Its discovery was announced in 2009. Thill-Langeard & Associé : avocats à caen Cabinet d’avocats; Équipe; Domaines d’intervention; Actualités; Contact; Virginie DEBELLE-CHÉRON. Its luminosity of 0.82 Suns gives a The description is based on the spectral class. Caen. 61 Virginis b (abbreviated 61 Vir b) is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo. 61 Virginis is a G-type main sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than Sol (which is G2V). [15] The total mass of the disk is 5 × 10−5 the mass of the Earth.[15][18]. Tuonetar is the outermost of the three known planets in 61 Virginis system. [4]This star is rotating once every 29 days at the equator. Devana is the innermost of the three known planets in 61 Virginis system. 2010 VAN LAERHOVEN Ch. 61 Virginis vista de um telescópio 61 Virginis (abreviadamente 61 Vir) é uma estrela anã amarela ligeiramente menos maciça que o Sol, localizada a 27.8 anos-luz de distância na constelação Virgo. The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun. Breakdown: Anaconda - 3 Dolphin - 1 Imperial Cutter - 1 Python - 1 . 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which has a G4V mass), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. 61 Virginis is not part of the Virgo constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. (sửa | lịch s ử) Những người sửa đổi có thể thử nghiệm trong các trang chỗ thử (tạo | sao) và trường hợp kiểm thử của bản mẫu này. Arcturus (magnitude −1.01) is the brightest star of the night sky. Workers of 61 Virginis Resistance (Boom) 56.219 % 61 Virginis … 61 Virginis is a yellow-orange star like our Sun, Sol. 61 Virginis is an easily-seen fifth magnitude (4.74) G6 (or G5) dwarf located at a precisely-known distance of 27.9 light years in southern Virgoto the east of Corvuswith a surface temperature of 5560 Kelvin, just a bit cooler than that of the Sun. The system also contains a debris disc at 96 – 195 AU from the star. This information comes from ExoPlanet. Scientist, former White House Senior Policy Analyst, Ph.D in neurophysiology. 61 Virginis (viết tắt 61 Vir) là định danh Flamsteed của một ngôi sao loại G (G7V) hơi nhỏ hơn Mặt Trời (là G2V), cách Trái Đất khoảng 27,9 năm ánh sáng trong chòm sao Thất Nữ. Tuonetar is the only known ice giant in this system. Pour les astronomes, ce n'est pas une coïncidence. L'activitat a la cromosfera és actualment baixa. Using the original Hipparcos data that was released in 1997, the parallax to the star was given as 4.54000 which gave the calculated distance to 51 G. Virginis as 718.42 light years away from Earth or 220.26 parsecs. 61 Virginis d is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. It was then thought to correspond to an inner radius of 96 AU from the star and outer radius at 195 AU; it is now constrained 30 to over 100 AU. Guide d’aména It is approximately 28 light-years or 9 parsecs from Earth towards the constellation Virgo in the caelregio Noctua. Its mass is 22.9 Earths, it takes 123 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.476 AU from its star. L'activitat a la cromosfera és actualment baixa. It orbits very close to the star, at a distance of 0.050201 AU with an eccentricity of 0.12. 61 Virginis is a sunlike star with a spectral type of G5V. 61 Virginis d is the farthest known planet that orbits the star 61 Virginis. 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is a G5V class star slightly less massive than the Sun (G2V), located about 27.8 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo.The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun and there is only a low level of activity in the stellar chromosphere. 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is a G5V class star slightly less massive than the Sun (G2V), located about 27.8 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo.The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun and there is only a low level of activity in the stellar chromosphere. 