They are extremely reliant on their carers. This means that the nurses are personally accountable for the safety and care of the patient in the care for the patient, also maintain knowledge and skills clinical. The most power harassment prone areas are schools, hospitals, universities and private organizations. There are many cases that can be sited that show examples of maltreatment and care by health professionals towards the elderly. Research has foundthat narcissism inversely correlates to empathy. All work is written to order. Knightmare. In outlining possible examples of the misuse of professional power by health care professionals, the discussion will now detail cases to show how this can happen. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Nurses assist in assessing decision making on the quality care for a patient, for example talking to a nominated family member and support their wishes. North Koreaâs Demigods. The elderly tend to expect what is happening to them and not question why it might be happening. : Government secrecy breeds corruption, abuse of power and, ultimately, tyranny. The first is that of the appropriate use of medication. These incidences make us wonder why more and more police officers appear to have abusive personalities. This is misuse of power because once they have it they will do what ever it takes to maintain their authority at all cost to the detriment of the elderly. Nurses provide impartial, honest and accurate information in relation to nursing care and health care products. There are a number of areas in which an elderly person may receive inadequate care. One out of every 1,063 police officers will be accused of a sexual assault, while one out of every 3,413 citizens will be accused of a sexual assault. Is it that the type of person attracted to law enforcement are bullies to begin with, therefore the promise of power and lack of oversight is appealing? In terms of change it as taken many years to address the imbalance of power relations between service delivery the care of the elderly. A health professional nursing an elderly person must always follow the five rights; namely, the right of the patient to receive medication that is of the right type, at the right time, the right dosage, the right route and what is actually been prescribed for them. In term of addressing the situations which have been arise in the above the discussion will now concentrate on putting forward and suggesting possible strategies to deal with these situations. The criminal justice system has seen its fair share of abuses since its inception. What do I need to prove to win my accident case? We also hear of citizens being shot in the back, while the officer claims the citizen was acting in a threatening manner. “The lawyers at Stroud Law Firm represented my case with ease and great professionalism. In summarizing the article it talks about ways to prevent abuse and all its forms. Because of their age, elderly patients are not fully aware of what is happening around them and so are vulnerable because they are accepting of what is happening to them and not questioning why it might be happening. To keep your register nurses are to obtain capability standards of your performance, is assessment obtaining and retaining your license. Nurses can also advocate for patient if need to. But uncovering incompetence, malpractice and abuse of power is another matter. For example take the approach put in place by North West Melbourne Division of General Practice (2010) who present a clinic sheet regarding elderly abuse. Nurses support the health, wellbeing and informed decision making of people requiring or receiving care. As soon as possible following an incident of police abuse of power, it is important that you carefully document the incident, including time, place, officer(s) involved, witnesses, and any other facts you can remember. They often created more difficulties than what is needed. What happens in Mississippi if I do not? It is a well thought out approach to the management and prevention of abuse. 878 Words 4 Pages. That is the direction in which we must walk now, you and I, together. In addressing this issue the discussion will focus on two areas of interest which include career orientated health professionals and the social political. You have the right to be silent, and this can certainly be the most important action you can take when you are the target of an officer’s abuse of power—or in any situation with the police. In deal with the issues of legislation and professional code of conduct involved with the elderly group. Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. For example they need to manager time and stress in the workplace. Evaluating the legitimate, coercive and referent standards of power he had gives an understanding of how his employment carried on far past what was acceptable for the company (PSU WC, 2019, L7). Nurses know they are only to work within their scope of practice. If you have been charged with Fraud by Abuse of Position, contact us today on 01623 397200 for free initial advice. It ⦠Among the states, Montana ranked number one per capita for incidences of police officer abuse of power at 6.2 incidences per 100,000 people. Here are three common examples of police misconduct. The group nominated for this topic discussion is the elderly people, who are 60 -plus years of age. Andrew Jackson Expansion of Power or Abuse of Power BY Gibing Andrew Jackson can be credited for being either one of the best presidents or one of the worst. Positive change can occur only when those who misuse their power admit the behaviour is unacceptable and begin changing their unhealthy belief system. Examples of professional abuses of power include: A doctor prescribes a new drug treatment without telling the patient about all possible risks or side effects. While most police officers take that pledge seriously, there are some who abuse the power given them to fulfill selfish personal desires. