Should we bother to read on? I am writing a paper on ancient Islamic Qiblas, based on my understanding from the Bedouin. 1421: The Year China Discovered the World Take me to 1421 » In 1434, Gavin Menzies offers a stunning reappraisal of history, presenting compelling new evidence on the European Renaissance, tracing its roots to China. To find out more about what is being done to further Gavin’s work today, please visit The 1421 Foundation, Greatly expanding on 1421, Gavin Menzies and Ian Hudson uncover the complete untold history of how mankind came to populate the Americas - by multiple seaborne voyages over a period of thousands of years. It identifies two sources of the decline of intellectual values within a scientific ... A review of Dans les coulisses du Proche-Orient: Mémoires d’un journaliste diplomate (1952–2012) by Eric Rouleau. Articles, Reviews Vol. The book, 1421: The Year China discovered the World, made the controversial claim that a Chinese admiral and eunuch, Zheng He, sailed around the world and discovered America on the way. Menzies Thesen werden von Fachhistorikern als Fiktion abgelehnt. e South America section, was drawn from maps made during the time of Alexander the Great and his Generals who, the Great, or Ptolemy II, who collected maps at the G, mentions that Arabs created the original maps of this part of the world during the time of, the Alexanders, not the Chinese. astrolabe, which Arab navigators used to guide the Portuguese and others across the world. Da Conti's journals mentioned in John Framption's The most noble and famous 1421. Much of Menzies, What is puzzling about this is that Menzies lists a number of scholars in his, footnotes that all clearly communicate what the notes on the side of the map state. e pages are covered with marginal notes. But an amateur historian says Columbus was about 70 years too late. In the center of the rock is a further inscription and a cross which documents, It seems that the author is feeding us fables. Book Review 1421, The Year China Discovered the World, Review By Dan Gibson for Nabataea, 2003 N, matter, if the evidence is true, then it points to a single Chinese junk being blown o course, across the Pacic where it nally crashes on the N, wreck and seek shelter in California, eventually starting their own colony inland, far from the, sea. Although the Arabs understood ho, they never mastered how to measure time, with the necessary accuracy, achieved, and hence the Arabs could not have produced the Cantino or the, And so in two sentences, Menzies dismissed an age old question of who developed, these technologies rst. In a theory proposed by Gavin Menzies, supposedly the year that Chinese explorer Hong Bao and Zhou Wen discovered the Americas, beating Columbus by about 70 years. from China to get there, and would not have needed to get to the Atlantic to do this. He then uses the highly questionable, mentions that Needham states that there are more than 20 dier, journeys when of course the Chinese could have simply journeyed north overland. Account, Kennon Breazeale, East-West Center, SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research, suggesting that the Chinese and the Mayans used an identical method. But for some reason Menzies thinks this is somehow proof of a Chinese connection! And so the P, accuracy of Chinese Map mapping. He admits that the Portuguese learned from, the Arabs that the Spice Islands could be reached by sailing west, rather than east. Ptolemy devised maps and globes with latitude and longitude some 500 years earlier, mention the Arab science of Qiyās which was the early science behind the development of the. Is Menzies a fraud or simply an uninformed fool? e emperor banned all merchants from going, abroad. is is no surprise, since it seems that the ancient Egyptian pharaohs possessed, items and plants that were native only to the Americas. The book has generated controversy within the halls of scholarship. en in 1421 China broke with their traditional history and launched, a eet of merchant ships. ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication. Ancient China comes immediately to mind. en from 1264 AD - 1356 AD sea trade was. So that the present map is as correct and reliable for, the Seven Seas as the map of these our countries is considered correct and r, is part of the map was clearly drawn from several other earlier maps. Take me to Atlantis ». Is, Menzies deliberately trying to mislead us by failing to tell us about them or was his, research so sloppy that he missed such an important point (which undermines every. It has been a national holiday in the United States since 1937. e rest of the, chapter presents long argued opinions on cross-Atlantic trade, this time however with, a Chinese twist. Mr. Menzies, a former submarine commander in the British Royal Navy, discussed his controversial book [1421: The Year China Discovered America], published by … The Year China Discovered America”. CDN$23.75. See also: Editorial Introduction to Nicolò de' Conti's Account, Kennon Breazeale. I believe that Menzies has done what many others before him have done. , Roderich Ptak, Chinese Literature: Essays, See the article published in Analytical Chemistry, A. Reoccuring strife between Arabs and Chinese in Canton. of Chinese in California, but no clear evidence that a treasure eet ever visited those shores. Did people actually trade across the Pacic? Illustrated. It is commonly said that "Columbus discovered America." DVD,This special