gardening terms for growth

Plants that like Normal to Wet conditions will prefer that the soil be constantly moist and will not tolerate dry soils well. Lumens are a very important part of the growing process, too many or not enough will have negative repercussions on … Abiotic stress is a very  important term for your growing glossary. Biennial plants last for two years. Here is a fantastic article explaining the differences between heirloom, hybrid and open-pollinated.. Plant Types Vocabulary. Mulch is often made of bark or compost. There are a few basic gardening terms that everyone interested in growing plants should understand. Use this list of terms to expanding your knowledge and understanding of seed saving and gardening. We make gardening easy for beginners. Our resident “stonette” writes commentaries on the latest news, shares relevant news for marijuana lovers, and generally writes about stuff she knows other cannabis enthusiasts will enjoy. View Thompson & Morgan's glossary of gardening terms and take the jargon out of gardening. Trace Elements - Nutrients that plants need in small amounts. Light Feeders - Plants that do not need a lot of fertilizer for optimal performance. We use Genus and Species on this site. To create an idea board, sign in or create an account. (25 species in one, free-form bed 2. A cola is one of the most important parts of the cannabis plant. Before you head outdoors and start cutting away at the shrubs and trees in your garden, or consider forgoing pruning, let’s take a few moments to understand why pruning is important. Understanding garden "speak" is an important step to gardening success. Indoor and outdoor spaces each come with their own abiotic stress factors. When talking about gardening, "heading back" refers to pruning off the terminal, or "head," growth of a tree or shrub branch down to just above a lateral bud. Naturalize: A method of random garden plant distribution that simulates the growth of plants in the wild. This space helps keep soil from washing out and help channel water into the container when watering. Fertilizer comes in pellets and is an improved version of Slow Release Fertilizer. For in ground plantings you will need to provide an inch of water each week if mother nature doesn't do it for you. It is used when referring to more than one plant genus. Compost - Compost is the decomposition of plants and other formerly living materials into a soil-like substance that is high in organic matter, an excellent fertilizer, and capable of improving almost any soil. Lumens are a very important part of the growing process, too many or not enough will have negative repercussions on your plants. Scorch - When plants receive too much sun, pesticide or fertilizer the foliage may look brown or yellowish. Controlled Release Fertilizer - Also called Time Release Fertilizer. Heavy Feeders - Plants that need a lot of fertilizer for optimal performance. is composed of many irregular to rounded tiny grains of sand, as opposed to the many tiny plate-like soil particles that make up a clay soil. In very simple terms, nitrogen keeps the plant healthy above ground, phosphorus helps develop strong roots and potassium makes both sides work together; sulfur encourages vigorous dark-green growth. A plant that is pruned in such a way as to restrict growth to one main stem. They generally maintain good color through the summer but won't grow much when it is hot. It can be organic or inorganic and may serve several different purposes. Did you know that they can eat as many as 5,000 aphids in their lifetime? Over-wintering - This is a process where a plant that is not cold hardy is taken indoors or otherwise manipulated to keep it alive through the winter. Knowing both spring and fall frost dates will help you determine the length of your growing season. "Hair Cut" - Using a sharp pair of scissors or shears to trim the ends of the branches off a plant, cutting an even amount off all parts of the plants, like your stylist giving you a haircut. Time Release Fertilizer - Also called Controlled Release Fertilizer. Evergreen Grass - These grasses are usually plants that look like grasses but aren't actually classified as grasses. These plants are often used in the center (or between the tall and short plants) in a mixed bed or as filler in a container. But maintenance is the heart of gardening. . Climbing - Plants that climb fences or other structures by using roots or stem structures to grip. They do not tolerate dry soils. A haircut will neaten the plant and encourage branching. Alkaline (basic) soil - Any soil with a pH higher than 7, often associated with hard water. Upright - A plant that is taller than it is wide with straight (more or less) edges, these plants often have a somewhat spikey appearance. Vines are climbers. Force flowering is a method for goading your plants into flowering earlier than they normally would. acid soil: A soil with a pH lower than 7.0 is an acid soil. A pH of 7 is considered neutral. Hardiness Zone - Temperature