comma after well

punctuation, ask here for clarification. Example: You may be required to bring many items, e.g., sleeping bags, pans, and warm clothing. Enclosed is a Report, entitled “Why Should You Trust Hunter-Kelsey for Your Property Tax Loan?”. So, it should be followed by a comma.I was not feeling well. Posted by 3 years ago. I am wondering if you place commas around the composers of a song after the song title. share. Rule #3: Use a Comma Before a Quotation. Writers tend to make this mistake when forming sentences in which as separates two independent clauses.. Below is an example of such a sentence. So here are two very easy easy things to remember. I am hoping there is a rule that says no. People felt that he had “gone mad” or that he harbored some “secret sin”; while others felt it was “an eccentric whim.” …I like Carol, as well as Jane. report. As a rule of thumb, if the phrase is longer than about four words, use the comma. And commas often accompany a conjunction, which is a word that connects phrases, clauses, or sentences (e.g., and, because, but, and however) or any other words or expressions that provide a similar function (e.g., in any case). Look at these two examples: A band played in the park for 8 hours on Tuesday 4th July. means that these three punctuation marks are examples of what you are learning about. Should we place a comma after the word “Also” when put in a sentence, eg. Rule 7b. Greetings, Friends and Colleagues: Comma before "as well" I am peer reviewing someone's paper in my class and was wondering if this sentence needs a comma before they say "as well" at the end. Thanks for commenting. After a time phrase that comes before a sentence or independent clause. What about this one: 4B. When an adverbial phrase begins a sentence, it’s often followed by a comma but it doesn’t have to be, especially if it’s short. As stated earlier, 'as well as' is a conjunction, or part of speech, that means in addition. Contact tutor. This statement refers to all children as children who play well with friends, so it isn’t restrictive. See the examples below. I am looking for a rule that says I don’t need to have the comma before the conjunction, in a series….can you help? Both the science and the art of comma use have changed with time. Okay, let me try to break it down. This allows the reader to take a slight pause, separating the introductory phrase from the rest of the sentence. Kindly explain. Rule 8. Copyright © 2012 by English Essay Writing Tips You will normally see a single item accompanied by such as, for instance or for example, and it will generally be nonessential to the meaning of the sentence and therefore should be surrounded by commas or parentheses. Our Rule 7a of Commas says, “Use a comma after certain words that introduce a sentence, such as well, yes, why, hello, hey, etc.”. Rule #2: Use a Comma After an Introductory Word or Phrase. (Oops! ; and Capitalizing Composition Titles: The Lowdown. Should there be a comma after heart because the normal way to say the sentence would be – Holy Spirit, enter my heart. The best advice I have ever heard about placing commas was to say the sentence aloud and see where you naturally pause (take a breath). ; that is, A point well made, and I have no problem with it, especially in informal writing. You should always put a comma immediately … Always add a comma after adverbs that end in “ly.” 2B. If, for example, the word 'and' precedes a clause beginning 'although', you usually put a comma after it and, if it precedes a conditional clause, you normally insert a comma as well. Here are more articles to help you with English words, grammar, and essay writing. hide. followed by only a single item is awkward. Regarding Rule 2, it was always my understanding that a semicolon was used before the word and a comma after: Commas are the most frequently used form of punctuation and probably the hardest to master. Use a comma after certain words that introduce a sentence, such as well, yes, why, hello, hey, etc. Why would I want to do that? Is a comma correct before 'and' and after 'as well as' Close. After a subordinate clause—one that starts with a subordinating conjunction. Strengthen my faith to believe So4(,)5 contentment(,)6 I receive. Since it’s the latter, and there are no commas in “enter my heart,” there would be no commas in “my heart enter” either. I did it too.) Material created by Jane Straus and The original section: Thank you; I have no further questions. You can use other subordinating conjunctions this way as well—after, although, as, if, since, when, and while. Example: Old McDonald had a pig, a dog, a cow and a horse. It looks awkward to put a semicolon after an abbreviation. So, Ms. Jones, what is your answer? (The adverbial phrase "on Tuesday 4th July" sets a time, but it is not an introduction. No you may not have a dollar. When should there be a comma when adverbs like well, seemingly, apparently, supposedly, definitely, surely, obviously, conclusively, possibly, indeed, actually, naturally and others start a sentence?. While your logic and grammatical instruction is sound for the examples when a direct address occurs in sentence form, there is still no sound argument for using the comma before a person’s name in a salutation. But, on the other hand, I might go to Spain instead. People felt that he had “gone mad” or that the harbored some “secret sin;” while others felt it was “an eccentric whim.” Is it correct to place a semicolon before however and a comma after it? Assuming for a moment that your name is Sam, most of the greetings will say, “Hi Sam.”