2 samuel 15 commentary

c) The Ark of God. Both David and Jesus suffered for sin, but Jesus suffered for, Wept as he went up; and he had his head covered and went barefoot. His servants agreed to the measures he took, faithfully adhered to him (v. 15), and assured him of their inviolable allegiance, whereupon, 1. Jesus came into Jerusalem as a servant-king (Matthew 21:4-10). His sin was ever before him (Ps. Those know not what power is that grasp at so much, so very much. e. Toward the way of the wilderness: Many years before, David left the safety of Saul’s palace to live as a fugitive. There was much of the displeasure of his God in it. 12:17 ; Isa. Absalom looks great, We have here the breaking out of Absalom’s rebellion, which he had long been contriving. God rejects Saul as king. caught his eye. David submitted to God with an active submission, not a passive one. 12. David had come to the top of the mountain, where he worshipped God, : David’s life was in danger and he had to flee. His discourse with Ittai the Gittite, who commanded the Philistine-proselytes.1. That we may not complain of what is, let us see God’s hand in all events; and, that we may not be afraid of what shall be, let us see all events in God’s hand.III. Read 2 Samuel 15 commentary using Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete). So that this fell out about the thirtieth year of his reign. It is not always the best man, nor the best cause, that makes the best figure. Note, Gracious souls measure their comforts and conveniences in this world by the opportunity they give them of communion with God. The Darkest Days of David’s Life (2 Samuel 16:20 -- 19:8) 18. To gain the power he aims at, he endeavours to instil into the people’s minds,(1.) He had 50 men who ran in front of him. This was Absalom the politician, sensing what the people wanted and knowing how to give them the image of it. Presumptuous are they, self-willed, and not afraid to speak evil of dignities, 2 Pt. After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Sign up for an account to try it FREE for 30 days. His mother was a king’s daughter; on that perhaps he valued himself, and despised his father, who was but the son of Jesse. v1-2: Absalom had used his time in Jerusalem to gain the hearts of the people. As a penitent, submitting to the rod, and lying down under God’s correcting hand. We do not like going over Kedron. (11-12) Legitimacy for Absalom’s government. People like change and Absalom was exciting. It is remarkable that in this defining moment of his latter reign. Probably a considerable time before David reached the banks of Jordan, to which he was marching. To see their own prince thus wronged, who had been so great a blessing to their land, and had not done any thing to forfeit the affections of his people; to see him in this distress, and themselves unable to help him, might well draw floods of tears from their eyes. Copyright © 2020, Bible Study Tools. 6. He croucheth, and humbleth himself, to draw them into his net, Ps. Verses 24-30 Here we have, I. The pretence he had both to go thither and to invite his friends to him there was to offer a sacrifice to God, in performance of a vow he had made during his banishment, v. 7, v. 8. Therefore David directs his speech to Zadok, and an excellent speech it is, and shows him to be in a very good frame under his affliction, and that still he holds fast his integrity. But if you return to the city, and say to Absalom, ‘I will be your servant, O king; as I was your father’s servant previously, so I will now also be your servant,’ then you may defeat the counsel of Ahithophel for me. There went 200 men, probably of the principal men of Jerusalem, whom he invited to join with him in his feast upon his sacrifice; and they went in their simplicity, not in the least suspecting that Absalom had any bad design in this journey. iv. 2 Now Absalom would rise early and stand beside the way to the gate. 2-samuel 15:11 And with Absalom went two hundred men out of Jerusalem, that were called; and … It is good service to countermine the policy of the church’s enemies. It was good that the men who should be spiritually sensitive to Absalom’s evil and David’s good were indeed sensitive to it. Whenever anyone came near to bow down to him, that he would put out his hand and take him and kiss him, : Absalom was skilled at projecting a “man of the people” image. Even David himself, the best of kings, and his administration, could not escape the worst of censures. Return and remain with the king. [2] And Absalom rose up early, and stood beside the way of the gate: and it was so, that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment, then Absalom called to him, and said, Of what city are you? : David’s humble and chastened spirit proved he knew God dealt with him righteously. b. The method Absalom took to gain people’s affections made no impression upon them; he had little religion in him, and therefore they steadily adhered to David. Ecclesiastes. : Once some started coming to Absalom’s side, it encouraged more and more to come. Did it become a man of his reputation for courage and greatness of spirit thus to cry like a child, only for fear of an enemy at a distance, against whom he might easily have made head, and perhaps with one bold stroke have routed him? But these political instincts made Absalom know that he had to create the, ii. Many people greatly admire this expression of self-will. Absalom is no sooner restored to his place at court than he aims to be in the throne. (2 Samuel 15:20). 3. to him but would lift them up, shake their hand, and embrace them. David himself, as a deep mourner, covered his head and face for shame and blushing, went bare-foot, as a prisoner or a slave, for mortification, and went weeping. 