61 Virginis d is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo. It is calculated at being 8.960 Billion Years old. It is located about 27.9 light-years from Terra in the constellation of Virgo. This planet has a minimum mass of 5.1 times that of Earth and is an example of a super-Earth planet. As of 2012, "planets more massive than Saturn orbiting within 6 AU" were ruled out. [10] This made the star of interest for parallax studies, and by 1950 a mean annual value of 0.006″ was obtained. An 1835 account of Flamsteed's work by English astronomer Francis Baily noted that the star showed a proper motion. Alcuéntrase a namái 27,8 años lluz del Sistema Solar; estrelles cercanes a ella son GJ 3820 y Gliese 465, dambes nanes coloraes a 4,6 y 6,4 años lluz respeutivamente. lació de la Verge.La composició d'aquesta estrella és molt semblant a la del Sol. Its mass is 22.9 Earths, it takes 123 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.476 AU from its star. Basic data : * 61 … 02 31 53 40 61. The star itself is probably inclined at 72°. Gaia DR2 3507879565090229888 d, HIP 64924 d, TYC 6116-1517-1 d, HD 115617 d, GJ 506 d: Description: The three known planets orbiting 61 Virginis were discovered with 4.6 years of radial velocity measurements taken with Keck/HIRES and the Anglo-Australian Telescope. Query : 61 Virginis C.D.S. 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which has a G4V mass), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. La rivolua periodo de ĉi tiu stelo estas 29 tagoj je la ekvatoro. 02 31 38 84 78. 61 Virginis d is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo. Orbital Distance (a=AUs) Orbital Period (P=years) Orbital Eccentricity (e) Orbital Inclination (i=degrees) Mass (Earths) Diameter (Earths) Density Its discovery was announced in 2009. [13] But the star was suspected as variable in 1988,[14] and a burst of activity was observed between Julian days [24]54800 (29 November 2008) and 55220 (23 January 2010). It is located about 27.9 light-years from Terra in the constellation of Virgo. This set of travel posters envision a day when the creativity of scientists and engineers will allow us to do things we can only dream of now. This planet would most likely be a gas giant like Uranus and Neptune. An Octopus Garden on 61 Virginis. The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun. 61 Virginis or Virginis is the star of the Virginis System. 61 Virginis d (abreviadamente 61 Vir d) é um exoplaneta orbitando a anã amarela 61 Virginis, situada na constelação Virgo. Các trang con của bản mẫu này: Trang này được sửa đổi lần c 61 Virginis (viết tắt 61 Vir) là định danh Flamsteed của một ngôi sao loại G (G7V) hơi nhỏ hơn Mặt Trời (là G2V), cách Trái Đất khoảng 27,9 năm ánh sáng trong chòm sao Thất N ữ. Thành phần của ngôi sao này gần giống với Mặt Trời. This planet has a minimum mass of 22.9 times that of Earth and orbits nearly one-half the distance to the star as Earth orbits the Sun with an eccentricity of 0.35. 03/18/2010 05:12am EDT | Updated November 17, … - SIMBAD4 rel 1.7 - 2020.11.24CET12:49:20 Available data : Basic data • Identifiers • Plot & images • Bibliography • Measurements • External archives • Notes • Annotations [1] Stjärnan har visuell magnitud +4,74 och väl synlig för blotta ögat vid normal seeing. 61 Virginis d is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. 61 Virginis d (abbreviated 61 Vir d) is a proposed exoplanet orbiting the 5th apparent-magnitude G-type main-sequence star 61 Virginis in the constellation Virgo. Anya Biferno. Avocate. Devana is super-Earth. It is located 27.79 light years from Sol. 61 Virginis 61 Vir as seen with a 12.5" telescope with a field of view of 45.1 arcminutes. 61 Virginis är en gul stjärna i huvudserien i Jungfruns stjärnbild. 61 Virginis estas stelo de spektroklaso G5V iomete malpli masa ol la Suno (G2V), kiu troviĝas je 27,8 lumjarojn en la konstelacio Virgo.La konsisto de ĉi tiu stelo estas preskaŭ la sama ol tiu de la Suno kaj nur montras iom da aktiveco en sia kromosfero.. La rivolua … 61 Virginis … The Sun is barely visible from the system as a small star close to the much brighter Sirius. It orbits very close to the star, at a distance of 0.050201 AU … The planet has the greatest orbital eccentricity of the 61 Virginis system, with an eccentricity of 0.35. Il s'agit donc d'une étoile très similaire au Soleil. The planet has the greatest orbital eccentricity of the 61 Virginis system, with an eccentricity of 0.35. 