. Do I need a comma after — the whole truth, so help you God? This defendant is charged with receiving, possessing, concealing or aiding in the report. Examples: There is a time when a comma may make a difference in the meaning. I have a question regarding commas and quotation marks. 3C. 3A. Therefore, the colon is not appropriate. This … No, a comma is not needed after that particular "well." In other words, does it really matter if commas are used at all when the queried intention isn’t one of grammatical correctness at all, but rather surreptitiously casting spells? In fact, the rules for using commas are really rather simple, though complicated by the fact that the comma has four distinct uses. Yes. A comma would create ambiguity. It is also standard practice to put a comma after the name of the person you're addressing. Yes, our Rule 8 of Commas says, “Use commas to set off the name, nickname, term of endearment, or title of a person directly addressed.”. One of the emails says it differently: “Hi, Sam.” You ask yourself why there should be a comma before your name. or is it We are learning about many different punctuation marks, e.g., periods, commas, and semicolons. I thought the writer could leave the words Set, Please, and So capitalized because they emphasize a second part on the same line. The latter is preferable: “Greetings, Friends and Colleagues:”. To begin with, forget anything you've ever been told about using a comma "wherever you would pause", or anything of the sort; this well-meaning advice is hopelessly misleading. Should there be a comma before “especially” in the following sentence: We pray for all those who are ill, especially George, Mary, Sandy, and Tom. I have the sentence, “For example, the first $5 bill featured Alexander Hamilton.”. (See what I did there?) The first obligation on the part of the transcriber is to make every effort to find the original sheet music, or official copy of the song, and write it exactly as shown. 2. Please ensure that your question or comment relates to the topic of the blog post. I am simply not sure the comma translates into the difference. Using a Comma after an Interjection Commas can be used to offset interjections (e.g., "yes," "indeed," "absolutely"). Well isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard? Well, isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard? For example: But, yes, indeed, there is plenty of space in the car for you. If someone is using Oxford commas in a business memo, do these commas need to be included in a simple series mentioning just three states in the same memo (e.g., California, Florida and New York – or – California, Florida, and New York)? A comma placed before their names shows us that these people are actually being addressed about nonviolent activities. Holy Spirit, my heart(,) enter; Set my mind on You, I pray. 525 2 2 gold badges 5 5 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. Example: Old McDonald had a pig, a dog, a cow, a horse. Comma Before As Well As Most of the time, you don’t need a comma before as well as. Do not use one after 'Dear' in a phrase like 'Dear John.' As we noted above, we recommend using the comma, but it is not required. This is a page about commas with salutations in letters and emails. The proper definition of the Oxford comma is “a comma used after the … Where you pause or breathe in a sentence does not reliably indicate where a comma belongs. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, Please wash all my sins away. 1B. Is a comma correct before 'and' and after 'as well as' Close. ? Thank you. This means use a comma after a participial phrase, an absolute phrase, an infinitive phrase, and a prepositional phrase. Foods such as pasta and steak are my favorite meals. All Rights Reserved. When a word or phrase forms an introduction to a sentence, you should follow it with a comma, as recommended by Purdue OWL. We are learning about many different punctuation marks, e.g., periods, commas, and semicolons. Yes, I do need that report. Lastly, and I only ask this because I am a court reporter and this type of question is often repeated, 4A. 3A. Perhaps the following instance will illustrate this point. Why are you cooking, Kyla? Well, the rain has played its part in the outcome of this match. Save yourself a headache with the ProWritingAid browser extensions. When the salutation in your letter or email starts with "Hello" or "Hi," then you should put a comma before the name of the person you're addressing. We at are happy to respond to questions regarding schoolwork assignments after students have performed their own due diligence in attempting to find and apply the answers themselves. 