i feel indifferent towards my family

This article is wonderful. One of my favorite cartoons shows a dog and a cat in bed together. I can hardly wait to get my job and money together and move on from this house and only speak to and influence people who actually will listen, and see how things go from there. Take that bucket list vacation. ... His family will always lean towards and support him, not you, if push comes to shove. After reading your post, yes OP it's ok to feel that way. I'm in the Army as of now, away from my family. I would like to share one recent incident that made me change my indifference towards my family. This was 2 years ago. My mother was totally unwell and had to be admitted to hospital and was diagnosed with jaundice. With the high level of Bilirubin she had, she had to be admitted for couple of weeks. She protected my now deceased brother as he sexually molested the females in the family. Uninvolved parenting, sometimes referred to as neglectful parenting, is a style characterized by a lack of responsiveness to a child's needs. She never made me feel loved or needed. Having no marked feeling for or against: She remained indifferent toward their proposal. 107. My dad and my mom or any of my siblings , none of them have ever hugged me in my entire life so why u people think i will normally be the most social person. Feeling no emotional connection with your husband is a dire state that needs immediate attention and corrective steps. I feel constant frustration and powerlessness regarding my relationship with my daughter, whom I have loved dearly since the day she … In Elie Wiesel's speech called, "The Perils of Indifference", he articulated, "Sixty years ago, its human cargo -- maybe 1,000 Jews -- was turned to Nazi Germany ." People all around you are getting … Instead of being caught up in drama and emotion, enjoy the show! We met in high school and became good friends as we discovered we were both planning on going to the same college. It will help me as i transition my life back to voluntary mental health therapy. And don't give me the BS "I will need them" because I feel my immediate family (spouse/kids) would be there in a heart beat versus my extended family. Feel means to be aware of a physical or emotional sensation. Hatred is distinct from short-lived feelings such as anger and disgust. So I do often feel indifferent about her. Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: a person who is indifferent to the sufferings of others. I have been with my girlfriend for a little over a year. She made secret deals with my sister and favored her. and remember, R meant more to me than any of those earlier guys… so id imagine that if i still am not indifferent toward them over a decade later, the love of my life turned asshole of my life, wont just become someone i have an indifferent attitude toward. Feeling of interference: Indifference becomes a punishment for the spouse who still cares and hence the person gets badly affected by such behavior. They may also turn to addictive habits like recreational drugs, drinking, gambling or pornography for the same reason. If he doesn’t get those from his wife and begins to feel bad about himself or his marriage, he may become frustrated, angry, hostile, or indifferent towards his wife. They may seek to be relieved of symptoms, or to create new possibilities and ways of being. 3. b. Take the intense feelings and passion you once felt for your spouse and transfer them to something you find meaningful and exciting. The current public indifference to foreign policy reflects that shift. Along the way, my blood work was at times a little off, or my … My daughter-in-law is very unfriendly and doesn’t show any inclination to spend time with us. I'm sorry to hear that. I will read it everyday, as my symptoms are quite severe. Obviously in dating one has to be social and I do my best in that aspect, but yeah I think it's people I'm close to I have the apathetic feelings towards. “I just cut ties with my mom after a long history of putting up with un-mom-like behavior and frankly it feels pretty good to not have an emotional obligation to someone who didn’t feel one toward … My mom died this past February and she was SO far from perfect. It was just my secret act of hatred towards my abuser, and I kept justifying it to myself, instead of calling it adultery. Every conversation is like pulling teeth. Some people might feel that I have a duty as a daughter to "be there" for my mother; that it's down to me to repair our relationship. They may seek to be relieved of symptoms, or to create new possibilities and ways of being. My husband is a complete twat, sometimes I feel like I hate him and I think he must hate me but I don't know why. For I cannot give to my child anything if I first don’t hold it within me. Answer Question. Well, it can be if you truly feel free and expansive when saying it. January 28, 2021 at 4:05 pm My experience has been very similar with an angry, aggressive and controlling mother and a father that makes his life revolve around trying to keep the peace at all costs. … Pursue a hobby or sport you've always wanted to try. I’m in the same situation. Read Responses. If your automatic response to your significant other’s question always seems to be, “Whatever,” that may be a sign that it’s creeping up on you. We all know that anger is a negative feeling, but here, it is a way of showing that you care. I have one or two close friends. My son is 3 years old. I feel like I could cut my family off and not care about the consequences. Lost my job, no insurance, and I was left mildly informed, scared, and alone. The very idea of my future utterly scares me like a blank space I won't ever be able to fill with interesting and rich experiences or with loving people. However, co-dependence on another person generally is a good thing. And both of my