I had to change them in the middle of the night. Your body will adjust. Although sleep regressions — phases in which a baby struggles to sleep well, often accompanied by a new developmental milestone — typically strike at 4 months and 6 months, they can occur at 5 months, too. It's also unlikely to fit in with your need for sleep. The biggest goal in this whole process is to get your baby sleeping through the night, so be very consistent in this area. Related article: The Top 3 Breast Pumps for Working Moms. Unfortunately my LO woke up every 1.5-2 hrs every night, some nights every 3 hrs TOPS (and still is at 7, almost 8 sometimes) but at the … Should things change such as a growth spurt or illness your breast will kick into action with more demand. It helped me to pump just a little (a couple of ounces) to relieve the engorgement. If they are awkward, pump a little to ease your breasts. Baby sleeping through the night /pumping. My baby has started sleeping from 9pm- about 6am. But I do not have to get up in the night to pump out, my breasts adapted and there is more than enough milk in the day. As they grow, your baby might start sleeping longer through the night, reducing their feeding time at night. When they provide for longer, the more milk they have in their bellies hence going for longer without a meal. If your baby sleeps a few hours before you do, pump some milk before bedtime so that it can take longer to have full breasts, and you can sleep for longer. This is especially true when your baby actually starts sleeping through the night, and yet, here you are – pumping at 3am while everyone else in the household is sound asleep. The Difference Between Restful Sleep and Sleeping Through the Night. Once baby is back to birth weight, which is typically by two weeks, it is okay to let baby start sleeping as long as she would like at night. This can be anything up to 18 hours a day for the first few weeks, reducing to around 15 hours by the third month. Remember, it's a supply and demand system. The Baby Sleep Site ® is dedicated to helping your baby sleep better – of course – but there are a few times it is a good strategy to wake your baby. Now I’ve got a great sleeper. Baby sleeps through the night. 0 1. If baby is sleeping through the night, adding just one pump in the middle of the night may yield the breast milk you need–and you only have to wake up once. If you are pumping more than once at night, make sure to reduce the amount of times you pump over 3-4 days (i.e. breast pumping sessions less horrible and maybe even more productive. Using the same unique approach and practical tools for success, this e-book helps you and your baby sleep through the night. Man I really want to enjoy my sleep. Of course, if you have an oversupply and are making more than enough milk for baby’s bottles during your daytime pumps, then don’t worry about pumping at night. Some moms choose to supplement formula at night instead of pumping as a rule. Watch your baby sleeping pattern probably for a week before you can decide whether to wake them up or not. If your baby is sleeping through the night-you should too! As they grow, your baby might start sleeping longer through the night, reducing their feeding time at night. Reply . drop one pump session for a few days, then another) in order to reduce the chances of a clogged milk duct. Don’t pump all the milk from your breast because your body will get the signal that night feed is still required as usual and hence prompt the body to produce more milk. For the first two weeks or so of your baby’s life, there is a rule that says baby may not go any longer than four hours without eating. If your baby is younger than 6 months old and you're away from your little one for long stretches during the day (for instance, at work), pump or hand express every 3 hours to maintain your supply. Your freshly pumped breast milk can stay at room temperature for 6-8 hours, or in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Having a whole ten hour sleep stretch is such a luxury, and quite unusual for a breastfed baby. Your day time supply should not be impacted in any way. Infants between the ages of four to 11 months require sleep—a lot of sleep. Getting a baby to sleep through the night is a new parent’s goal. However, now I'm experiencing low milk supply throughout the day. In fact, experts recommend that you don’t give your baby solid foods until he is six months old. (Note: He doesn't take the pacifier or bottle -- ONLY breast). will my milk supply decrease? Some soon sleep through the night, while some don't for a long time. So let’s say that you pump every three hours during the day plus whenever your baby wakes up at night. I was so tired back then I didn’t want to get up for that feeding if he wasn’t up. You may notice your baby is feeding for longer on one feed than they did. If the baby is fast asleep past their feeding schedule and your breast is comfortable, turn over and enjoy your rest. Your body produces more prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production) at night, so pumping at night may yield even more milk than your daytime pumps. If your baby has been sleeping through the night for 3 or more weeks or you have decided to drop middle of the night feedings (with your pediatrician’s blessing), it generally is safe for your milk supply if you stop pumping at night. If you are breastfeeding or pumping at least every two to three hours when you are away from baby and breastfeeding on demand when you are with your baby, your milk supply should be well established. wonderful which you're completely breastfeeding! 