getting a new cat after one dies

He is now 20 years old! They were so young that both still had not opened their eyes. i adopted a senior cat 3 months after the loss of my baby girl spooky. It turns out he had a really bad urinary blockage. Her mother has died shortly after her birth and the owners weren’t sure if she was going to make it since she was the runt. I lost my sweet Luna yesterday, she was almost two.. Until one day she got out. You may also be coping with guilt or shame over the loss of your cat. I hope you’re making friends and not being your Alpha self; it may be a long while til you see Mummy & Daddy, so be nice to all the other pets, ok? I appreciate your words of comfort and confidence and the time you took to comment. Cat Cuddles — What to Know About Your Kitty’s Snuggling Habits. Here, you’ll find a few thoughts that will help you make this decision. I am a young 63, but I don’t think my heart can tolerate another cat loss. My Shelby lets me know she’s here for me,here lately,she’s been laying towards the grad my bed,very close to me,not up against me,but close instead if at the foot it’d the bed or under the covers(she loves that!) Beds, blankets, toys, ect. Wasn’t the right kitten or timing for me. I had Skui for four years and I had obtained her from my aunt (my dad’s sister) who was moving in with a boyfriend at the time and couldn’t afford to take care of her anymore. The same color and markings our dog had and she was Millie, the same name and date of my beloved Grandmother. I guess we should be grateful with all our hearts that we had the love and devotion of a most wonderful soul cat..and realize that we may not have that again no matter how much we may want it. Lots of things to consider. It took a little bit, but I did get over my loss. As you can imagine, in true drag queen fashion, I let out a feInstinctual cries of agony clinging to my precious Lil Man….. After a year my job needed me in Florida, I decided I was going to have a house with a pool, Babe loved the enclosed pool area, sometimes when she thought I was not looking she would get both front paws on the first step into the pool and then she would lick her paws and wash herself. I called the vet, frantic. I would either resent it for not being Charlie or I’d just be waiting for it to die. My cat max was killed a little over a month ago by a hawk. Now I feel terrible. I understand it will be a completely different personality and they also look nothing alike. But I know she is at peace and I know she felt true, deep, love with us. I lost my 9 month old kitten, Dimitri, yesterday when we found out he had Feline Infectious Peritonitis. I just recently lost my beloved cat Fuffly. They began his final mission procedure, surrounded by so much love for this damn cat, I placed my tear-stained head on his bold chest. Jeff, I’m so sorry for your loss! You are a good person and you love pets. He will always be in my heart. However, I know I can love another cat. They’re a needed distraction from the grief, and something good to balance out the horrible. Thank you for sharing how you’re coping with your cat’s death. If, after a few months, you think your cat would be happy with a new friend, get in touch with your local rehoming centre. I spent 1000.00 to help him and I could not. However, I feel an emptiness in my heart without a cat by my side. It’s actually allowing all that love and bonding that you had to grace another animal.”. You’ll love your new cat, but in a different way. I was partial to the idea at first but then I saw a picture of a litter of kittens that was being given away and I couldn’t help myself! All black with yellow eyes. I knew I wanted to be with him when he went to sleep, and I held him as he passed. posted by Zed at 10:19 AM on December 5, 2014 . It kills me every time. I know I’m rambling on at this point, but much like the other posters here, she was loved like a person- truly. So sorry about your loss. Like a piece of myself also died that day. I haven’t developed a bond with our new kitties yet (it’s too soon; they’re still getting used to us and their new home) so I don’t get the same kind of comfort from them. I went to a shelter a couple of weeks after I had to put my 11 year old kitty down. A kitten. The question is: how soon is too soon to get another cat after your cat died? I hate myself for it. For the last little while, I have played some soft background music as we go to bed at night from my childhood, Pure Moods, so I spread out his favorite blanket and put some pillows down and then I put the music on via YouTube and he laid down beside me. Our Shelby loves to with me n loves to kick my feet whi ch I love(my Heidi did that too) but like I said I can’t hold h er or put my arm over or around her in bed to cuddle or she whines. The new cat in your life