There are many causes for a long period, so your doctor will likely begin your appointment by asking you some questions. See your doctor to find out the cause of your long period so you can begin to treat it. Dilation and curettage can thin the layer of your uterus and reduce how much you bleed during your period. Delaying treatment may cause complications and lead to more invasive treatments in the future. über ein Wochenende, nimmt zudem die Reaktivität der Inhibitionsschicht ab. in Betrieb genommen, wird die eingestellte Gebläse-Drehzahl erst erreicht. Prolong definition, to lengthen out in time; extend the duration of; cause to continue longer: to prolong one's stay abroad. Der beste Volltext-Übersetzer der Welt – jetzt ausprobieren! Polyps are also the result of irregular tissue growth in the uterus and cause small tumors to grow. ‘These drugs can be continued under the supervision of your doctor for prolonged periods.’. If you’re no longer considering having children, you may undergo endometrial ablation, resection, or a hysterectomy. Prolonged periods of time synonyms. 24 examples: Indirect sphygmomanometry generally overestitrends over a prolonged period of… Fibroids occur when muscle tissue begins to grown in the wall of the uterus. For equity instruments impairment exists, among other things, if the fair value is either. by a commitment to garner the public support necessary for ratification, and the renewal of the EU Institutions, particularly the Commission after the elections. This may contribute to feelings of tiredness and weakness. This does normally not occur before having been exposed to air with an average content of, fungal spores or bacteria, generally at least 2-3 million micro-organisms per litre, Diese entsteht normalerweise erst, nachdem man über einen langen Zeitraum Luft mit einem mittleren, It would be desirable to obtain commitments from the states in the Middle East (including Iran and Israel) to, Es wäre wünschenswert, die Staaten des Nahen Ostens (einschließlich des Iran und Israels) dazu zu bewegen, einer längerfristigen, The holder of the participation certificates can exercise the right to demand a rating for a, portion of the participation capital if certain key financial indicators are, Bei einem Teil des Genussscheinkapitals kann bei der Nichteinhaltung, If the phone is kept in storage with its battery. J. jokaec Senior Member. But knowing that it can happen is important for any person who menstruates. of the Purchaser to such consequences at the time said period was stipulated. B. Barque Banned. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "prolonged time periods" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Dämmleistung und beeinflusst den Luftaustausch. Your doctor can use results from a blood test to diagnose anemia. You may also experience a hormonal imbalance from different health conditions, such as thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome. This can lead to a long or heavy period. Generally, neither fibroids or polyps are cancerous. Generally, a period lasts between three to seven days. See more. When your body finally sheds the lining, you may experience a period that’s longer than normal. Translations of the phrase FOR A PROLONGED PERIOD OF TIME from english to czech and examples of the use of "FOR A PROLONGED PERIOD OF TIME" in a sentence with their translations: Suggesting she was tied up for a prolonged period of time ? A new study found that menstrual cups were just as good, if not better, as disposable tampons and pads at preventing leaks. You may also be diagnosed with menorrhagia if you experience unusually heavy bleeding that lasts less than a week. A prolonged event or situation continues for a long time, or for longer than expected....a prolonged period of low interest rates. Nutzen Sie die weltweit besten KI-basierten Übersetzer für Ihre Texte, entwickelt von den Machern von Linguee. Vertalingen in context van "prolonged period of time" in Engels-Nederlands van Reverso Context: Since half-life is prolonged in these patients, therapeutic drug monitoring after a loading dose or a change of dose should be performed for a prolonged period of time until stable concentrations are reached (see sections 4.2 and 5.2). If you’re in the market for a multivitamin to help with menopause symptoms, consider giving one of these six a try. There are many reasons you may have a period that’s longer than normal. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. internal memory backup battery might be discharged. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "prolonged period of time" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. If your iron levels are low, your doctor may recommend boosting your diet with iron-rich foods and a possible iron supplement to get your levels back to normal. Read on to learn more about long periods, including possible causes and what you can do to manage this symptom. Need another answer? A long period may be the only sign of one of these conditions, or you may have other symptoms. For some women, this may be one of the earliest symptoms of either of these cancers. It’s important to see your doctor to discuss why you might be experiencing this symptom. Define Prolonged Period of Time. 8.2 Nimmt der Auftraggeber die Lieferung nicht innerhalb einer angemessenen Frist nach Fertigstellung bzw. © 2005-2020 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. A prolonged period may the sign of cancer in your uterus or cervix. allowance will be paid till the day that is one year after the accident expires. Der Hersteller ist jedoch berechtigt, nach Setzung und fruchtlosem Ablauf einer angemessenen Frist anderweitig über den. The condition occurs when your endometrium, or uterine lining, embeds itself into the muscles of your uterus. A menstrual period that lasts longer than seven days is considered a long period. Delaying your diagnosis and treatment could lead to a worsening of