0 0 throughthebackyards For our moms who supplement formula and breastfeed, it once again depends on the mom’s situation as to if she pumps at night when baby begins sleeping through the night. Unfortunately, this is not all at once but usually in bouts of three or four hours. Some soon sleep through the night, while some don't for a long time. Your baby is finally at the age when she’ll reliably sleep for much longer at night. NEWBORN TO THREE MONTHS. : My baby is 3 months and sleeps through the night... Do I still need to pump in the middle of the night? Before a baby can sleep through the night, they need to have mastered a number of physical and cognitive milestones: Decreased Moro (startle) reflex. Once your body adjusts to your baby sleeping through the night, you will have less pain, and you will also be able to sleep through the night. Here’s more on why you need to feed your newborn so frequently and wake him up if he sleeps through a scheduled feed: Baby's tummy empties easily. I’m not surprised that you’re having trouble with engorgement, though. The pump is not as efficient as a baby. What I often hear is that you can't expect a baby to sleep through the night with no feedings before a certain age, and that you shouldn't try and make them give up feedings until a certain age. Question is those of you moms that LO start sleeping longer spans through the night do u get up and pump even though they are not feeding? If your baby is sleeping through the night-you should too! Over time, your body should realize that it needs to consolidate your production. Wherever you are in your career or breastfeeding journey, we hope you find help here. For our EP moms, they did feel the need for nighttime pumping when baby sleeps through the night in order to make enough milk for potential middle of the night wakings down the road. Your best bet at this stage is to rest when your baby does and know that waking several times at night to feed is completely normal. My baby has just started to sleep through the night, from 11 - 6.30. I am happy to say that she is sleeping through the night most nights and last night slept a solid 12 hours! aside from engorgement (Owww! My baby hardly sleeps through the night, so I dont often have this problem, but when I do, I LOVE it because I can pump 6 oz of milk in like 5-10 min. This enables their partner to take responsibility for some of the middle of the night feedings. Report This. Read more…. As he is "missing" the middle of the night feed my breasts are very engorged & painful come morning time and leaking a huge amount - through pads/bra and t-shirt onto bed between 5 and 7 am. When a baby has a strong Moro reflex, their arms may flail and wake them. This should … A hand pump is easier to use and pump a little of the milk to ease your breast. After a while though, your body does adjust and I also think pumping through the night would increase your suppply to do so. Our tips will help you to encourage good sleeping habits, and show you how to get your baby to sleep through the night. Hi - your body and boobs should soon get used to your baby sleeping longer at night. Practical tips for night-weaning your baby… Your body produces milk on demand. Anonymous. There are some challenges to this approach such as finding the right formula, making and/or heating bottles in the middle of the night, and handling times when baby wants to nurse for comfort. Many of our EP moms reported this was the case for them, so they didn’t feel the need to wake at night. On other nights, innovation is required. As she continues to sleep through the night your body will just stop producing as much during those hours and you will continue to produce when your baby is awake and hungry. Some mums believe that starting their baby on solid foods earlier than six months may help their little one to sleep better at night. The human body is amazing adaptable, and if the transition is made gradually, your breasts respond to the lack of stimulation by making less milk, so you experience less fullness. ... and between 11 and 12 hours in the night. Some doctors recommend nighttime weaning and "cry it out" methods if your baby is not sleeping through the night by 6 months or even earlier. 16 Comments Oldest First. However, adjust accordingly and wake up every 3 hours (so, only twice) if you find that pumping twice at night is what your body needs in order to make enough milk for baby’s bottles. Your baby will have their own pattern of waking and sleeping, and it's unlikely to be the same as other babies you know. Your baby will have their own pattern of waking and sleeping, and it's unlikely to be the same as other babies you know. Trisha • Tue, Dec 12. If you find yourself in this situation, try pumping right before you go to sleep and then 4 hours later. Whether this is your first baby or your fourth, you work 50+ hours a week or part time, have an oversupply of breast milk or only produce 1-2 oz for your baby. Hi mommies, I was wondering if you are supposed to pump at night if your baby sleeps 10-11h at night? You'll probably wake up engorged before the sun rises and need to express some milk. I find myself having very hard breasts in the morning lately. We know that’s not conclusive, but when we polled our working moms the answers varied depending on each mom’s work schedule, breast milk supply, and mental health. Nighttime feeds should be gone at this point. If your baby leaks through their diaper, pajamas, and sheet in the middle of the night, you can quickly take off the top sheet and mattress pad, change the baby, and put them right back down. She’s three months old now and has slept seven hours before, but I usually wake her up after six. Compare, if your baby sleeps through the night, say, for at least 8 hours. You may have heard that bigger babies and babies who eat solids are better sleepers, but it's not true. Because the answer to if you need to pump at night when baby sleeps through the night varies, we decided to list the various different ways moms approach breastfeeding and pumping. 20+ Similar Discussions Found . Breastfeeding is not an all-or-nothing process. And many infants between three and six months are able to sleep five hours at a time, which experts consider “sleeping through the night.” Six to Nine Months. We know there are many reasons why young babies, in particular, need to sleep little and often . Related article: How to Stop Pumping (Finally! ), Work Breastfeed Mom was created by a group of working, breastfeeding moms to provide support and advice for our fellow moms in every space and in every stage. Do not wake him up. I didn’t really understand this until I read Janeen’s book. Here is what you should do to ensure your milk supply is not interrupted, and you also get to rest and avoid mastitis. My daughter is 4 months old and is only breastfed. Baby sleeping through the night and milk supply: My 14 weeks old baby has started sleeping through the night (7-9 hours) for about a few weeks now, my breast initially feels really engorged and now not anymore.

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