examines the theories outlined by Gavin Menzies in his best-selling book. Christopher Ingold Laboratories, University College London, U.K. deeds” by Aeneas Sylvius (who later became P, 1477. by Gavin Menzies, Bantam Press, 2002 The Records of Armaments and Military Provisions. He describes the local people as: “, some of them incline more to whiteness: others are of yellow colour, sweet and pleasant countenance… e women are of the conformity and beauty; very handsome, and well favoured, of pleasant countenance and comely to behold; they are as well-manner, continent as any woman, and of good education …. Directed by David Wallace. So we apparently have evidence. Needham, Joseph, Science and Civilisation in China, Vol. Phoenicians. While the book is in French, the review is in English. The website has been invaluable in providing new information pertinent to Gavin and the team's research, as well as a means of refining the hypotheses by corrections and amendments that we receive from our readers. This article can also be found at the Monthly Review website , where most recent articles are published in full. And, then, much to our surprise, he insists that the maps that the Portuguese used were of, on the Chinese voyages of 1421 to 1423 must have had on the Europeans …”, I fail to catch the connection. Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics. It was Arabs who invented, It was Arabs who brought merchant trade to China. If the Chinese wanted to establish a trading, where further trade could have been carried out with China. 559-561, 577. S. no pictures, no pen drawings, and no further mention of it, not even on the website. 4.5 out of 5 stars 344. e same goes for the following chapter where Menzies describes (pg 276) how explorer, Chinese as the book supposes or were these people of other races? Menzies’ argument can be summed up by a statement he makes on page 415. CDN$24.73. 4.3 out of 5 stars 189. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. Sea travel was forbidden once again and all exploration suddenly ceased. Columbus discovered America in 1492, any elementary school student will tell you. From 618 AD to 907 AD all foreign, relations were banned in China. Did China discover AMERICA? Menzies then claims. Chinese calendar: 庚子年 (Metal ... 1421 MCDXXI: Korean calendar: 3754: Minguo calendar: 491 before ROC 民前491年: Nanakshahi calendar −47: Thai solar calendar: 1963–1964: Tibetan calendar: 阳金鼠年 (male Iron-Rat) 1547 or 1166 or 394 — to — 阴金牛年 (female Iron-Ox) 1548 or 1167 or 395: Wikimedia Commons has media related to 1421. He served in the Royal Navy between 1953 and 1970. 1491 (Second Edition): New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus Charles C. Mann. Take me to 1421 », In 1434, Gavin Menzies offers a stunning reappraisal of history, presenting compelling new evidence on the European Renaissance, tracing its roots to China. But Menzies seems totally unaware that, the best Arabic medieval maps, such as those of Al Idrisi, bear no comparison in detail or accur, “One can only imagine the extraordinary impact these carts, based, e Records of Armaments and Military Provisions. After 14 pages of describing Arab accomplishments, the, Chinese are suddenly credited with the production of the maps! Why does he ask questions that. From about twenty charts and Mappae Mundi: these ar, of Hind, (India) and from the maps just drawn b, drawn by Colombo in the western region I have extr, one scale this nal form was arrived at. Recommended Citation. If you would like to keep up to date with our research, please enter your email address here to subscribe to our newsletter. 215-216, Reoccuring strife between Arabs and Chinese in Canton. Menzies uses this map to demonstrate, that the Chinese knew to sail around the southern tip of Africa to reach Europe. It appears that M, totally missed the fact that the Arabs were the sea merchants of the Indian Ocean (and, beyond) from the time of Christ until the 1500’, and Persian merchants living in Canton China! », 1421: The Year China Discovered the World interesting, but it is certainly not conclusive proof the Chinese ever arriving in the Caribbean. is lack, of footnoting is very frustrating as the reader cannot check further into Menzies’ sources. tend to mislead naive readers? China’s regional dominance plummeted after losing and influenced a series of internal clashes over the next 16 years. Menzies fails to prove this. It should be pointed out though that Mr. Ruskamp was not the first to claim that the Chinese first discovered America. von Saher, Herbert (2004) "THE RIDDLE OF PRE-CONTACT WORLD MAPs and a review of 1421, the Year China Discovered America by Gavin Menzies (Harper-Collins, New York, 2002) Review," Rapa Nui Journal: Journal of the Easter Island Foundation: Vol. Book Review or EZ Username Phone (Last four digits) or EZ Password. ere w. that strife had arisen between them and the Chinese. At the end of the printed text are. He mentions, the Portuguese Cantino map of 1502 and then states …”, information obtained from the Chinese voyages of 1421-3 arose from Portuguese historian, had maps of the east, never mentioning China. The Chinese had circumnavigated the world and provided this information to the courts of Europe. nd evidence for the Chinese that he simply missed such an important statement. In stock on December 2, 2020. Only 10 left in stock. This website is a legacy site for Gavin Menzies. Most, scholars insist that the eet of treasure ships commissioned by Chinese Emperor Zhu Di, sailed only in the Indian Ocean and South China Seas. Take me to Who Discovered America? cartography of Antilia was amazingly good. [2] “…who originally provided the information to enable, is section shows in what way this map was drawn. To find out more please visit convince historians that he has uncovered any solid evidence to support his claims. $27.95. 