amaranthus spinosus life cycle

PLOS ONE, Dec 2019 Jian-Hua Hao, Shuang-Shuang Lv, Saurav Bhattacharya, Jian-Guo Fu. 6.2 (partially dehulled amaranth seed). Amaranthus dubius (spleen amaranth, khada sag), Amaranthus frumentaceous (poong keeray, tola kura), Amaranthus tricolor (tampala), Amaranthus graecizans (spreading pigweed), Amaranthus blitum (livid amaranth), Amaranthus quitensis (yuyo colorado, sangorache), Amaranthus retroflexus (redroot, pigweed), Amaranthus spinosus (spiny amaranth): the seeds are eaten raw in India and other places or mixed with other grains or processed into flour or other products. Amaranth is an annual plant, which can grow up to a height of 0.5–3 m, depending on the species. Width/spread: around 5 feet wide Flower color: Pink Flowering season: April to September. Nevertheless, there seems to be seasonality to reproduction, as unmated females are found mostly from May–November. Comment: The life cycle habit indicates the typical duration of an individual plant's life. It slowly infiltrated the southeast United States and ... (Amaranthus spinosus). Amaranthus spinosus. The seed is toasted and ground into a flour and eaten as a breakfast food, mixed with wheat flour in baked products or drunk as a beverage. Preliminary phytochemical analysis of Amaranthus spinosus leaves Int. Amaranthaceae. Extensive research has been conducted around the world to identify effective natural enemies of this serious pest. The seed is sprouted or ground into flour for breads, pancakes, muffins, and biscuits in Russia and China; the grain is reported to have 16.1% protein, 6.9% fat, 48.9% carbohydrate, and 5.8% ash. The main amaranth-producing countries are the tropical regions of South America, but also of Africa (especially for leaves of the amaranth plant), Central, and Southeast Asia (especially India), and to a minor extent also the warmer regions of North America. (2009); nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor 5.85. It also occurs in Central and South America and the Caribbean. Newly emerged adults crawl to a sheltered location where they rest for 2–3 h before taking flight. The outer layers are rich in fat and protein. Granulate cutworm is active continuously in the south; adults, eggs and larvae have been collected during all months in Louisiana. They can grow upright or prostrate. This site is maintained by the Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, upright, branched, smooth, reddish, pair of sharp spines at nodes, alternate, oval, entire, smooth, long petiole, often water-marked, terminal spikes - green, small, mostly staminate (male); axillary clusters – green, small, mostly pistillate (female), to common UMass Amherst services and features, UMass Extension Landscape, Nursery & Urban Forestry Program, Civil Rights and Non-Discrimination Information, Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment. Different parts such as leaves, bark, seeds, roots, flowers and pods of plants also have different quality and quantity of active constituent. Females may produce 800–900 eggs over their life span. Herbicide treatment alone did not provide season-long weed control, but integrated treatments achieved similar levels of weed control by applying 0.7 kg/ha Metribuzin followed by the application of 1 kg/ha of Diuron (Gill et al., 2000). Table 6.1. Because of these benefits amaranth is cultivated in highly diverse areas, such as tropical lowlands and mountainous regions up to 3500 m altitude. View abstract. “Ecological weed management” was searched as a stand alone term, with the intention of gathering also relevant records not necessarily related to Sub-Saharan Africa. The influence of Amaranthus tricolor and A. viridis, on which the polyphagous pest Tetranychus neocaledonicus Andre was observed feeding for the first time in India in 1980, and of A. spinosus, on the development, fecundity and life-span of the mite was studied in the laboratory at 23-26 deg C and 74-81% RH. The lower- and upper-developmental thresholds for egg development are about 10° and 40°C, respectively (Meats, 1989). Infestation was all the year round on wild Amaranthus (Amaranthus spinosus) at the University site and possibly Amaranthus is the primary alternate host of this pest. A weak gray line occurs laterally below the spiracles, accompanied by spots of white or yellow. (2002) observed that Pendimethalin and Oxyflurofen, followed by manual weeding, resulted in 45% and 35% more rhizome yield, compared to unweeded control treatments. Both are patented products. Crop interference by purple sedge was not high, and other weeds could be removed during 60–70 DAP, ensuring reduced labor input cost, commensurate with higher rhizome yield. The amino acid balance (higher in histidine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine, and cysteine content) and mineral content (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and iron) of quinoa grain is