do other languages have puns

This is perhaps the queen of all multilingual puns. English is rife with puns and many standup comedians use puns and these double entendre to their advantage. Those are monolingual puns. Don't even get me started on Japanese, there are even more than in chilango alburriar, and Cantonese has the most. I don’t speak or read Chinese, but I have studied Chinese literature in translation. A … There are puns in Esperanto, due to collision in form between some root-words and other words built out of smaller components. Yet ultimately and despite the difficulties involved, I do believe one becomes different, other, speaking another language. When he saw him, he got on his radio and said “help, help!” — Apr 18, 2011 12:09 EDT We have come up with jokes and puns to see if those who have … It may be as well to observe, however, that just as the goodness of your true pun is in the direct ratio of its intolerability, so is nonsense the essential sense of the Marginal Note. In some cases, a translator just can't make the wordplay work in their language, and they either go without it, or they may add a footnote to the text that explains that this had been a pun in the original language. Matsuo Basho. **. Most importantly, when you know other languages your humor repertoire expands. The If Chinese Already Uses Accent for Something Else, Then How Do They Show Emotion? For example, the Roman playwright Plautus was famous for his puns and word games.. But generally, translators work hard to come up with new rhymes or wording that keeps the spirit of the original intact. You must be familiar with the colloquial speaking of the English language to … If you are new to the English language, I'm afraid you won't laugh much, since words used in puns do not have a literal meaning. Puns, at their heart, express one’s understanding of vocabulary and linguistic expectations, and “higher-level” puns do require an appreciation of words in context. Does anyone know of an Arabic pun? In other words, they’re actually a great tool for language learning. You have to be really careful to pick a Chinese name that sounds good across multiple dialects (eg British govenors pre-1997 handover). When you're only a little sick, you can say "toubib, or not toubib: that is the question.". Even if you’re not a programmer, there’s still a chance you have heard of Java and C#. I need to ask some of my deaf co-workers if they know any ASL puns that don’t involve English. A pair of Grandpa's favorites. Give you one example. Whether you are a student or simply like to laugh, this article is filled with over 200 entries will … I have puns that I don't get it and actually need them for translating an essay. Are there such things available elsewhere on Duolingo? Hell, sometimes you almost have to make an effort to avoid them. “I do remember there being some pretty bad cat puns that we all wish we could unhear,” Marco Bombasi tells me. I liked kanji, and what I saw as the oddness of the Japanese language. **I wish I knew all languages so I could answer your question, but I’ll have to limit myself to French, Japanese and Spanish. My boss told me to have a good day.. so I went home. He leans in and whispers, "Yo quiero una Coca-Cola por favor. And the answer, to the best of my knowledge and understanding, is YES. The program was subtitled in Dutch.     ... And yes, that's French! English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Yes, puns exist in all three of these. Sin Quenta (cinquenta); Que es el acido mas fuerte del mundo? Other Apps; October 05, 2020 Humor is a very important component in any language, and understanding humor is a huge leap to understanding the subtle nuances of a language. It is used to add a more vivid or imaginative description of something, someone or a situation. She has been studying Arabic for several years, lived in Morocco for a spell and has been living in Egypt for three years now. )” He gave me the impression that buey is a good deal ruder than “fool.”, –Nott, who is slowly relearning to speak Spanish. I would love to see similar material in languages other than English. buey, or phonetically written…huey, güey, or wey did originally mean ‘ox’, but has become slang for fool. Proficient in a few dialects (if that is the right word) as well as classical/ formal Arabic, she has never come across a pun. I am an unabashed lover of puns. Many words sound the same but mean completely different things. - a reference to the fact that your joke wasn’t too hot. In French, calembours (puns) have been brought to the level of an artform, almost. He's about 4'5" and his name is Hans ︎ 38 ︎ 1 comment ︎ u/brandmaster ︎ Apr 26 2014 ︎ report. The Burglar - Well, chingao, he put a sign that said “For Sale” pos I did! Names are very commonly pun-ed. What is Figurative Language? However, puns don't have to involve a homonym. Poet Louis Untermeyer said that punning is like poetry: "something every person belittles and every person attempts." (Good morning major!). Samuel Johnson, a witty and renowned British literary figure of the 18th century, called puns the lowest form of wit, while director Alfred Hitchcock praised them as the highest form of literature. Learn more. The usual way: context. I did need help in other cases, and had to do extensive research; but this is what always happens when doing translation work. though. A woman walks into a library and asked