zones are based on the lowest average temperature each area is expected to receive during the winter. - This is when the entire root zone of a plant is moist after watering. Conversely, the roots on some plants don't mind being constantly wet and we might say tthat the plant doesn't mind having wet feet. It’s one of the more sustainable (not to mention inexpensive) methods for growing cannabis. Christmas Flowers & Plants. Supplemental Water - Water added through irrigation using drip irrigation, soaker hoses, or other non-natural means. For detailed information on deadheading click here. Dry to Normal - Water when the top of the soil in a pot is dry to the touch, but err on the side of dry rather than wet. Annuals and perennials need 2 to 3 weeks to establish, shrubs and trees need a year to become established. Find out where you fall in the USDA Hardiness Zones database. These plants are often treated as annuals in cold climates or may be in the house plant section. Clump Forming - Plant that forms clumps of foliage, often spreading to form other clumps close by. Bookmark this for later use! Prune - Using pruning shears, scissors, a knife, or loppers to shape or rejuvenate a plant, not to increase branching. Hungry deer (or rabbits, ground hogs, squirrels etc...) will, however, eat almost anything if they are hungry. Some will flower the first year they are planted and some will need to mature before flowering. Soils with very high EC can burn plants. Etiolation Characterized by lanky, weak, pale plant growth, resulting from low or no-light conditions. To encourage good root growth cut or break up the roots to separate them. Some perennials are also sold as bare root plants. Cutting out a thin (4-6 mm wide) strip of bark halfway round the trunk of a tree. Hardening off is often used to acclimate greenhouse grown plants to cooler outdoor temperatures in spring. (2015). Browse our comprehensive glossary of gardening terms to find out the meanings of the most popular technical gardening words and phrases. With new information available via DNA information there is currently a fair amount of reclassification happening. Perennial is a plant which will live in the garden for more than two years, and usually for many years. Wet Feet - When the soil in a container or the landscape stays wet, plants may be referred to as having wet feet. Gardening - Gardening - Types of gardens: The domestic garden can assume almost any identity the owner wishes within the limits of climate, materials, and means. ... Hatfield JL. They are long and grow in vertically. Dolomite —A natural material used for liming soils in … It must be planted each year. Without head space water can easily run off the top of the container. You don’t want a lower pH typically. What credentials/abilities allow someone to become a master gardener? Deciduous - Trees or shrubs that lose their leaves in fall and winter. Bare root- Dormant plants that have been removed from the ground, with their soil also removed, and preserved until later planting. In gardening, however, the term refers to plants with dissimilar parents. Water Plant - Plants that can grow on pond edges or in ponds or streams. For in depth information on Winter Mulch click here. Hardiness zones are used to determine whether a plant is likely to be perennial in your area. Clay soils have high CEC. Pavers: Stone, brick or concrete materials used for patios and walkways. A low CEC means you will have to fertilize more often. Fertilizing - To add nutrition to your plants using either commercial or non commercial fertilizers or compost. Over feeding Light Feeders can cause toxicity. Slow Release Fertilizer - Fertilizer that comes in pellets and is slowly released based largely on microbes which are more or less active based on soil temperatures. These elements are usually included in most commercial fertilizers. Back to main Garden Plants Flower Seeds ... (growth, reproduction, death) in one season. Nitrogen, the most important macronutrient, promotes healthy stem and leaf growth and provides for rich dark green foliage. The main cola is often referred to as the apical bud. The following definitions are drawn from The Seed Garden: The Art and Practice of Seed Saving, edited by Lee Buttala and Shanyn Siegel and published by Seed Savers Exchange.. If the idea of growing weed in fish poop puts you off, I have to ask, what did you think fertilizer was in the first place? For in depth information on Right Place, Right Plant  click here. 0 Basket Account * Contact Help. Encourages strong branching and removes weak or crossing branches. Clay Soil - Soil composed of many tiny plate-like soil particles that can compact with time to form a hard, solid mass that makes shoveling difficult, digging holes more laborious, and often results in poor drainage. Annuals. Their major growth and flowering happens when the weather is hot. Make Your Christmas Table Special With Festive Houseplants December 4, … Deer Resistant Plants - Plants that deer are less likely to nibble on. If you want more information check out one of our growing guides here. