how long do cats grieve

By T.J. Banks Nov 18, 2013 May 15, 2020. You know your cat best. If she stops eating purchase the smelliest stuff you can to feed her like real Tuna, or lunch meat or whatever she likes to eat and try to encourage her. Cats grieve for other cats will require extra attention, compassion, and reassurance during this period. Researchers found that 46% of cats ate less than usual following the death of a fellow pet friend. You should be fine and I'm really sorry for your loss, I hope your little one bounces back quickly. Maybe in the next month or so introduce a kitten around her age. Back in the dark ages of animal care, few people, including veterinarians, believed that cats grieve for deceased friends. Get your answers by asking now. Cats mourn the loss of their humans. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ? Many literally grow up alongside their cats, which have seen them through childhood, school, first jobs, and relationships. Like people, cats can't just recover from grief on a dime. Any abrupt changes caused by the death or sudden leaving of another member are felt by those who remain, everything reflecting in their behavior. Some pets may not appear to notice the absence of the deceased, while some may appear to feel the loss quite heavily. In other terms they seem to mourn or grieve for the loss of their friend. When cats are closely bonded, they are probably more likely to become upset if one dies. Like us, they do eventually move on with their lives, but I don't think there's a set time for it (mine every once in a while still seems to miss her mommy). Cats are my hobby and passion and I'm delighted to research and blog about all things cats. 1. A pair of cats at our local rescue just passed within a week of each other, and we truly believe the grief contributed largely to the second one’s passing. Why and how do cats grieve/mourn? Because cats are emotional and affectionate in a similar way to us humans, it’s normal to assume that they grieve for the loss of their fellow cat or owner. Because of this, when they pass away it is natural to feel as though there is a void within you. According to some researchers and observations from many owners, cats have this way of understanding the concept of death or loss. Cats can grieve if you have always been at home and are now going out to work all day. Is it ok to leave a kitten alone for 3 days? Eventually, she bonded more closely to Tosca and is fine now. Grief is not always about the death of a sibling or bonded cat. Cats that are going through a big loss often hide away from people and lose all interest in their favorite pastimes. Pet parents have seen evidence of this time and again, and in 1996 the ASPCA even documented it: Based on the collective experience of our readers, cats definitely do grieve for the loss of a companion, even across species (some readers mentioned that their cats mourned the loss of bunnies, dogs and humans). Grieving cats often simply don't seem like themselves. Cats are individuals, and just like humans, their process for coping with loss will vary. The feline life expectancy that is quoted in reference texts varies, but a good, average figure is 10 to 15 years. A cat that is bonded with a family member (furry or otherwise) will often show signs of mourning upon the health decline or loss of that individual. The Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine states: “Whatever its cause, anorexia can have a severe impact on a mature cat’s health if it persists for as little as 24 hours. Do cats grieve? Major sympathies for you and your surviving kitty. Yes. A poignant study confirms what many owners suspected about pets and grieving. Your email address will not be published. What we do know is that many species are affected by loss and experience feelings of sadness and loneliness. to presume that cats will not grieve and it isn’t necessarily just reserved for old age. I don’t think cats ‘grieve’ as such as that would require that they comprehend the reason for the absence. How cats grieve has actually been studied, and many of the signs mirror our own. Unfortunately, in the morning and not long after I left for work, the roommate rushed our beloved to the Emergency Room for pets. Do your cats continuously amaze you with new hiding/sleeping spots? Minimizing change gives the cat time to come to terms with the loss of a … While grief it’s a form of anxiety we usually feel after the loss or strong absence of someone dear, it’s something common for our little furry friends too. I'm new to owning a cat and I'm not sure how to manage my cats litter box.? Just … The best thing is to try to help Oreo get over the lose by doing things the she likes to do. Cats may become withdrawn or, at the other extreme, over-attached and "clingy". If the cats are not that sociable, the changes will spin around hierarchy and territorial changes in the environment where they live. Keep your kitty active and give her lots of love and she will be better in no time. My wife got off of work around that time and the two of them took care of things at the hospital. Yes cats grieve. Still have questions? With my years of experience with cats, I learned many things about living them. A cat can grieve as long as a person. In a multiple cat household, the death of a cat can lead to surviving cats showing less inhibition and a new willingness to seek attention from their owner. Humans often have elaborate or ritualised ways of dealing with their grief. It takes time for them to heal too. Pay attention and keep an eye-out for behavioral changes. And while nobody can tell you exactly how long an individual’s lifespan will be, statistics do allow us to answer the question “How long do cats live?” in a general way. If kittens are removed before the age of 10 weeks, this behavior from the mother cat may persist a bit longer, but not by much as she's instinctually programmed to leave her litter and cats do not "remember" or "grieve" for kittens in the way that a human parent would. Mourning/Loss. Don't Rush Your Cat We're all individual in not only the way we grieve but how long we grieve. Cats are integral parts of our families and companions like none other. We already know that cats feel emotion, but how do cats grieve? Yes, cats do experience grief at the loss of a another household pet, especially if they had a close-knit bond. Required fields are marked *. Yes animals grieve. They were about 11 years old, litter mates, and had never been apart. It was mild but she would look for Velvet and call out for her. Some grieve so deeply that they lose their appetite and stop eating. You might be thinking that how to grieve the loss of a cat is near impossible at that point when an animal—is more like a family member and a … What usually happens during the grieving process of a cat is that they cry and meow more frequently than before, they may not have the same appetite as usual, or they are a lot less active. Do Dogs Grieve Over the Loss of an Animal Companion? She lost her appetite and stopped coming around me. This little known plugin reveals the answer. On Saturday, one of them got hit by a car, and her sister has been acting very subdued. The study concluded that 65% of cats experienced four or more behavioral changes which indicated grief. Being that your's is 7 months old she should bounce back in a week or two, just make sure she's eating and try encouraging her to play and give her lots of love and she should be fine. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Cats lack the abstraction (and the memory capacity) that allows humans to grieve for someone we have never met or who has been absent from our life for a prolonged period of time. Marina, who was 3 at the time, was the opposite. And we can’t blame them as it’s the natural way of being. I *DO* believe you cat misses his brother and that can be just as awful as human grief. In other words, the cat gets “upset” because her schedule is off. A new kitten (when you are ready) may help your remaining cat to feel better sooner. There are a number of things you can do to help a grieving cat to overcome the loss. Allow the remaining pet to observe the funeral, if there is one. More sociable cats will often cry, search for and even mourn the ones lost. This kind of “searching” behavior can be expected to last from two weeks to a month. And almost 70% of the cats studied showed vocal signs of grief, either meowing more than usual or becoming markedly less talkative. Or if you travel. If the surviving cat had access to the outdoors, this should be restricted, as the cat may stray off into unfamiliar territory and get into dangerous situations as it searches for the lost companion. How to help your cat Yes, they do grieve. Due to her age and the fact that she had advanced kidney disease she did not survive, I had to have her put down 2 weeks later after all efforts to … How do you think about the answers? The loss of a companion has a profound impact on a household – grieving humans, changes of routine and the absence of a familiar part of the social unit. Ties That Bind: Yes, Cats Do Grieve the Loss of Another Cat. Under Posted by 1 year ago. Spend alot of time with her. Sometimes changes include the status quo of who owns what part of the house due to the fact that cats are territorial creatures. But encouragingly, in the 160 households surveyed, all pets that lost a companion were behaving normally within six months. If she still doesn't respond then you'll need to get her in for fluids from the vet. Also i meant to say I am very sorry for your loss. As with people, some animals seem to have an inherited predisposition for depression and grief. If your previously jovial cat seems to have lost her natural "joie de vivre," she is indeed in mourning. Your email address will not be published. Circe, our blue Abyssinian cat, was a relationships girl. This … The cat may begin sleeping where the person slept, and will often look all around that favored place, as if to see whether the person has returned to it. Cats do not grieve. What usually happens during the grieving process of a cat is that they cry and meow more frequently than before, they may not have the same appetite as usual, or they are a lot less active. You can sign in to vote the answer. Why do dogs chase cats is there a reason for this? I know she's still young, and I'm sure she'll be okay. click the above link, has some useful information on cats and grief. She and Velvet were best friends but when Velvet got sick and it was her time to go, Tosca started hissing at her. But let’s find out more about how they do that. Should Trump receive the COVID-19 vaccine? She was still fine with Velvet but grieved for a few weeks. It may take only a couple of months, Or it can take years. It may not. Archived. Many people have noticed that when a cat’s companion – whether it’s a dog, another cat or human companion – passes away, the cat’s behavior changes in a way which points to the fact that they feel a sense of loss. She will be ok in time. Mine did for her mom after she came to me, and the foster (human) mother told me that the feline mother grieved for mine. I got a new cat, because my other cat has wicked bad anxiety and nothing works. Learn how your comment data is processed. They are a source of entertainment, emotional support, and have individual personalities.In addition, cats often live into their late teens or early twenties so they are in our lives for a very long time. THey go through the same emotions we do when we loose a sibling a mate, or even a baby. So, there is really no way to predict which cats will grieve. Many anecdotes suggest that animals do feel what humans call ‘grief’, including an understanding that the deceased is not coming back, but there is little scientific evidence to back this up in the feline species. Hi I'm Fiona, a life long cat lover and aspiring blogger. Yes cats grieve. But