3B. If you pause at a particular place, then that is where you would put in a comma. I remember it so well because of the feeling of utter bamboozlement that overcame me. No, a comma is not needed after that particular "well." If you are writing a story, you must let your characters say what they mean, unless some subtle humor is intended. Also, please correct any grammar errors you spot in my post. Comma before "as well" I am peer reviewing someone's paper in my class and was wondering if this sentence needs a comma before they say "as well" at the end. Let’s try another one. Difficult exercises, e.g. Need to confirm when using multiple names in the signature section of a greeting card do you use commas after every name ie. When a word or phrase forms an introduction … Do you place a comma before a person’s name: Thank you, Sandy. If you remove the part after work, the meaning of the sentence remains intact, albeit, without the extra info. Example: I am, by the way, very nervous about this. Sign up to receive the FREE weekly E-Newsletter. When “maybe” is followed by a complete sentence, no comma is used. Use the comma before the or because there is a complete sentence after it, or make it into two questions. I am hoping the first option is correct. We are learning about many different punctuation marks, i.e., periods, commas, and semicolons. Example: when they are followed by a series of items. If "well" is at the beginning of a sentence, such as in "Well, I am going to go now." : Underline? Titles of Books, Plays, Articles, etc. "well" is at the beginning of a sentence, such as in "Well, I am it does need a comma after it. (A comma after "Yesterday" would look a bit unwieldy, so it's okay to omit it.) If not, can you send me the rule. But, if you really want to know the truth, I can’t stand my boss. Maybe a comma would help clarify the double meaning of this sentence. it does need a comma after it. 1) Compare: A) The place where I went to school is a wonderful town. When you use as well as in a nonrestrictive clause, the same rules apply: “Deborah, as well as her assistant, decided to attend the convention.” However, when there is a restrictive clause (a part of the sentence that adds essential information), you shouldn’t offset it with commas, even when it contains as well … Try speaking the sentence out loud. Numbers. For example, C.V.; Therefore, you might want to consult a legal style manual if this sentence is part of a legal document. A comma before “mate” would preclude this interpretation. Divya December 25, 2007 At 9:09 pm. The comma before “ and ” is optional. and … B) Edinburgh, where I went to university, is a beautiful city. Examples: Why, I can't believe this! The good news about the comma 2.3. after introductory words : Unfortunately, he was convicted of a crime and put into jail. The person who is addressed in these statements could be the reader or another person, but a comma before the name is important to show. Before a coordinating conjunction when it separates an independent and dependent clause as an Oxford comma. Examples: Yes, I do need that report. Archived. save. Remembering Jane Straus | May 18, 1954—February 25, 2011 | Author of the original Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation, Rule 1 – Use a comma when beginning sentences with introductory words such as well, why, hello, no, yes, etc. Leonah. For example: Tap dancing to “Best Day of My Life,” If an item in a series has a comma within it, you should use a semicolon. Through Christ’s death and resurrection, Please3 wash all my sins away. It has examples and an interactive exercise. Son of Citation Machine automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian. Well, isn’t that the funniest thing you’ve ever heard? If you want a capital, start a new line. If it’s asking a question, the only way you would need a comma before “who” is if there is a phrase or clause coming before it. I am really impressed. No, you can't have a dollar. However, if you are truly quoting anything written, including religious lyrics or texts, the grammar and punctuation should be the same as the source material. I thought we were ordering pizza. share | improve this question | follow | asked Jan 20 '15 at 18:03. It is best to learn the rules—and t… Remembering Jane Straus | May 18, 1954—February 25, 2011. ¿Quieres tres, dos o una? I have been provided with the given section, and I need to identify the grammatical errors. (in Latin: id est) means that is; e.g. I’m wondering now if the comma is correct there or if it’s supposed to be something else? Example: Finally, I went to the beach. After an initial/introductory adverb that modifies a whole sentence or independent clause. Using a comma turns the thing you’re talking about with as well as into an aside–information that’s less important than the rest of the sentence. ; e.g., Your rule only applies when the introductory words introduce a complete sentence. If you have the month-date-year format, a comma is always required after the year. Our Rule 1 of Semicolons says, “A semicolon can replace a period if the writer wishes to narrow the gap between two closely linked sentences.” Therefore, either of the following is correct: Sorry. I will work in one of only three states namely, Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. Thank you. If, for example, the word 'and' precedes a clause beginning 'although', you usually put a comma after it and, if it precedes a conditional clause, you normally insert a comma as well. Why would I want to do that? …I like Carol as well as Jane. When using the Oxford comma, write “California, Florida, and New York.”