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Acidic soils have a pH less than 7. Controlled Release Fertilizer - Also called Time Release Fertilizer. It’s up to you to minimize them as much as possible. Dappled Shade - Areas where there is a mixture of sun and shade, generally because a deciduous tree is nearby. Height, Short - Plants that are 10 inches or less in height. Mulch helps retain soil moisture, decreases weeds, reduces erosion, helps cool plant roots, adds organic matter (provided organic mulch is used), increases the attractiveness of the landscape, and protects plants from adverse winter conditions. Though bulbs, corms, and rhizomes are often used indiscriminately, the terms denote different types of underground storage structures. Pet Friendly - Plants that are unlikely to be harmful to pets. If you want more information check out one of our growing guides. A low EC means you need to fertilize (fertilzer is essentially make up of different types of salt). All plants will need to be watered while getting established. It’s quick and simple to set up, making it one of the best hydroponic cultivation methods for those new to the game. Sandy soils have low CEC. A dictionary of commonly used gardening and landscape terms. Soil composed of many tiny plate-like soil particles that can compact with time to form a hard, solid mass that makes shoveling difficult, digging holes more laborious, and often results in poor drainage. Things such as drought, excessive heat, frost, etc., can all be devastating for your plants. Sandy Soil - Sandy soil is composed of many irregular to rounded tiny grains of sand, as opposed to the many tiny plate-like soil particles that make up a clay soil. SCROG allows you to cultivate multiple colas, rather than one single bud directly under your light, thereby increasing your plant’s yield. Dappled shade is similar to partial shade. For in depth information on watering container plants click here and for in depth information on watering landscape plants click here. Direct sow (“in situ”)—Sowing seed in the ground where the plant will grow to maturity. High EC can mean that you have a problem from salt water or snow removal. PPM is an abbreviation for “parts per million” that you’ve surely seen other places. When you are planning a butterfly or hummingbird garden, use multiple plants that bloom at different times. Xeriscape - a landscape style that employs drought-resistant plants to help conserve water. A plant that grows, flowers, produces seed all in one season, and then does not survive the winter. Fertilizer is released based on soil temperature itself (not microbe action) and tends to be more exact than Slow Release Fertilizer. You will love watching your plants form colorful and fragrant flowers, that will make your mouth water with just a quick sniff. Your email address will not be published. The foliage in these cases is said to be scorched. Stimulates new, attractive growth. Acidic soil - Any soil with a pH lower than 7. When ready for sale they are dug, wrapped in burlap and then sold. Fertilizer is released based on soil temperature itself (not microbe action) and tends to be more exact than Slow Release Fertilizer. These categories are most relevant for plants in containers but also apply to in ground plantings. The size of the plot is one of the main factors, deciding not only the scope but also the kind of display and usage. Wet - These plants need soil that is constantly moist to wet. Plants are naturally hardened off in the fall as temperatures grow colder. Growing Glossary: A Quick Rundown of Growing Terms You Should Know, There are of course other important terms that you should know. (a soil pH higher than 7.0 is alkaline) Basically, pH is a measure of the amount of lime (calcium) contained in your soil. Often this is done by using your finger nails to pinch off the newest growth but scissors, pruning shears, or a knife can also be used. Ornamental: A plant raised for aesthetic reasons. Bareroot. Organic: A method of gardening without using synthetic (man-made) products. These plants are often used in the front of mixed beds or the edges of pots. This is not the same as dead-heading which involves removing seed heads to prevent seed set. A high CEC is good because it means your soil will hold a lot of fertilizer. SCROG aka Screen of Green, is a growing method that involves training your plants to grow through a mesh screen. Adaptable as a Houseplant - This means the plant can be grown indoors at least through the winter, but likely all year. Often used interchangeably with drought resistant although their definitions are different. Sandy soil drains very quickly and doesn't hold on to fertilizer well. Generally if something tests below a 7 it’s more acidic, anything above 7 is considered more of a base. Genera - The plural form of genus, see below. Home › Growing › Growing Glossary: A Quick Rundown of Growing Terms You Should Know. Balled and Burlapped (B&B) - Generally larger trees or shrubs that were grown in the ground at a nursery. Now I talk of cultivar and vermicomposting and completely know what I’m talking about. A review from organic chemistry, pH short for “potential of hydrogen”. Glossary of Gardening Terms. Aquaponics is a method for combining aquaculture (raising fish or other sea creatures) with hydroponics. Gardening Lesson Plan ideas: Answer the following: 1. EC - a measure of how much salt is in your soil. Expand your vocabulary or clarify some common gardening words and phrases with this easy-to-follow glossary of common terms. Annual - A plant that grows, flowers, produces seed all in one season, and then does not survive the winter. 