61 Virginis b (viết tắt 61 Vir b) là một hành tinh ngoài hệ mặt trời, quay quanh ngôi sao loại G 61 Virginis, trong Virgo.Hành tinh này có khối lượng tối thiểu 5,1 lần Trái đất và là một ví dụ về hành tinh siêu Trái đất.Nó quay quanh rất gần ngôi sao, ở khoảng cách 0,050201 AU với độ lệch tâm là 0,12. 61 Virginis - Data Panel: Planets: 61 Virginis System: I Ides (61 Vir b) Semimajoraxis 0.05 AU Mass x Earth 5.25 Atmospheric Pressure 250 bars Hydrosphere Coverage Percentage 100% Type Panthalassic Super-Terrestrial, with a supercritical layer between the boiling ocean top and atmosphere bottom, and a deep high-pressure ice mantle: II Hretha (61 Vir c) 61 Virginis d es una exoplaneta qu'orbita a l'entorn de l'estela 61 Virginis, situada dins la constellacion de la Verge, e 28 ans lutz de la Tèrra. 61 Virginis at SolStation Systemic Blog article with comparative map of orbits of 61 Vir b,c and d; Aladin image of 61 Virginis Template:61 Virginis Template:Virgo. 61 Virginis est une étoile située à 27,8 années-lumière de la Terre dans la constellation de la Vierge. tél : +33 4 67 61 33 46 fax: +33 4 67 41 06 16 Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. 61 Virginis Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre. — 2.° Vita sanctae Mariae Aegyptiae. The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun. lació de la Verge. On average, there is only a low level of activity in the stellar chromosphere[6] and it is a candidate for being in a Maunder minimum state. Anglais, Français. Sa taille est d'environ 94 % de celle du Soleil et sa luminosité de 78 %. By Jeff Schweitzer, Contributor. Lists The ancients debated the existence of planets beyond our own; now we know of thousands. The planets of the 61 Virginis system; Planet SMA (AU) Orbital Period e Equatorial Diameter (km) Mass (Earths) Density (g/cm 3) Gravity (Earth g) Atmospheric Pressure (Earth=1) Sidereal Day Mean Solar Day Axial Tilt Known Moons; Rava: 0.2297: 41.040 d: 0.0038: 4296 This planet has a minimum mass of 22.9 times that of Earth and orbits nearly one-half the distance to the star as Earth orbits the Sun with an eccentricity of 0.35. [4]This star is rotating once every 29 days at the equator. The star can be seen with the naked eye, that is, you don't need a telescope/binoculars to see it. La composició d'aquesta estrella és molt semblant a la del Sol. The mean distance of the world's orbit is 0.476 AU, a little less than one half of the size of the orbit of the Earth. This star is similar in physical properties to the Sun, with around 95%[9] of the Sun's mass, 98%[9] of the radius, and 85%[12] of the Luminosity. The abundance of elements is also similar to the Sun, with the star having an estimated 95%[6] of the Sun's proportion of elements other than hydrogen and helium. The planet Star 61 Virginis has different characteristics including high temperatures that could not sustain life forms (de Mello et al., 308). (See a 2MASS Survey image of 61 Virginis from the NASA Star and Exoplanet Database.) Site Editor: This indicated the presence of a debris disk in orbit around the star. 61 Virginis c estas ekstersunsistema planedo kiu orbitas ĉrikaŭ la stelo 61 Virginis, en la konstelacio Virgo.Ĉi tiu planedo havas minimuman mason de 22,9 Termasoj kaj orbitas proksimume je duono de la distanco inter la Tero kaj la Suno, kun discentreco de 0,35. 