For example, one Midwestern university recently extended its campus financial literacy initiative to be available to citizens across the state. Smart Card – These forms of plastic store cash right on the card. Learn how these tools can be leveraged to accomplish institutional objectives. Focus is placed on helping the university accomplish their objectives as students are provided a practical financial education. According to a report by AIG Retirement Services titled ‘Money Matters on Campus,’ over 36% of all college students have a credit card debt of over $1,000 (Wood, 2019). Financial education is a hot topic among students and their families. Don’t assume they’re learning this information elsewhere. Studies show college graduates will earn almost a half-million more over their lifetime then someone that has not received their college degree. The study found that students’ low financial literacy levels result from little to no fiscal education within the K-12 school system. An all-new high school curriculum is ideal for college applicants and Upward Bound programs. Providing financial literacy programs for college students can help them excel in college and beyond. Student recruitment and retention, improved graduation rates, reduced loan defaults, and protecting Title IV funds form just a few examples of benefits a financial literacy campaign can deliver. But now there’s a solution: the National Financial Educators Council (NFEC) has a broad scope of initiatives to promote financial literacy for college students. This is fantastic! Having a strong foundation, and practicing money management as a student, can provide you the experience you need to grow and flourish. And the NFEC’s certified trainers are well-versed in interactive strategies to engage students and make the activities fun. The NFEC’s Certified Financial Education Instructor professional development class provides the knowledge, credibility, and confidence to teach personal finance effectively. Universities around the country may take advantage of the NFEC’s turnkey solutions to promoting financial literacy among students, staff, and community members. For your student, college is a world of exciting freedom and opportunity. Best wishes for a successful college experience for you and your family. In selecting a credit card, advise your children to look for key features, such as: If your credit or debit card has been lost or stolen or you suspect unauthorized purchases have been made to your account, you should contact the card issuer immediately. Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, 2000 Survey of High School Seniors. You can bet your students will be interested. Advise your student to always seek help or advice when necessary. They are typically used for small purchases, such as bus fares, laundry machines, and parking meters. It’s important to clarify and reinforce those lessons with a focused conversation before they enter college. Students, schools, parents, and communities alike benefit from choosing to implement college financial literacy programs. Protect Title IV Funding. These speakers are available for classes, talks, and keynote addresses worldwide. Receive easily customizable marketing pieces that help your school fill the seats. And giving students the tools they need to succeed in life enhances a college’s reputation with parents, donors, the media, and the community as a whole. The program can be tailored to fit state standards and can be delivered as either a certified or non-certified professional development course. Zero Liability is in effect for consumer cards* when: If you have a card other than a MasterCard, contact the issuer to determine its liability policy. College Parents of America provides new information on savings strategies, financial aid, education tax credits and deductions and other ways to help pay for college; offers valuable advice during the application and selection process; advises parents on the individual opportunities and challenges they will encounter during their students’ college years; and serves as the advocate for parents and higher education on Capitol Hill, in state capitals and on the nation’s campuses. For more information or a membership application, visit on the Internet, call toll-free 1-888-761-6702, locally at 703-797-7104, or write to College Parents of America, 2000 N. 14th Street, Suite 800, Arlington, VA 22201-2540. I can’t wait to share this. Most college students are cash-strapped, yes. FREE Virtual Financial Literacy Workshop for Midwestern Career College Students & ProspectsWednesday, December 9, 2020 Time: 11-12pm or 4-5pmMidwestern Career College has partnered with The Resurrection Project to offer “Money Management in … And a college student financial literacy program may be the single best way to ensure success, for both the students and the school. Debit cards are safer to carry than a lot of cash and are more convenient than checks. A new strategic partnership between social-impact education provider EVERFI and Sallie Mae will bring an interactive financial literacy program to high school age students in California. The primary goal of a college or university is to prepare young adults to become thriving, contributing members of society. In 1999, gross dollar volume exceeded US$727 billion. The NFEC’s educational model incorporates an evaluation component to measure program impact. Promoting money management for college students helps them develop into successful, contributing society members after they graduate. But by preparing yourself, you can help make the conversation a good one. And the programs serve as attractive features for recruiting new students. Work together to itemize your student’s regular monthly expenses. Financial Literacy Index for College Students Dilip Ambarkhane*, Bhama Venkataramani* and Ardhendu Shekhar Singh* E-mail:,, ABSTRACT One of the causes of Financial Crisis is identified as lack of Financial Literacy. These articles might be sent as press releases or guest columns to local newspapers to attract attention to the university’s financial literacy efforts. Pre- and post-tests have been designed to assess changes in participant knowledge and confidence before and after taking the coursework. These speakers are available for classes, talks, and keynote addresses worldwide. And most existing programs lack effective promotional strategies. If their favorite band is coming to town and they want to splurge on a concert ticket, they can simply cut back on other expenses for a month. Copyright 2020 National Financial Educators Council |, Local & Virtual Financial Education Events, College Student Financial Literacy Curriculum, Vice-President of US Bank, Grand Junction, CO, CFCO Director with Penn State Erie, the Behrend College, Program Director of the Simon Family Foundation, CEO of the National Financial Educators Council as quoted in Fox Business, Social Services Supervisor of the Salvation