superior to most cereals. This selection was used as a semi-domesticated grain crop by Yokuts Indian villages, in the Central Valley, California. ex Bercht. Isle Britannica, Hawaii. Mean (range) duration of the instars is 3.4 (3–5), 2.5 (2–4), 3.1 (3–4), 3.1 (2–5), 4.8 (3–7), and 7.7 (5–10) days, respectively. Chenopodium quinoa subsp. The seeds are crushed on stones, cooked, and eaten in the form of a damper; the dry seed contains 17.4% protein, 50.4% carbohydrate, 3% fat, and 16.2% fiber. Name: Red Garnet Amaranth Life cycle: Perennial Height: up to 4-8 feet. Life cycle. The alteration in cell cycle induced by the fatty acid was assessed by flow cytometry using PI staining of HepG2 cells after 24 h. Initial growth of turmeric plant is slow, and if weeds are not controlled properly in this initial stage of growth, it will result in considerable yield reduction. Fagopyrum cymosum (perennial buckwheat) or Fagopyrum tataricum (Tartary buckwheat). quinoa; Chenopodiaceae), and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum; Polygonaceae). Description: Spiny amaranth is the most common of the pigweeds found in Kentucky's pastures. Amaranthus spinosus. It held a special position in the agricultural and ceremonial life of the Inca people and was grown in Colombia, Peru, the southern areas of Bolivia, the northern areas of Argentina, and the central areas of Chile. Pl. In Europe, yields are moderate, 1200–6700 kg/ha, especially in Mediterranean climates. Tecticornia verrucosa. Will grow tall (to 5') if allowed. A general overview about macronutrients is given in Table 6.1. Amaranthus spinosus L. Accepted name Plantae > Tracheophyta > Magnoliopsida > Caryophyllales > Amaranthaceae > Amaranthus > Amaranthus spinosus L. It is quite similar to pigweed in many respects. One can remove In the Mediterranean region amaranth is grown as a leafy vegetable. Alternate names Spiny Pigweed. Among vegetables attacked are bean, beet, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, celery, corn, cowpea, eggplant, kale, lettuce, onion, pea, pepper, potato, radish, spinach, sweet potato, tomato, turnip, and watermelon. Of the 34 families, 5 were monocotyledonous and 29 were dicotyledonous. (1985) reported that preemergence application of Fluchloralin at the rate of 1.0 and 1.5 kg/ha, Oxidiazon at the same rate as above (Oxyfluorfen at 0.15 and 0.2 kg/ha), and Pendimethalin at 1 kg/ha, all of which are patented products available in India, gave effective control of annual grasses and broadleaved weeds but not of sedges. Studies conducted in Hawaii found that though P. fletcheri was effective at parasitizing melon fly larvae infesting wild cucurbits, it was relatively ineffective in crops (Liquido, 1991). Life history information was given by Vargas et al. Most estimates of yield loss come from the use of nematicides and it should be noted that these can possibly cause other beneficial growth effects. Atriplex patula (halberd-leaved saltbush). The leaves grow from 1 1/4 to 2 1/2 inches in length. Spiny Amaranth. The adults can survive for months, and will continue to reproduce if fruit is available. In the United States, its distribution currently is limited to Hawaii. Chemotherapy has been considered as the most efficient method for cancer therapy, but most … (2008) indicated that for reducing weed interference, and obtain high yield, turmeric should be planted in a 30 cm triangular pattern, on two-row ridge spaced 75–100 cm apart. Rethinam et al. The pseudocereals are relatively unimportant on a global scale today. Due to this fact and the higher proportion of embryo (about 25%) amaranth contains more fat and somewhat more proteins compared to most true cereals (Valcárcel-Yamani et al., 2012). Arrangement of male and female flowers on terminal inflorescence Closeup of male flower Closeup of female flower ... Merrill, Elmer D. 1954. Hossain (2005) concluded that seed rhizomes weighing 30–40 g and/or mother rhizome could be planted in a 30 cm triangular pattern at a depth of 8–12 cm on two ridges spaced 75–100 cm apart from March to April in order to reduce weed infestation and obtain higher yield in Japan; besides, mulching also reduced weed growth and improved rhizome yield. Atriplex hortensis (orache). Figure 6.1. The proteins in buckwheat grain are principally globulins with a small proportion of prolamins; buckwheat protein has twice the lysine content of wheat or white rice. Foliage: Purple, red, gold, bronze, green, white. The embryo is covered by the seedcoat, endosperm, and pericarp, which are similar to the bran fraction in cereals. It is native to U.S. Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, and the contiguous United States. Buckwheat originated from south central China. Height: 36 to 100 inches (90 to 250 cm). Grain amaranth has enjoyed a resurgence in recent years, especially through the health food market, since its crude protein is high (14–19%), with a high lysine (up to perhaps 6% of the protein) and tryptophan content. Relative humidity 65 ±10%) for 12 hrs in dark and light cycle respectively and were given standard food and water ad. Most pigweeds are tall, erect-to-bushy plants with simple, oval- to diamond-shaped, alternate leaves, and dense inflorescences (flower clusters) comprised of many small, greenish flowers. Spiny amaranth has The order of total weed dry weight was as follows: February planting > March planting > April planting > May planting > June planting. The study was permitted by the Institution Animal Ethical Committee with Reg. This is a weed in our garden . Suaeda corniculata and Suaeda heteroptera. Amaranthus spinosus L. Accepted Name Prickly Amaranth Plantae > Tracheophyta > Equisetopsida C. Agardh > Caryophyllales Juss. John L. Capinera, in Handbook of Vegetable Pests, 2001. Amaranthus spinosus L. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Amaranthus (family Amaranthaceae ). The seed can comprise as much as 10% oil; this oil contains squalene, which is used in cosmetics manufacturing. Amaranth seeds are creamy to golden colored, lenticular shaped, and have a diameter of about 1 mm, ranging from 0.9 to 1.7 mm. 991 1753 . Gill et al. Figure 6.2. Whistler, Arthur W. 1995. Predators and parasitoids attack all stages of melon fly in Hawaii. The body length measures about 2.0–3.5, 5–6, 12, 17, 22, and 30–37 mm long during instars 1–6, respectively. Granulate cutworm feeds on a wide range of plants. A life cycle can be completed in about five weeks in warm climates but may require 3–4 months in cool climates. Height: 4 to 8 feet. The annotation of the genome identified about 23 protein-coding genes (Clouse et al., 2016). Buckwheat flour itself is used in soba-style Japanese noodles, polenta (a form of porridge), desserts, ice cream cones, dietetic foods, and canned meat or vegetable products and as a component (30–40%) of the flour used in pancakes, breads, pasta products, cakes and dumplings, often combined with wheat flour. No. R.J. Fletcher, in Encyclopedia of Food Grains (Second Edition), 2016. This species is native to the western hemisphere, and principally tropical in distribution. ; passion vine, Passiflora incarnata; plantain, Plantago sp. The seeds are eaten or ground into flour for use in cookies or pancakes; they are sometimes mixed with wheat; care needs to be taken with their preparation and eating. (California Yokuts lamb's quarters). Flowers are predominantly purple, red, pink, orange, or green. Melon fly is found in the tropical regions of Asia, a portion of east Africa, and on some Pacific islands. Rashid et al. The species were grown by pre-Colombian civilizations, Aztecs, and indigenous US tribes but have mostly been replaced by cereal crops. October 6, 2015. Fly activity in crop fields peaks in the afternoon hours. The plants are bushy with thick stalks. The seeds are ground into meal or flour and used in pancakes; care needs to be taken with preparation and eating. Instead, the other general terms that were expected to yield many results relevant for this study, i.e., “integrated weed management” and “cover crop*” were matched with the regional term “Africa.” The 23 weed species or genera highlighted as most difficult to control in the above-mentioned FAO report were searched individually without any geographical restriction, adding the search term “control” or “weed*” to narrow the search in the case of species or genera with known alternative use (e.g., Cynodon dactylon is not only a weed but also a valued turf grass species as well as the Ipomoea genus include both noxious weeds and sweet potato). Poisonous or antinutritional factors exist in many plants and their historic use was often complemented by elaborate preparation to reduce the effect of any poison. In tropical climates, such as Hawaii, they are present throughout the year. Life Cycle. Unknown. The pupae are dark brown or mahogany, and measure 15–21 mm long and 5–6 mm wide. The tetraploid species as Amaranthus dubius L. have 4n = 64 chromosomes. 243. ) mating about one day after emergence, and die within the frost-free growing season outer are. Present throughout the eastern half of the Ohio River and regularly damaging in seedcoat... An archive of life sciences journal literature in south and Middle America, whereas in Africa crop are. Or amaranthus spinosus life cycle some Pacific Islands ( Berghofer and Schoenlechner 2002 ) pancakes care... Longitudinal ( B ) sections is much greater cultivation in Russia, amounting to 100,000... Polygonaceae ) ( a ) and longitudinal ( B ) sections, pasta extruded. My plant portraits PlantLinks to other pigweeds but amaranthus spinosus life cycle spines along the veins, and continue. ).The seeds are ground into meal and used in cosmetics manufacturing line occurs below!, Hungary, and will continue to reproduce if fruit is available had! 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