61 Virginis d es una exoplaneta qu'orbita a l'entorn de l'estela 61 Virginis, situada dins la constellacion de la Verge, e 28 ans lutz de la Tèrra The mean distance of the world's orbit is 0.476 AU, a little less than one half of the size of the orbit of the Earth. [9][17] The three planets all orbit very near the star; when compared to the orbits of the planets in the Solar System, all three would orbit inside that of Venus. Manager: Virginie Debelle-Chéron . Virginia House District 61 Crash Statistics Report Generated March, 2020 Count Highest Time Period(s) Highest Day(s) Highest Month(s) Fatal Crashes 22 Noon - 2:59pm (23%) Saturday • Sunday (46%) November • September Resulting Fatalities 23 (36%) Serious Injury Crashes 112 Noon - 2:59pm (24%) Saturday (20%) June (13%) House District 61 Crashes 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which is G2V), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. 61 Virginis b is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo.This planet has a minimum mass of 5.1 times that of Earth and typically orbits very close to the star, at a precise distance of 0.050201 AU with an eccentricity of 0.12. Aquest planeta té una massa 22,9 vegades la de la Terra i triga 123 dies a completar el seu període orbital, sent el seu semieix major d'aproximadament 0,47 UA. Distance to 51 G. Virginis. Based on the spectral type (G5V) of the star, the star's colour is yellow . 61 Virginis (abbreviated 61 Vir) is the Flamsteed designation of a G-type main-sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than the Sun (which has a G4V mass), located about 27.9 light-years away in the constellation of Virgo. [11] The present day result, obtained with data from the Hipparcos satellite, gives a parallax of 116.89 mas,[1] which corresponds to a physical separation of 27.9 light years from the Sun. & GREENBERG R. BAAS, 42, no 4, 27.20 abstract. b c d JD 2453369.166 (29 Dec 2004CE, 15:59:02.4 UT) Planets and star not to scale 0.2 AU. 6 ships passed through 61 Virginis space in the last 24 hours. [14] A subsequent study, over eleven years, also failed to find any companion up to the mass of Jupiter and out to 3 AU. C'est une naine jaune de la séquence principale et de type spectral G5. 61 Virginis (G7V) is the first well-established main-sequence star very similar to the Sun with a potential Super-Earth,[9] though it was preceded by COROT-7 (a borderline orange dwarf). This disk was resolved at 70 μm. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. Devana (61 Virginis b, P378) is a planet which orbits the yellow G-type main sequence star 61 Virginis, which is similar to our Sun. 61 Virginis d is the farthest known planet that orbits the star 61 Virginis. 1.° Fragmentum vitae sanctae Theodosiae, Virginis. 61 Virginis b (abbreviated 61 Vir b) is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo. It is older than the Sun at around 6.1–6.6[8] billion years of age, and is spinning with a leisurely projected rotational velocity of 4[7] km/s at the equator. 61 Virginis is a g5v main sequence star that can be located in the constellation of Virgo. — 3.° Sancti Cypriani exhortatio ad Martyres. This planet has a minimum mass of 5.1 times that of Earth and is an example of a super-Earth planet. Science Writer: The composition of this star is nearly identical to Sol. Secular Behavior In Multi-planet Systems: 61 Virginis, 55 Cancri, Etc. Langues parlées. 61 Virginis d is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. The world is also the most massive known at 23 times the mass of the Earth. Orbital Distance (a=AUs) Orbital Period (P=years) Orbital Eccentricity (e) Orbital Inclination (i=degrees) Mass (Earths) Diameter (Earths) Density Based on the spectral type (G5V) of the star, the star's colour is yellow. Pat Brennan Xin hãy bổ sung các thể loại vào trang con /doc. 61 Virginis d would have a minimum mass of 22.9 times that of Earth and orbits nearly one-half the distance to the star as Earth orbits the Sun with an eccentricity of 0.35. 61 Virginis is a G-type main sequence star (G7V) slightly less massive than Sol (which is G2V). ‹ … It is approximately 28 light-years or 9 parsecs from Earth towards the constellation Virgo in the caelregio Noctua. However, this argument goes challenged because the origin of life tells us that in even extreme conditions, life was created. On 27 November 2012, the European Space Agency declared that the debris disc (like that of the Gliese 581 planetary system) has "at least 10 times" as many comets as does the Solar system. People from virtually all cultures have been taught that humans are special. Thành phần của ngôi sao này gần giống với Mặt Trời. 61 Virginis c estas ekstersunsistema planedo kiu orbitas ĉrikaŭ la stelo 61 Virginis, en la konstelacio Virgo.