Army, Dallas Fort Worth. Improved graduation rates make institutions more attractive to new students. From multi-media learning centers to structured coursework, events and financial literacy workshops. Whether the college offers a workshop, website, or comprehensive program, your child will benefit greatly from gaining the financial knowledge and skills that these resources provide. Simply follow these steps. It comes either for environments they live in or from books they read or financial training they attend. Used properly, credit cards offer convenience, cash protection, worldwide acceptance by merchants for purchases and a hedge against emergencies. The NFEC encourages higher-learning institutions to continue the college student financial literacy programs in perpetuity. Living on One’s Own: college students will find value in instructional components that prepare them to meet the needs and expenses of living independently for the first time. Thank you again! Undertaking an initiative to promote financial literacy for college students has amazing potential for any institute of higher learning. Financial Literacy for College Students Improve your financial literacy while in college. They should be able to recognize a problem if these patterns develop: Your student should grasp the concept that their credit record, just like their school grade transcript, can have a lasting impact on their lives. Getting the students to focus on the financial benefits a college degree offers and showing them how starting to save early can help them achieve their dreams can help to get them focused on the big picture. The events, curriculum, and materials are aligned with core educational standards. Unfortunately, too few college students have received any financial training when they reach their educational destination. Five Financial Literacy Month Tools for College Students. April is Financial Literacy Month — but, for college students and families on tight budgets, learning how to manage money is really a year-round priority. While solidly based in theory, the NFEC curriculum also is designed to be fun and engaging for the participants. The NFEC’s latest events leverages technology to create an experiential learning experience that is fun and memorable. Reduce student loan defaults. 1. Balancing the checkbook against your monthly statement. Other benefits, such as free gas or extended warranties on purchases. Graduation rates go up. On this site, we concentrate on choosing the best topic areas for this age group, and how to incorporate pieces that help a young adult audience meet its unique financial challenges. Bring engaging, fun, and interactive lessons to your campus. Debit Card – Issued by banks and credit unions, debit/prepaid cards operate similarly to credit cards and are accepted at places that display the debit card logo. As the first financial literacy for college students curriculum was done, he thought it would be smart to send a personalized message to each of the participants – congratulating all of them and attempting to give them some inspiration to keep building their knowledge of personal finance matters. An association comprised of 22,000 member financial institutions, MasterCard serves consumers and businesses, both large and small, in 210 countries and territories. This means taking on new responsibilities and greater independence. Most agree that having a college degree gives people an advantage. This brochure developed in partnership by: College Parents of America (CPA) is the only national membership association dedicated to helping parents prepare for and put their students through college easily, economically and safely. Pay all bills on time. From smaller workshops to campus and statewide campaigns – the NFEC can design a program that aligns with your specific objective. The financial literacy activities for college students utilize hands-on strategies to give young people a chance to practice the money management skills they’ll need once they venture out into the real world. By the time students reach college, this financial sentiment has solidified and determines the level of confidence and self-efficacy they feel about personal finance decisions. In the realm of personal finance, college students today face a lot of challenges. The NFEC’s programs also support important university objectives. The NFEC’s college financial literacy programs do far more than educate. From standalone workshops to comprehensive campus-wide and community campaigns, the NFEC has a variety of solutions to build financial literacy on a college campus. 1. Financial literacy centers will most likely appear at more and more colleges every year. Frugality is a skill that sets one up for lifetime success. While most universities do offer some type of financial literacy resources, very few students actually reap their benefits. Understanding these financial vehicles is vital for students so they can set priorities while in college—and understand the value of the education they’re receiving. on a college campus. To help maintain a good credit history, remind them to: Live within their budget. *Zero Liability does not apply to commercial cards or PIN-based transactions not processed by MasterCard. Just like the curriculum and RMX game, the online resources are practical, applicable, and fun. If you are at least 18 years old and are an undergraduate or graduate college student, please read the information below about the study before taking the survey. How to Raise Financial Literacy for College Students. Financial Literacy for the College Student. Financial literacy for college grads will do well to help them grasp the importance of organizing their money and finding a trusted professional to guide them. Lighten the mood with a joke. Developed by a team of financial education experts, award-winning educators, and financial professionals, the NFEC package provides practical personal finance education at the university level. But most are boring, didactic, and fail to connect the lessons with real-world student experiences. These games will teach your students lots of really important financial lessons, such as: How loans work and how loan sharks take advantage of people How choices made right now and during college can greatly affect their future finances Adding programs that increase the financial capability of college students can help to protect Title IV Funding by reducing student default and dropout rates. Colleges have used NFEC programs to aid student recruitment, reduce student loan defaults, connect with parents, build community goodwill, and attract media attention. Budget and credit advice is also found from a local Consumer Credit Counseling Service or online from (formerly Debt Counselors of America). One way is to assign one of these free financial literacy games for high school students from below. The services offered reduce the time, cost and personnel needed