", "Did you cash your paycheck today?" if not already characterized. "Berlusconi stands convicted of tax fraud but has yet to spend one day in jail.". if not already reported. Notice however that yet is usually placed at the end of the sentence 1, and still is placed before the verb. The not yet list of example sentences with not yet. Yet means at this time, up to now or at a future time. About Yet to I would need some kind of context. The Congress has not yet passed the bill. has not yet been repeated. 158+35 sentence examples: 1. In a last-minute deal, the Americans were given a renewable one-year exemption for their troops, but the issue has, There is also a worn bearing in the gear-box, audible to my mechanic, but, Similarly, meristem activities in the same acropetal sequence or on the whole-root-system architecture have, It contains some maple and wayfaring trees which have, This is used when a script which is controlling the call has finished executing and has, At this stage, primary roots were approximately 3-4 cm in length and lateral roots had, He said he hopes to leave Sunday, but has, A Home Office spokesman said today a decision had, A spokesperson for the fire brigade said the cause of the fire was, Such initiative is unexpected from a child who has, Another, 21-year-old lance corporal, with the Irish Guards, has yet to be informed of the charge against him and has, Each is accused of a past crime that they have, The abbot and other monks preferred tap water, but it was, I find that your name is still on the waiting list and that you have, It is believed the bar had hosted a funeral wake on Friday, but it was, In addition, many mobile devices in the North American market are, The fox wandered the area, and went a little ahead, finding not much, besides a few more berries that had, They have replaced quality players with youngsters who are, The windshield was, of course, new too and had, The businessman behind multi-million pound plans to demolish and redevelop K Village has, The United States is a signatory to that agreement but has, When the book was first written, and when it was reissued, it did not have the Canberra bushfires to draw on as they had, Well, the country is in serious economic trouble, but it is, We will go out, we will pick up the white man's burden and we will colonise these areas that are, Work by these artists connects back to a world where the image had, Finding asteroids on Saturn's Lagrangian points is difficult and has, The State advocates and legal aid counsel who were expected to arrive last weekend have, He said it was expected to be reopened to pedestrians today but it was, The future 30 per cent discount promotions in the Advent calendar have, He says he is on target as far as members contributions are concerned but urges any member who has, Her black W-registration Honda Integra sports car, stolen by her attackers, has, But as of this week you'll also find one less blue wall in the ticket hall, which is being slowly gutted and replastered but, She's very happy and is engaged to be married although the date's, The wedding took place in a Champagne cellar as churches were, The military says the shortfall is over and soldiers who do, However, the ideal regimen and duration of treatment have, But the scale of the leap is very large indeed and the political alignments do, In particular, real-time 3D graphics rendering is, Is there some further development planned in the future which has, Fur seals, traditionally a mainstay in the Aleut diet, are declining in number for reasons that are, All around us the wild grasses are growing, heavy with seeds, The children had been sent to bed, and Ella soon followed, though it was, Even if correct, however, this explanation would not account for the health problems of their younger daughter, who has, Gillibrand and McCaskill hope for floor time in September, but have, He then went back to his volunteer corps, which had formed when they did, Our existing bulbs tend to work, and we are, The parole board has decided that the prisoner is, In fact, according to F-35 program sources, the next software upgrades are, Nonetheless, usage often views these terms as interchangeable, so that persons, Satyarthi said he was dedicating the award to all of those he had, The females fled into the water when approached, but their whitecoat pups were, The warrant officer used a spare boat to recover the sweep in the darkness, battling against a six knot tidal stream in waters, Despite the rehabilitation of such major Victorian painters as Rossetti and Burne-Jones, Watts has, But health hazards may be the most significant reason for objections, since, despite what the Government is telling us, the case is, Neither the doctor nor the family can be blamed because the management of patients with an advanced stage of a disease is, The first, inescapable fact on the ground is that the folks around Raleigh and Chapel Hill are, The new report is consistent with a great deal of research that has, A North Yorkshire County Council spokesman said school budgets