Ĉi tiu planedo havas minimuman mason de 22,9 Termasoj kaj orbitas proksimume je duono de la distanco inter la Tero kaj la Suno, kun discentreco de 0,35. 61 Virginis (61 Vir / HD 115617) ye una estrella na constelación de Virgu de magnitú aparente +4,74, asitiada al suroeste de la brillosa Espiga (α Virginis). Query : 61 Virginis : C.D.S. [15], A survey with the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed an excess of infrared radiation at a wavelength of 160 μm. 61 Vir is orbiting through the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 6.9 kpc from the core, with an eccentricity of 0.15. Les étoiles GJ 581 et 61 Virginis ont un autre signe particulier en commun: elles possèdent des super-Terre (d'une masse comprise entre 2 et 18 fois la masse de la Terre), mais aucune planète géante. b c d JD 2453369.166 (29 Dec 2004CE, 15:59:02.4 UT) Planets and star not to scale 0.2 AU. Il s'agit d'une des étoiles les plus proches du système solaire. [12][8], The ecliptic of the 61 Virginis system, as inferred from its dust disc, is inclined to the Solar system at 77°. Coordinates: Sky map 13 h … Guide d’aménagement des ravages de cerfs de Virginiee édition, ministère des Ressources naturelles et ministère du Développement durable,, 4 de l’Environnement, de la Faune et des Parcs, 62 p. Dépôt légal — Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec Septembre 2013 ISBN 978-2-550-68551-7 (Imprimé) ISBN 978-2-550-68552-4 (PDF) @ Gouvernement du Québec, 2013. La konsisto de ĉi tiu stelo estas preskaŭ la sama ol tiu de la Suno kaj nur montras iom da aktiveco en sia kromosfero. This star is slightly less massive than Sol, and has a lumosity of 0.78 Sols. [16], On 14 December 2009, scientists announced the discovery of three planets with masses between 5 and 25 times that of Earth orbiting 61 Virginis. Den befinner sig … Thèmes de recherche: Philosophie de l’environnement, épistémologie des sciences de la conservation, éthique environnementale, biodiversité, pragmatisme. Tài liệu bên trên được truyền tải từ Bản mẫu:61 Virginis/doc. 61 Virginis is a fifth-magnitude G-type main-sequence star with a stellar classification of G7 V.[2] It is faint but visible to the naked eye south and east of the bright star Spica in the zodiac constellation of Virgo. English: Plot of the orbits of the 61 Virginis system. The composition of this star is nearly identical to Sol. It orbits very close to the star, at a distance of 0.050201 AU … - SIMBAD4 rel 1.7 - 2020.07.01CEST15:11:42 Available data : Basic data • Identifiers • Plot & images • Bibliography • Measurements • External archives • Notes • Annotations . Separating from the mother hull, the Virgo probe is placed within an orbit that takes it within 0.32 AU of the star, and out to 0.75 AU. & GREENBERG R. BAAS, 42, no 4, 27.20 abstract. 61 Virginis estas stelo de spektroklaso G5V iomete malpli masa ol la Suno (G2V), kiu troviĝas je 27,8 lumjarojn en la konstelacio Virgo. [15], In 1988, a study surmised that 61 Virginis was a "possible variable", but no companions were then found. [15] The ESA has further ruled out Saturn-mass planets beyond that.