to fulfill your objectives. Financial literacy for students doesn’t come naturally. The organization is committed to building financial competencies among a global audience. You may want to sit down together periodically to review the budget you’ve developed. These financial literacy skills that you learn before transitioning into the real world will fuel your goals, plans, and entrepreneurial desires for the rest of your life. Financial management and personal responsibility for finances are two areas that pose a challenge for many students. Understanding how to preserve and improve credit scores, manage money, and avoid debt are lessons better learned sooner rather than later. Another set of tools to raise awareness are the money management articles for college students available through the online resource center. Our team has designed over a thousand programs and campaigns—they will share best practices with your team to ensure the success of your initiative. They will provide easily customizable marketing packages that help colleges attract students to events, inform faculty and staff about available resources, and raise community and media awareness about the initiative. College Parents of America and MasterCard International are both members of the JumpStart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and the National Partners for Financial Empowerment. Past certified trainers on college campuses have included students, educators, student groups, volunteers, and financial aid personnel—anyone with a passion for sharing the financial literacy message. Handling Life after College: getting a college degree is worth more if students have a plan to meet life’s demands after they graduate. Financial literacy, which can be defined as an understanding of how to earn, manage, and invest money, has a critical impact on students’ ability to make smart choices about which institute of higher education to attend, what to study, how to pay for college, and how to manage student loan debt after graduation. Since your student can spend only the amount of cash they’ve loaded onto a card, smart cards may help them stick to a budget. Credit Cards – Your student should understand that unlike a debit card, using a credit card means that the card issuer has loaned them the money to make a purchase. Even with a $500k advantage, there are many college graduates in foreclosure, debt and struggling financially simply because they simply were not provided a personal finance education. To protect the account, tell them not to share the PIN or carry the number with the ATM card. And if that trouble shows up on a student’s credit record, it may take a long time to go away. Competition among the issuers of credit cards has created a buyer’s market and card features can vary significantly from one issuer to the next. 11/30/2011 05:03 pm ET Updated Jan 30, 2012 A college degree is and will continue to be a major key to economic security, social mobility and prosperity for millions of Americans. By properly educating them about the importance of financial responsibility, you’ll help protect them not only while they’re in school, but for years to come. That’s why the NFEC also emphasizes effective marketing and promotion. The NFEC’s financial literacy curriculum bridges the gap between real-world application and theory-based education. When your students leave home for college, they will face a host of new experiences and responsibilities. It should be noted that if a smart card is lost or stolen, it is the same as losing cash. Why start planning now? A prime example of the cutting-edge resources available through the NFEC is the Real Money Experience (RMX) multimedia presentation. While entertaining, the NFEC college student financial literacy programs have high educational value as well. All the curriculum materials are supplemented with promotional and outreach materials, instructor and student guides, PowerPoint presentations, and surveys to measure impact. Receiving the training and becoming Certified has given the program the extra boost and noteworthiness. This instrument helps the university and other program sponsors measure how much the program boosts participants’ knowledge about personal finance. Subtract expenses from income to see if the budget is reasonable. Since our certification has become public, we’ve received several calls from community organizations and summer camps interested in our financial education program. With more than 18 million acceptance locations, no card is accepted in more places and by more merchants than the MasterCard Card. While kids are in college, this may start with finding a mentor. Providing financial literacy for students can help balance out their education. After the card’s value is depleted, it can be replenished. With today’s employment market, providing financial literacy for college students is becoming increasingly important. The results can be having highly motivated students. The kids are still so excited it is unreal. Learning how to stay debt-free, saving every month, and living within one’s budget are all essential to long-term prosperity. This expanded program reach was achieved through partnerships and funding opportunities fostered by the university’s collaboration with the NFEC. Certainly, by the time your students are in college, they’ll have to be ready to enter the world of independent financial management. Working overtime to keep up with your credit card bills. This professional development class provides graduates with the knowledge, credibility, and confidence to become highly-effective personal finance trainers. We chose to provide the NFEC curriculum because it balances practical application with core educational standards. Targeted branding, marketing, and program designs help the NFEC create engaging programs that move students to take action toward enhancing their financial futures. Access to this account is restricted by a Personal Identification Number (PIN) provided to the account holder. Indeed, more than half of all college students have a credit card in their own name. One of our favorite programs, especially for entering freshmen, is the Real Money Experience money management workshop – Video below. All certified graduates of the instructor training automatically become members of the Personal Finance Speakers Association, the first nationwide speakers’ bureau solely focused on the financial literacy agenda. This issue is becoming increasingly important especially for the ‘for-profit college’ community. When it comes to financial literacy, college students in the U.S. may be at a distinct disadvantage. The financial literacy presentations are designed in a modular format to accommodate a variety of schedules. Developing Financial Literacy for College Grads. Most students, and/or Lack effective promotion skills that will help them excel in college beyond! 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