parents tried to show their 'love' through gifts rather than, you know, being good parents and spending time with me and my sister. my view on R may change… but ill never be impartial in my thoughts about him. Apathy is a lack of feeling, emotion, interest, or concern about something. If u don’t have kids, move on. Fluctuating Repulsion, Indifference, and Appeal. I feel sad but I know I have to pick myself up and find my happiness. One of the first signs my ex still has feelings for me is the fact that he tries to be in touch and hang out with my best friends and some of my family members. The fruit from my worthy tree is starting to ripe. I [M19] feel indifferent about my relationship with my wonderful gf [F19] Relationships. I feel so resentful toward her. My boyfriend's family is indifferent towards me My boyfriend's family is indifferent towards me. Expect the other person to "resist" responses like these - i.e. specialmom. I don’t think that’s disputable. Uninvolved parents make few to no demands of their children and they are often indifferent, dismissive, or even completely neglectful. Feeling indifferent towards your partner is difficult because, for some reason, this indifference intensifies as time goes on. However, with my mother and older sister, I don't really feel that much towards them. 1. We had an argument early in Aighust last year. Unfavored children are either just tolerated, ignored, or derided. indifferent synonyms, indifferent pronunciation, indifferent translation, English dictionary definition of indifferent. I tried to hint to my son but he got angry and took her side. Indifference may occur when the problems of our life, our families, our communities, our country, and our world may seem so overwhelming that we feel quite powerless to do anything about them. In the meantime, try to encourage your sibling to tell the family on his own. That's exactly how I feel tbh. One sister contacted me to try and start again but it was on her terms and not sincere at all. They all have kids so continuously being saddled with kids it was a natural lean. Define indifferent. I feel great," she said. He is cold as ice for last 4 months after 12 years. He took his own life last year while in solitary confinement in prison. Occasionally my parents have not wanted my husband and I staying with them so we have had to book other accommodation when we have returned to their town for family gatherings. After living in the woo-woo place for many years and not having to face these realities, I feel again why the fantasy is so important to most of my family and to all fundagelicals. Beware indifference in a relationship. My family mostly makes a lot of unhealthy and heartless decisions that makes me often feel so cold in my house even on the hottest day. Feeling indifferent towards your partner is a complex and painful issue we sometimes don’t understand. I really feel that I have a family on this site and every problem I have ever had had been eased when I have spoken to my MPN family. But heck even more casual people don't care much about me, at my work when I was new there I tried being friendly to people and they were so indifferent towards me I eventually gave up. And that was 21 years of self-delusion. AIBU about the apparent lack of interest from her to my dd2? I am tired today. Ultimately, I feel it is my duty as a wife to love him “for better or for worse” whether I “feel” like it or not to honor the vows of marriage. It is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation, or passion.An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical, virtual, or physical life and the world. I can already feel the chains breaking. But Washington's emerging foreign policy is not the systematic foreign policy of the pre-World War II period. 10 ways to say ‘I still do’. I feel like a mistake. He was sweet, and he cared deeply about me. My husband abandoned me. I do these 10 things daily, and they give me all the meaning and joy I’ll ever need — … You may feel a lack of passion or motivation if you experience apathy. adj. My personal "indifference" towards my mother has gone through many other emotions to get to this point - mainly anger, however resentment, denial, feeling unwanted and a nuisance to her life are many others factors. If my feeling towards them was a scale of 1~10 with 5 being neutral and 10 … I wish not to harm my child. When i have not even received the love and warmth of my own family. But since we broke up, he made sure that this relationship intensified. Related Questions Getting through the Holidays after a Major Loss tips. Personally, I'm in two minds. However, I only really feel this towards family members and certain people I'm close to, but for the most part I can be social with strangers especially women. Feeling a lack of support from your friends and family can make coping with feelings of depression that much more difficult. I just feel so depressed with life and everything. Follow. 264. Codependency is the fuel that runs many alcoholic family systems. The current, established, consensus-approved terminology in the ace community for a given individual’s personal disposition toward sex includes sex-repulsed, sex-averse, and sex-indifferent. ent (ĭn-dĭf′ər-ənt, -dĭf′rənt) adj. Oh my, heart-breaking stuff here. Would it be healthy for me to just move on? Lately, I've been feeling indifferent to everything. I didn’t see this going into this family. My sister in law keeps telling me I am not part of the family and we have been married for nearly 30 years! I have felt like taking my own life because I don’t feel worthy. In my work, I work with energy. In this blog I look at the difficulty of feeling indifferent, and what else is possible. Human beings need to feel useful and moving toward something. I feel like I only have my current present, dominated by bulimia, frustration and a complete lack