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The discussion on this point will be based on the Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council (ANMC) document called National Competency Standards Further Registered Nurse, 4th January 2006 The ANMC list ten points regarding national standards. Health professional taking time off when work get stressful. Yes, weâre making this entry about all samurai, because they were all, as far as we could ⦠To their team or department theyâre yellers, screamers, or cursers and when called on it say ⦠Law enforcement abuse of power situations can often lead to a miscarriage of justice, and may also involve discrimination of one type or another. The Canadian Centre for Elder Law suggests that the misuse of powers of attorney is one of the most commonly reported forms of abuse of older people, and occurs in many different ethnocultural communities. The future depends on it. Abuse of Media Power. There is a number of reasons that can explain why this group are at risk. The first is that of the appropriate use of medication. It is a approach I would gladly used. Free resources to assist you with your nursing studies! Certainly, the actions of a few bad police officers make it more difficult for those officers who genuinely want to do an honest job, and be an upstanding role model in their chosen profession, however if you believe you have been the victim of police brutality, you must know your rights. Psychological studies in behavioral trends indicate that narcissism is on the rise: "Approximately 70 percent of students today score higher on narcissist scales than 30 years ago." Taking theses steps would cause no confusion with the nurse patient relationship. They created an environment that is not productive and conducive to best health care practice. Interfering and disturbing colleagues or employees and disturbing their ability to work efficiently. The Stroud Law Firm has handled many law enforcement abuse of power cases. Police abuse of power can also involve corruption—abusing police authority for personal gains. In 2009 The Cato Institute reported 449 incidents of reported police misconduct which were tracked in the national news. VAT Registration No: 842417633. The article Burned by Bullying in the American Workplace: Prevalence, Perception, Degree, and Impact, by Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik from the University of New Mexico and Sarah J. Tracy and Jess K. Alberts from Arizona State University, defines bullying as a persistent, enduring form of abuse at work. We hear of police officers bursting into the wrong homes, even shooting those inside the home, then claiming someone made a “sudden move,” to justify their use of excessive force. Half of all bullying is woman-to-woman. Because they often put themselves before the patients and follow their own agendas. Nurses and health workers have self respect for people that kept their owe cultural beliefs which come from many ethnic, groups. For instance take the article by Debra Shipman and Jack Hooten (2009), entitled ‘Staff background checks: safeguarding vulnerable adults’. Abuse of power by a law enforcement officer could include: Many citizens who are victims of law enforcement abuse of power are left feeling they have no recourse against the officer who injured them and abused his or her power as a police officer. 11th Feb 2020 However to begin the discussion the concept and idea of what is vulnerability will be described. Some examples of power of attorney misuse include: Importantly the article make a reference to patient care and legislation and places health care treatment of the elderly on the political agenda. Now moving to the point of prevention, the discussion will now focus its attention on ways to address these concerns. Nursing Essay Absolute power corrupts absolutely.â As long as there are mortal men with ulterior motives (which defines a large preponderance of mankind), there will be corruption and abuse. about apps & extensions feedback examples These abuses in power clearly stands against the ideals of this great nation. Nurses need to protect the interest of the patients which are getting care. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. POA abuse is the misuse by the attorney of the authority granted by the donor. According to the Workplace Bullying Institute (WBI), in the workplace, slightly more than half of all bullies (58 percent) are women. Women comprise 80 percent of targets. Nurses need to not be judgemental on people’s beliefs and always have a good attitude and be professional in the work place. For reference please see attachment 1. Finally, contact a Mississippi attorney who has experience in protecting the civil rights of citizens and in defending citizens against abuse of power by law enforcement. Only a person full of entitlement and lecherous self-interest and devoid of morality preys on others in such a manner. In so many ways. Some more disturbing facts regarding law enforcement abuse of power, also from The Cato Institute, include: Unfortunately, over the past few years, a day seldom goes by without another case of police brutality or abuse of power by police officers being reported in the news. An example would be when the attorney spends the donorâs money to benefit the attorney, rather than the donor, without permission. Abuse of the Patriot Actâ Several provisions of the Patriot Act were set to expire at the end of 2005 ⦠After president Richard Nixon's conduct in the Watergate scandal forced his resignation from office under threat of impeachment in 1974, congressional ⦠Company Registration No: 4964706. Because they impact on work practices of their colleague which effects the quality of care. In March, seven officers were arrested for abusing their power. The notion of career oriented workers is and idea that talks about self interest. In