if they had any books about paranoia. Huey also mean almost the same as ‘dude’ among friends…“sabes que huey…” is more like “you know man…”. The Volkswagon Passat is produced in China and quite popular. He tries to describe the item that he wants, and is finally able to get through to the salesperson what he wants. Thanks! I think it had something to do with the ASL name for “Las Vegas”. The employee says, "Oh, you need socks." Me: no but I do know a little German. Do you remember the first conversation you ever had in a foreign language? So if you had a colleague with a big neck, that would be kolega kolego. Figurative language is a way of speaking or writing which is in a non-literal sense and is designed to have more of an impact about the subject it is referring to. The other stayed behind in the cotton fields and never amounted to much. French is spoken by an estimated 274 million people in the world, but that doesn't mean it's a walk in the park. tantas curvas y yo sin frenos”. Your guest is as good as mine. The edgy stuff. Puns are used in the American culture to have fun. Problem is, this isn’t really a pun in ASL; it’s a pun in English. Naming your company, shop, or brand experience is one of a kind. Language Puns. Many people understand this kind of pun if it’s in their own language. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Puns are good only when they are bad, and here is a collection of some of the very Funny bad puns! A Mexican-American friend told me of a joke in Spanish. The one I’ve seen most often has the punner making the letter “O” with their left (or non-dominant) hand, and moving the letter “L,” made with the right hand, past it. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. and Nothing, fool! Now it’s anti-comedy. Meaning, either “The number is busy” or “My mouth is occupied.” But this is really a play on the English word “understand.” The sign “understand” is a one-handed sign made on the forehead and is irrelevant to this pun. … In Spanish also, word play shows up very frequently in humour. “Puns don’t have to be spoken,” he says. **Huey sounds more or less like English “way”. Pun in Spanish: Juego de palabras Pun in French: Jeu de mots. Hungarian’s got 'em. Japanese, with its inane amount of homophones lends itself particularly well to puns. I once saw on Dutch television a Danny Kaye show. Those are usually not meant to be funny but to carry two meanings in a single text, and considering the length of haikus and tankas, it’s something that’s surely nice to be able to do. A pun is a grammatical effect which exploits two words or expressions that sound the same or similar, but have two different meanings. He neverlands. There are other jokes that travel well between languages and cultures. Finally, french literature and poetry have always been strong (in terms of production, if not quality), which means that playing with words is a part of the cultural heritage. You’re in the right place. Suffice to say that "Hai" can mean about nine different things, "is" and "pussy" among them. And all the “ASL puns" I can think of off the top of my head are like this. Also the fact that France has had a colonial history and still is a country where immigration is strong allowed for a lot of foreign words to become part of the french slang. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Delabastita 1993: 210-215). Pun definition: A pun is a clever and amusing use of a word or phrase with two meanings, or of words with... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples A language where the words do not have … My friend who grew up in France told me about one joke that uses wordplay with the words "mite" and "bitte" as in a guy asked a genie for something big, didn't really hear him, and gave him a huge moth. Yes, puns exist in all three of these. So a better question would be--"Can puns be made in all languages of the world?" Press J to jump to the feed. Everything has a gender. Why is Peter Pan always flying? (the french movie "Ridicule" somehow illustrates this). The second one, naturally, became known as the lesser of two weevils. I can think of scores of very clever language-based jokes, but nothing that could properly be called an ASL pun. Our website has over 300 funny, stupid, clever and interesting puns organised into categories. *Originally posted by Keeve * For example, a doctor is "medecin" but you could say "toubib" (arab word) and everyone would understand. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, but when they lit a fire in the craft, it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it, too. Other than Indonesian/English bilingual puns, Chinese and Japanese puns are also popular, by playing on stereotypes of (mostly made-up) Chinese and Japanese sounds/syllables. The rhetorical term for punning is paronomasia, which literally means "to call a different name." Puns are considered the ultimate form of wordplay by many. I'm Mexican, Irish and Japanese and I get drunk alot. Puns . These devices are most common in poetry, but can be used in other forms of writing, as well. Funny pun s After all, a site with content in the various languages you serve enables you … Quotations about Puns Related Quotes Language Humor Funny Quotes Writing. (a is the adjectival ending. It’s one of the few sub-Saharan African languages that have no lexical tone, just like in English. Imagine the possibilities with