Lodolite is a kind of included quartz that has different color and type inclusions. The key to joy is living in accordance with what's in your heart. The heart chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra must all act in unison, and one way to align them all is by using lepidolite. Lepidolite is part of a three-part series consisting of polylithionite, lepidolite… It will assist you in evaluating and reorganizing old patterns and developing new pathways. It heals fear at its source in this or past lives. This is because the Lepidolite carries wonderful energies … It will assist in encouraging the entire immune system to function at its peak. Lepidolite with pink tourmaline is said to bring happiness, joy and increased vitality, and to inspire love. This is what gives the Lepidolite crystal its powerful ability to sooth your mind and put your spirit at ease. Within the metaphysical realm, lepidolite aids in overcoming emotional or mental dependency and helps treat addictions and all kinds conditions, … This stone can be transparent or opaque, but mostly you will be able to find solid specimens without transparency. These inclusions often look like underwater scenes, landscapes, and gardens. All information contained on this site and from Mooncat Crystals, LLC is for informational and educational purposes only. Lepidolite dissipates negativity and insists on being used for the highest good. If you ever wished to have your own, private, tiny galaxy with stunning nebulas at home, lepidolite is perfect! Muscovite is another popular mineral from the mica group. Carried often as a touchstone, simply due to it’s calming properties, it is also known to attract good luck, and drive off negativity – although it protective qualities are not superior. Employ it to overcome economic slumps, personally or in business, as it helps you maintain equilibrium even when the marketplace is acting like a roller coaster with funds It can help you maintain a positive outlook when financial markets are unstable. Lepidolite is a detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue. Aids Stress and Brings Emotional Healing Written By Liz Oakes Lepidolite is an excellent stress relief stone as it contains lithium, which is a soothing calming mineral that will help you if you are feeling anxious, stressed or depressed. Lepidolite will strengthen the immune system, It relieve allergies, exhaustion. Lepidolite is a mica, a group of glittery silicate minerals. Lepidolite works for anahata (the heart chakra), ajna (the third eye chakra), and sahasrara (the crown chakra). It is excellent for menopause symptoms especially as crystal water. Rich in spirituality, the Lepidolite Stone can help to clear any blockages from the Heart Chakra, the Third Eye Chakra, and the Crown Chakra. It is also said to be a stone of change and transition, as we let go of the stressors that keep us It is a stone of calm, trust, and acceptance, and it immediately soothes and [...] Metaphysical Uses. Lepidolite’s intriguing name comes from the Greek word lepidos, which is literally translated to "scale." Lepidolite is a potassium lithium aluminium silicate hydroxide fluoride that belongs to the mica group of minerals. Lepidolite Stone is an important component of lepidolite and is used as a sedative and is used in the treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and even schizophrenia. Lodolite Properties. Pink lepidolite opens and releases pain and suffering layer by layer. Lepidolite is regarded as the stone that brings fortune to those who carry it and this is the reason behind the wide popularity of Lepidolite silver jewelry. 1. Lepidolite can help to facilitate this transition; replace your old patterns of negativity with new, better ones; and build a brighter future for you. Placed on the body over an area of disease, it vibrates gently. This stone facilitates calm, acceptance, trust. Lepidolite helps to open all of the chakras but is especially tied to the third eye chakra and the heart chakra. Lepidolite resonates with the heart chakra and third-eye chakra. Accept the change, let old things go, and reach inside to meet the new you. Metaphysical Properties Lepidolite is a secondary source of lithium, and a phyllosilicate mineral. This stone encourages feelings of independence from all forms of neediness. Lepidolite is an expansive stone, stimulating all chakras but especially the Heart (4th) and Third Eye (6th), allowing one to link to the Divine Presence or Higher Self. Subscribe to access a vault of exclusive content, stay connected, get sale alerts, and much more! Lepidolite is also said to be able to guide you through chaos, foster order, and trust in the universe. It will encourage you to dive deep into your own psyche and direct your energy toward spiritual goals, rather than materialist ones. In particular it resonates strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra . It is a wonderful gemstone to flush away bad behaviors and bad thoughts that keep you locked into a cycle of negativity. Lepidolite Physical Properties - Lepidolite is a member of the micas minerals.The micas are complex hydrous potassium-aluminium silicate minerals. Lepidolite numbs sciatica, neuralgia and overcomes joint problems. Lepidolite – Metaphysical Meaning & Properties Reinvent Yourself with Lepidolite Lepidolite is a mica mineral that is usually purple, but can be yellow, grey, or white. It is pink, lilac, yellowish, grayish white or a combination of all of these. Its chemistry is complex: K(Li,Al)3(Si,Al)4O10- (F,OH)2. It allows developments to take their course quietly and inconspicuously. Relaxation. Because of its high lithium content, lepidolite is also known to be a mood stabilizer and an anti-anxiety stone. Lepidolite Facts, Information and Properties Lepidolite is a part of the mica mineral group. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Lepidolite: “You are surrounded by an ocean of calm. Lepidolite is a lilac-gray or rose-colored member of the mica group of minerals with formula K(Li,Al,Rb) 2 (Al,Si) 4 O 10 (F,OH) 2. Pink lepidolite promotes understanding your life purpose and place in the universal plan.. In addition, lepidolite varieties that are enriched in rubidium or cesium serve as important sources for these rare alkali metals. Assists with nerve related disorders such as nerve pain and boosts the immune system. Children: It will help clear the air and return a sense of calm after fights between siblings. We all have days where we feel frustrated and tense, and these are the days when we need the calming energy of lepidolite to … Therefore, it is not a gemstone material. You might need constant confirmation of your self worth, feeling unloved or lacks compassion for others. Its hardness ranges between 2.5 and 3 on the Mohs scale, meaning it’s a very soft stone, prone to scratching and cracking. Lepidolite is a stone that is said to have calming, soothing properties and is thought to help with nervousness, anxiety, and worry. Lepidolite contains sparkly mica and lithium making this a deeply soothing, calming stone that relieves anxiety, stress and depression, while restoring harmony and balance within one’s vibrational field. Lepidolite Metaphysical Properties Lepidolite is sometimes called the "peace stone" or "grandmother stone" because it is thought to have nurturing and calming properties. Lodolite is also known as Inclusion Quartz, Lodelite, and Lodalite. It releases fears of the unknown future and assists in maintaining faith that all is working out for the best. New Beginnings. ★ Metaphysical Properties and Mystic Lore: Lepidolite is perfect for easing transitions, giving you honest hope while reducing stress and depression. Lepidolite's four prism faces and two pinacoid faces form pseudo-hexagonal crystal "books". It will encourage compassion for yourself and others and enhance your innate healing abilities. It helps you concentrate on what is essential so that you will stick to your intentions and not be distracted. Biotite is said to enhance … It also helps shift or rearrange old energy patterns, bringing hope and positivity to a bad situation. Lepidolite was originally called "Lilalite" (from the Hindu word 'lila' meaning play or game) when first discovered in the eighteenth century. Deep Rest. With this stone in hand, you will able to align yourself with the higher forces of the universe and connect to the subtle bodies of energy that surround you. It is the most abundant lithium-bearing mineral and is a secondary source of this metal. It is one of the major sources of the rare alkali … Currently, this beautiful mineral is used as a source of lithium, a very light metal used in rechargeable batteries, microwave ovens, air purifiers, aircraft, and even cellphones. It relieves exhaustion, epilepsy and Alzheimers. It is, however, a stone occasionally polished into eggs and animal shapes. Creation. Healing Gemstone Properties Said that when placed on different areas of the body, Lepidolite may be used to locate the site of the body’s disease or blockage, vibrating gently to indicate the source. It is a lovely pink, purple and white sparkly gem. This incredible stone looks like our macrocosm, just in miniature. Lepidolite is a very beautiful purplish type of Mica. Please Share This Post! Its color varies between dark purple and lilac, with white, grayish, and rose gold impurities. ... Metaphysical Attributes of Lepidolite. If the heart chakra is out of balance you may have sudden bursts of anger, jealousy or blaming others for any issues that arise in your life. Lepidolite – (Heart & Third Eye Chakra) – (Zodiac of Libra) Lepidolite is one of the lesser known gemstones, but it is oh so useful and practical! I am not a doctor or medical professional and any information contained on this site is not presented as or intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis by a trained medical professional. LEPIDOLITE SCIENTIFIC INFORMATION: Lepidolite a potassium, lithium, aluminum fluorsilicate mica. It helps you understand the purpose of heart pain and the growth brought on by suffering. The path to awakening starts in our hearts: once we learn how to