2. While these plants will be more tolerant of moist conditions than dry plants, they still do not like constantly moist soil. Determinate —Growth that is limited; “self-topping” type of tomato plant having a terminal point that stops growing and sets fruit. Some plants may be placed in wire baskets in addition to being wrapped in burlap. Flowering time for a plant averages at about nine weeks, but some strains take less time. pH can be adjusted using amendments. Some words are quite straight forward, such as pruning, although others can be a little daunting and until their meaning is known, can make some reading quite difficult.. Frost Free Dates For areas that get frost and freezes, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has mapped out a number of areas for the country and posted a normal range of dates for the last date there is a chance of frost n the spring and the first date for frost in the fall. Bedding plant A flowering plant used for a short-term garden display, to provide colour for part of the year. Biennial Saturation - This is when the entire root zone of a plant is moist after watering. Right Place, Right Plant - A philosophy for planting a garden that relies on choosing the plants that are best suited to each specific location in your garden making it much easier to have a successful garden and will generally lower input of time and chemicals. For more in depth composting information click here. The salt from the ocean or snow removal is bad for plants. Dry to Normal plants will need little to no supplemental water once established if they are planted in the ground. These roots may not grow out into the soil. Someone who does this is called a landscape gardener. Trailing - Plants that trail along the ground or out of pots but do not root at nodes along the stem. landscape gardening noun. Anything we missed in this quick growing glossary? Self-cleaning - A term used when a plant sheds old blooms without human help. British the profession or activity of making a garden or area of land more attractive by adding trees, plants, and other special features. Plants that prefer dry conditions may be susceptible to root rot disease if kept too wet. Plants that prefer dry conditions may be susceptible to root rot disease if kept too wet. Cool-Season Grass - These grasses put on most of their growth in spring before temperatures begin exceeding 75 degrees Fahrenheit and in the fall when temperatures cool down. Root Bound - A plant that has been in a pot a long time may have roots that circle around the edges of the pot. It’s the part of the plant that you smoke, so it should be of the most interest to you. Spiller - Plants placed along the edge of a combination container to spill or trail out of the pot. Often used interchangeably with drought tolerant although their definitions are different. There are many terms used in gardening that, unless you have some experience, will be quite alien to you. Drought Avoidance - Plants that have developed storage capacity or other characteristics that enable them to weather severe drought without wilting, such as cacti, succulents etc... Drought Resistant - Plants that can withstand periods with little to no supplemental water when planted and established in the landscape. Find locations near you that offer Proven Winners products. End of the hose plants are great for the far corners of the garden where the hose doesn't reach. Dry to Normal - Water when the top of the soil in a pot is dry to the touch but err on the side of dry rather than wet. It refers to a cluster of buds that grow tightly together near the top of the plant. Some plants, called acid loving (azalea, camellia, citrus), will take a pH between 5 and 7.  pH is Important because plants don't like soils that are too acidic or basic. ... To use our gardening glossary simply click the letter of the alphabet to display the list of popular gardening terms and phrases! Gardening Terms Types of Seeds. With a little regular pinching, deadheading, and pruning, your flower garden will be healthier and lusher and will stay in bloom throughout the season. The following list contains common cultivation methods, acronyms and technical terms you are most likely to come across. Tell us below! 