Royal Rat Authority is an optional boss in Dark Souls 2. In addition, he uses an Estus Flask to replenish his life if you let him get too far away from you. Just fought him, 1st try after losing 32,000 souls, when the corpses of the dead rats grew hitboxes to keep me from my ****ing souls after I was toxic'd, this fight is ***** for melee characters. The larger enemy swings slowly, but will swing multiple times before pausing. View wiki source for this page without editing. Check out how this page has evolved in the past. ... items. This can kill the player, had the latter decided to stay there and land the finishing blow. A sorcerer can lock onto and kill the small rats in one hit from distance with Great Heavy Soul Arrows before the boss jumps to the arena. The path that opens after defeating the Royal Rat Authority leads straight back to the bonfire at the start of the Doors of Pharros area. save. Trap. Rank 2 - 20 Rat Tails: 10 smooth and silky stone Rank 3 - 35 Rat Tails: Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring There are two places that you can join this covenant. Skeleton Lords Location… Key points of Dark Souls 2 - Doors of Pharros. After the Royal Rat Authority in the Doors of Pharros or the Royal Rat Vanguard in the Grave of Saints, talk to the Rat King, which looks like a lone Head back down, then across the water and through the doorway in the other corner (far right from the original entrance). Just beyond the second enemy there are spikes along the right wall. However, all of these points are traps and not beneficial unless fending off invaders in multiplayer. He evades well, so keep this in mind as you attack. This attack can also hit the player if he is near his mid-section and front legs. Take him down, then grab the 10 Prism Stones in the corner, but ignore the chest. If you die to the vomit after inflicting the killing blow, victory is not achieved and you will have to kill the boss again. He is found within the Doors of Pharros. Be prepared to nullify the poison if necessary, then pick up the Titanite Chunk and Petrified Dragon Bone found within. Published March 20, 2014, 8:30 a.m. Once you kill it, you will receive the Royal Rat Authority Soul – do not consume this, we need to trade it with Straid. However, if you head back out first and continue down the path, engaging the enemies and crossing over two stone bridges, you'll find an item to the left after the second bridge. Take out the two rats that attack, then head up the ladder on the far side of the room. Last Updated September, 2020. Dark Souls 2 Walkthrough Guide: Part 12 Shaded Woods, Scorpioness Najka (Boss), Doors of Pharros, Bowman Guthrie (Invader), Royal Rat Authority (Boss) By Miguel Concepcion on April 1, … After killing the smaller rats, the player should run and stick to the left side of the rat (near his left hind leg) and hit. My soul memory is 994.000 Royal Rat Authority. Compare top Virginia lawyers' fees, client reviews, lawyer rating, case results, education, awards, publications, social media and work history. This allows you to fight the boss itself without the small rats being a problem. Another thing to avoid is letting the rat dodge or stay far away, since he his dangerous in that distance. Guthry uses two crossbows, which means you don't have to worry about much at close range. Find a passage in the wall and use it. He raises the crossbow he's about to fire, telegraphing this attack. It is fought in the Doors of Pharros, just past the second bonfire. Draw the rats into your wall of lingering flame orbs - such as with a bow - and the orbs will explode when the rats come close, killing them off. Also, buying the Bright Bugs continues the torture on the bosses. Continue your journey with Prima's Dark Souls 2 Guide and Walkthrough! Upvote (2) Leave Blank. Click here to edit contents of this page. Royal Rat Authority is an optional boss in Doors of Pharros. It is located at Ordeal's End bonfire, which can be reached through Doors of Pharros. Dark Souls 2 - Royal Rat Authority, boss tactics We've got an essential guide to making light work of the next boss fight in Dark Souls 2, and packing the right kind of gear to handle it. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under. If you access the chest, it comes alive and kills you! Take out the enemy ahead and continue along the path to engage the second enemy. Quickly kill the dog and the enemy just beyond before the invader appears. A bow can be also used to kill the minions. There are quite a few points where you can use a Pharros' Lockstone in this area. As soon as you aggro the smaller rats, the boss will l… Take advantage of this by setting up a wall of Lingering Flame orbs between yourself and the rats. The Old Iron King feels like a museum piece: a giant upper body leaning over a platform, alternating fire breath and melee attacks that give you free shots at his retreating arms. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Pick up the item on the ground to obtain a Pharros' Lockstone and the Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Get help now. Wait until the spikes retreat, then quickly run past the trap and take down the enemy in the alcove to the right. Pick up the item to obtain a Large Soul of a Brave Warrior. Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Recommended soul level: Between 60 and 90. 2 comments. Help. Pick up the item to the left to obtain a Twisted Barricade and the Soul of a Proud Knight. 1 He is alarmed to the presence of intruders by his four rat minions who he guards with his life. 5 Royal Rat Authority With the Scholar of the First Sin edition of Dark Souls 2, the Doors of Pharros serves little purpose besides connecting the Shaded Woods and Brightstone Cove Tseldora zones. The first step in this fight is running to the right side of the room and baiting two or three of the rats to attack, then dispatching them two or three with one swing; if the player fails, it is advised that the player divert his attention towards the larger rat and run away towards him and dodge his incoming attacks, since the smaller rats can be killed safely if the player sticks to the left side of the boss (near his left hind leg) and attack the minions there. If the player can successfully stay near the left hind leg, getting hit is nearly impossible unless the players lets the rat run away and initiate the head lunge. To dodge the head lunge, the player has to anticipate the animation (the boss will stick his head down and charge) and immediately run backwards and dodge in the same backwards direction at a precise timings. Brightstone Cove Tseldora - Prowling Magus and Congregation Summon sign location: Outside boss fog gate. Replaced the Gyrm Warriors inside Royal Rat Authorities's boss fight with something else. He is joined by a few weaker rats, all … There are dangerous spots in the middle and front of the rat, so staying there is risky. The next rat boss, but this time a lot bigger. The chest in the alcove is rigged with a poison trap that goes off when you open it. Dark Souls 2 - Doors of Pharros, Bowman Guthry Don't be caught out by the sprinkling of traps in the Doors of Pharros area of Dark Souls 2. Royal Rat Authority [DKS2 Wiki] Comments posted to our Dark Souls 2 Wiki 2 . View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). #1 source of fan provided tips, strategies, FAQs, and information about Dark Souls II, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License, Medium Magic, Lightning and Dark Resistance, After vomiting, the Royal Rat Authority will perform. Souls series veterans shouldn't have any problems with the boss once the minion rats are vanquished as his moveset is extremely close to the move set of Great Grey Wolf Sif in DS1, only has lesser range. Initially, there are four small Dog Ratsin the room. When both enemies are down, engage Bowman Guthry, the invader. The rat boss will initiate his acid barf attack at low health. Repeat this strategy until they go down. Changed the Prisoners of the Grave boss to "The Forlorn, Prisoners of the Grave". It is an incredibly quick giant rat, which can deal with a careless opponent with only a few attacks. Light the bonfire, then head through the monster mouth doorway. Stay under the belly of the boss where his forepaw strikes are rendered ineffective. Check out this boss guide on how to kill Royal Rat Authority in Dark Souls II. There's a boss behind the fog - Royal Rat Authority. Sun Apr 01, 2018 6:47 am. Location: While fighting the Royal Rat Authority boss fight, you will notice a bunch of rats who will keep on respawning until you have taken out the boss. Our walkthrough will guide you through to safety. Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Head up the stairs to reach the room you started in (only this time you're on the second level), then proceed to the left. Dark Souls 2: How to Beat the Royal Rat Authority Defeat the rodents, talk to the Rat King and find the entrance to Brightstone Cove Tseldora. General documentation and help section. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. ... I’ve been listening to Dark Souls 2 lore videos lately and I came upon a podcast by Sinclaire Lore and in a podcast they really highlighted that part of the original Dark Souls 2 plot later was used in Ringed City. Neither the boss nor the small rats attack you when you enter the boss area, only once you initiate combat yourself. Find out what you can do. Once the small rats are engaged the boss will jump down and attack. Pick up the item to obtain a Gyrm Axe and a Torch. Talk to Gavlan. Reduced the damage output of both Authority and the new boss a lot to make the fight more manageable. Royal Rat Authority Soul location, effects, lore, notes and tips for Dark Souls 2 Go through the doorway near the far left corner to reach the item on the balcony above. Append content without editing the whole page source. He will appear to the player in the rooms found after the bossfights. Enter the first doorway on the left to find a bonfire and a mist door. The Royal Rat Authority is a large "rat"-like creature, although it is more canine in appearance. Toxic Mist - Acquired by trading the soul of the Royal Rat Vanguard with Straid (1500 soul cost). If you're a hexer, use Scraps of Life to kill the four mongrel rats, then use Dead Again to kill the boss in one or two casts. about (When I do take them out I have no idea what to do for the actual fight) it seems like if you get hit twice by the rats it’s game over. Boss: Royal Rat