the underlying condition responsible for the extended bleeding. I cannot stress this enough, but if you’re going to be gaming for prolonged periods of time, get a proper ergonomic chair! bis zu dem Tag ausgezahlt, an dem ein Jahr ab dem Tag des Unfalls vergeht. Top synonyms for for a prolonged period of time (other words for for a prolonged period of time) are over a long period of time, for a long period of time and for an extended time. If you’ve had a pregnancy test come back positive and you’re experiencing vaginal bleeding, see your healthcare provider. In der täglichen Arbeitspraxis oder bei der. These may include: They may also do a physical exam that includes a pelvic exam and measuring your vital signs. My Period Won’t Stop: 10 Causes Of Long Prolonged Periods Dr. Dunn A. Finden Sie verlässliche Übersetzungen von Wörter und Phrasen in unseren umfassenden Wörterbüchern und durchsuchen Sie Milliarden von Online-Übersetzungen. Falsche Übersetzung oder schlechte Qualität der Übersetzung. bei avisiertem Versand nicht prompt. Top synonyms for prolonged period of time (other words for prolonged period of time) are long period of time, extended period of time and long time. weit unter dem akut toxischen Bereich in den Körper eindringen und so schädliche Wirkungen entweder durch Akkumulation in Zielgewebe oder durch anhaltende Belastung der Leber und anderer Organe verursachen. Verwenden Sie den DeepL Übersetzer, um Texte und Dokumente sofort zu übersetzen. als Übersetzung von "prolonged period of time" vorschlagen. Tips, Benefits, and Side Effects, Everything You Need to Know About Period-Related Body Dysmorphia, How Late Can a Period Be? Excess weight may cause long periods. No problem at all! means a continuous period of time (minimum of thirty (30) working days) whereby a medical condition prevents the employee from performing the employee’s duties. Prolonged - definition of prolonged by The Free Dictionary. You may have a condition that affects your body’s ability to clot blood, causing your long periods. Menstruation can happen at the…, Is it safe to have sex during your period? Thank you. These procedures can relieve the long periods, but they may also eliminate the possibility of getting pregnant. The future after a long period of time. prolonged period of time synonymes. All rights reserved. Don’t ignore a long period. This excess estrogen can lead to a change in your period. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "over prolonged periods of time" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Two of these conditions are hemophilia and von Willebrand’s disease. We'll break down how to know whether it's late or just not coming this month and go over some common…. Times, Sunday Times (2017) This will be followed by a prolonged spell of sub-zero temperatures from mid-February. Noun. ‘Drought is a prolonged, abnormally dry period when there is not enough water to meet normal or expected needs.’. You may also experience iron deficiency anemia if you regularly experience long menstrual periods, especially if they’re heavy. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to alleviate long periods. Hormonal birth control may regulate your period and shorten it in the future. Five percent of women have menorrhagia. Kein gutes Beispiel für die Übersetzung oben. You may notice hormonal changes when you first get your period during puberty or in perimenopause. Uterine fibroids and polyps can lead to extended, and sometimes heavy, bleeding. hydraulic oil has reached its operational temperature. for a prolonged period of time über einen längeren Zeitraum Beispiele aus dem Internet (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft) Since the early 1970s tropical West Africa has suffered from a prolonged drought that reached its first climax in the first half of the eighties. Best Answer for Prolonged Period Of Time Crossword Clue. Translations in context of "a prolonged period of time" in English-Arabic from Reverso Context: In many countries, the situation of indigenous peoples stems from the institutionalization of discriminatory practices over a prolonged period of time. Times, Sunday Times (2016) Vulnerable people are at risk as Britain heads into a prolonged cold period, experts said. A sign that you’re losing a lot of blood is if you need to change a pad or tampon one to two times per hour for several hours. Translations in context of "a prolonged period of time" in English-Russian from Reverso Context: This means that it is virtually impossible to stay in San Marino for a prolonged period of time without the authorities knowing that. Long period of time. If sero-conversion occurs, all the animals that remain, kommt es zur Serokonversion, so sind alle weiterhin, 5.3 Due to such circumstances that have an effect on processing the purchase contract, we are entitled to, 5.3 Aufgrund solcher Umstände, die auf die Abwicklung des Kaufvertrages. A long period may be a sign of a serious underlying health condition, such as: It’s important to see your doctor if you experience a long or heavy period so they can identify the underlying cause or rule out more serious possible causes. Tamil Jun 3, 2017 #2 Could you please give us a sentence? Are they both correct? on the exchange of air in the collector in different climatic conditions. or after use, store it dry and dust-free in the original packaging. When existing rental contracts come to an end, HAMBORNER is exposed to the risk that its commercial properties, Laufen bestehende Mietvertragsverhältnisse aus, ist HAMBORNER dem Risiko ausgesetzt, dass ihre Gewerbeimmobilien nicht sofort nach, Die Bedeutung der kleinen Schiffe wurde während, On the basis of the foregoing, it is provisionally concluded that the Community industry has suffered material injury, characterised by price depression and suppressio. Continuing for a long time or longer than usual; lengthy. If there is uncertainty for a prolonged period of time, then the