There are always several meanings of each word in Hindi. Pollux is believed to have started its life as a main sequence star of the spectral type A, but eventually spent its supply of hydrogen and evolved into an orange giant. The Most Insincere Compliments And What To Say Instead, “Nauseated” vs. “Nauseous”: Which One To Use When You’re Feeling Sick, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. Pollux, also designated Beta Geminorum (β Geminorum, abbreviated Beta Gem, β Gem), is an orange-hued evolved giant star approximately 34 light-years from the Sun in the northern constellation of Gemini.It is the brightest star in the constellation of Gemini and the closest giant star to the Sun. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? They are usually considered to be twins. This star is larger than the Sun, with about two times its mass and almost nine times its radius. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. The history of the star: Castor from p.230 of Star Names, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889. Their figures were probably painted or sculptured on the prow of the ship which Luke refers to ( Acts 28:11).They were regarded as the tutelary divinities of sailors. Pollux is an intermediate mass star, almost twice as massive as the Sun and almost nine times larger. See more. It has an apparent magnitude of 1.14 and is 33.78 light years distant from the solar system. Castor and Pollux are the two "heavenly twin" stars that give the constellation Gemini (meaning twins in Latin) its name. 2 : a first-magnitude star in the constellation Gemini. Meaning of POLLUX. It consists of 6 letters and 2 syllables and is pronounced Po-llux. 2. classical mythology Castor and Pollux. The American Heritage® Science Dictionary Pollux's language of origin is Old Greek. Pollux . Regulus recently moved from 29 degrees of Leo into Virgo and Alcoyne which is the brightest star in the Pleides, the 7 weeping sisters shifted from 29 degrees of Taurus to 0 degrees of Gemini. Pollux and Castor had different fathers, though. Be the first to answer! In Arabic astronomy, Castor was known as Al-Ras al-Taum al-Muqadim, or “the head of the foremost twin.” Pollux is classified as a “K0 IIIb” star. Junto a Cástor (α Geminorum) representa los dos gemelos celestiales que dan nombre a la constelación (gemini en latín significa «los gemelos»). Julius Pollux, also known as Ioulios Poludeukes (2nd century A.D), a Greek rhetorician; Pollux (mythology) or Polydeuces, one of the Dioscuri and twin brother of Castor Astronomy. See also Castor. They also protected humans in danger during war times and at sea. Pollux, one of the main stars in Gemini, is bright and easy to find in the night sky. Browse thousands of Boy Names.. Free online name meanings database with strong search engine. The name Castor refers specifically to Castor, one of the twin sons of Zeus and Leda in … The constellation Gemini, which represents the two brothers, contains a star by this name. Pollux synonyms, Pollux pronunciation, Pollux translation, English dictionary definition of Pollux. Castor and Pollux come down to fight for the Romans, and the marks of their horses' feet are imprinted on the stones. Pollux Name Meaning. A protagonist is the main character of a story, or the lead. Castor and pollux definition, twin sons of Leda and brothers of Helen, famous for their fraternal affection and regarded as the protectors of persons at sea. Definition of Pollux. the part of the economy that consists of non-profit-making organizations, as opposed to the public and private sectors, Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. One of the Heavenly Twins, the constellation also known as Gemini. Dioscuri Dioskouroi (Greek) In Greek mythology, Castor and Pollux (Greek Polydeuces), Spartan twin sons of Tyndareus and Leda; their sisters were Helen and Clytemnestra. the brightest star in the constellation Gemini, lying close to the star Castor. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Pollux is an unusual baby boy name. Castor was the son of King Tyndareus of Sparta, Leda’s husband. We Asked, You Answered. Castor and Pollux are the two "heavenly twin" stars that give the constellation Gemini (meaning twins in Latin) its name. And best of all it's ad free, so sign up now and start using at home or in the classroom. De magnitud aparente +1,15, es de color rojo anaranjado. Pollux is generally used as a boy's name. Definition of "Pollux" at Simple Ad-Free English Dictionary with Hyperlinks to The Free World Bank - A BIG Thinking Scientific Save the World High Level Concept on Amazon S3 2. A bright giant star in the constellation Gemini, with an apparent magnitude of 1.15. Pollux had unhesitatingly owned to having taken the silver quiver and to having been very angry at his master's accusation. The name Castor refers specifically to Castor, one of the twin sons of Zeus and Leda in Greek and Roman mythology. Castor definition, a brownish, unctuous substance with a strong, penetrating odor, secreted by certain glands in the groin of the beaver, used in medicine and perfumery. Visual magnitude: 1.15; spectral type: K0III; distance: 34 light years. Their conception and birth, however, was a complicated and unlikely affair, with their mother succumbing to both Zeus (disguised as a swan) and King Tyndareus o… Castor is known to have at least two stellar companions, while Pollux is now known to be circled by at least one massive planet. Visual magnitude: 1.15; spectral type: K 0III; distance: 34 light years. Fixed star Pollux, Beta Geminorum, is a 1.14 magnitude giant yellow-orange star, located in the head of the Southern Twin of Gemini Constellation.Even though classified as the beta star of Gemini, it is in fact brighter than its twin Castor (α Geminorum).. On June 16, 2006, it was revealed that the Pollux star has an orbiting planet termed Pollux b. In mythology he was the twin brother of Castor and a son of Zeus. Pollux Meaning Roman form of Greek Πολυδευκης (Polydeukes) , which means "very sweet" from Greek πολυς (polys) "much" and δευκης (deukes) "sweet". See more. Pollux in British English. n. Greek Mythology 1. According to its nature, this star is brutal and tyrannical, violent and cruel if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, MC or with malefics. The constellation Gemini, which represents the two brothers, contains a star by this name. Castor was the son of King Tyndareus of Sparta, Leda’s husband. One of the Dioscuri. 1. the brightest star in the constellation Gemini, lying close to the star Castor. Visual... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 0 1 2. Pollux (mountain): Pollux (4,092 m) is a mountain in the Pennine Alps on the border between Valais, Switzerland and the Aosta Valley in Italy. On the night of 13/14 December, we’re treated to a shower of meteors streaming from a point nearby. Pollux has a strong Martian nature and has the name 'the wicked boy' of the of the sibling Twins. Castor and Pollux were closely linked to sports and horses. Speed recorded (Max / Average) 11,40 / 10,60 knots POLLUX STAR Columbia River, Puget Island Range & Turn. [7] Once an A-type main sequence star, [6] Pollux has exhausted the hydrogen at its core and evolved into a giant star with a stellar classification of K0 III. α Geminorum (Latinised to Alpha Geminorum) is the star system's Bayer designation. Pollux definition: the brightest star in the constellation Gemini , lying close to the star Castor . Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). To the left again, Castor and Pollux are the main stars of Gemini (the Twins). Scientific name: Beta Geminorum. castor synonyms, castor pronunciation, castor translation, English dictionary definition of castor. POLLUX STAR. Proper noun Pollux (Greek god) One of the Dioscuri, son of Tyndarus and Leda, brother of Castor. Pollux is a main star in the constellation Gemini and makes up the constellation outline. Thus they were really half-brothers rather than true twins, with a common mother in Queen Leda. The other is Castor. What Is The Difference Between “It’s” And “Its”? See also the related categories, crown (king) and greek. Can you identify the antonym of “protagonist,” or the opposite of a hero or heroine? Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. In Homer all but Helen were considered mortal, but after the twins' death they lived and died on … Enrich your vocabulary with the French Definition dictionary The star’s estimated age is 724 million years. n. Greek Mythology 1. Information and translations of POLLUX in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Pollux (English) Origin & history From Latin Pollūx, from Ancient Greek Πολυδεύκης. Pollux is also the 17th brightest star in the night sky. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Pollux, though, was the son of Zeus, who […] Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. It is an ‘International Day’ established by the United Nations to recognize and promote the contribution made by volunteers and voluntary organizations to the wellbeing of people across the globe. Top Most Popular Baby Names Castor and Pollux, ( Acts 28:11) the twin sons of Jupiter and Leda, were regarded as the tutelary divinities of sailors; hence their image was often used as a figure-head for ships. Meaning of POLLUX. With an estimated temperature of 4,666 K, it shines with a luminosity 43 times that of the Sun. International Volunteer Day (sometimes abbreviated to IVD) takes place annually on December 5th. Pollux synonyms, Pollux pronunciation, Pollux translation, English dictionary definition of Pollux. His mother was the princess Leda, whom he shared with Castor. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). User Submitted Meanings. Pollux shines 48 times brighter than our sun – 48 solar luminosities, being the brightest star in its constellation. Our new online dictionaries for schools provide a safe and appropriate environment for children. Pollux, also known as Polydeuces in Greek mythology, was one half of Dioscuri with his twin brother Castor. Eh up, me duck! Master these essential literary terms and you’ll be talking like your English teacher in no time. Pollux as a boys' name is of Greek origin, and the meaning of Pollux is "crown". All rights reserved. According to a user from Greece, the name Pollux is of Greek origin and means "In Greek it's Polydeukis (Poly-deaf-kiss) and it's one of the stars in the constellation of Gemini among with Castor.". Castor's twin in the constellation Gemini. ; Based on the spectral type (K0IIIvar) of the star, the star… People. List of Star Trek planets (M–Q): Castor and Pollux: In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux or Polydeuces were twin brothers, together known as the Dioskouri. 2. (star) A star in the constellation Gemini; beta (β) Geminorum. Influences of the 5th Arabic Moon Mansion Al Dhira: Favorable for gain and friendship and for lovers, and destroys magistracies. Photo Details. ), hence also the name of the beta star of Gemini (though slightly brighter than Castor), 1520s, from Latin, from Greek Polydeukēs, literally "very sweet," or "much sweet wine," from polys "much" (from PIE root *pele-(1) "to fill") + deukēs "sweet" (prom PIE *dleuk-; see glucose).The contraction of the name in Latin is perhaps via Etruscan [Klein]. There is much mythology associated with these two stars, typically only in conjunction with each other. It represents Pollux, the immortal one of the twins, famous for his skill in boxing. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Castor and Pollux. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. One of the Dioscuri. What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? Castor and Pollux The stars Castor and Pollux are very different – Castor is a sextuple system, while Pollux is a single star, an orange giant – but they are linked by their proximity in the sky (they are about 18 light years apart) and by the myth of their Greek/Roman namesakes. Even an inexperienced eye perceives at once that it is not as bright as its neighbor Pollux, β. Pollux is a star in the northern constellation of Gemini, the Twins. Castor (α) and Pollux (β); alpha with beta Gemini; marked the 5th Arabic manzil (Arabic Moon Mansion) Al Dhira, The Forearm. One of the most alluring ruins is the fragment, called for want of a better name presumably, the Temple of Castor and Pollux. Definition of POLLUX in the dictionary. the "Dioscuri", two heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. A double star in the constellation Gemini, approximately 33 light years from Earth and of roughly equal brightness with Castor. French: Pollux (masc.) β Geminorum (Latinised to Beta Geminorum) is the star's Bayer designation. A bright giant star in the constellation Gemini, with an apparent magnitude of 1.15. Pollux is a Giant Star type star. Pollux is a noun according to parts of speech. to pieces to give it a really good clean. Castor, at 51 light years distant, is a blue main sequence star about 2.7 times more massive that our Sun. Last 300 years. All the latest wordy news, linguistic insights, offers and competitions every month. Properties. Variations of Pollux include Pollack, Polloc, Polloch, Pollock, Pollok, and Polux. POLLUX STAR. Pollux and Castor had different fathers, though. POLLUX STAR Columbia River, Puget Island Range & Turn. What does POLLUX mean? Pollux is a Greek God but he does not rule over anything. A reddish giant star, it has an apparent visual magnitude of 1.15. Asked by Wiki User. Pollux got his brother drunk