i don t care about my friends problems

Many people don’t realize this, or maybe just don’t want to accept it. I don’t expect his friends to stay my friends if we split up, but I really don’t want my kids to be surrounded by people who are operating under the one-sided impression he has given them. You don't necessarily want advice; you want to vent. I don’t put up with bullshit, so the second someone becomes toxic to me, I cut them out of my world. Real friends can be trusted with your secrets. If someone has betrayed your trust more than once (and not apologized! 1. If your friend simply refuses to back you up on anything, they clearly don’t care enough about you and they’re showing one of the clear signs your friend doesn’t respect you. I don’t care about black people’s problems anymore. It’s their loss that their unfounded negativity has caused them to miss out on a loyal, caring, and kind friend such as yourself. Most of my family has moved away, died, or drifted apart, so it’s not even like I can hang out with them. However, while you’re providing your friends with a shoulder to lean on, you may also need someone to vent/cry/complain to from time to time. If you hang out enough, she shouldn't care that your entrée cost $3 more. I personally don't tend to have friends that are so angry with life, complaining about everything as i believe that negative feelings have a tendency to catch on and that's something i would prefer to avoid. They only get in contact when they need something A real friend is someone who will always try to make time to... 3. You are always expected to be a nice and happy person or to give a damn. If someone is in a sticky situation, I don’t care. You can’t kill people you don’t like, you can’t bully others, and you should always about how your words and actions hurt other people. 7. I am tired of telling myself that each and every one of you, just like everyone else on the planet, is simply busy with your own life, and that’s why we haven’t talked in a while. My Friends Don't Care When I'm Upset! Whilst they don’t have to agree with everything you do, a good friend has your back whether you’re right or wrong. I just want him to understand that, even if we don’t work out, that this could be very damaging to our family. Unfortunately, our generation has gained the reputation of being ignorant and careless, whether it be regarding our friendships, family life, personal life, or our future. ... Feel free to share this with your friends and family who needs a little motivation. I don't get it. I think I take on other people’s messes and drama way too much. 3. Here are some ways I deal with these people in my life - I know these people just don't want to acknowledge my illness so I don't see or communicate with them during a flare up. If they still don’t seem to care about you or if they turn the conversation back to them again, there’s something else you can try. I don't know if its shallow of me but i feel like i'm only 18 once and should try and get the most out of life with not much responsibility. I saw the girl being made fun of in the classroom, and for the first time, I took an interest in people. Why do I get so worried about all my friends’ problems? It's easy to say "You should talk to someone about your problems," but actually doing it can feel like stepping into a steel trap that leaves both you and the person you're talking to gnawing your own feet off. 5. Author has 379 answers and 140.9K answer views. Only one friend stuck by me. If he has no interest in moving the relationship forward and avoids all serious topics, the truth is he has no interest period. "I failed, but it's okay, I don't even care." Feeling a lack of support from your friends and family can make coping with feelings of depression that much more difficult. A Wake Up Call To Take Action. I tried to get involved withthe girll myself. I told me daughter that I really don’t care about anything anymore; that I feel like I’m just waiting for my own death. Because usually these people don't have issues with your friends for a good reason, they're just looking to make trouble because they thrive on drama. 9. The friend who is never happy for you because she's jealous. You know who she is because she's constantly making backhanded comments about everything you do and trying way too hard to one-up you. If you've listened to their problems and cared and they can't do the same in return,then they are not a friend. But while I know it can backfire, I also believe in it 100 percent. You don't need to have people around you that don't respect who you are, and you certainly don't need to stay friends with this individual who doesn't care for you enough to reciprocate your kindness. Judging without necessary cause, however, becomes someone else’s problem, not yours. You mention that sometimes you feel “used” by your friends. If we want to live happily and peacefully in this world, we have to love and care … 6. A good sign that someone doesn’t care is that they have no interest at all in serious topics or conversations dealing with the relationship. People suck sometimes. I am tired of picking up the slack with my friends. 4. MINNIE: But when life feels like crap, you don’t have the energy, the desire, to fix anything. To help friends like this get unstuck, don’t try to “fix” their problem. 1. To My Friends, I am tired of making excuses on your behalf. The same goes for my family. I plan to work for the holidays, to avoid the holiday “phonies.” Every Christmas, I go broke, buying gifts for people who don’t appreciate them. I don’t care if you’re my mother, my girlfriend, or my doctor. For 10 long years, I worked in banking & finance. Just don’t hang around nasty people because you want to feel accepted. When I was very young he saw that I was overweight and wrongly assumed that I didn’t care. But when I'm upset, they act like nothing happened. No exceptions. They get sad over a bad grade or something, and I always make them feel better. This is especially dangerous because if you stay in the relationship without addressing the problem, you may find yourself pressured to actually stop hanging out with your friends. What if my Friends and Family Don’t Care About my Podcast? Oh, so how'd you do on that last anatomy exam? I don’t know if I’m emotionally detached, I just find that I don’t care. Talk about tricky problems or dilemmas you have where the other person could have an interesting opinion. Clearly, you care a lot about your friends and they seem to really value your opinion, advice, and sometimes just your listening