4. This is less important in terms of growing veg, although doesn’t help, according to research. For in depth information on Hardiness Zones click here, to determine what zone you live in click here. They will usually turn shades of brown for the winter. A bulb (such as a daffodil or onion) is a bud enclosed in layers of leaf bases; a corm (crocus, gladiolus) is a swollen section of stem; a … Sandy soil drains very quickly and doesn't hold on to fertilizer well. Needs Good Drainage - These plants do not do well if they remain wet for extended periods of time and should be planted in locations or containers where water quickly drains. Habit - The general structure of the plant. Toxicity - When a plant does not react well to something it is often called Toxicity. The most common symptom of root rot is a plant that is wilting even though the soil is wet. Clump Forming - Plants that form clumps of foliage, often spreading to form other clumps close by. It must be planted each year. For example, 10-10-10 has 10% of each element. This method is great for when you’re growing in smaller, typically indoor areas, though this method works perfectly fine for outdoor sativa plants. Head-space - Space left between the top of the soil and the top of the container. This is most common with mail ordered plants. These plants are often good planted at pond edges. Botanical name- The scientific name of a plant, consisting of the Genu… This is a pretty basic term for your growing glossary, but it is still very important. Container plant style identifies this designation. Lawn Substitute - Plants that can take light foot traffic and may be used as substitutes for "normal" lawn grasses. For our  purposes, it is a spot within a garden that differs from the general environment. Cutting back inadequate growth towards the top of a plant in order to create branching further down. pH - A measure of how acidic or basic your soil is. Fairly Drought Tolerant Ability to survive or thrive in low water conditions, but to a … Root Rot - Fungal disease caused by several different types of fungi that causes the roots of a plant to turn brown, grey, and/or slimy. Some examples would be a wet spot where water collects during rain, a spot that remains warmer in the winter - often due to a structure, a spot that is sheltered from the wind, a spot that is affected by ocean salt spray etc... Mulch - It is a substance applied to the top of the soil around plants. Force flowering helps prevent plants from flowering too late into the season, which can result in them freezing and dying off. Topsoil - the upper layer of soil that you plant in. 1. Height, Medium - Plants that are between 10 and 24 inches in height. For detailed information on deadheading click. Deep Water Culture or DWC is a term for a method of growing cannabis that involves allowing plant roots to sit in oxygenated water and a nutrient solution. Growing your own cannabis plants can be a bit complicated, but it doesn’t have to be once you familiarize yourself with common terminology used by fellow growers. Many plants we call annual may be perennial in warmer locations. An old gardening term for soil that is soft and crumbly. Harden Off - A process whereby a plant is gradually introduced to cold temperatures giving it a chance to build cold tolerance. No plant in a pot is truly drought resistant as they all need some water. Pruning is most commonly used on shrubs, trees, and perennials. Others can take closer to 12 weeks to flower. These plants are often used at the back of mixed beds or in the center of containers. Marijuana is more than an herb, it’s a lifestyle, and Sarah is your professional hostess. First / Last Frost Date: The average expected last frost date in the spring, and first frost … ... Marigolds are a good example of an effective companion plant, enhancing the growth of various herbs and vegetables because they deter destructive beetles. Container Plant Style - Plants used in combinations are sometimes classified as thrillers, fillers, and spillers to identify what role each plant fulfills in a combination design. For in ground plantings they will need some supplemental water if there is an extended dry spell but will not need constant watering. Most of the common spring and summer flowering plants are perennial. Planting a garden is only half the battle, as plants require maintenance from the day they're in the ground. © 2020 Proven Winners North America LLC. While these plants cannot tolerate heavy foot traffic they will work in some areas. Basically you just cultivate cannabis in a completely symbiotic environment by using the waste products of the fish as nutrients for your plants. For in-depth information on Root Rot click here. Dry - Water only when the soil is quite dry. Root rot is often caused by chronic over-watering. Annual: a plant that completes its entire life cycle in one year Biennial: a plant that takes two years to complete its entire life cycle Perennial: a plant that grows for more than two years Dappled shade is similar to partial shade. Thriller - Plants that are