The decision when, or whether to get another cat is a very personal one, and should be done in your own time when you feel comfortable. Another consideration is your personality, lifestyle, and home situation. He was 13. We returned from a visit back home 2 months ago late one night to witness him having a stroke, rushed him to the ER where they diagnosed heart issues and offered to euthanize. It’s my ego trying to make me feel guilty. I cry in my car a lot on my way home from work. I haven’t cried so hard in a long time — not even when my grandfather died 2 years ago. My husband woke me yesterday morning to tell me that there was something wrong. I was holding him and the doctor said he just didn’t look right. We had to teach them everything even how to use the bathroom. There was one cat, named Millie. Part of healing after the loss of your cat is forgiving yourself, which involves accepting that your beloved pet is gone and opening your heart to love another furry friend. My mum and i decided we would never get another cat again as it was for the best and we clearly weren’t ready to have another one. She was grooming herself but it was hard for her to keep up with the drool. Stay informed! we will get a kitten or cat in a few months but we miss maximus so so much. This hits home so hard and is very similar to my current situation…How you doing now? 13 years ago when my first cat (the most exalted and magnificent Calpurnia) died, I was the one overcome with grief, while my other cat, the amazing Dave, was the one who consoled me. Yesterday I lost the first and only cat in my life. Then the next day i awoke and he was worse struggling for each breath. Why would I want to put myself through that again? But since her death I’ve just had this massive void left inside me, no matter how many hours I work or study I can’t fill the void. My husband wants to adopt a new cat right away to fill the void, but I want to make sure I am doing it for the right reasons. They said he needed hospitalized for a couple of days to give him fluids and meds. Hi Myrna, That’s such good advice to love little Mister for who he is. We lost our sweet grey boy on 7th september he was only 5,maximus had a seizure when he woke up,could not jump up on windowsill,,could not breath,collapsed back legs,he was yowling,? I feel so much guilt for letting her out, and so much pain when I see her little white hairs everywhere. Thanks Christi. Do you feel a “yes” or a “no”? She had advanced kidney disease. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet baby. It was too soon, I just couldn’t love the new kitten and it wasn’t fair so I rehomed it. The only comfort of having it done wild be knowing I wad with him and that he wild go without cherishing every moment with him,but like when I stumbled upon this Blessed site,he asked me to cry and hold him and talk to him and tell him I wished that he could tell me what he wanted me to do. Again, I know I’ll never have a cat like Binx. Sure, I miss my boy and I think of him often-it’s been over a year. I loved him so much and am lost with out him even though it’s been 30 hours since I found him. I think the quality of the lives these cats live is more important than the number of years they live, and my biggest regret about Paxton is that I didn’t let him outside to explore nature. I was recently tapped on the shoulder to temporarily care for a very old cat that was abandoned many years ago. I start sobbing the moment I think about her. “There will be memories that may make you sad at times, but they [should] not [be] overwhelming,” Richman says. My Boo just died 2 weeks ago suddenly while I cradled him in my arms. Red Umbrella and Yellow Scarf. I don’t know what to do. I did bury him afterwards and it was my final act of love to him on earth. I sometimes think that loving an animal is a lesson in losing, grieving, and finding the strength to love again, even knowing that we will lose again. I can’t seem to cope. He was part of my life for 6 years, I rescued him from a terrible situation and gave him the best life I possibly could. Get tips and exclusive deals. Aww Susannah my heart breaks for you – such a devastating loss, I’m sorry :( Jassper was able to help me threw everything. Having a new cat or kitten does not mean you stop loving the other cat. So we did had I to temp move back with my folks after my baby’s birth. His personality is a bit standoff-ish and he’s not a cuddler at all. I have no idea what to do and I just need a little help. I had worked so hard to keep him alive, I had never given up on him before. You know your routine, personality, health, home, and lifestyle. I had her for 12.5 years and she was just amazing. I was never a cat person but wasn’t opposed to it. It cost 500 dollars to do. We found her alive and in pain, rushed her to an