artificial intelligence in teaching and learning true or false questions

Targeted Marketing – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka, Fraud Detection Using AI – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Lessons from the Learning Sciences. Fuzzy Logic Architecture – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka, Expert Systems – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Once the evaluation is over, any further improvement in the model can be achieved by tuning a few variables/parameters. Q10. SURVEY . Here, you basically try to improve the efficiency of the machine learning model by tweaking a few parameters that you used to build the model. Face Verification – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Most learners today generally prefer to nod or shake heads in response to True or false questions. An important concept in reinforcement learning is the exploration and exploitation trade-off. In this video on “Reinforcement Learning Tutorial” you will get an in-depth understanding about how reinforcement learning is used in the real world. So, whether your next job interview is related to data science, machine learning (ML), or deep learning (DL), you can bet that artificial intelligence questions will come up. At that point, MAX has to choose the highest value: i.e. A bank manager is given a data set containing records of 1000s of applicants who have applied for a loan. True; False; Question 3) Which of the following statements are true? Every agent function is implementable by some program/machine combination. In this Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions blog, I have collected the most frequently asked questions by interviewers. For example, instead of checking all 10,000 samples, randomly selected 100 parameters can be checked. This will help the network to remember the images in parts and can compute the operations. Get help with your Artificial intelligence homework. Tic-Tac-Toe – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. It is the science of getting computers to act by feeding them data and letting them learn a few tricks on their own, without being explicitly programmed to do so. – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Random Search It randomly samples the search space and evaluates sets from a particular probability distribution. If there is any room for improvement, then parameter tuning is performed. Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills. To do so, it is necessary to have detailed dictionaries which the algorithm can look through to link the form back to its lemma. If you open up your chrome browser and start typing something, Google immediately provides recommendations for you to choose from. FALSE The IDE was developed by GE under the leadership of Charles Babbage. This improves the accuracy of the model. Join Edureka Meetup community for 100+ Free Webinars each month. The exam is closed book, closed notes except a two-page crib sheet. This way each neuron will remember some information it had in the previous time-step. Directions: This section contains modified true-false questions. Let us calculate the utility for the left node(red) of the layer above the terminal: MIN{3, 5, 10}, i.e. teaching Siri or the Google Assistant how to recognize your voice by reading to it is an example of _____ ... which of the following refers to the encoding of information about the world into formats that artificial intelligence systems can understand? Initially, only the next possible node is visible to you, thus you randomly start off and then learn as you traverse through the network. Let’s represent the rooms on a graph, each room as a node, and each door as a link, like so: Next step is to associate a reward value to each door: Now let’s try to understand how Q-Learning can be used to solve this problem. Most Frequently Asked Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions. (Select all that apply.) Q10. You start off at node A and take baby steps to your destination. Grid Search Grid search trains the network for every combination by using the two set of hyperparameters, learning rate and the number of layers. The following approach is followed for detecting fraudulent activities: Data Extraction: At this stage data is either collected through a survey or web scraping is performed. Finally, by following the below steps, the agent will reach room 5 by taking the most optimal path: AI can be used to implement image processing and classification techniques for extraction and classification of leaf diseases. To do this, we define a discount rate called gamma. Collaborative filtering is the process of comparing users with similar shopping behaviors in order to recommend products to a new user with similar shopping behavior. The series of actions taken by the agent, define the policy (π) and the rewards collected define the value (V). A popular Machine Learning method used for segmentation is the K-means clustering algorithm. If Gamma is closer to one, the agent will consider future rewards with greater weight, Improve image data that suppresses unwanted distortion, Image clipping, enhancement, color space conversion, Perform Histogram equalization to adjust the contrast of an image. The smaller the gamma, the larger the discount and vice versa. What is the difference between Strong Artificial Intelligence and Weak Artificial Intelligence? A biological neuron has dendrites which are used to receive inputs. The following steps can be carried out to predict whether a loan must be approved or not: Data Extraction: At this stage data is either collected through a survey or web scraping is performed. In many ways, the two seem made for each other. ... and this booming job market naturally generates … It is possible for a given agent to be perfectly rational in two distinct task environments. It is designed to enable fast experimentation with deep neural networks. The output layer has the same number of units as the input layer. This includes transactional, shopping, personal details, etc. For instance, in the diagram below, we have the utilities for the terminal states written in the squares. Hyperparameters are variables that define the structure of the network. Each edge has a number linked with it, this denotes the cost to traverse that edge. Q2. The RL process can be broken down into the below steps: Counter-Strike Example – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. 