: In search of defenses for rational behavior in economics, Behavioral explanation for risk taking in Islamic and conventional banks, Price Framing Literature: Past, Present, and Future, The Importance of ‘Likes’: The Interplay of Message Framing, Source, and Social Endorsement on Credibility Perceptions of Health Information on Facebook, Decision making styles of investors in capital market, Behavioral Economics, Evolution, and the Human Brain, Prospect theory and foreign policy decision-making: Underexposed issues, advancements, and ways forward, Contemplating Climate Change: Mental Models and Human Reasoning, Prevention With HIV-Infected Men: Recommendations for Practice and Research. Results .) This cognitive preference acts as a heuristic method and is mainly functional, as it serves the economy of cognitive resources (ecological reasoning); however, in many cases it can lead to erroneous conclusions (cognitive biases). Results showed that framing gaming indeed had an effect on participants’ attitudes. Members thus may generally categorize the resource elements to which the gains and losses are attached and weigh the exchange balance heuristically (Henderson & Peterson, 1992; ... Έτσι, στη σύγχρονη βιβλιογραφία, δίνεται μεγαλύτερη έμφαση στις περιπτώσεις που οι ευρετικές μέθοδοι οδηγούν σε εσφαλμένους συλλογισμούς και παραβλέπεται το γεγονός ότι είναι κατά βάση λειτουργικές και ωφέλιμες στη διαχείριση του τεράστιου όγκου πληροφοριών της καθημερινότητας (Gigerenzer, 2007). In addition to preventive measures involving care coordination and better implementation of advanced directives, this article argues that many nursing home residents have a greatly inflated risk of hospitalization and would benefit from more intensive medical management. An automated patient dashboard using both active choice framing and peer comparison feedback led to a modest but significant increase in guideline-concordant statin prescribing rates. In the main adjusted model, compared with usual care, there was a significant increase in statin prescribing in the active choice with peer comparison arm (adjusted difference in percentage points, 5.8; 95% CI, 0.9-13.5; P = .008), but not in the active choice arm (adjusted difference in percentage points, 4.1; 95% CI, −0.8 to 13.1; P = .11). The premise of rationality is one means by which economists can gain insights about complex human interactions that might not exscape them if they assume people were not more rational than economists know them to be. Using an inductive approach, 20 in depth case studies explore how electricity executives perceive those risks using construct elicitation (repertory grid technique). Several measures of performance and risk are used as target level. They also reported more tension following the task than did waiters. Using mental models interviews in the Western Cape province (N = 90), I first reconceptualise farmers’ risk-based decision-making processes, drawing on theories of risk perception and framing from cognitive psychology and behavioural economics to interpret the empirical evidence. In both samples we find that framing an incentive as a means to avoid a loss (negative framing) enhances motivation as compared to framing an incentive as a means to accrue a gain (positive framing), holding the monetary value of the incentive constant. Information gain from visuals is measured (Graber, 1990, pg 134-135). A large portion of the political disagreement between conservatives and liberals appears to be disagreement over style, and not content of political issues. The distress experienced when losing a sum of money exceeds the joy that is experienced when an equivalent amount is gained, ... 3 One of the distinctive features of nudge and the behavior change agenda in con- temporary politics is its underpinning concept of 'bounded rationality', which depicts us as poor decision makers, impeded by the problems inherent in information proces- sing. Note: A select number of articles and book chapters, as well as the entire text of Dr. Kahneman's 1973 book Attention and Effort, are available online. This report explores epidemiologic and psychosocial issues related to prevention in men with HIV and compares how those variables relate to prevention efforts. Prior research has shown that gaming is a controversial issue, with media coverage focusing on either risks or opportunities. Although the CRT has a substantial correlation with cognitive ability, a series of regression analyses indicated that the CRT was a unique predictor of performance on heuristics-and-biases tasks. This 3-arm cluster randomized clinical trial was conducted from February 21, 2017, to April 21, 2017, at 32 practice sites in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The dashboard was available for 2 months. As hypothesized, individual differences in CPT’s loss-aversion, outcome-sensitivity, and probability-sensitivity parameters (estimated from participants’ choices) were systematically associated with individual differences in attention allocation to outcome and probability information. How much mileage can we get out of prospect theory to explain foreign policy decision-making? This assessment is difficult because of rapidly changing technology and new threats that are frequently being discovered. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji efek moderasi waktu tunggu dalam keputusan membeli konsumen terhadap produk gratis yang ditawarkan. Choices, Values, and Frames presents an empirical and theoretical challenge to classical utility theory, offering prospect theory as an alternative framework. Standard risk sensitivity measures such as Arrow–Pratt and downside risk aversion provide expectations for which individuals are most risk prone. To evaluate the effectiveness of an automated patient dashboard using active choice framing with and without peer comparison feedback on performance to nudge primary care physicians (PCPs) to increase guideline-concordant statin prescribing. To read the full-text of this research, you can request a copy directly from the authors. All rights reserved. Widely published in academic journals and general audience publications, his two most recent books are In Defense of Monopoly: How Market Power Fosters Creative Production (University of Michigan Press, 2008) and Why Popcorn Costs so Much at the Movies, And Other Pricing Puzzles (Springer, 2008) (www.merage.uci.edu/~mckenzie) © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
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