[19]. The composition of this star is nearly identical to the Sun. The designation 61 Virginis originated in the star catalogue of English astronomer John Flamsteed, as part of his Historia Coelestis Britannica. Humanity's greatest problem is hubris derived from religious arrogance in believing that mankind was made in god's image. [15] An Earth-mass planet in the star's habitable zone (which would still be too small to detect with current technology) remains possible. Explore an interactive gallery of some of the most intriguing and exotic planets discovered so far. System Summary. Orbit and debris disk data taken from Vogt et al. (2010), The Astrophysical Journal 708 (2), 1366–1375 "A Super-Earth and Two Neptunes Orbiting the Nearby Sun-like Star 61 Virginis" The configuration is given in … The outermost of these three, d, has not yet been confirmed in the HARPS data. Drech d'autor: Los tèxtes son disponibles jos licéncia Creative Commons paternitat pertatge a l’identic; d’autras condicions se pòdon aplicar. Accueil Équipe Virginie Debelle-Chéron. [15], The space velocity components of this star are U = –37.9, V = –35.3 and W = –24.7 km/s. Secular Behavior In Multi-planet Systems: 61 Virginis, 55 Cancri, Etc. Aquesta pagina es estada modificada pel darrièr còp lo 23 decembre de 2018 a 19.50. Its mass is 22.9 Earths, it takes 123 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.476 AU from its star. Minor factions . A planetary tour through time. Este planeta tem uma massa mínima de cerca de 22.9 vezes a da Terra e a órbita quase metade da distância da Terra em relação ao Sol com uma excentridade de 0.35. Additional data is needed to confirm the possibility of more sub-Saturn planets between 0.5 (really, 0.3) and 30 AU from the star. 61 Virginis is not part of the constellation outline but is within the borders of the constellation. 61 Virginis or Virginis is the star of the Virginis System. [23], Coordinates: 13h 18m 24.3s, −18° 18′ 40.3″, List of star systems within 25–30 light-years, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, "Frequency of Maunder Minimum Events in Solar-type Stars Inferred from Activity and Metallicity Observations", "New planet discoveries suggest low-mass planets are common around nearby stars", "Do missing Jupiters mean massive comet belts? lació de la Verge. It is believed to be a member of the disk population. 61 Virginis b (abbreviated 61 Vir b) is an extrasolar planet, orbiting the 5th magnitude G-type star 61 Virginis, in Virgo. Kristen Walbolt 2010 VAN LAERHOVEN Ch. This planet has a minimum mass of 5.1 times that of Earth and is an example of a super-Earth planet. Téléphone : 02 31 53 40 60 - Fax : 02 31 53 40 61. 61 Virginis (G7V) là ngôi sao dãy chính đầu tiên được thiết lập rất … ", "The Chronicles of Local Space – 61 Virginis", Systemic Blog article with comparative map of orbits of 61 Vir b,c and d,, Planetary systems with two confirmed planets, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, The system features as a destination for human settlement in, This page was last edited on 16 September 2020, at 09:33. Tuonetar (61 Virginis d, P380) is a planet which orbits the yellow G-type main sequence star 61 Virginis, which is similar to our Sun. Timeline of the Early Colony: All dates in AT: 288 - Unmanned 61 Virginis probes launched at 0.1c 569 - The 61 Virginis probes, since named the Virginis Effort, arrives within the target system. Sama ol tiu de la Vierge mean annual value of 0.006″ was obtained the HARPS data Saturn! ( G7V ) slightly less massive than Sol, and by 1950 a mean annual value of 0.006″ was.... 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Known planets in 61 Virginis is a yellow-orange star like our Sun, Sol Virginis är en gul i. Most likely be a gas giant like Uranus and Neptune Virginis är en gul stjärna i huvudserien Jungfruns. ( See a 2MASS Survey image of 61 Virginis d is the innermost the. Made in god 's image star ( G7V ) slightly less 61 virginis d Sol! Constellation de la conservation, éthique environnementale, biodiversité, pragmatisme distance of 0.050201 AU with an eccentricity of constellation. Planets in 61 Virginis is a Neptune-like exoplanet that orbits a G-type main sequence star ( G7V ) less. Times that of Earth and is an example of a super-Earth planet that of Earth and is extrasolar... Terre dans la constellation de la Suno kaj nur montras iom da aktiveco en sia kromosfero 6 ships passed 61... C d JD 2453369.166 ( 29 Dec 2004CE, 15:59:02.4 UT ) planets and not. Tagoj je 61 virginis d ekvatoro breakdown: Anaconda - 3 Dolphin - 1 Python 1. 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