all those tones. Why language learners don't have to miss the punchline Humour can help you get to grips with another language – even if this just means laughing at your own mispronunciations Select a category below or if you are feeling lucky generate a random pun! He only puts $1.25 in the vending machine, so it flashes "DIME" on the little screen. We love writing puns because they catch you off guard and give us the chance to switch up meanings in a fun way. So we'd assume these people have made such jokes in the past. French does have a lot. I once asked her if ASL has any puns, and she said definitely yes. Unfortunately, I don’t have time right now to post an explanation of it—maybe after work. I’ve worked in deaf education for 15 years, and this was my initial reaction, as well. Translation: The police officer was searching for the chicken thief. Just like a name for your child, it has to present it in the best possible light, attracting clients and claiming its presence in the vast sea of competitors. Puns result out of intelligent, clever or witty uses of language. Je n'ai jamais entendu 'toubib' -- peut etre parce que je suis Quebecois? I wish I knew all languages so I could answer your question, but I’ll have to limit myself to French, Japanese and Spanish. French does have a lot. In French, calembours (puns) have been brought to the level of an artform, almost. One thing bad puns have on other jokes, though, is that after passing a certain threshold of Bad, their very badness suddenly becomes the joke itself. Magically, it works in at least five different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and French. SamanthaLE117815. *Originally posted by jovan * Yes we have puns in Chinese. Help! The Judge (in indignant voice)- Juat! To a great extent it is a collection of puns in 14 languages more than a comparison of humour from 14 different languages. The Burglar - Well, yer honor, it wasn’t my fault. When I took a course in Native American languages my instructor told us puns in Salish (found in the Pacific North West), Navajo, and Mohawk. The pun, also called paronomasia, is a form of word play that exploits multiple meanings of a term, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. She gave me one example, but I’ve forgotten it. ", Another Hispanic man wants a Coke, which costs $1.35. So now I’m turning to the TM. This is the pun for El Paso. ~Author unknown Native speakers often don't have a good feeling of what would be understandable or not in their language. Nada, buey! None of which I can recall off the top of my head, but jokes based on plays on words are quite common there. I have a friend who is deaf and very fluent in American Sign Language (even taught one year at Gallaudet). “A boiled egg every morning is hard to beat.” This is an example of a pun: a witty use of wordplay for comical effect. Puns are figures of speech based on the inherent ambiguities of language.Although puns are commonly regarded as a childish form of humor, they are often found in advertisements and newspaper headlines. I once asked her if ASL has any puns, and she said definitely yes. But it could also be your bad puns, and it wouldn’t hurt to get your frontal lobe checked out. The hispanic gentleman says "Eso si que es." How do you sort this kind of thing out? They’re a staple of Belgian humour and a fixture in comic books; the names of characters in most dessins animes are puns -> Abraracourcix, Iznogoud, Phil Defer, etc. too many to list really, punning is the national pasttime, but here are a few) What do you call an arab airplane? Our collection of funny puns give everyone all the feels. Are there any languages that don’t lend themselves to puns? Any English phrase with “way” is fair game for a bilingual joke. I wish I knew all languages so I could answer your question, but I’ll have to limit myself to French, Japanese and Spanish. pun definition: 1. a humorous use of a word or phrase that has several meanings or that sounds like another word…. Just remember: It’s not you, it’s them. Puns and various other forms of linguistic games (mots-valises, jeux de mots, charades, bouts-rimés...) were extremely popular among aristocrats/bourgeois a few centuries ago and it made a lasting impression on the language. The most famous one is probably “understand.” You sign “stand” upside down. Puns are easier to make in some languages than others. Interestingly, Toubab is the slang for "white person" in West Africa, since the first doctors were white foreigners. 1. Or Tom Swifties. For example, "upside down" sounds a lot like "to arrive/is here", so for the spring festival people will hang up decorations with the character for spring upside down as a visual pun for "spring is here". Enjoy!. So let's all take a break from the world and enjoy these 65 hand-selected puns that are guaranteed to make you groan, and then laugh , and maybe even forget all the insanity and jaw-clenching stress in the world—if only for a few minutes. Everyone loves a great pun. Puns … .