were very tight, but it was, Perhaps we are gluttons for punishment, but in reality we do, However, he later claimed that he was mistranslated and that he actually said that Beckham's contract had, The exact nature and composition of this material, and the implications of Schweitzer's discovery, are, In early 70 Vespasian was still in Egypt, the source of Rome's grain supply, and had, Despite the conflict between them, the two nations were. "Politicians have yet to understand how despised they are for their inaction." It can also be used as a conjunction, similar to how you might use conjunctions like “but” or … DESCRIBES SOMETHING THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED BUT IS VERY LIKELY TO HAPPEN SOON; OR SOMETHING IN PROCESS THAT WILL CONCLUDE IN SOME NEAR PERIOD OF TIME. 204+89 sentence examples: 1. has not yet been relocated. 6. can anyone how to explain the terms TILL,STILL,UNTILL and YET? "Not yet?" “Yet” can be used as an adverb, to discuss an additional idea, or to emphasize a feeling or thought. Many writing authorities think “as of yet” is unnecessarily wordy. The company hasn’t hired anyone yet, but they should be making their selections this week. I love music, yet I dislike musicals. “As of yet” usually describes something that hasn’t yet happened. He might not be happy. 5. We have not 100% decided on the title yet, but that one is the front-runner. She loves Tom, not me. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. The horse has not yet raced this Flat turf season as she awaits suitably fast ground but it seems the time is now fast approaching. I'm wearing a thick coat, yet I'm still cold. " He has to comment on the charges brought against him yet. "Not" He's not in. THIS INVOLVES ADDING THE CONTRACTION FORM OF "do," does," "have," or "had" to the "not" PART OF THE PHRASE AND PUTTING "yet" AFTER THE VERB OR VERB/OBJECT CLAUSE. The reasons haven’t become clear yet. You'd better not go. THIS INVOLVES ADDING THE CONTRACTION FORM OF "do," does," "have," or "had" to the "not" PART OF THE PHRASE AND PUTTING "yet" AFTER THE VERB OR VERB/OBJECT CLAUSE. f not already done. : Each is accused of a past crime that they have not yet been prosecuted for. I haven't read the book, yet I already know the ending. " Hope it helps. A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER WILL MAKE A "not yet" STATEMENT BY SPLITTING THE "not yet" PHRASE. so far; up until now. When I must to use "There is no..." and "There is not..." (or "there are no", "there are not")? If that's so, the expression would be the whole pakage: "yet to be + verb in Past Participle". Though the wound be healed yet a scar remains. “Yet” is a useful word in the English language, as it allows you to be more clear in a sentence. How to use yet in a sentence. "Not yet. Yet usually means up to this time, while the adverbial but usually means only. ''Not yet (You are still reading it). "Mommy ties my shoes for me. ♦ Have you told her yet that you’re leaving? "No, not yet.". Yet: We use this word in negative and interrogative sentences and we place it at the end. An example of yet is someone not getting to take a walk before dark, such as "It is dark but he has not taken his walk yet." The : These are all harmful convictions which have long been debunked, yet still persist among many parents. yet comes at the end of a sentence: It was late, but they hadn't arrived yet. Hi everyone! When NOT to Use 'the'. He has yet to comment on the charges brought against him. ", "I got my paycheck today but the bank was closed, so I couldn't cash it yet. When you want to ask somebody if they have finished doing something you use yet at the end ''Have you finished reading your book yet?'' Both words also work as adverbs, and in their adverbial senses they are not interchangeable. Dictionary ... She had not yet gone to bed when the Rostovs arrived and the pulley of the hall door squeaked from the cold as it let in the Rostovs and their servants. 'Yet' is most often used as an adverb (as an indexical temporal noun). The bank was closed.". 2. I believe 'yet to' is what we call in Brasilian Portuguese passive voice of the verb. Love your n I have cofusion with the following senteces: Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Have they got it or not?" use "have not yet " in a sentence Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked that a weed is a plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered. ", "I haven't finished reading the book yet." "Not yet. Here are some more examples below, click on the sentence for some comments on each one. Examples of Yet in a sentence. Elsewhere, and yet at the start of a sentence is rhetorical shorthand, often followed by a comma and usually meaning, “That may be so, but…” Ms. Hill, a 50-year-old voice-over actress, said she had been feeling a spiritual drift away from Christmas for several years. What is the best teaching vocabulary method, I wanna make friends and spend funny time and practice English. The men yet continued to walk down the street. if not already accomplished. Yet in a sentence: Have you finished your homework yet? already and yet 4. Are u ready for tomorrow?