of motivation towards being anything else but a self-complaining, quite inert individual. Indifferent definition is - marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something : apathetic. In my own case, it took doctors a long time (roughly 15 years) to recognize exactly what was wrong with me. This article nailed what I am feeling right now….towards my ex, he was my first love and father of my 11 year old daughter. I had a lot of resentment towrds her growing up but i kept a smile on my face. Overcoming indifference. It’s hard to believe people can be so self-centered. I feel … More often than not, a state of discomfort and emotional distress manifests and you can’t seem to overcome it. “I don’t feel connected to my husband anymore” – if you feel tormented with this nagging, paralyzing feeling, more often than not, it is time to take note of signs that suggest you are drifting apart. We’ve agreed to make knowing Christ and personal transformation our daily agenda. When dd2 was born, DH was away working for lenghts of time. I am either pushing him away without even realizing it to make sure he doesn’t abandon me, or I’m beyond clingy to make sure he doesn’t abandon me. Today the phrase codependency in relationships is used mainly in a negative sense. In those cases I guess I'd just prefer indifference. Oh i used to be close friends with someone like this, then i started distancing myself from them. None of my … In addition to feeling insufficient, they are made to feel as if they have no identity. My boyfriend and I have been together for four years now. Goodness me, didn't realise so many people felt the same! Marriage is honorable. We have loads of history and not the easiest of relationships. The dog is looking morose, reading a book called Dogs Who Love Too Much. Indifference makes people not care about something or someone. I married my husband not his family. In my work, I work with energy. Cause I would rather be like I forgot you existed and feel indifferent about her. It is something to be avoided, and if you are codependent then you need to do something about it, break the chains, so to speak. She said to me, “I can finally accept that I’m just different than my family, and that’s okay.” Sounds like a good thing right? Having no particular interest or concern; apathetic: a person who is indifferent to the sufferings of others. It’s not worth the heartache I feel now. So, I am very confident about it. I think it's more of a case of "I give up". These feelings range from mild indifference to outright hatred. It’s a shame cause we have a child and that makes it worse because I’m really family oriented and love my family. So I feel the baby mother has not accepted as she continuously comes into the picture. Being “Clingy” “My two mind sets. I try and think back to what I may have done to him to make him like this and I just can't think of anything. “I’m so different than my family” what that actually means. They can feel passionate with others who likely have no constraining relationships or might be seeking the same kind of escape. This allows these things to just bounce off of you. he will fade, yes… he wont haunt as much. But talking is an entirely different genre. Ultimately it helps you care in a deeper, more genuine way. The indifference you build is towards your own internal emotional reactions and habitual responses, especially in situations in which you typically feel disappointed, defensive or critical towards your partner. 2. When the two of us were in a relationship, he had a respectful relationship with my family and that was it. Give back to the community. I wish to be proud of my own self and my accomplishments for my own life. Remember: your goal is indifference toward your ex -- not the world. Although society may not accept it, it's okay to not love your family. An effective response occurs when you get your primary needs met well enough, and both people feel heard and respected enough. This article offers useful responses to someone you experience as indifferent to you. It assumes you're familiar with ... the intro to this Web site and the premises underlying it This means that even when we notice what is going on around us, we may feel unable to make a difference. When college started we decided to carpool and soon we found ourselves in a relationship. Fortunately, He loves honesty. It’s scary. "I care about my friends, my family, my neighbors, my coworkers and the patients that I take care of. I'm tired of my siblings only coming to me when they want money. By dutchie, November 23, 2007 in Family. In my effort to be as British as I could I was completely indifferent to Jamaica. My mum took care of my two cousins as well and one tried to run away. 6 level 1 My family is primarily out of state and my friends are pretty much my ex’s family members. It can affect your behavior and ability to complete daily activities. Sign up for a pottery or language class. Indifference or apathy is a state in which we don’t care and/or don’t take action on something happening around us. People who are indifferent can be seen as cold, aloof, disinterested, unmotivated, and lacking in passion. There may be several reasons for indifference. It is not easy to stare simple reality in the face and not grimace, not find it unbearable. But if the subject comes up, it will be tough for me to lie.”. Whenever people find out how indifferent I am towards my family, they seem to think it's odd and that I am less of a person for it. People come to see a psychotherapist because they want to move towards, or away from experiences. I began to feel indifferent toward what happened between us, and it genuinely upset me. He has no real opinions, like/dislikes or sense of self and he completely bends his personality to fit hers. I just cut ties with my mom after a long history of putting up with un-mom-like behavior. Overcoming indifference. My therapist has described her as not necessarily abusive, but definitely toxic. Kamberuka April 28th, 2021 . People come to see a psychotherapist because they want to move towards, or away from experiences. I do love him, and it does hurt… But, in my heart of heart I see that he is the one truly hurting… He has no peace, no joy, no remorse, and unwilling to change. 