Canon EOS T6i portrait settings – portrait mode . While the T6i is no slouch, if you can afford it, spend the extra $100 on the T6s. "Auto rotate" to Off or Disable. February 5, 2018 at 11:03 am. Reply to thread Reply with quote Complain. Add 3 sets to your cart, then enter code: B2G1FREE, Capture detailed portraits with smooth backgrounds, outdoors during the day, Capture detailed portraits with smooth backgrounds, indoors during the day, Capture bright baby portraits, outdoors during the day, Capture bright baby portraits, indoors during the day, Capture sharp child portraits, outdoors during the day, Capture sharp child portraits, indoors during the day, Capture memorable group photos, outdoors during the day, Capture memorable group photos, indoors during the day, Capture candid shots of performers & entertainers, outdoors during the day, Freeze fast moving subjects, outdoors during the day, Photograph animals in their natural habitat, Capture delectable food shots, outdoors during the day, Capture delectable food shots, indoors during the day, Capture professional product shots, outdoors during the day, Capture professional product shots, indoors during the day, Capture vibrant flowers, trees & vegetation, Capture deeply saturated sunsets, sunrises, clouds & skies, Capture impactful landscapes, cityscapes & architectural elements, Capture eye-catching residential & commercial real estate exteriors, Capture inviting residential & commercial real estate interiors, Capture powerful fireworks & lightning (tripod required), Capture detailed night skies, rich with color (tripod required), Capture silky smooth waterfalls, streams & moving water (tripod required), Step-by-step instructions for adjusting ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed & more, Isolate vehicles with creative motion blur, outdoors during the day, Capture sharp & detailed shots of the moon (tripod required), Capture detailed portraits with smooth backgrounds, indoors at night, Capture bright baby portraits, indoors at night, Capture sharp child portraits, indoors at night, Capture memorable group photos, indoors at night, Capture candid shots of performers & entertainers, in low light, Freeze fast moving subjects, in low light. Anyway, to be fair to Canon, the T6i is an entry-level camera, and entry-level cameras are not known to come with built-in image stabilizers. Sigma Deals
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Under the [ ] tab, select [Clear all camera settings], then press
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