even cats that frequently quarrel may lament the loss of their feuding partner. For a kitten younger than six weeks of age, food avoidance for just 12 hours can pose a … You may notice your cat seems back to normal in just a few days or it could take weeks or months. Your cat may never get over the lose of her sister...but the best way to deal with it other than to give lots and lots of love is with another cat (although it is probably to soon to get one) however as you say she is young, so just wait, maybe a few weeks, maybe a few months and she wil be fine (hopefully) and back to her playful self. It's heartbreaking. I've been a cat lover since I was 6 years old. Some kittens might even wait long hours for their passed away companion to somehow return. The stress involved – yes, cats do feel stress – will affect their bodies and behavior to the extent that they will lose hair, have stomach aches, lose interest even with their favorite activities or experience sulking and depression and the disruption of usual sleep and eating patterns. Would you be okay with your cat peeing in the sink rather than in a litterbox? Others may show no outward signs at all. I'm just curious. The only thing you can do is try to make things a little easier on your precious pet. Tosca was 14 months old at the time. I know how difficult it is to lose a cat, although, not one so young. One of the most heartbreaking situations occurs when the surviving pet cries and looks everywhere for the missing loved one. How can we help? Many cats also became much clingier to their human companions. There were some stories of kitties that started to become upset when their housemate became ill or was about to die. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own grief over the death of a pet, it’s easy to forget how deeply the other pets can be hurting, too. While the question of ‘do animals grieve?’ has been widely debated, some animals show varying degrees of grief-attributed behaviour. In 1996 the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals conducted a study called the Companion Animal Mourning Project, which assessed the behavior patterns of cats after a companion cat died. That sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Do cats grieve? I had to put my 15 year old cat, Velvet, to sleep last spring. Some owners have reported cats that continued to sit on their feline companion’s grave years after the burial. Do cats grieve? In a cat family – and that sometimes includes their owners too – things go as in a human family. Remember, too, that your cat's behavior should resolve with a little time, since Hills Pet reported that the ASPCA study found that within six months, all of the grieving cats' behavior had returned to normal. A week later I put Velvet to sleep. I'm sorry for your loss. Just as with people, there is no "right" or "wrong" way for your pet to grieve. Best wishes to you and kitty in getting over your loss. Often their personality changes and a shy cat could become more demanding of attention, while a demanding cat instead hides. As cats rely so much on smell to feel the world around them, the absence of particular scents, like those of the companions who passed away, will disturb their daily habits and patterns and cause distress in their overall behavior. Due to her age and the fact that she had advanced kidney disease she did not survive, I had to have her put down 2 weeks later after all efforts to help her didn't work. THis may help but then again it may not it may be best to foster the other kitten to see if they will get along before you adopt it. Posted Nov 10, 2016 Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. I was just wondering if there's a good way to deal with this (other than lots of love for her), and how long she will miss her sister? Individual dogs and cats react to loss in different ways. She lost her appetite and stopped coming around me. But now my other cat is even more anxious, how do I fix this. Sometimes, the privileges owned – and defended – until that moment by the cat who just passed away are afterwards acquired by the next one in line in terms of hierarchy. Some cats … The process could take days, weeks, months or perhaps even years. Mine did after her buddy of 17 years passed away at the age of 20. Cats absolutely do grieve. They want to know where their pride member went and begin to search. I had two female littermates, around 7 months old. But times have changed. These two were always together, cuddling and playing together. I usually replace a dead cat with a live replacement in a few days. Some kittens might even wait long hours for their passed away companion to somehow return. No set time frame exists for determining when a cat is going to just "bounce back" after such a big loss. After that Tosca was fine. They seem to somehow feel that their cat or human friend is gone and never to return. 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If it seems as if your cat is unable to find that spark in his life again, talk to your veterinarian. Many of the grieving cats slept more than usual. Or was about to die heartbreaking situations occurs when the surviving pet cries and looks for! Feel that their cat or human friend is gone and never to return would require that they comprehend reason. Their human companions get over the lose by doing things the she likes to.... Cat has wicked bad anxiety and nothing works pay attention and keep an for! Take years were some stories of kitties that started to become upset when their housemate ill. Dogs grieve over the lose by doing things the she likes to do cat with live! Find that spark in his life again, talk to your veterinarian '' way your. And it isn ’ t necessarily just reserved for old age or it could days! Owning a cat family – and that can be expected to last from two weeks to a month they that. Or human friend is gone and never to return as in a family. 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