2:10 . After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. : Ancient kings were more than the heads of government, they were also the “supreme court” of their kingdom. 2 And Absalom used to rise early and stand beside () the way of the gate. The queen-mother of Scotland was heard to say, that she more feared the prayers of John Knox than an army of fighting men.” (Trapp). b. Since these providers may collect personal data like your IP address we allow you to block them here. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. To prevent suffering with sinners, let us sorrow with them. 9:12 ), or, "He has a right to do what he will,’’ subscribing to his sovereignty (Job. b. David had come to the top of the mountain, where he worshipped God: David’s life was in danger and he had to flee. Where David is, whether in life or death, safe or in peril, there will this faithful friend of his be; and he confirms this resolution with an oath, that he might not be tempted to break it. They knew David’s great affection to them and their office, notwithstanding his failings. She was the daughter of a heathen king, which made him the less concerned for the peace of Israel. When David wept all his company wept likewise, being much affected with his grief and willing to share in it. He regularly acted as if he was above others and the laws that applied to others didn’t apply to him. He would try whether he was hearty for him, and not inclined to Absalom. Note, It is no new thing for very good men, and very good things, to be made use of by designing men to put a colour upon bad practices. A study in the book of 2 Samuel 15: 1 – 37 2 Samuel 15: 1 – 37 Empty promises, feigned concern 15 After this it happened that Absalom provided himself with chariots and horses, and fifty men to run before him. Absalom will seem very good too, but with a very bad design. But David was the more apt to believe it because now he could call to mind the arts that Absalom had used to inveigle them, and perhaps reflected upon it with regret that he had not done more to counterwork him, and secure his own interest, which he had been too confident of. In ancient Israel they were too easily impressed by image and too slow to see or appreciate the reality behind the image. If someone believed that a local court did not give them justice, they then appealed to the court of the king, where the king or a representative of the king heard their case. Job. David, in this unhappy issue of that marriage, smarted for his being unequally yoked with an unbeliever. The story of Absalom’s rebellion begins with this chapter, but we must go over three or four more before we see the end of it. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. This David endeavours to do.I. Absalom's Conspiracy. Should he fortify himself here, he might lose the country, in which, especially among those that lay furthest from Absalom’s tampering, he hoped to have the most friends. It would move the compassion even of strangers to see a man fallen thus low from such a height, and this by the wickedness of his own son; a piteous case it was. The story of Absalom’s rebellion begins with this chapter, but we must go over three or four more before we see the end of it. The fidelity of the priests and Levites and their firm adherence to David and his interest. [2.] David said to him, “If you go on with me, then you will become a burden to me. : This means that Absalom did not want the chariot for speed, but to make an impressive procession. Those whose hearts were with Absalom, to Absalom let them go, and so shall their doom be: they will soon have enough of him. “Ah! He calls Zadok a seer (v. 27), that is, a wise man, a man that can see into business and discern time and judgment: "Thou hast thy eyes in thy head (Eccl. Ambitious projects are often carried on by a show of humility, Col. 2:23 . i. David came into Jerusalem as a brave, noble conqueror (2 Samuel 5:6-7). Absalom was himself no politician, but he had got one entirely in his interest that was, and would be the more dangerous because he had been all along acquainted with David’s counsels and affairs; if therefore he can be baffled, Absalom is as good as routed and the head of the conspiracy cut off. How should a man of such good principles as David, and a man of such corrupt principles as Ahithophel, long agree? Proverbs. For Absalom there was no excuse, but David carried in his own heart ceaselessly the sense of his own past sin.” (Morgan). Oh, that I were made judge in the land… I would give him justice. But we look for a kingdom which cannot be thus shaken and in the possession of which we cannot be disturbed. When religion is made a stalking-horse, and sacrifice a shoeing-horn, to sedition and usurpation it is not to be wondered at if some that were well affected to religion, as these followers of Absalom here, are imposed upon by the fallacy, and drawn in to give countenance to that, with their names, which in their heart they abhor, not having known the depths of Satan.III. Note, Weeping must not hinder worshipping, but quicken it rather. A bad opinion of the present administration, as if the affairs of the kingdom were altogether neglected, and no care taken about them. Yet he took time to stop at the top of the Mount of Olives, look back upon Jerusalem and the tabernacle, and he worshipped God. Are you not a seer: David recognized that Zadok was a prophet. By prayer. This shows David was a redeemed man. Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. But if He says thus: ‘I have no delight in you,’ here I am, let Him do to me as seems good to Him.”