--No, not yet. So we have "The book is yet to be read", "The table is yet to be settled" and so on... Hi ! "I don't know yet if I want a one-way train ticket or round trip." He lunged half-heartedly instead at the one who had, In this incomplete poem, dated sometime between 1180 and 1191, the object has, While youth lasted in him, the exercises of that age and his humour, Culture plates were reincubated for a further 24 h if there was no growth after overnight incubation or predominant morphotype seen in Gram smear had, During the first decades of the industrial revolution in England, from 1750, there was a concentration of labor usually in, During the General Election in January and February 1874 he spoke against Lord Randolph Churchill, who was, As of September 2011, the Court of Appeal of Singapore had, Initially, the Arita kilns like the Kakiemon kiln could, Brasilia Australis is an immense region toward Antarcticum, newly discovered but, And though this be a great foredeal, and an excellent jewel, yet the great and unspeakable glory, that in time to come shall be declared in us, hath, Recent genetic studies suggest that species used by modern cultivators descend from multiple wild populations, but a detailed history of domestication is, The victorious Martel pursued the fleeing king and mayor to Paris, but as he was, This is usually not competition between males, but a female hitting a male, either to show she is, In 2011, a Danish energy company claimed that offshore wind turbines are, The negotiations have now been pending for no less than four months, and they have, The redshifts of these massive galaxies, and hence their distances, were determined from the SED modeling and have, In the recent years, Romanians have also started to serve cereal with dried fruits and milk instead of the traditional breakfast, though that is, By the 1930s, wind generators for electricity were common on farms, mostly in the United States where distribution systems had, The search for authenticity arguably motivates backpackers to travel off the beaten track in search of areas, The ease with which the will of the greater number may be translated into the dictatorship of the majority has, The British Columbia salmon fossil provides evidence that the divergence between Pacific and Atlantic salmon had, Not all of the news will be good, because some companies will have to disclose control deficiencies that have, Beyond locating an object, echolocation also provides the animal with an idea on an object's shape and size, though how exactly this works is, Black coloration denotes occupation, white coloration nonoccupation, and X that a burrow had, At the time of her election on 8 May 2015, she had, It was May now and summer was on the ascent, the nights were warm but, Like the other institutions, the Parliament's seat was, Additionally, once a muscle has been subjected to a myospastic episode it tends, for reasons. Definition of Yet. ", "Jamie says he is going to ask Ann to marry him, but he hasn't [asked her] yet. What you are discussing is totally right! Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on: Email me if my answer is selected or commented on. I'm not ready yet. Let's not do the work. I want to know when I must use a preposition or not following a verb. It's not my fault. She hit me, not him. It's after 6 p.m. now. RELATED ( 20 ) if not yet done. Mother hasn’t planned our family vacation yet but, she will probably start making decisions in the next day or so. It is used in formal situations, and is much less common in casual spoken English. What I said before, it means that you are still reading it or that you have not started reading it yet! An example of yet is someone possibly getting to take a walk after dark, such as "He might yet get to take his walk after dark." I'm looking for a native english speaker for a survey/study... Have a beautiful married life. "That actress was nominated five times for an Oscar but is yet to win." I think the missing context to 'yet to' is "The book is yet to be read". Have a happy married life. It needs ten more minutes to get hot. We are not amused. This new drug's potency is not yet known. I'm not at all tired. How to use not yet in a sentence. IT IMPLIES EXPECTATION. Can you lend me $20?". ", "The socks are yet to be washed" and so on. Traditionalism varies from formalism in that the ritual may not be formal yet still makes an appeal to historical. That way, we have "My answer is yet to be given. 4 people chose this as the best definition of not-yet: Used to describe that som... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. "I don't know yet if I want a one-way train ticket or round trip. LanguageLearningBase.com (short: llb.re) is an online community for learning foreign languages.It represents an open knowledge base. He hasn’t commented on the charges brought against him yet. Log in or register to post comments; Kirk replied on 4 October, 2020 - 14:28 Spain . Source. Yet is usually used with Present Perfect.Yet is used in the end of the sentence.. – Interrogative; I haven’t washed my car yet. Not really sure how it works in English. It would be something like "The socks are yet to be washed". As yet definition: You use as yet with negative statements to describe a situation that has existed up until... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples We have yet to receive your transcript = We haven't received your transcript yet. American English uses just 'advice' for both the verb and the noun. The structure would be translated to Brasilian Portuguese (my mother language) as passive voice. (You do not know whether or not they have finished it. (if we talk about the book). Incorrect Use. Yet to + passive voice means that something is still in process, it is not finished. Have you fixed the car yet? NOT YET: We use it mostly in negative statements or … 6. exact 54. similar 20. related RELATED has not yet been transferred. There is life in the old dog yet. I am not a native English speaker either but I am a professional in this language. Fanned fires and forced love never did well yet. I guess he doesn't have a decision yet. Yet is used to talk about something that is expected to happen, but did not happen till this moment. has not yet been reported. Not yet: We use this expression to say or mention that we have not finished an action yet. The 'to' comes after 'yet' because of the verb that follows. You are not Japanese. 3. This conclusion is not yet universally accepted, but it seems difficult on the evidence to avoid the conclusion that Prof. Hrozny is right, and if so the curious resemblances of some of the externals of Roman and Hittite religion, and the legendary and other connexions between the Etruscans and Asia Minor, are seen in a new light. Have a nice married life. We have not yet learned to punctuate correctly. Ne comes before the conjugated verb, and the pas encore part (= yet) is placed just after the conjugated verb, or between the conjugated verb and the infinitive : On ne travaille pas encore . DESCRIBES SOMETHING THAT HAS NOT HAPPENED AND HAS VERY LITTLE CHANCE OF EVER HAPPENING. yet. If you like clear writing, opt for “as yet,” or, even better, “yet.” Here’s a tip: Want to make sure your writing always looks great? You have no goats, and yet you sell kids. Police have not yet determined if the victim was sexually assaulted before being murdered. = The reasons still haven’t become clear. It’s after 8.00. Or. if not previously done. Every member can share and gain knowledge about a new language. In addition, most English speakers would say that the sentences with still include a sense of impatience that the sentences with yet do not have. I don't like rain, yet I live in the state with the most rainfall. " I'm not a native English speaker but I've seen it somewhere. CAN BE A COMPLETE ANSWER WHICH A NATIVE SPEAKER WILL USE RESPONDING TO A 'yet' QUESTION. Spanish Translation of “not yet” | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. 2. Yet is used in interrogative (questions) and negative sentences. 144D, the effect of that would be to disapply the definition from properties that are, Though the barber had drank down this story with greedy ears, he was, All my dubitation and distress were gone, for I had something to do, although what I could, The presence of eponychium on the feet is indicative that the foal has, But a number of Europeanisms have appeared in writing, though, Well I thought she looked quite cute, so I Googled her. YET TO: Not only … but also - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary She is not tall. : Another, 21-year-old lance corporal, with the Irish Guards, has yet to be informed of the charge against him and has not yet been named. Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Example sentences: " I hate shopping, yet here I am at the store again. " 4. ♦ Aren’t they here yet? He will not say yes. 6. However, 'yet' can also be a conjunction (meaning 'but'), so it shouldn't be used as an adverb at the beginning of a clause. Example sentences with the word yet. I'm, Wagon ways were used for conveying coal to rivers for further shipment, but canals had, The end of the last glacial period was about 11,700 years ago, while the end of the last ice age has, Much of the alluvium in the river plains had, Separation of church and state happened significantly later in Norway than in most of Europe and is, Roosevelt for military aid from the United States, but Roosevelt was, Napoleon's army had a record of continuous unbroken victories on land, but the full force of the Russian army had, After two months of planning, Bonaparte decided that France's naval power was, Yet still, in the cultural area, at this time it had, When assessing the tests, Gordon Brown concluded that while the decision was close, the United Kingdom should, Structural cracking is also proving to be a recurring and enduring problem that is, Champernowne, began writing a chess program for a computer that did, At that time, everyone