be selfless and show loving-kindness to all living beings, we can work on opening our third eye. Practicing meditation and researching ancient wisdom can help us develop insight. It activates the throat, heart, third eye chakras and the intellect. Our goal is to bring you unique, beautiful, high-vibration crystals from around the world. It brings emotional healing and helps you get deeper into meditation and has a positive … Lepidolite as a Gemstone. Of course it is also used as a mineral specimen. It helps you through transitions by fostering trust that everything … The sides of the crystal often tend to tapper. Lepidolite facilitates astral travel and accesses the Akashic Record. Spheres, Flames, Towers, Shapes, & Polished Pieces, Chakra Support with Crystals | Workbook and Mini Course, The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Baths | Full-Color PDF e-Book, Balancing the Chakras with Crystals: A Guided Meditation, Clearing + Connecting with Your Crystals Guided Meditation (Free), Subscribe to Our Newsletter and Get 10% Off Your First Purchase, Request a Micro-Business Consulting Session. Also as micaceous, lamellar or granular rock forming masses. All information on this site is to be used at your own discretion. It's original name was lilalite. It helps you through transitions by fostering trust that everything will ultimately turn out for the best. There are more than 20 chemically distinct mica species with considerable variance in geologic occurrence, but all have essentially the same crystal structure. It belongs to the phyllosilicate group of micas. Lepidolite can help treat tight shoulder muscles and relief from stress-related disorders including digestion problems and stabilization of the nerves. Metaphysical Properties of Lepidolite. Having a piece of this stone with you will also reduce the stress that comes with significant life changes. It is one of the softer stones, with a hardness of 2-1/2 to 3. Lepidolite Crystal Meaning The Lepidolite crystal meaning is connected to the lavender hues of this stone, which are associated with the third eye and crown chakras. Lepidolite brings balance and inner peace, helping one to see reasons behind any negative experiences, so they can improve on them. Breathe deep: You’re home ♥. The Metaphysical Properties of Lepidolite. Lepidolite also is helpful for numbing sciatica and neuralgia and in overcoming joint problems. Minerals from within this grouping known as phyllosilicates are formed in thin repeating layered sheets. Lepidolite is a variety of mica that contains lithium and is usually found in shades of purple to purple-grey. It will help the function of the whole nervous and skeletal systems of the body. Then, we can really access to the divine. Lepidolite is governed by the element of water, which makes it a perfect crystal for purification, restoration, and a smooth emotional flow. The metaphysical properties of Lepidolite provide power to find inner peace, let go of grudges and negative thoughts, and be able to see your future with clarity. It is also said to be a stone of change and transition, as we let go of the stressors that keep us from moving and growing freely. It maintains a healthy heart and circulatory system. It’s a perfect gift for those battling addictions: it’s said to be helpful in eradicating obsessions. Metaphysical Properties. it bestows calm and inner peace and helps with sleep disturbances. With this stone in hand, you are able to connect the lower chakras with the higher chakras to achieve homeostasis. A, and enhances the generation of negative ions. It’s also used in psychiatry, to stabilize moods – especially in cases of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. METAPHYSICAL PROPERTIES. Lepidolite opens the crown chakra, activates the third eye, and brings one to a … Lepidolite is an excellent stone for people born under the star signs of Libra and Pisces. It helps to overcome emotions that restrict you from doing what you really want in life. Lepidolite is a stone that promotes balance and harmony. Lilac Lepidolite has powerful metaphysical properties, and a lovely vibration that will work through all chakras. Metaphysical Properties & Uses: Animals: Lepidolite is an excellent choice for dogs with behavioral problems. Lepidolite is a mica mineral containing large quantities of lithium. It is commonly considered to be a stone that can aid in relaxation and bringing balance. Lepidolite Metaphysical Properties. Lepidolite locates the site of disease. It is commonly considered to be a stone that can aid in relaxation and bringing balance. Lepidolite eases allergies, restructures DN. Lepidolite encourages objective evaluation and targeted decision making. There aren’t many lepidolite artifacts, probably because lepidolite’s softness makes it a less desirable material for carving or crafting. Lepidolite has been called a "stone of transition" because it helps a person who is going through life changes. ✧ Crystals, Sage, Essential Oils✧ Earth Magic + Soul Growth✧ Connection. The streak is colorless. Lepidolite, just like