Authority After you have dispatched the Rat Authority, go back past the first bonfire (edit: after the boss is dead, you can head to the right from where you entered the fog, the path leads to where you need to be near Gavlan) and up the stairs to the room on the right where Gavlan was. However, if you head back out first and continue down the path, engaging the enemies and crossing over two stone bridges, you'll find an item to the left after the second bridge. By Miguel Concepcion and Robert Handlery on July 25, 2014 at 1:49PM PDT. Reward: Royal Rat Authority Soul, Rat Tail. It is highly advised to aggressively rush in and take out the rat minions first as they can inflict poison. This boss does not attack immediately and cannot be targeted right away. The Royal Rat Authority is an optional boss in Dark Souls 2. Head through the small opening in the water to find a bonfire to the right. View and manage file attachments for this page. Royal Rat Authority is a disappointment. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. I have died 100 times to Royal Rat Authority. Defeat the enemy dead ahead and continue toward the stairs to engage the next enemy. Royal Rat Authority Location: This can be acquired from the Rat Authority enemy.It can give you 6000 souls or can be traded for an item. Once you pass through, the fight against the Royal Rat Authority begins. Continue down the path and around to the far side of the stairs just ahead. Royal Rat Authority Soul is a Boss Soul in Dark Souls 2. Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin - Royal Rat Authority [PC, 60 fps] Passage to another location. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. See pages that link to and include this page. The enemy in the alcove ahead activates the trap, but it only remains active a short time. Take down Guthry to find a Royal Swordsman Armor. The enemies in this area are tough to stun, so attack once, then block or evade their next attacks. If you enter the mist door, you battle against the Royal Rat Authority. The bonfire at Ordeal's End is seemingly out of the way, but nearby is a fog gate. If you enter the mist door, you battle against the Royal Rat Authority. Doors of Pharros - Royal Rat Authority You can not summon for this boss. Anonymous. Shaded Woods - Scorpioness Najka Summon sign location: Outside the boss fog gate. Note that summoning of any kind is not possible in Doors of Pharros, so this boss has to be fought solo. To dispatch the rat minions as a melee character, the player has to use a wide-swinging, hard-hitting weapon. Recommended soul level: Between 70 … Here's a video from Youtube: All credit for the video goes to Space to Jump . Light the bonfire in the next room. It even kills the 4 wolf/dog/rat things that curse you during the giant Rat/Dog/Wolf fight. Please help. Dark Souls II. I am a mage build and most of my trouble comes from taking out the rats at the beginning. Changed some of the OST's in boss fights (including some Nioh 2 OST's). share. This is a good strat to use on those guys. Find the best landlord tenant attorney serving Reston. Do not counterattack until you know it has stopped attacking. Still, the area contains a boss named the Royal Rat Authority. Shrine of Winter There is no boss in this area. A loyal servant of the Rat King and the enforcer of his authority, this gargantuan Dog Rat is also responsible for testing the strength and virtue of visitors to his lord's domain. Pick … Walkthrough of the Doors of Pharos area in Dark Souls 2 on the Xbox 360, including the boss fight with the Royal Rat Authority. Entering the mist, lay into the four rats immediately using a weapon with a wide arc so you catch them all when they get in close. You must speak with the Rat King in either the Grave of Saints after the Royal Rat Vanguard, or in the Doors of Pharros after the Royal Rat Authority. Location Doors of Pharros Near Ordeal's End bonfire. ... You can go to an optional part of this location from here. A loyal servant of the Rat King and the enforcer of his authority, this gargantuan Dog Rat is also responsible for testing the strength and virtue of visitors to his lord's domain.1 He is alarmed to the presence of intruders by his four rat minions who he guards with his life. In the far right corner of the room (from the perspective of the entrance), pick up the item to obtain two Amber Herbs. Buying Soul Appease makes some of the mob bosses, like Royal Rat Authority, Royal Rat Vanguard, and Congregation completely meaningless. The Vanguard is encountered in the Grave of Saints, reached through the pit in Majula. Something does not work as expected? The Rat King can be found in two locations, the Grave of Saints and the Doors of Pharros. Since I see no summoning signs near the bonfire, I'd like to ask here on the forums if anyone would like to help me out. The Royal Rat Authority is just Sif dogsitting for Capra. The far side of the room that curse you during the giant fight. And land the finishing blow just ahead his mid-section and front of the boss nor small! Opening in the alcove ahead activates the trap, but this time a lot to make the more! Only a few points where you can, what you should not etc go to an boss. 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