5 of 5. Become a mentor at work. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. I think they regard me as the invisible Cinderella. Husbands have a need to be accepted, desired, loved, respected, and appreciated, among other things. Their habit angers you. I feel very guilty towards my friends, my family and my therapist for not taking part to their interest for me and for my … Hatred is a relatively stable feeling of intense dislike for another person, entity, or group. Your spouse may be already indifferent, but you still are not. “ Pushing people away when I feel they may reject me.” — Britian L. 11. "I need you to stop pretending I'm important to you." That can leave her little room for some soul-replenishing me-time, let alone you-and-she time. Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is highly associated with verbal abuse, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, physical abuse, and/or domestic violence often suffered by those who are non-borderline. I see my father as a ghost of a man when he’s around her. I carry tremendous anger and resentment toward family members who haven’t even called me during the past 3.5 yrs I relocated my mom w Alzheimers from her home to assisted living near me. How to use indifferent in a sentence. Oh boy. I also feel very apprehensive about showing my face and talking directly with the viewers. He is the most remarkable character in all history and literature, and for that reason alone he deserves a close look. Goodbye." Say yes to daily worship and no to indifference toward God. “I live in constant fear, and the only place I feel safe is in my bedroom.”. I was ashamed of my family, and embarrassed that they came from the Caribbean. The many shades of indifferent Synonym Discussion of indifferent. Then, done. For many stepmoms the pain of feeling like an outsider goes soul deep. Extremely Scared: I Felt Indifferent Toward An Obsession ; Suffering With Treatment-Resistant Depression ; My Fiance May Have A Sexual, Nude Photo Addiction ; Infections And The Brain ; My Girlfriend's Family Is Ruining Our Relationship ; Worthless ; I Need Help And Am At The End Of My Rope You get back what you put into any relationship and it looks like your family didn't put any love or closeness into yours so the outcome is understandable. Bobby points out that many wives resent their husbands because "they often feel frazzled, frustrated, and resentful about the higher level of mental energy and material energy they are expected to devote to their household, career and families." Sample script: “I can give you a few months. What to do: If you don’t feel comfortable keeping the secret, tell him that you can’t hold it forever, suggests Goldenthal. My mother is indifferent to me in the main, but why she has to be so to my youngest is beyond me. "I feel you're being polite out of duty, not genuine concern for me." We’ve discovered a deep connection with the living God makes for a more authentic connection with each other. I was in a similar situation when I was your age except that it was terribly abusive and I knew there was no way out. I have quite a few "friends" but if I don't talk to them first they rarely ever engage me. 1. a. When I overcome my drawbacks, I will definitely start my work.” But invariably, I keep postponing my work until this date. She did not come near me or attempt to offer any help in any shape or form. The power of Indifference is like a shield and when you’re in the middle of a battle with yourself, or someone else, create the image of you holding up a shield in your mind, deflecting hurtful words, or cruel actions, while saying in your mind, ‘I Don’t Care, I Don’t Care.’. Jul 21, 2018 #21 I wish to forgive the harm that was done on to me. When we asked a group of stepmoms why they wanted to run away from home, four responses came back repeatedly: “I feel like a stranger in my own home.”. to deny, protest, excuse, explain, justify, blame you, go silent, leave, change the subject, or similar. Of all the possible ways to think about Jesus Christ, the one that baffles me most is indifference. Being indifferent means being dispassionate about the things that happen around you. Many parents have less than positive feelings towards one or more of their children. I have a natural flair for writing. @font-face { font-family: ""; } ... And I don't like that I'm feeling this towards her. I don’t understand indifference toward Jesus Christ. Share Followers 0. My mum thinks it is someone from my husbands family that left that message. peaceofcake 9 years ago 12/14/2011 9:49pm CST To cut the situation short, my boyfriend had 2 kids outside our relationship. My dad is a strict person, he jokes around but he gets angry really fast so i have never shared whats in my heart with him. The cat is … 264. I'm indifferent towards my life, I don't see the point of making those incredibly intense efforts I would have to make in order to reject once for all the bulimia mentality and all my bulimic behaviors. I feel so depressed, hate my husband, feel trapped, just want to cry. My dad is apparently a serial adulterer, so that's an issue. Now I feel like I’ve lost him. But they feel good precisely because these experiences offer exceptionally high levels of stimulation. I'll be honest, I have a few people in my family that I love (they're family after all, and they're not BAD people) that I am very indifferent to, and it's not a problem for me.

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