industry will vote with its feet and we will be in that. You may have a long period if your thyroid is underperforming. Normally it is "a long period of time" or "prolonged" to win a lawsuit. im Kollektor bei unterschiedlichen klimatischen Bedingungen positiv. We answer those questions and more, and explain the risks and benefits of…, Period-related body dysmorphia may be a medical mystery right now. Long period of time. You may also have extended bleeding in pregnancy if you have a condition like placenta previa. The future after a long period of time. You may miss days of school or work, or withdraw from activities you enjoy because of your long period. . long haul. (M.B.B.S) - Written or Reviewed on January 19th, 2017 in Women Health , Women Period , Women Problems Last updated on July 28th, 2018 at 04:52 am If so, which is better in this situation? Перевод контекст "for prolonged periods of time" c английский на русский от Reverso Context: Hence, in accord with its relatively high solubility in fat and biological persistency, PentaBDE and/or its metabolites are distributed to and stored in adipose tissue for prolonged periods of time. wenn sich das Hydrauliköl auf Betriebstemperatur erwärmt hat. High quality example sentences with “a prolonged period of time” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English Many translated example sentences containing "prolonged period of time" – Czech-English dictionary and search engine for Czech translations. Sinónimos (Otras palabras) para Prolonged period of time & Antónimos (Significado opuesto) para Prolonged period of time. Traduzioni in contesto per "prolonged period of time" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: They can lead to dependence if administered over a prolonged period of time. Lieferung für Rechnung und Gefahr des Auftraggebers entweder selbst auf Lager nehmen oder aber bei einem Spediteur einlagern. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. 20 examples: This economic evaluation constitutes a first attempt to estimate the impact of… Find out how long your period should last, including how birth control can affect your period. This medication can be administered as: Your doctor also may advise you to take medication that reduces pain or discomfort you experience from the prolonged period. You may want to seek immediate care with a long period if you spike a fever or are losing an abnormally heavy amount of blood or large blood clots. Plus, Why It’s Late, Menstrual Cups Work Just as Well as Tampons and Pads. Your doctor may also recommend any of the following tests to help them make a diagnosis: Treatment methods for a long period can vary. Long periods can be caused by a wide range of underlying conditions. Changes to your hormones or ovulation may cause a long period. But is there scientific proof that this can happen…, When choosing the best twin mattress for your toddler, make sure to check for safety standards, quality certifications, trial periods, and warranties…. Long periods can get in the way of your normal life, and they may also be a sign of an underlying condition that requires treatment. For A Prolonged Period Of Time synonyms. Nintendonitis. Sollte nicht mit orangener Vokabel zusammengefasst werden. Can you still get pregnant? Delaying a diagnosis could result in a more invasive procedure or intensive treatment for the underlying cause. distant future. Examples of prolonged time in a sentence, how to use it. Menorrhagia can cause discomfort during your period as well as disrupt your regular routine. Prolonged Period Of Time antonyms. If we set a reasonable notice period which then expires fruitlessly, Wir sind auch berechtigt, nach Setzung und fruchtlosem, The indemnification in the form of daily allowance will paid for one year after the day that the accident occurred; if the treatment of the accident commences in such a manner that the average. Examples of prolonged period in a sentence, how to use it. prolonged period of time Synonyme. Meilleur synonyme de prolonged period of time (autre terme pour prolonged period of time) sont extended period of time, long period of time et long time. Period Syncing: Real Phenomenon or Popular Myth? topac® can store the consignment either in its own stores or at a forwarding agency at risk and cost of the principal. 6 of the Best Multivitamins for Menopause, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, how many pads and tampons you’ve used in the last day, your medical and relevant family histories, blood tests to check hormone levels and also to look for signs of an iron deficiency. Additionally, if your long period causes heavier blood loss, you could be at risk of developing anemia. Prolonged Period Of Time synonyms. Many women believe they experience period syncing with other women they live with or are close to. Top synonyms for prolonged periods of time (other words for prolonged periods of time) are longer periods of time, prolonged periods and long periods of time. Disconnect the appliance from mains power supply, The Contractor shall however be entitled, after stipulation and the abortive expiry of a reasonable period, to dispose otherwise of the Plant and to. As expected, the first quarter was characterised by very low demand for fertilizers on almost all markets: Although prices of agricultural products stabilised again, there was continued reluctance, Das erste Quartal war wie erwartet in beinahe sämtlichen Märkten von einer sehr geringen Nachfrage nach Düngemitteln geprägt: Die Zurückhaltung der Landwirtschaft hielt trotz sich wieder, stabilisierender Preise für Agrarprodukte auch vor dem, the pre-set fan speed will only be reached when the. You know that feeling when you realize your upcoming camping trip or week at the beach coincides with your next period? Experiencing this symptom late can a period that lasts longer than seven days is considered a long period so can. 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