3. Deep Learning is based on the basic unit of a brain called a brain cell or a neuron. In turn, the environment sends the next state and the respective reward back to the agent. Generally, things don’t work out like this while summing up the cumulative rewards. From letting teachers concentrate on building the minds of students instead of checking copies, to tailoring the learning process for each individual student, artificial intelligence is totally revolutionising the teaching-learning process in education. This is how collaborative filtering works. Artificial Intelligence – What It Is And How Is It Useful? Our online learning trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top learning quizzes. Machine Learning algorithms such as K-means is used for Image Segmentation, Support Vector Machine is used for Image Classification and so on. Each of these is a statement, part of which has been underlined. To understand spam detection, let’s take the example of Gmail. These are then applied on items in order to increase sales and grow a business. The RL agent works based on the theory of reward maximization. To learn more about Reinforcement Learning you can go through this video recorded by our Machine Learning experts. Words like “lottery”, “earn”, “full-refund” indicate that the email is more likely to be a spam one. Online study and blended learning; Part-time study; Mature age learning ... and counteract false and polarising information on social media. Keras is an open source neural network library written in Python. the big chunk of meat. What is the difference between Hyperparameters and model parameters? How can AI help the manager understand which loans he can approve? This can be achieved by a mechanism called early stopping. Deep learning imitates the way our brain works i.e. Further training will result in overfitting, thus one must know where to stop the training. Test Your Answer Click Option Button Building a Machine Learning model: There are n number of machine learning algorithms that can be used for predicting whether an applicant loan request is approved or not. Artificial Intelligence DRAFT. Artificial Intelligence MCQ question is the important chapter for a computer science and technical students. Here the model is deployed to the end users, where it processes emails in real time and predicts whether the email is spam or non-spam. Q(state, action) = R(state, action) + Gamma * Max [Q(next state, all actions)]. This is exactly why the RL agent must be trained in such a way that, he takes the best action so that the reward is maximum. So these are the most frequently asked questions in an Artificial Intelligence Interview. In this phase, the model is tested using the testing data set, which is nothing but a new set of emails. If you’re looking to learn more about AI, Edureka provides a specially curated Machine Learning Engineer Master Program that will make you proficient in techniques like Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, and Natural Language Processing. This is exploration. ... Q. Therefore Machine Learning is a technique used to implement Artificial Intelligence. Q9. The RL Agent (Player1) collects state S⁰ from the environment (Counterstrike game), Based on the state S⁰, the RL agent takes an action A⁰, (Action can be anything that causes a result i.e. A perfectly playing poker-playing agent never loses. To better understand the MDP, let’s solve the Shortest Path Problem using the MDP approach: Shortest Path Problem – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Though yet to become a standard in schools, artificial intelligence in education has been taught since AI’s uptick in the 1980s. The following equation is used to represent a linear regression model: Linear Regression – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. So, our cumulative discounted rewards is: Reward Maximization with Discount Equation – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. The model used for approximating the objective function is called surrogate model (Gaussian Process). Facebook uses DeepFace for face verification. Since the sales vary over a period of time, sales is the dependent variable. I hope these Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions will help you ace your AI Interview. Exploitation & Exploration – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka, Parametric vs Non Parametric model – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka, Model Parameters vs Hyperparameters – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. However, if you wish to brush up more on your knowledge, you can go through these blogs: With this, we come to an end of this blog. AI uses predictive analytics, NLP and Machine Learning to recommend relevant searches to you. Let me explain this with a small game. Minimax is a recursive algorithm used to select an optimal move for a player assuming that the other player is also playing optimally. This stage is followed by model evaluation. answer choices . These recommendations are based on data that Google collects about you, such as your search history, location, age, etc. Therefore, such redundant variables must be removed. How Would You Define the “Curse of Dimensionality”? Artificial Intelligence is the process that allows computers to learn and make decisions like humans. In supervised classification, the images are manually fed and interpreted by the Machine Learning expert to create feature classes. If you’re trying to detect credit card fraud, then information about the customer is collected. This problem can be solved by using the Q-Learning algorithm, which is a reinforcement learning algorithm used to solve reward based problems. Generally, a Reinforcement Learning (RL) system is comprised of two main components: Reinforcement Learning – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. One such example is Logistic Regression, which is a classification algorithm. Q10. Image Processing Using AI – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. The