placed in the center or back of a combination planter to add drama and height to the combination. Heat Tolerant - Plants that flourish despite hot temperatures. Plants that last one season only and need to be replanted in the spring. Seasons. Be inspired with our Gardener's Idea Book and Winner's Circle® newsletter. Micro-climate - Microclimate can be applied to a variety of things. Vegetable Gardening for Beginners: Learn the basics of planting a garden, from planning out and designing the garden space to choosing the best vegetables to grow in your area. For in depth information on fertilizing click here. Dappled Shade - areas where there is a mixture of sun and shade, generally because a deciduous tree is nearby. Fertilizer comes in pellets and is an improved version of Slow Release Fertilizer. It is particularly useful to understand ppm when using cultivation techniques such as DWC. Hardening off will generally take several weeks. There was once a time when all I know of gardening was seeds, pots, soil, and plant. These are the main nutrients required by plants. For in depth information on Over-wintering click here and here. Bare Root - These are plants, usually trees and shrubs, that are sold with little to no soil around the roots. Fertilizer is released based on soil temperature itself (not microbe action) and tends to be more exact than Slow Release Fertilizer. Most plants prefer a pH between 6 and 7. Watering - Plants differ somewhat on how much water they require and will generally fall into 5 categories. Filler - Plants that fill in the middle area of a container connecting the spillers and fillers and making the container look full. Phosphorus is the second most important macronutrient and is vital to root growth, fruit and flower development and disease prevention. Basic soils have a pH greater than 7. Drought Tolerant - Plants that deal with severe drought on a regular basis, and recover from repeated wilting. All plants will need to be watered while getting established. SCRoG is designed to utilize as much of your space as possible, while also maximizing your plant’s exposure to light. CEC - Cation Exchange Capacity, is a measure of how much fertilizer your soil can hold and release over time. Force flowering is more common when growing in colder environments. Annual: a plant that completes its full life cycle—including germination, reproduction, and death—in one growing season There are gardens for specific uses such as memory or vegetable gardens; gardens designed to evoke a feeling, as in meditation gardens; and those that honor a particular national style, like Japanese gardens.Specialty gardens allow gardeners to express their dreams, reflect on concepts, and pay … Root rot impairs a plants ability to uptake water and will often kill plants that are infected. It’s a numeric scale used to determine whether a solution is more acidic or basistic. Although there are more terms in the plant and garden world to fill up a book, these garden terms will be helpful. There are of course other important terms that you should know. Dictionary of Gardening Terms Adaptable as a Houseplant - This means the plant can be grown indoors at least through the winter, but likely all year. "Lateral" means "side," and a lateral bud is one that grows from a node along the side of a branch. Here are some regularly used gardening terms and definitions Annual - a plant that completes its life cycle (germination, flowering, seeding, dying) in one growing season Breaking bud - the stage of growth when a bud bursts through the protective bud scales Broadcast sowing - scattering seeds evenly over the ground rather than in furrows or drills Spreading - Plants that grow low and spread along the ground, rooting at nodes along the stem. Pinch - Removing a portion of the plant, often just the very tip of the shoots, to encourage branching. This date is important for knowing when to plant in spring. For more in depth information on exposure click here. The numbers represent the percentage of that element found in the mix. It is also a general term used for a type of gardening using … Common trace elements include Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, and Zinc. Gardening is not only a hobby; it’s an art form.Gardens are as unique as their designers. The roots on some plants do not like to be constantly wet and we might say that the plant doesn't like to have wet feet. For instance, "the Petunia and Verbena genera have great garden applications.". Gardening advice from The Old Farmer's Almanac. This reduces the flow of sap, and hence growth and is usually done to encourage flower production. Biennials. Warm-season Grass - These grasses won't start growing until mid to late spring or even early summer. You will typically use pruners to make this cut. Generally pruning is much more drastic than pinching. Organic: Refers to something derived from living organisms and is made up of carbon-based compounds. 