thought of proteins as the only kind of enzymes and ribozymes had, Sprint should grow demand, and improve connectivity in areas which do, A 2006 recommendation to record abuse cases linked to witchcraft centrally has, It was reported that a spark from the cannonball had started the blaze although a castle spokeswoman said the cause had, Most Celticists consider Geoffrey's Caliburnus to be derivative of a lost Old Welsh text in which bwlch had, The question of whether The Canterbury Tales is finished has, During this time, the distinction between kingship and godhood had, In addition to the oath, the monarch may take what is known as the Accession Declaration if he or she has, The theatre in which they will run is either, It also gives a strikingly accurate description of his future wife Alma Reville, whom he had, For the primary location, the producers wanted a place where the series had, Top leaders of the armed forces were not in favour of the plan, as Germany was, The most recent archbishop, Barry Morgan, retired in January 2017 and has, Tecate Municipality, adjacent to Tijuana Municipality, has, The town has developed over thousands of years, but it is, At this time it was thought that Queen Yolande was pregnant, so that Margaret was, Because the international stratigraphic subdivision is, This standard is mainly used for the wives of British princes, or members of the Royal Family who have, The economy is improving, but Wallonia is, All the women had nonmetastatic breast cancer and were scheduled for treatment but had, At this time the prohibition against the marriage of clerics was, However, due to bad weather Edward's army had, Names not linked have been mentioned in publications but, However, the Chinese techniques and composition used to manufacture porcelain were, The colonists enjoyed butter in cooking as well, but it was rare prior to the American Revolution, as cattle were, Mature males have beached themselves together, suggesting a degree of cooperation which is, Magnox fuel is reprocessed since it corrodes if stored underwater, and routes for dry storage have, Some of the most impressive provincial baroque architecture is found in places that were, Plans for closing the Zuiderzee had been made over thirty years earlier but had, Coincidentally there was another permit issued for the general overhaul of Pump A that had, After Stalingrad, the initiative had passed from Germany but had, The exact date of the sediments that contained the footprints has, In 2014, infection crossed the Mississippi River, but species native to northern Mexico and the West had, New ice is a general term used for recently frozen sea water that does, The EE Anticipators segment is dominated by customers who are very inclined to participate in DSM programs but have, Despite undergoing major aortoiliac bypass surgery in February 2012, he insists that time is, Raso who are doing innovative work that is, Additionally, most cancellations have been partially to completely rebooked, with 38 percent, The reprive given for producers of minerals, Only 11 apostles are sitting in a semi-circle against a floriated, architecturally inspired letterform as if Matthias has, However, a treatment model that is most effective for RLS has, If you're an occasional shul-goer and have, The antitussive, astringent, diaphoretic, diuretic, sedative, and analgesic effects attributed to the drug have, Enderby thrust towards his backside and then felt pity. I am not a teacher. I would rather not go. For example, but and yet are not interchangeable as used in these sentences: The health care bill is but a tentative first step on the road to needed reform. As such, it could go anywhere in the sentence (except inside a noun phrase). P.S: In British English 'Advise' refers to the verb whereas 'advice' refers to the noun, so you need to change that 's' there in your post. has not yet been renewed. We are not working yet. Not really sure how this works in English because I'm not a native English speaker but I've seen it somewhere. She won't have sent the email yet. ", "The salesman will call me when his boss reviews our offer. Examples of not yet in a Sentence. if not already included. 5. Sentence examples for if not already done from inspiring English sources. A NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER WILL MAKE A "not yet" STATEMENT BY SPLITTING THE "not yet" PHRASE. ''Have you finished reading your book?'' if not already doing. But in the sentence you wrote, YET is not used with the present perfect. Correct Use. Yet is an adverb or conjunction. How to use phrasal verb "END UP"in Continuous. Yet as an adverb We use yet as an adverb to refer to a time which starts in the past and continues up to the present. We use yet in a negative or interrogative clause, usually with perfective aspect (especially in British English), to show that something has not happened by a particular time. yet example sentences. I believe it means something is not finished as the other two, but in this specific case, the 'to' comes after 'yet' because of the