emergency vet where they did X-rays and looked her over. Why did I let him die? We decided, as she was so young, we would put her through major surgery, to at least give her 1 fighting chance of survival. Family and friends have been supportive, but I want to be alone in my grief. Poor Kashi, it must have been terrifying for her. You will always miss your cat, but once you accept that they are gone it will slowly get easier to continue on with your life without your cat. We’ve had the offer to bring home another little girl, aged 14 weeks. Saying goodbye and letting go of my beloved animals is one of the most painful parts of my life, and in this ebook I share what helped me heal. An active and assertive cat may overwhelm quieter and more timid cats, making introductions difficult. Could you do that? But now I have that image of him going to sleep in my head, and whenever I i think about it I just break down and cry. That’s okay, too. Kristi thank you for the beautiful share. I have no idea how to cope with this. I think your not ready Yet. We lost our maximus in sept, 7 months ago, he had H c m, and back legs paralysed with blood clot from heart, could not breathe, was awful so sad, he was only 5 yrs old, we miss him, it was heartbreaking, still is but time heals a little. My KitKat died two days ago. I am devastated – I feel as though I failed in giving her that peaceful passage. My husband tries to console me, but I can’t fathom life without my baby. I miss him too much. But I know he is looking down and purring because he sees I am not lonely. That was day in and day out until one day I brought home a new fish in a bowl. Then i took him up the vet. After my surgery while I was recovering Babe would lay on my shoulder. Thank you for the article and your understanding and compassion to everyone who is and has suffered the loss of a best friend(s). I managed to get her to play and then she started to love. We lost Button’s brother Tails a few years later after he was attacked by a pair of stray dogs. They will never replace my Boo, but they have filled the empty hole that was in my home. i raised them all from babies. She’s not as sociable with people as he was. Then monday we out flyers up and continued calling her name, until a neighbor called and told us they think they see our baby dead in he backyard. Required fields are marked *. I called my dad and he said she was acting weird all day and was crawling into tight corners that she never went into. I cannot say why it feels different this time around. If you want another cat you just need to wait until your ready. Thank you Amanda for your kind words. With my Willow, I was ready in 5 months and my new baby was born a few weeks later. I thought about going quickly to rescue another kitten, but the guilt I feel is so overwhelming I don’y know if I could right now. We are devastated. I understand completely, I just lost my Gizmo on 5/23/19, and I had him for 16 years and I’m going through these crazy emotions, he was my rock , he’s always been by my side through four miscarriages, 2 children and a divorce, and 6 moves he’s been here a lifetime. It is what happens when we have longer life spans than our best friends. I had Petrie for 11 and that’s all I knew. She passed not long after. Our cats are our babies and to have one pass so early on in life despite fighting so hard for (and with) her is deeply heartbreaking. I am so sorry for your loss. I may get another kitten and hope it helps ease the pain as this is the saddest I have ever felt. I don’t think I can live happily without a cat but unfortunately I can’t financially afford one. When my kitty passed away a year ago, I felt guilt for even thinking of looking at another kitty. People may want to protect themselves from feeling this kind of pain again and experiencing the loss of another cat when the time comes. If you lost a beloved cat, it can be tough to tell when — and even if – you’re ready to adopt a new cat. Most viruses don't survive for long in the environment or are 'killed' by disinfectant. So I got on our local shelters website and scanned through the available cats. I put a deposit down at the shelter and we are going back to look at her tomorrow. Now the thing is the house is very lonely, and I miss my cat obviously. A dear friend lost her furry soulmate last year and, despite her deep grief, ended up with another kitten who very closely resembled that cat only three weeks later. This sucks. And reading these comments helped me to understand I’m not alone. Thank you for your post. I was not upset, I knew she was dying & I told her she could go & that I’d see her on Rainbow Bridge. If you really feel like you are not ready to adopt a new cat, a good alternative is to volunteer as a foster parent for a shelter or rescue. I love our cat, and I know I’ll be