collective rewards at a particular time with the respective action is written as: Reward Maximization Equation – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Whereas, Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. After data cleaning comes data exploration and analysis. Initially, the action is random, The environment is now in a new state S¹ (new stage in the game), The RL agent now gets a reward R¹ from the environment. Artificial Intelligence is a technique that enables machines to mimic human behavior. Google’s Search Engine One of the most popular AI Applications is the google search engine. it learns from experiences. If the fox only focuses on the closest reward, he will never reach the big chunks of meat, this is called exploitation. How can AI be used to detect and filter out such spam messages? In unsupervised classification, the Machine Learning software creates feature classes based on image pixel values. For example, variables such as the learning rate, define how the network is trained. Therefore, by using the Linear Regression model, wherein Y-axis represents the sales and X-axis denotes the time period, we can easily predict the sales for the upcoming months. Data Exploration & Analysis: This is the most important step in AI. This is one of the most profound applications of AI. What is the logic behind recommendation engines? Non-programmable calculators only. 1.Maximize your expected utilities. 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This indiscriminate cutting can be successful on some occasions, but not always. To summarize, Minimax Decision = MAX{MIN{3,5,10},MIN{2,2}} = MAX{3,2} = 3. What is the purpose of Deep Learning frameworks such as Keras, TensorFlow, and PyTorch? Q12. Market basket analysis explains the combinations of products that frequently co-occur in transactions. ... Like intelligence and learning capacity, creativity is not a fixed characteristic that people either have or do not have. Obviously, this has a bad effect on their learning process and on their understanding of truth about the world around them. Which of the following are classification tasks appropri ate for classification learning algo-rithms? It is a technique where randomly selected neurons are dropped during training. Forecasting Sales Using AI – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Building a Machine Learning model: There are many machine learning algorithms that can be used for detecting fraud. Inspired from a neuron, an artificial neuron or a perceptron was developed. In the applied Engineering Applications Of Artificial Intelligence program, graduate students develop a strong and deep learning with a thorough understanding of a variety of engineering applications.The institute emphasizes artificial intelligence engineering applications and impact through extensive interdisciplinary collaborations with best engineering placement college and several major … Getting Started With Deep Learning, Deep Learning with Python : Beginners Guide to Deep Learning, What Is A Neural Network? Such variables must be removed because they will only increase the complexity of the Machine Learning model. Explain the assessment that is used to test the intelligence of a machine. Naturally, these events are causing people to ask a lot of questions about … if the agent moves left or right in the game). Overfitting occurs when a statistical model or machine learning algorithm captures the noise of the data. There exist task environments in which no pure reflex agent can behave rationally. What is the definition of artificial intelligence? Question Correct Answer Artificial Intelligence in Teaching and learning If the Question is True, Tick the box If the Answer is False DO NOT tick the box QN 1 AI kan bring lots of benefits TRUE 2 AI kan increase the level of education TRUE 3 AI does not have advantages for teachers FALSE 4 A form of AI is Books (a) [1 pt] CS 188 Circle the best motto for AI. In contrast to the common misconception that the way to develop creativity is through uncontrolled, let-the kids-run-wild techniques—or only … Stemming algorithms work by cutting off the end or the beginning of the word, taking into account a list of common prefixes and suffixes that can be found in an inflected word. In the above state diagram, the Agent(a0) was in State (s0) and on performing an Action (a0), which resulted in receiving a Reward (r1) and thus being updated to State (s1). Q1. But if the fox decides to explore a bit, it can find the bigger reward i.e. True False; A perfectly playing poker … Then evaluates the model by using Cross Validation techniques. Here, input features are taken in batch wise like a filter. Feature Extraction: This is done to extract information that can be used to find the significance of a given sample. ... [true or … Therefore, it is better to choose supervised classification for image classification in terms of accuracy. {A, B, C, D}, The action is to traverse from one node to another {A -> B, C -> D}, The reward is the cost represented by each edge, The policy is the path taken to reach the destination. Because it’s a broad area of computer science, AI questions will keep popping up in various job interview scenarios. The outside of the building can be thought of as one big room (5), Doors 1 and 4 directly lead into the building from room 5 (outside), doors that lead directly to the goal have a reward of 100, Doors not directly connected to the target room have zero reward, Because doors are two-way, two arrows are assigned to each room, Each arrow contains an instant reward value, The room (including room 5) represents a state, Agent’s movement from one room to another represents an action, The rows of matrix Q represent the current state of the agent, columns represent the possible actions leading to the next state. D The overall power of the … The input to an agent program is the same as the input to the agent function. Introduction To Artificial Neural Networks, Deep Learning Tutorial : Artificial Intelligence Using Deep Learning. Post-Graduate Program in Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Post-Graduate Program in Big Data Engineering, Implement thread.yield() in Java: Examples, Implement Optical Character Recognition in Python, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. These spam filters are used to classify emails into two classes, namely spam and non-spam emails. Given the above representation, our goal here is to find the shortest path between ‘A’ and ‘D’. Gmail makes use of machine learning to filter out such spam messages from our inbox. In college, grading … Similarly, a perceptron receives multiple inputs, applies various transformations and functions and provides an output. He does not buy the coke, but Amazon recommends a bottle of coke to user B since his shopping behaviors and his lifestyle is quite similar to user A. Dropout is a type of regularization technique used to avoid overfitting in a neural network. E-commerce websites like Amazon make use of Machine Learning to recommend products to their customers. Two AI agents were programed to communicate privately and they created their own cryptography. For example, if a person has spent an unusual sum of money on a particular day, the chances of a fraudulent occurrence are very high. Stemming – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. This causes an algorithm to show low bias but high variance in the outcome. FALSE A data warehouse typically starts with one of the following type of database: Very large Trained facilitator is a_____of GDSS. An example is Random Forest, it uses an ensemble of decision trees to make more accurate predictions and to avoid overfitting. For the past two years, public interest in building complex algorithms that automatically “learn” and improve from their own operations, or experience (rather than explicit programming) has been growing. ... (so 1 points for true/false questions, 1=2 for questions with three options, etc.). ... Machine Learning is the branch of AI that covers the statistical and learning part of artificial intelligence. Tags: Question 6 . Questions and answers - MCQ with explanation on Computer Science subjects like System Architecture, Introduction to Management, Math For Computer Science, DBMS, C Programming, System Analysis and Design, Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis, OOP and Java, Client Server Application Development, Data Communication and Computer Networks, OS, MIS, Software Engineering, AI, Web Technology and … But after a certain number of iterations, the model’s performance starts to saturate. Image Pre-processing: Image pre-processing includes the following: Image Segmentation: It is the process of partitioning a digital image into multiple segments so that image analysis becomes easier. After retrieving useful insights from data, a machine learning model is built. Segmentation is based on image features such as color, texture. This sounds complex, let me break it down into steps: Image Acquisition: The sample images are collected and stored as an input database. It uses systems that mimic human cognitive functions such as learning and … After which the machine learning model is graded based on the accuracy with which it was able to classify the emails correctly. Such patterns must be detected and understood at this stage. Let’s understand how spam detection is done using machine learning: Spam Detection Using AI – Artificial Intelligence Interview Questions – Edureka. Now a couple of weeks later, another user B who rides a bicycle buys pizza and pasta. Classification: Finally, Linear Support Vector Machine is used for classification of leaf disease. This section focuses on "basics" of Artificial Intelligence. For classifying emails as either spam or non-spam you can use machine learning algorithms like. Mainly used for signal and image processing. For example, a Bayesian network could be used to study the relationship between diseases and symptoms. Exploration, like the name suggests, is about exploring and capturing more information about an environment. Such words and co-relations must be understood in this stage. In artificial intelligence (AI), a Turing Test is a method of inquiry for determining whether or not a computer is capable of thinking like a human being. It is expected that artificial intelligence in U.S. education will grow by 47.5% from 2017-2021 according to the Artificial Intelligence Market in the US Education Sector report. Thus, Google makes use of AI, to predict what you might be looking for. As a result, the rewards near the tiger, even if they are bigger meat chunks, will be discounted. There can be n number of hidden layers, depending on the problem you’re trying to solve. Input: Scan a wild form of photos with large complex data. A Bayesian network is a statistical model that represents a set of variables and their conditional dependencies in the form of a directed acyclic graph. The beauty of target marketing is that by aiming your marketing efforts at specific groups of consumers it makes the promotion, pricing, and distribution of your products and/or services easier and more cost-effective. Ever since we realized how Artificial Intelligence is positively impacting the market, nearly every large business is on the lookout for AI professionals to help them make their vision a reality. When both sales and time have a linear relationship, it is best to use a simple linear regression model. (a) predicting if a credit card transaction is fraudulent or legitimate (b) predicting … As the feature or dimension increases, it gets … Image Smoothing is one of the best methods used for reducing noise by forcing pixels to be more like their neighbors, this reduces any distortions caused by contrasts. © 2020 Brain4ce Education Solutions Pvt. What are hyperparameters in Deep Neural Networks? Early stopping: A machine learning model is trained iteratively, this allows us to check how well each iteration of the model performs. ‘Customers who bought this also bought this…’ we often see this when we shop on Amazon. And AI predicted correctly that Trump would win the presidency. Shortest path between ‘ a ’ and ‘ D ’, ‘ and ’, ‘ ’. Feature or dimension increases, it can find the bigger reward i.e, exploitation is exploring... Search space and evaluates sets from a particular probability distribution and his end is... 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