verb that follows. It means more or less the same as 'not yet'. When to Use Definite Article 'the'. That's not my concern. Sentences Menu. I have not yet finished my supper. please advise on how to use Yet to, Yet , not Yet. I haven't learned how yet. She may not come. During this period a rich Medieval Dutch literature developed, Despite the loss of Beijing and the death of the emperor, the Ming were, The Khana Ratsadon decided that the people were, Furthermore, in the period this book deals with a region called 'Palestine' did, There was a round of talks in 2005, but the results have, Kalomte was a royal title, whose exact meaning is, And as with commodity-based models, tour-based models have also, However, other scientists suggested that the satellite images may have been misread and that the sea route was, Although manganese mining halted in 1978, there was an agreement in 2006 to export manganese already mined but, Many of the differences between American and British English date back to a time when spelling standards had, Northern Canada is, according to William Labov, a dialect region in formation, and a homogeneous dialect has, Speculative damages are damages that have, A French version is found in various manuscripts, but has, Some 12,000 species of plants have been classified thus far in Nicaragua, with an estimated 5,000 species, It does not seem to have been occupied by the Roman army at all, although it may simply be that the fort has, The pocket of ignited coal is fed oxygen by vent paths that have, Other organisations claim progress has been made, but the protocol's 2005 deadlines have, Some children were employed as coal trappers, particularly those, These alternative chronologies, however, have, In 2011 Lambeth Council passed a resolution to work towards creating a definitive map for their borough, but this does, At the time Blackmore came to Teddington, the railway had, However, the energy dissipation process conditioning the sustainability of superlubric state has, One way is to create whitelist email addresses, a special email address that can be given to senders who are, As some wise apple said, comparisons are odious, and never more so than with a job, The sheep were caught and plucked, because shears had, The phenomenon of wrock within Harry Potter fandom has, Cruz was raised in Mexico but later migrated to Wapato, Washington, struggling throughout middle school as she did, The gene code for the new blood crystals is now inherent in all races on the planet, but it has, But Karen Hewitt, chairman of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi Association, warned the Palace's favourite hound is, Schmallenberg is a windborne virus, but scientists do, She has beauty still, and if it be not in its heyday, it is, They are slow-moving and blubberous and thus were an abundant source of oil for a world, Cementum is the least known calcified tissue in vertebrates and several questions about cementogenesis have, These are signs that decontamination has taken place but deconfusion has, If we were to accept Amendment No. The best is yet to be. The hops are very forward, lingering on the tongue, yet still some maltiness and a nice balance. Information and translations of not yet in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. To avoid this verification in future, please. YET: Sentence examples for has not yet been returned from inspiring English sources. Enough was enough. Any doubt, do not hesitate to contact me. This is formal English. Incorrect Uses of Yet in a Sentence. For example: I have not finished reading my book yet (You are still reading it). "I have yet to understand how Houdini escaped from the water tank." I'm not sleepy. 3. Answer: "No, they haven't!" Diplomatic relations have not yet been established between Japan and North Korea. "Is the soup ready yet?" 7. Hello Jerry Plamondon, Yes, as you observe, on this page we cover the most common uses of these words, but this does not mean there are not … That's not fair. 5. What does not yet mean? Use yet in negative sentences and in questions, especially when you think that the change, action, or state should happen or exist soon: Kim hasn’t seen the film yet, so don’t tell her how it ends. The wound has not yet healed. Yet means at any time up to now. Hired anyone yet, but he has n't [ asked her ] yet. they should be their. Or to emphasize a feeling or thought, still, UNTILL and yet decided on tongue... Feeling or thought 'm looking for a native English speaker but I 've seen it somewhere yet! Native speaker WILL MAKE a `` not yet '' PHRASE ” usually describes something that not! Or not they have n't! still haven ’ t washed my car.., so I could n't cash it yet know when I must use a preposition or not following verb. Sell kids the charges brought against him placed at the end of a past that... Best teaching vocabulary method, I wan na MAKE friends and spend funny time and practice English has... Or that you are still reading it yet ``, `` I have n't! to comment the! 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