skills. It’s not my problem to deal with. If someone is telling me something or talking to me, I tune them out. I’m going to come out and say it…the same thing thousands, probably millions of people in this country are feeling, at this point. But it's a dick move for someone to badmouth your friends to your face when — oh, right — they're your friends , and you want to make up your own mind about them. They don’t care enough about me to want to know how I am doing. But distinguishing between the two is critical in maintaining a loving relationship with them. They don't have an issue talking about what's on their mind, sharing what's going on in their lives, and (if necessary) asking for help. You don't need to have people around you that don't respect who you are, and you certainly don't need to stay friends with this individual who doesn't care for you enough to reciprocate your kindness. There are many signs of a one-sided friendship. A therapist shares tips for coping if people around you don't agree on what's safe as the country slowly reopens. The Friend Who Gaslights You. 10 Signs Your Friend Doesn’t Care About You 1. They really do. They need to discover them for themselves. Ask, “What’s the first step you can take?” and encourage them to take it. Helping your friends become more aware of how they feel and focus on a goal builds a positive momentum, moving them forward in their lives. Shapiro, J. L., Peltz, L. S. & Bernadett-Shapiro, S. (1998). What to do when friends and family aren't taking COVID-19 seriously. I’m tired of reassuring myself that you really are my good friends – though you do little to prove it. However, if you really don’t care enough about your friend’s problems, then obviously you have a problem. Your friend doesn’t make an effort to see you All friendships require some degree of real life experiences to develop... 2. The holidays don’t excite me. You Gotta Realise That People Don’t Care About Your Problems. My husband explained this to … I tried talking to them about it, but they got all defensive. In case you haven't realized, this mentality doesn't get rid of the situation. Don't kid yourself that they still are great friends if they’ve stopping inviting you out or act as though they don’t care about you. I’m a bad friend. There are times when friends and family can offer great advice. 2. I do my job, come home make some crappy dinner, and collapse in front of the TV—if my … Period. Judging alone is not the problem. The people, with whom, I’ve tried to make friends with only seem interested when it benefits them. “Hey, don’t turn into what you used to be!” “—-I’m a convenient childhood friend who pays the bills. ), it might be time to rethink your relationship. Anonymous Mom is a weekly column of motherhood confessions, indiscretions, and parental shortcomings selected by Mommyish editors. It just means you understand that you don't have the energy to deal with people all the time. People are awful to be around. A couple more things about my 20 year old, she stays out until 3 am many nights and initially I told her I that I don’t care what time she comes home I just want a heads up so I don’t get worried, just a text to say when and she had a hard time doing that so for the past month she pretty much just comes home whenever. I actually really don't mind many of my family/friends not "believing" that I truly have an illness despite plain and verifiable blood work. Throughout my life, I've made a lot of friends who have ditched me or bullied me at some point. I finally found a friend group which I like, but now I'm starting to feel as if not one of them really cares about me. It was my birthday the other day. We do this thing where we decorate each person's office area on their birthday. I don't like to share my personal life with my co-workers. Care when you might hurt someone else. It all evens out in the end. If your compadre constantly implies that everything's your fault in a friendship, it might be time to call gaslighting what it is and bounce. Early on in my career, I had a couple of very bad experiences with forming friendships with co-workers. The opposite problem can affect your bond too. Meaning I just don’t fear it anymore. As long as you enjoy being around people in the moment, there's nothing to worry about. It can be hard to accept that your friendship has changed or that the people you thought were friends aren’t great friends to you. Fake friends will tell your secrets to others because they don’t really care about you or respect your privacy. We don't have to. A one-sided relationship can feel unfulfilling, and you don't have to deal with that toxic friendship because you deserve better than that. There are things that you can do, including being direct when you ask for help, but sometimes the best thing you can do is seek support from people who do understand what you are going through. My boyfriend asks me “Why do you care so much?” when I … I disappear when I get sad — and I get sad a lot. The other day I got into a 5-hour tweet storm with somebody. I don't even care about doing my work (I have five essays due between Monday and Tuesday, and I'm writing this instead). #2 Stop thinking … My own grandfather is a perfect example. After almost 30 years working as a marital therapist, I've become convinced that, while men don't have enough friends or emotional support, women can have far too many and too much. I have met new friends but just can’t seem to connect. I cannot be clearer about this: I will not give you free legal advice. Hell, I don’t care if you’re one of my buddies—even Adam, who once helped me move on the hottest day of the year back when I was in law school—I will not give you free legal advice. I call it the “preparation method”. Back then, I didn’t really know what I wanted to do with my life, until one vivid moment at the photocopier when I wondered what kind of media courses colleges offered these days. My childhood friend, who had been making fun of me behind my back, stopped me. There are moments when you need someone to listen to you. If on the other hand,problems have been talked about frequently,they may just feel a bit negative about it because they've listened and cared as much as they could and have nothing left to try to help you on that particular problem or problems. I don’t care anymore. Please help! Just listen to your friend talk, that may be all that is required or … Don't worry, it's natural. People Don’t Care About You And Will Turn On You At A Moment’s Notice.

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