heartbroken when she dies. I don’t know how to describe it, I feel guilt over it too, but I’m glad we did it. I’ve laughed and smiled as I reminisce. One of Misty’s favorite toys was her Kitty Chloe from the movie Pets. I lost my beloved cat last week, he was only 1 year old. I lost my baby girl Kiki two days ago and haven’t stopped crying since.We were blessed with her for 23 years…it just hurts so much to not see her sitting on me when I wake up to feed her. It was very hard for all of us. She didn’t know how to play or to love. I had to let him go. I stood there for what felt like years oh, almost like I was unable to leave the room. Sentinels can sense n feel things I think maybe better than we humans clan. The grandkids were with me and I felt bad that they had to see me in so much pain. We knew about 6 weeks ago that we might possibly lose her soon due to a progressive illness and I started the grieving process then, getting ready to say goodbye; the last treatment we gave her 2 weeks ago just brought her downhill fast. And if it was your fault, now you know better you will do better. I made a little memorial to Petrie and have that on my bookshelf. I feel what Susannah is going through. The worse decision of my life. He was sadly run over but I didnt know that until I went out looking and calling for him. I’m going through a tough time right now (not just Luna’s death, but life recently has been quite stressful), and I could always count on Luna to provide comfort. And when the time is right, you may come to a point where you are ready to give one of your foster kitties a forever home. Think about were your departed kitty likes to rub like chair and tables legs etc and wipe those areas down. It was just me and her for the last 15 years. Am I rushing it? Getting another dog or cat after pet loss. Some people go out immediately and find another pet pal and some might take months or years. Losing a cat is devastating for a household’s humans and other pets. When one cat dies, owners will often notice some changes in the pets that are left behind. I think he was fearful of her (why, I don’t know because she was the sweetest girl – NEVER bit or scratched – nothing) and would always hiss or growl in her direction. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. It might provide some temporary relief but only temporary. She sounds as if she was a real little character and well travelled. A “new pet” will simply help fill the hole in your heart. Nelly is a treasure to have. They rushed her back to give her oxygen and it was just enough for them to be able to bring her back out to us (not breathing), administer the shot that stopped her heart. He will always be in my heart. There will be no replacements, only multiplied joy and love. It still seems so unreal that she’s not here. We felt that if it had returned this time (worse than before) it was quite likely it would return again. That is way over my care credit limit and I could not afford it. Consider getting another cat. When my Grandpa died, I noticed my mom seemed so casual about it. Thanks for letting me ramble. So I’m just wondering if I’m moving to fast because my cat died a month and a half ago or if this is a sign maybe that this is the cat who needs my love and care? But I’m so desperate to get rid of this aching pain. I then married again n he abused me. About a month and a half after he passed, we got a kitten. Today was a hard day. God bless you and good luck.. He’s different from Binx, so I feel like I won’t be reminded of my orange fur ball. Then up on the coffee table to be brushed and brushed and brushed….pick him up to cuddle…now time for my coffee and he would lie down by me. It’s raw pain. I think in my heart I am still searching for another Obi…and I know it is probably not right to do so. I know he will never replace my Fuffly. Whether you adopt a rescue cat or even buy a kitten from a pet store, you’re giving a beautiful animal a home. Thank you for listeningAmy Fecteau. My 17 year old boy Boady just passed away, he was my life. Lynne, Thank you for telling us about Leyna! We didn’t want to let you go, but we did it for you, love. Maybe this new kitten will be an angel Obie sent to help you. Home at night he would come running with his little bell jingling to say Hi Mom, he would wait by my bed so I could change clothes, then run to his room for his treats then back to the coffee table to be brushed, brushed, and brushed….now it’s time to go outside and wonder around or just lie in the front watching the squirrels or looking absolutely beautiful sitting just gazing. I signed the papers instantly and we were inseparable since the day I brought her home. After the loss of a family pet, many people wonder how long they should wait before they get a new cat or dog. Much love, and a little prayer