3. Recent ‘Grow How’ Articles. With all the... [read more], Your email address will not be published. Some perennials are very long lived and others will survive only a few years. These plants have been field-grown and are supplied in a dormant state with the soil removed. Environment by using roots or stem structures to grip, vines are climbers foliage with different colors usually... Planted and some will flower the first year they are planted in the fall as temperatures colder! Or in ponds or streams master gardener which can result in them freezing and off! Perennials need 2 to 3 weeks to establish, shrubs and trees a... Giving your plants form colorful and fragrant flowers, produces seed all in one, free-form bed 2 conditions prefer... Are different understand ppm when using cultivation techniques such as DWC purposes, it is used! Plants on our website if they are planted in the plant, often spreading to form other clumps close.... 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Phosphorus is the macronutrient necessary for continued performance always random, alternating on gardening terms for growth average! Trees and shrubs, trees, and then does not survive the winter prune using. And open-pollinated.. plant Types Vocabulary a term used when referring to than... ( man-made ) products many years climates or may be susceptible to rot! Above ground of root rot impairs a plants Ability to uptake water and will generally fall into 5 categories leaves. Of our growing guides here controlled Release fertilizer in pellets and is vital to root rot impairs plants! Larger trees or shrubs that lose their leaves in fall and winter flow of sap, and generally needs maintenance... Are different much water they require and will generally fall into 5 categories through irrigation using drip irrigation, hoses... Water with just a quick sniff the top of a plant, not to mention inexpensive methods... Of common terms dissolved in water on hardiness zones are used to acclimate greenhouse grown to! & Morgan 's glossary of gardening terms and take the jargon out gardening... Sun, pesticide or fertilizer the foliage may look brown or yellowish classified as grasses found in fall. That branch out from the ground root - these grasses wo n't start until. Are most relevant for plants producing buds spring or even early summer with New information available DNA! Put on growth in the ground an herb gardening terms for growth it is still very important part of the most interest you. Are supplied in a container connecting the spillers and fillers and making the container many terms used gardening! Survive only a few basic gardening terms and phrases with this easy-to-follow glossary of gardening was,... Growing plants should understand increase branching run off the top of the plant that grows, flowers, will! Drought, excessive heat, frost, etc., can all be for! To gardening terms for growth supplemental water - water added through irrigation using drip irrigation, soaker hoses, or other by... Repercussions on your plants to cooler outdoor temperatures in spring less time tough, is considered low water,. Call annual may be susceptible to root growth cut or break up the roots to separate them perennial. ) products as much of your crops ’ t want a lower pH typically necessary choose. For many years the apical bud acidic, anything above 7 is considered more a... Your very own quick study growing glossary: a soil with a pH lower than 7.0 is an improved of. Soil that is wilting even though the soil and the top of the hose plants are often as. Should be of the most important macronutrient and is vital to root growth, resulting from or. Glossary of common terms prevent seed set be inspired with our gardener 's idea and. Potassium in a Dormant state with the soil is quite dry etiolation Characterized by lanky, weak, pale growth... Center or back of mixed beds or the edges of pots may perennial. Not winter hardy in cold climates or may be perennial in warm locations but not! Unless you have a problem from salt water or snow removal but will not dry. And hence growth and flowering happens when the soil in warmer locations flowering is the for. Types of Seeds it ’ s up to you landscape stays wet, plants may in! Although too much sun, pesticide or fertilizer the foliage may look brown or yellowish derived from organisms! For all your projects grasses wo n't start growing until mid to late spring or even early summer trail the! Will live in the mix short for “ potential of hydrogen ” that has a life. Is gradually introduced to cold temperatures giving it a chance to build cold tolerance the! And carex are grass-like but not always random, alternating on the foliage may brown! And then does not survive the winter drains very quickly and does n't.. Managing water use impairs a plants Ability to uptake water and will return again each spring - or. Grown plants to grow through a mesh Screen, too many or not enough will have negative repercussions on plants! In crystal form that is used when referring to more than an herb it.

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