. report. After reading these posts, let us know how you would write the sentence, and we’ll let you know whether we agree. So it gets distilled in this way: Ms. Pickwick, what is your opinion of legislation to legalize marijuana? Thank you for pointing out that we missed placing a comma in accordance with our Rule 3b of Commas. I want an assistant who can do the following: (1) input data, (2) write reports, and (3) complete tax forms. You’ve probably heard a lot of things about the comma and may have questions about when to use a comma. I will work in one of only three states namely Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. Lynn December 8, 2007 At 11:22 pm. The question in whole is not repeated after the first or second time. Indeed, you have. Does Grammarly Check punctuation? The exceptions include years, page numbers, and street addresses. A semicolon after an abbreviation is acceptable. As you point out, the clause is saying, “so I receive contentment,” which requires no commas. Specific rules or guidelines for legal documents may exist in certain jurisdictions. When you start a sentence with adverbs such as however, therefore, furthermore, or moreover, there is always a comma after the adverb. The exceptions include years, page numbers, and street addresses. In the following, would it not be better to use a colon after or before “e.g.”? But do not think that comma problems boil down to whether we use too many commas or too few. In my mind, these are parenthetical and should be enclosed in commas, but I’ve read newspaper articles that don’t enclose them. Mezcle bien con las papas, los huevos y las remolachas. There are not so much rules as long-standing conventions for writing out song lyrics. About the Book Author I will work in one of only three states, namely, Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. save. When it is used in this way, it still does not take a comma because the clause it begins is at the end of the unit. The sentence is, "This cartoon was proven successfully because one can almost taste the dirty air when viewing it, yet in a sad way we can still find humor in it as well." I have no further questions. Is this correct or should it be otherwise punctuated. Is the sentence below correct? (…and also Jane.) There could be a comma before "as well" but it isn't mandatory. English language Tutor. Use commas to set off expressions that interrupt the sentence flow (nevertheless, after all, by the way, on the other hand, however, etc.). 1B. Our Rule 2 of Semicolons says, “It is preferable to use a semicolon before introductory words such as namely, however, therefore, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., or for instance when they introduce a complete sentence. (…as well as I like Jane.) Of course, when it comes to emails, especially informal communications, it doesn’t really matter so much about omitting the comma before the name in your greeting. When should a comma be placed after the adverb that starts the sentence? Using i.e. Greetings Friends and Colleagues: If you wish to respond to another reader's question or comment, please click its corresponding "REPLY" button. If "well" is at the beginning of a sentence, such as in "Well, I am going to go now." The revised section: This could be the beginning of a newsletter. Yes, it is mandatory. Most authorities, including The Associated Press Stylebook and The Chicago Manual of Style, recommend a comma after the first digit of a four-digit number. Unrelated comments may be deleted. Here “the harbored” was replaced by “he harbored”, and semicolon was placed outside the quotation marks. Using commas well is a science and an art: though there are well-defined rules, there is plenty of room to manouevre as well. If you were to click on Commas, you could scroll down to Rule 16a, where you would find your answer since the word especially fits into this category. is correct. In accordance with Rule 2 of this post, your sentence is punctuated correctly. You can also use a comma with a shorter phrase when you want to emphasize it or add a pause for literary effect. With the guidance you have received in this article and the, previous one, “12 Major Comma Uses Explained,” your writing, If you have any questions about particular problems with. and because you answered the way you did above, a series of people are asked a question. (then they’ll roll him in chicken feathers). Matt, Mark, Andrew, and Karen or is it Matt, Mark, Andrew and Karen? Dates sometimes crop up in the middle of sentences. 4B. Are you telling the heart to enter, or saying “enter my heart”? No comma needed. The gurus are encouraged to confirm, refute or add to what I have here. And you, Mr. Rockenstein? In sentence B, the first comma is correct, but the second well shouldn’t be separated from the rest of the sentence because it’s not an introductory word. Should the comma after the word “story” and after “veil” be omitted. 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