to make the task easier, or as one wag among classical astrologers put it: He got Castor oiled! In a dream, Alcyone means dirt or wealth-Aldebran means retreat or one’s sexual organs-Aldromeda means a woman in distress-Alhena means satisfaction or impotence–Antilia means iron-Apus means a heavenly bird-Ara means flying-Arctunus means unlawful earnings or actions-Argo means travelling by sea-Auriga and Corvus mean fortune and blessings Boot … Gemini is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux, known as the Dioscuri The star was annotated by the Arabic description Al … The Lunar Mansions. In astrology, Castor is counted a star of misfortune, and the specific association with breaking an arm or leg may come from the Ptolemaic classification of this as a Mercury star; a planet which is much associated with the arms, or the limbs generally. Boy names, girl names, and unique baby names. Pollux (star), (β Geminorum) Pollux, a crater on the Saturnian moon Epimetheus; Games. Webster’s New World College Dictionary, 4th Edition. ... Pollux isn't a galaxy - it's a star Who is Pollux? In a dream, Alcyone means dirt or wealth-Aldebran means retreat or one’s sexual organs-Aldromeda means a woman in distress-Alhena means satisfaction or impotence–Antilia means iron-Apus means a heavenly bird-Ara means flying-Arctunus means unlawful earnings or actions-Argo means travelling by sea-Auriga and Corvus mean fortune and blessings Boot … In Greek mythology Pollux is immortal, the son of Zeus, and Castor is mortal, the son of King Tyndareus of Sparta. Fixed star Pollux is of the nature of Mars (violent death, ultimate ruin by folly or pride.) Or Phormio, when he thought he had treated Castor and Pollux at his house? Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition View usage for: Pollux (star) - Pollux, designated β Geminorum (Latinised to Beta Geminorum, abbreviated Beta Gem, β Gem), is an orange-hued evolved giant star about 34 light-years from the Sun in the constellation of Gemi Definition of Pollux. Castor and Pollux (the Dioscuri) are figures from Greek and Roman mythology considered the twin sons of Zeus or Jupiter.Semi-divine figures, they were credited with the role of saving those in trouble at sea or in grave danger in war and were particularly associated with horses and sports. Gemini (pronunciation: / ˈ dʒ ɛ m ɪ n aɪ / JEM-in-eye (♊︎) is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini.It is a positive mutable sign. Information and translations of POLLUX in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. In art they were sometimes represented simply as stars hovering over a ship. It is, however, cooler than our sun, with its outer envelope at temperatures around 4.666 K. Pollux’s magnetic field has been studied and it displays a very weak – below 1 … Pollux Hindi Meaning - Find the correct meaning of Pollux in Hindi. This Friday, 13 November is World Kindness Day, an awareness day launched in 1998 with the aim of encouraging benevolent acts by individuals, organizations, and countries. ; Search for more names by meaning. The important fixed stars used in chart interpretation. This 2 syllable name has sparkle and charm. The brothers were linked with Sparta especially and had their own temples in Athens and on Delos. Amaze your friends with your new-found knowledge! a bean and the oil derived from it: Castor beans are very toxic and should not be eaten. It gives a subtle, crafty, spirited, brave, audacious, cruel and rash nature, a love of boxing, dignified malevolence, and is connected with poisons. ... Pollux. Eliot, Castor, and Pollux, flanked by guards, stepped out on the porch. The K0 means that it is somewhat cooler than then sun, with a surface color that is a light yellowish orange. a first-magnitude star in the constellation Gemini. pollux definition in French dictionary, pollux meaning, synonyms, see also 'pollex',poux',polluant'. Translations Pollux - Dioscuri. Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. DESCR_PHOTOS_PICTURE. [A scanned copy can be viewed on this webpage] Alpha (α) Gemini, Castor, is a binary, 1.57 and 3.7, bright white and pale white, in the constellation of the Twins.Castor is the mortal Twin famous for his skill in taming and managing horses, and the Northern Twin (western). Photo Details. Unabridged The Chinese know Castor as 北河二 (Běi Hé èr), meaning the Second Star of North River. Pollux, also known as Polydeuces in Greek mythology, was one half of Dioscuri with his twin brother Castor. (ˈpɒləks ) noun. Pollux Facts. Last 10 years The stars Castor and Pollux are named for the mythological twins. Most people chose this as the best definition of pollux: One of the Dioscuri.... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. Pollux, at 33 light years distant, is an evolved red giant star twice as massive as our Sun. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. It is spelled as [pol-uh ks]. The Given Name Pollux. North River is a Chinese asterism formed by Castor, Pollux and Rho Geminorum. Pollux, also called Beta Geminorum, brightest star in the zodiacal constellation Gemini. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between about 21 May and 21 June. A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 6 (of 10). The Sun joins Pollux on July 15. We have almost 200 lists of words from topics as varied as types of butterflies, jackets, currencies, vegetables and knots! Pollux Origin and Meaning The name Pollux is a boy's name of Greek origin meaning "crown". 1 : one of the Dioscuri. They appeared in heaven as the constellation Gemini. That final x makes this name modern and cool. His mother was the princess Leda, whom he shared with Castor. Along with Castor, Pollux is one of the two main guideposts for the asterism, which is sometimes nicknamed "the twins." The fixed stars degrees are listed for their current degrees. Castor and Pollux, also called the Dioscuri, meaning youths of Zeus, were semi-divine twins and patrons of the Roman knights. A binary star in the constellation Gemini, approximately 33 light years from Earth and of roughly equal... Pollux - definition of Pollux by The Free Dictionary. The correct meaning of Pollux in Hindi is . Pollux – β Geminorum (Beta Geminorum) Pollux is the brightest star in Gemini and the 17th brightest star in the night sky. What does POLLUX mean? Pollux is a star that lies in the constellation Gemini. All rights reserved. The name Pollux, has a wonderfully elegant quality. It is an evolved orange giant with the stellar classification K0 III. [Star Names, Their Lore and Meaning, Richard Hinckley Allen, 1889]. The name means 'crown'. It is an evolved giant star with an orange hue. Last 50 years Roman form of Greek Πολυδεύκης (Polydeukes) meaning "very sweet", from Greek πολύς meaning "much" and δευκής meaning "sweet". In mythology he was the twin brother of Castor and a son of Zeus. Copyright © 2011. Common crawl According to the non-canon CD-ROM game Star Trek: 25th Anniversary , Pollux V was apparently very quickly reinhabited by small, religious mining colony following the Enterprise's dealings with Apollo on Pollux IV. Meaning & History Roman form of Greek Πολυδεύκης (Polydeukes) meaning "very sweet", from Greek πολύς (polys) meaning "much" and δευκής (deukes) meaning "sweet". It is important to understand the word properly when we translate it from English to Hindi. pol-lux, po-ll-ux] The baby boy name Pollux is pronounced in English as P AA L-ahKS †. Copyright © 2010 by The meaning of Pollux is "not available". Collins English Dictionary. twin brother of Castor (q.v. What does the name POLLUX mean. Its name in Arabic is Al-Ras al-Tau’am al-Mu’akhar, which means “The Head of the Second Twin.” Pollux, as one of the Gemini constellation stars, is interesting in that it has an exoplanet that orbits it. [ 2 syll. To See Pollux in a Dream Meanings. All Years In mythology he was the twin brother of Castor and a … Pollux Name Meaning. Search Baby Names, meanings and origins. . Last 100 years Download our English Dictionary apps - available for both iOS and Android. What is the meaning of Pollux? To See Pollux in a Dream Meanings. Pólux (β Gem / β Geminorum / 78 Geminorum) es la estrella más brillante de la constelación de Géminis y la decimoséptima más brillante del cielo nocturno. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Here are a few words and phrases you might hear in Nottingham and the surrounding areas! Define castor. Pollux is a K0IIIVAR giant star based on the spectral type that was recorded in the Hipparcos star catalogue. Pollux is 33.7 light-years from Earth. More recently, scientists found a planet orbiting the star. ’ re treated to a shower of meteors streaming from a point nearby is a star this! Twice as massive as our Sun linguistic insights, offers and competitions month. Up the constellation Gemini, the Sun and almost nine times larger, or the lead perceives at that. Two heroes of Greek origin, and the 17th brightest star in the Hipparcos star catalogue,... 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