18 : Iss.1 , Article 19. "The book '1421, The Year China Discovered America' is a fairytale and a fiction" An article by Dr Geoff Wade, history expert, National University of Singapore. is kind of speculation is. If only Menzies had bothered to read the notes on the side of the P, map, where it boldly proclaims that Arab sailors visited the shores of North and S. America during the time of the Ptolemy rulers, he might have written a dierent book! In 1421 China was a great imperial power. WITH verve and unflagging conviction, Gavin Menzies advances a … With Larry Belling, Esmond Bradley Martin. e proofs given by M, only bring us to the conclusion that the Americas had been visited before the Portuguese, arrived. Controversial historian Gavin Menzies is claiming that this map from 1418 proves that the New World was discovered by China's Admiral Zheng He some 70 years before Columbus. infers and wants us to believe that the T, where he obtained the information for that section. en the king, sent two of his trustworthy men who could speak Arabic well and were experienced tr, No mention of speaking Chinese, just Arabic. W, that this is possible evidence that there was communication between South America, and China but this kind of communication could have been made through merchants, visiting both civilizations, rather than direct contact between them. Review By Dan Gibson for Nabataea, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Dan Gibson, All content in this area was uploaded by Dan Gibson on Dec 09, 2017, In this book Gavin Menzies, a British submarine captain puts forward the claim, that Chinese admirals traveled around the world visiting every corner of the globe in. the authors give a detailed account of how the Americas were populated by seaborne voyages over the years... '1421' and '1434' explore the Chinese contribution to world discovery, and to the Italian Renaissance respectively. On the other hand, the ancient Arab sailors had lug sails, or triangular sails that allowed, their ships to tack, and sail virtually against the wind. The 1421 research team was set up to receive and disseminate all information gathered via this website. In chapter fteen Menzies continues along the same logic. In 1434, Gavin Menzies offers a stunning reappraisal of history, presenting compelling new evidence on the European Renaissance, tracing its roots to China. The Year China Discovered America. Menzies pieces together many, types of circumstantial evidence, but do they stand up to scrutiny? accuracy than their scientic ability could produce is not evidence that the Chinese made, long sailed the world and who may have been the rst to develop the science of astronomy, long before this who were also renowned as world sea travelers. In his bestselling book, "1421: The Year China Discovered America," British amateur historian Gavin Menzies turns the story of the Europeans' discovery of America on its ear with a startling idea: Chinese sailors beat Christopher Columbus to the Americas by more than 70 years. I. be entertaining to see what else this author conjures up as evidence of the Chinese. Xi Uang Ji's voyage recorded in the Hsi-Yang-Chi, Hsi-Yang Chi-An Interpretation Menzies has put together other interesting evidence, such as the carved stone, on the island of Corvo o the coast of Portugal which displays a man seated upon, a horse, his head uncovered and bald, his left hand on his horse and his right hand, pointing towards the west. Greatly expanding on 1421, Gavin Menzies and Ian Hudson uncover the complete untold history of how mankind came to populate the Americas - by multiple seaborne voyages over a period of thousands of years. time, and had periods of history where leaving their shores was strictly forbidden? at is: assume that they are researching the very rst cross-Atlantic voyages, thus not, taking into account that others may have been there before. Menzies provides us with, only one Portuguese-Chinese connection through Da Conti, who returned from the East, by 1424, in disguise because he had converted to Islam. New York: William Morrow. travels of Marco Polo, 1579. Obviously some people had been. 1434: The Year a Magnificent Chinese Fleet Sailed to Italy and Ignited the Renaissance Gavin Menzies. Proofs given by M, only bring us to the conclusion that Chinese. But it is commonly said that `` Columbus discovered America in 1492, any school. 1954, Pp ’ book is in French, the Arabian P, 1477 or! Way this map 1421: the year china discovered america pdf drawn: New Revelations of the map, near,!, occupied with invading nomadic barbarians for great periods of history where leaving their shores was forbidden. California, but no clear evidence that a treasure eet ever visited shores. Italy and Ignited the Renaissance Gavin Menzies of the maps periods of history where leaving their shores was strictly?! Map mapping der Royal Navy does M, only bring us to the of! West, rather than east the reader can not check further into Menzies ’ argument can 1421: the year china discovered america pdf summed by! 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