sent up to kitty heaven for Lance from me here in Australia x. He was a Maine Coon mix. So now I have got round to considering getting a new cat. These are ferals and won’t live inside. He’d sit with us whilst I read a story. Now, two weeks later, I am looking for another cat which may be considered disrespectful to Marny, but I don’t intend to get the same kind of cat. I lost my beloved 13 yro Boo almost 3 weeks ago. I feel like if I get a new kitty or kitties it means I’m throwing Smokey away in a sense/ abandoning her, like I don’t care about her, or I’ll forget her. So we decided to put her down so that she passed pain free. Then when you love a new cat, you get a piece of your heart back. I’m a mess right now. Many people don’t know how to cope with the guilt and shame after a pet dies. I had to tell my daughter that he had gone away. I lost my almost 19 year old cat on August 22nd, and it completely broke my heart. But I will keep Kashi always alive in my heart. Part of me wishes he would just go quietly in his sleep,but then I think how devastated its be if I woke up n he had passed in my arms,or if I left the house and can’t back to find he had passed all alone. I’ve always had a cat in my life since I was a baby and just dont feel whole without a furry friend. But my new girl came along just at the right time. But she came along a week or so later and I am very glad she did. I will miss her greatly, thank you for writing this article. I know I need a companion like him again because otherwise I will fall and not get back up. My baby cat Vitamin was brought into my life as an emotional support animal while I was going through rather tough times and she was the only one among my pets who actually loved being coddled and hugged, she was the pet I was closest to. I was cleaning her as well (she was actually letting me for the most part) but her jaw was preventing her from eating her usual and that we may have to put her to sleep but that I wanted the vet to still evaluate her before we came to that decision. All rights reserved. We have really been struggling financially as a lot if other families are these days. I worried about him being outside again but everyone kept telling me he would be fine. How could another cat be as wonderful? There is no correct way to grieve and work through this … Recently, one of the cats became suddenly and seriously ill and died. I know she is no longer in pain. For me, it’s never too soon to get another cat.”. He truly was the love of my life and there is such a thing as loving to much. Grieving and coping with your pet’s death hurts. Be strong ???? He was a good cat used his litter trays never messed anywhere and lifted a paw to stratch dogs or humans. I spoiled her because she would always go to the table while we was eating dinner. One night I put him out side in the garage, like we normally do. It took me 6 weeks to work up the nerve to go to the shelter. Just remember, Holly will always have a place in your heart and nothing will change that. But I picked out one, a different color and a sweet personality. “It might happen serendipitously. After the death of a pet, it is advisable to keep the normal daily routine of any remaining pets in the household as unchanged as possible. I lost my Meeka on the 15/12/18, she had a sudden decline in health and was suffering. Sometimes, a homeless cat will show up on someone’s doorstep, or otherwise cross paths with a grieving person. Even though it was only a couple of weeks, I am glad I adopted another one. He went into our neighbors yard, their Pitt killed him. Sometimes, people say absolutist things out of grief. two days later, another one is having the same issue (huge weight loss, extreme weakness, inability to make a proper sound.) I would say his name and he would slowly turn his head He Passed Away in My Arms while sitting on the couch together. There’s so many little kids too it’s just horrible. I’ve always been cat mad, but I find myself searches rehoming centres looking for my Percy even though I know I’m not going to find him. They bring such life and warmth to our homes, don’t they? I married last year and moved 5 hours away, the move was very stressful for Louie, my younger boy, he nearly died in the weeks after our move. We did what we had to do, but by God it was hard, and the pictures in our heads are way too vivid to cope with. I lost my Roxie in August of 2017 at 18 years old. There is no one right answer. I know a few people who never adopted another cat because they were so heartbroken, and I so badly don’t want to be that, but the pain seers and feels like it will never not feel raw. I am so sorry for your loss. Obi had been sick (dhronic pancreatitis) for so long and it was so hard and so sad…I just needed some joy.

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