obsidian, will show you who you really are on the inside, and unlock your most secret desires. Although it might seem counterintuitive, it is in fact, related to the mineral's crystal form, which is naturally leaf-like. Lepidolite encourages independence. Mindfulness can revolutionize your life and show you where to direct your energy. Even when the medical community realizes the healing properties of a stone, it becomes clear that it is important. Lepidolite is excellent for menopause, especially as a gem elixir. You might also feel misunderstood by others or find it difficult to treat others with tenderness and benevolence. Lose yourself in the tranquility of this moment.” Common Healing Properties of Lepidolite: Promotes balance; Instills feelings of compassion; Relieves anxiety (especially when paired with Aquamarine) Finance & Prosperity: - It will assist you in linking to your past lives and determine their effect on your present. Lepidolite crystals are most commonly a greyish lavender, lilac, or rose color; but can also be pink. It is a phyllosilicate mineral and a member of the polylithionite-trilithionite series. Use Lepidolite for metaphysical work with the Heart and Crown Chakras, and to reduce stress associated with change. We curate a large selection of crystals, sage, and holistic tools to help you reconnect with the earth and with yourself. ★ Metaphysical Properties and Mystic Lore: Lepidolite is perfect for easing transitions, giving you honest hope while reducing stress and depression. In the spiritual sense, Lepidolite is an amazing energy cleanser and ever ready to get to work on bringing the chakras into bright and bountiful balance. Metaphysical Properties Of Lepidolite Lepidolite brings in good luck and dispels negativity. Meditating daily with lepidolite will assist you in weight loss, alcohol dependency, smoking or drugs where these act as a mask for unhappiness. Knowing what you want, and having a plan, will not only inspire action but create a sustainable source of joy, too: build a life that will feel good - remember that you don't need to impress others. The statements on this site have not been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. You also may not be able to accept the existence of the Divine Will and its role in your life. Lepidolite Spiritual Properties: Stone of Transition. This stone when placed on the heart chakra will help with tissue regeneration. Come on in; explore; stay awhile. It is sometimes found as an inclusion in tourmaline and quartz, giving a bit of shine to those stones.It is soft, a 2.5-3 on the Mohs scale.In its raw form it can be scaly, with pieces that flake off. It has a detoxifying effect and stimulates the purification process in the skin and connective tissues. The physical properties of lepidolite. ENVIRONMENT: Lepidolite … By Ron Windred | Submitted On October 06, 2013. Lepidolite can lift the mood and reduce stress. If your crown chakra is out of balance you may need to feel as though you are indispensable in your workplace, or need constant sympathy for perceived injustices. Lepidolite usually occurs in Brazil, Russia, the USA, Canada, as well as Madagascar, which is home to many more stunning minerals. Working with lepidolite is one of the easiest ways to promote peace within the body and the mind. Lepidolite can locate energetic blockages when placed around the body. Metaphysical Properties Lepidolite is a stone of transition, especially when changing well established patterns of behaviour. In energy and Reiki work it opens blockages in the physical body. It helps you to set your goals and to realise them without outside help. Lepidolite is also used as an ornamental stone and as a heat insulator for industrial purposes. It opens the crown chakra, clearing blockages and bringing cosmic awareness. Lepidolite is a stone that is said to have calming, soothing properties and is thought to help with nervousness, anxiety, and worry. Environment: Lepidolite can be used to help lessen the effects of modern pollution. Lepidolite protects you from outer influences and helps you to preserve your own space in crowds. Lepidolite is sometimes used to increase spirituality, or increase the desire to seek spirituality. Lepidolite is variety of mica. ✧ Abundance. Lepidolite is a form of mica that comes in purple, pink, yellow, grey, and white. Lepidolite occurs a lilac, violet, pale pink or white and rarely grey or yellow crystals that have a vitreous to pearly lustre. It is detoxifier for the skin and connective tissue. If your soul star chakra is out of balance you may feel confused about where you are going in life or your value to be in this physical plane. The pink stone connects the heart and crown chakras to bring spiritual understanding to suffering and pain. Lepidolite is said to be very soothing and to have a calming effect, relieving anxiety and tension, and to provide physical, mental and emotional balance. Lepidolite facilitates the treatment of illnesses caused by “sick-building syndrome” or computer stress.
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