addressing this issue the discussion will focus on two areas of interest which include career orientated health professionals and the social political. Police corruption can include receiving stolen goods, extortion, bribery and the sale of drugs. Nurses are here to provide a service or services of the quality of care. Examples Of Abuse Of Power In The Kite Runner. âThere is no reason to think that in 30 years much of anything will be as it is today,â one of the editors of a new report on the Arctic climate said. This article talks about protecting and looking after the interest of older people. Our attorneys understand that a person who has been the victim of law enforcement abuse of power may feel helpless and even frightened. Samurai. ... All too often we see examples of stories being portrayed deceptively. Slip and Fall Injury Attorneys in Southaven, 449 incidents of reported police misconduct. Tennessee ranked 8. President Barack Obama and his administration's willingness to use the extraordinary powers granted under ObamaCare to expand his political power ⦠A recent example is the shooting in Las Vegas the shooter abused his power and rights of being able to carry a gun for mass destruction. Among those reports, excessive force complaints against police officers were the most common, followed by sexual misconduct complaints against police officers, then fraud and theft reports against police officers. Do you have a 2:1 degree or higher in nursing or healthcare? Reference this. The frequency of these occurrences begs the question as to whether this is simply our new norm—and whether the public can ever truly feel safe and protected by law enforcement. When nurses are providing care it is most important to tell the patient the advantages and disadvantages of a treatment or medication and let the patient make their owe chose. Harmful effects of abuse of power in the workplace: T⦠In terms of the social and political the elderly have been for years have been under-represented and not recognised. So we have to be aware of this and take steps to avoid this and educate our elderly about the legislation and code of conduct to protect them . We have grown powerful, but we use our power to abuse, too much, and too often, each other, our kids, the vulnerable, the planet. Some more subtle, less obvious tactics include fear-mongering, using governments funds, directly or indirectly, for campaign purpose or for damaging potential challengers. You can view samples of our professional work here. This is not an example of the work produced by our Nursing Essay Writing Service. The higher the score on the scale of narcissism, the lo⦠The effects can be damaging to morale and to working relationships. Abuse of power or abuse of authority, in the form of "malfeasance in office" or "official misconduct", is the commission of an unlawful act, done in an official capacity, which affects the performance of official duties. Sexual assault is, at its core, an abuse of power. Nurses have to be aware that different groups of people, have different beliefs and values. For example, Shipman & Hooten (2009, p.24) makes this point quite clear when they state that, “Studies conducted by independent investigators have been beneficial in helping society understand the magnitude of abuse”. Misuse of Powers of Attorney. This is linked to unlawful search and seizures under the Fourth Amendment. Copyright © 2003 - 2020 - is a trading name of All Answers Ltd, a company registered in England and Wales. Call The Stroud Law Firm today at (662) 536-5656, or fill out the contact form on the right. There is a number of ways to prevent the abuse of the elderly. What are the sentencing powers for this offence? Also there are ways for patients to stay more in contact with what is going on around them by staying socially connected, staying active and staying mentally active and maintaining independence as long as possible. Problems in the delivery of medication may occur in a number of circumstances for instance, an health professional must always follow the five rights; namely, the right patient, the right medication, right time, right route, right dosage and what as actually been prescribed for them. Depending on their condition they are extremely reliant and depended on their carers for both emotional and physical and social support as well as the treatment in care. In conclusion of this assignment it is important to bring to your attention to quality of care is a must for our elderly people. While one out of every 220 citizens will be accused of a violent crime, that number is one out of every 352 police officers. One out of every 135.8 police officers across the nation will be implicated (in the news media) for a criminal act or an act of misconduct. Know to contact the nurse in charge if the quality of care towards a patient is not maintained. The range of health issues can vary within this group. I appreciated their integrity and would highly recommend this firm.”. And realise how vulnerable and at risk and misused by health professional to gain professional power. False Arrests From Illegal Search and Seizures One of the most common ways police abuse their power is through false arrest. "The misuse of power and corruption seem to be widespread". Misuse of authority is common in places with lack of supervision over people in power. We know that cases involving police abuse of power require thorough research and investigation, and we will commit the time and dedication necessary to your case, while protecting your rights at every turn. From an economy of power to an economy of possibility. It means making a decision or taking an action that is not in the donorâs best interest. Registered Data Controller No: Z1821391. Problems in the delivery of medication may occur in a number of circumstances. I will now discuss what I believe to be the most important of these areas. 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