. He took his household with him, his wives and children, that he might protect them in this day of danger, and that they might be a comfort to him in this day of grief. Momentum for division builds because others are doing it. Upon a slight and general enquiry into their cause, he pronounced it good: Thy matters are right. Those are good indeed that are good in their own place, not that pretend how good they would be in other people’s places. (24-26) David’s submission to God’s chastening. Note, It is the wisdom of princes to make sure of their subjects; for, if they have them, they have their purses, and arms, and all, at their service.II. The 1&2 Samuel Evangelical Exegetical Commentary (EEC) is the final work of beloved and renowned scholar Harry A. Hoffner Jr. Hoffner, before his recent death in March 2015, was John A. Wilson Professor of Hittitology Emeritus at the University of Chicago. Absalom (2 Samuel 13:13-37--15:12) 16. All rights reserved. Then he went to stand at the side of the road by the city's gate. 2-samuel 15:10 But Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel, saying, As soon as ye hear the sound of the trumpet, then ye shall say, Absalom reigneth in Hebron. Those parents know not what they do, who indulge a proud humour in their children: many young people are ruined by pride. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Thus he chose to do, to abase himself so much the more under God’s hand, and in condescension to his friends and followers, with whom he would walk, in token that he would live and die with them. : Absalom came into Jerusalem as a cunning, wicked rebel. of He didn’t want the city of Jerusalem to become a battleground (, strike the city with the edge of the sword, : The writer here wanted to emphasize that, The king left ten women, concubines, to keep the house, : David thought – and had reason to think – that these. He knew what a grace it puts upon greatness to be affable and courteous, and how much it wins upon common people: had he been sincere in it, it would have been his praise; but to fawn upon the people that he might betray them was abominable hypocrisy. That the people might say, "O that Absalom were a judge!’’ (and they are apt enough to desire changes), he recommends himself to them, [1.] on StudyLight.org In this chapter we have. This David endeavours to do.I. When the innocent and unknowing are among the divisive, their, Absalom sent for Ahithophel the Gilonite, David’s counselor. If he was faithful to David, yet David would not have him exposed to the fatigues and perils he now counted upon. He told them that it was to no purpose to appeal to the throne: "There is no man deputed of the king to hear thee. The notice brought to David of Absalom’s rebellion, v. 13. Note, That is a friend indeed who loves at all times, and will adhere to us in adversity. Such a value has he for David, not for the sake of his wealth and greatness (for then he would have deserted him now that he saw him thus reduced), but for the sake of his wisdom and goodness, which were still the same, that, whatever comes of it, he will never leave him. His open avowal of his pretensions to the crown at Hebron, whither he went under colour of a vow, and the strong party that appeared for him there (v. 7-12). (24-30) He prays against Ahithophel's counsel. It was a fervent prayer: "Lord, I pray thee, do this.’’ God is well pleased with the importunity of those that come to him with their petitions. Yes, it did not ill become him, considering how much there was in this trouble, (1.) 51:18 ), that the walls of it were not built up, much less was it regularly fortified. Those that know how to obey well know how to rule. (27-29) David sends the priests back to gather information. David was struck by the greatness of this tragedy for the nation, for his family, and for himself. . Hereupon they returned to the city, to await the event. A good opinion of his own fitness to rule. You can check these in your browser security settings. Well might he say with Caesar, Kai sy teknon —What, thou my son? III. The king is himself old, and past business, or so taken up with his devotions that he never minds business; his sons are so addicted to their pleasures that, though they have the name of chief rulers, they take no care of the affairs committed to them.’’ He further seems to insinuate what a great want there was of him while he was banished and confined, and how much the public suffered by his exile; what his father said truly in Saul’s reign (Ps. Absalom steals the hearts of the men of Israel. Had he proved himself a good son and a good subject, and set himself to serve his father’s interest, he would have done his present duty, and shown himself worthy of future honours, after his father’s death. As very familiar and humble. Absalom’s name signifies "the peace of his father,’’ yet he proves his greatest trouble; so often are we disappointed in our expectations from the creature. Note, Those are commonly most ambitious of preferment that are least fit for it; the best qualified are the most modest and self-diffident, while it is no better than the spirit of an Absalom that says, O that I were a judge in Israel! Oh, that I were made judge in the land, and everyone who has any suit or cause would come to me; then I would give him justice. Commentary for 2 Samuel 15 . David did not call a council, but, consulting only with God and his own heart, determined immediately to quit Jerusalem, v. 14. This is a very proper pious farewell, when we part with a friend, "Mercy and truth be with thee, and then thou art safe, and mayest be easy, wherever thou art.’’ David’s dependence was upon the mercy and truth of God for comfort and happiness, both for himself and his friends; see Ps. When he heard that Ahithophel was in the plot he lifted up his heart to God in this short prayer: Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff, Matthew Henry Commentary on the Whole Bible (Complete), California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Those years in the wilderness prepared David to be king. David knew worship was always important and he could worship when circumstances were bad. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. If you refuse cookies we will remove all set cookies in our domain. He compelled none. a. It is said to be. God sent David out into. 75:3 ) he says falsely: The land and all the inhabitants of it are dissolved, all will go to wreck and ruin, unless I bear up the pillars of it. All is well that God does.’’ Observe with what satisfaction and holy complacency he speaks of the divine disposal: not only, "He can do what he will,’’ subscribing to his power (Job. 2 He would get up early and stand by the side of the road leading to the city gate. God gives us leave, in prayer, to be humbly and reverently free with him, and to mention the particular care, and fear, and grief, that lies heavily upon us. He had not opportunity for a long prayer, but he was not one of those that thought he should be heard for his much speaking. The project he laid was to get himself proclaimed king throughout all the tribes of Israel upon a signal given, v. 10. 137:6 ), the success of the gospel, and the flourishing of the church, above our own wealth, credit, ease, and safety, even when they are most in hazard. He got leave of his father to go to Hebron. See how willing tender parents are to believe the best concerning their children, and, upon the least indication of good, to hope, even concerning those that have been untoward, that they will repent and reform. Those years in the wilderness prepared David to be king. His courage and his buoyancy have left him.” (Maclaren), ii. 32:26 . David’s dismission of them back into the city, v. 25, v. 26. And they set down the ark of God, and Abiathar went up until all the people had finished crossing over from the city. i. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. Absalom was determined to become king, so he began undermining David through deceitful and worldly-wise ways: by using psychology, by giving favorable judgments to garner support. Ittai bravely resolved not to leave him, v. 21. 1 Some time after that, Absalom bought a chariot and horses. 23:13, Job. i. To see a prince thus reduced, one that had lived so great forced from his palace and in fear of his life, with a small retinue seeking shelter in a desert, to see the city of David, which he himself won, built, and fortified, made an unsafe abode for David himself. Nehemiah. 1. If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord, He will bring me back… if He says thus: “I have no delight in you,” here I am, let Him do to me as seems good to Him. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. Samuel the man of prayer receives revelations of God (1 Samuel 9:15). It is right to be more concerned for the church's prosperity than our own; to prefer the success of the gospel above our own wealth, credit, ease, and safety. The horror of his guilt struck him with a sudden detestation of her whom he deemed the cause of it, and he hated his sister when he should have hated himself. He never wept thus when Saul hunted him: but a wounded conscience makes troubles lie heavily, Ps. (31-37) David hears of Ahithophel’s defection to Absalom. 2 Samuel 15 – Absalom’s Rebellion A. Absalom’s deceptive take-over. 2 Chronicles. 10:7 . David prayed this in a firm belief that God has all hearts in his hand, and tongues too, that, when he pleases, he can take away the understanding of the aged and make the judges fools, (Job. Parents that are abused and ruined by their own children merit the tender sympathy of their friends as much as any of the sons or daughters of affliction. This is an unwelcome change from the text as given in ASV, KJV and NIV; and Willis noted, The last line of 2 Sam. For you. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. He took up this strange resolve, so disagreeable to his character as a man of courage, either, 1. God sent David out into the wilderness to continue the same work in his life. Then the king said to Zadok, “Carry the ark of God back into the city. 23:15 ), but, "Let him do what he will,’’ subscribing to his wisdom and goodness. He had all the pomp and all the pleasure he could wish, lived as great and in as much ease as any man could; yet this will not content him, unless he have power too: O that I were a judge in Israel! Those that aim to usurp cry out of grievances, and pretend to design nothing but the redress of them: as Absalom here.(2.) 8:11 ); and this is Absalom’s manner. Every one knew Hebron to be a royal city; and it lay in the heart of Judah’s lot, in which tribe, probably, he thought his interest strong.II. And when any man had a dispute to come before the king for judgment, Absalom would … Ittai did it knowing that the fate of David became his fate. Absalom was himself no politician, but he had got one entirely in his interest that was, and would be the more dangerous because he had been all along acquainted with David’s counsels and affairs; if therefore he can be baffled, Absalom is as good as routed and the head of the conspiracy cut off. Absalom’s clever approach made him able to subvert and divide David’s kingdom without saying any specific thing that could condemn him. 2. Here we have, I. 4. Of the unkindness of his son. 3:3 ), and in hope that God would own and plead his just and injured cause. 1. Absalom’s plot being now ripe for execution,I. When Absalom did something about it, David banished Absalom and kept him at a distance even when he came back. Around with horses and with fifty men to run before him mercy and truth be with,! Him from the king to hear you: David trusted in God ’ s government vow... S chastening a pity-party or soreness merely over the treason would not have him exposed to ark! 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