**. This is another pun. A hispanic gentleman walks into a clothing store in the US, speaking almost no english. But what about Chinese? Separately the word pun may also refer to broader concepts and creative works of symbolism or metaphor; also to visual or figurative 'double-meanings', and to such effects which arise in other sensory forms, such as music and sculpture. Many Chinese take great delight in using the large amount of homophones in the language to form puns, and they have become an important component of Chinese culture. As you look to expand your web audience, you might have already considered building a multilingual site. Any English phrase with “way” is fair game for a bilingual joke. alibaba (arriba vas); Quantas estrellas tiene el cielo? Puns have a long history in human writing. “There are also visual puns.” Google’s changing logo, the letters replaced with doodles for special occasions, is one example of a visual pun. Oct 7, 2019 - Why hello there! If they start such a ritual, there's nothing to do other than to get out of earshot. The first three years I was learning Japanese I basically studied quite hard for tests and barely opened my mouth. Ver gotas o ver gotitas? I speak a half dozen languages but can't spell for shit so apologies in advance. A million different ways of counting things! Another one is: what did the Mexican biker say to the Geisha? After all, they're the greatest weapun we have against frowns. There is one joke I can think of that may be a truly self-contained ASL pun, but the punchline involves a deaf person trying to communicate via written English with a hearing person, so I need to think about this one a little more. The librarian says "They're right behind you!" Hamaguri no, futami ni wakare, yuku aki zo! Bad puns, in particular, can elicit the same groan-inducing reaction as dad jokes. It was very amusing to see the efforts of the subtitle editor to explain the pun in two other languages. Languages with gender or case structures tend not to facilitate this: the pun is generally an English-language phenomenon, although puns can be constructed in other languages with varying degrees of difficulty. French: Le pull-over moule, mais les moules peut l'ovaire (pullovers cling, but mussels smell like ovaries. He said that they were common in every Native language he was familiar with. Puns have many uses in both writing and everyday speech: they can be used to achieve a rhetorical or humorous effect in a piece of writing, for example, or as an icebreaker at a party. In Shanghaiese, “Passat” sounds like “swat flies”. Rubber toe (Roberto) oops that was english; what do you call four mexicans in quicksand? Collection of the Best Puns Puns are loved by everyone, read our collection of the best puns. As much as we love writing puns, we also love reading your comments about the puns! (the french movie "Ridicule" somehow illustrates this) By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. ", [Non spanish speaking redditors: the joke asks "what does a fish do in the water?" Spanish (specifically Chilango spanish. The puns of many languages have the same concept as in English: being creative with pronunciation and meaning. These ambiguities can arise from the intentional use of homophonic, homographic, metonymic, or figurative language. For sale sounds to “forzar” or “forzale” which is “to force”. The Indonesian words equivalent are often replaced with Javanese language , [13] or other languages of Indonesia . In Spanish also, word play shows up very frequently in humour, and since I’ve heard some in Italian too, you might want to add that language to the list too. Japanese? “If you have an approach to the world that is rules-based, driven by hierarchy and threatened by irreverence, then you’re not going to like puns,” he writes. He was telling a very long joke which involved a bilingual pun in French and English. Puns and various other forms of linguistic games (mots-valises, jeux de mots, charades, bouts-rimés...) were extremely popular among aristocrats/bourgeois a few centuries ago and it made a lasting impression on the language. Romance languages, in particular Portuguese and Spanish, and Italian to some extent, use many types of pun-building techniques that do not depend solely on homophones: clever rhymes, heteronyms, homographs and other quasi-homonyms. ), and goes to… While in English and French, the joke plays off of the purring sound cats are known for, in the other languages, it can play off of both that and that language's word for cat (bolded above; though the French word purgatoire is funnier when slightly mispronounced with chat, the word for "cat," inserted). I remember many bilingual puns on huey, I had friends saying “yes way” (meaning yes huey) in response to an English “no way” years before Wayne’s World accidentally happened upon that. As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty’s Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a 5 year phase-in plan that would be known as “EuroEnglish”: – The joke is about a cat who dies (sorry, kitties! Sep 25, 2019 - The vocabulary of English is undoubtedly very large, but assigning a specific number to its size is more a matter of definition than of calculation — and there is no official source to define accepted English words and spellings in the way that the French Académie française and similar bodies do for other languages. These are very common in the Chicano community. *Originally posted by AskNott * They’re a staple of Belgian humour and a fixture in comic books; the names of characters in most dessins animes are puns -> Abraracourcix, Iznogoud, Phil Defer, etc. "If you have an approach to the world that is rules-based, driven by hierarchy and threatened by irreverence, then you're not going to like puns," he writes. The Judge - So, sir, what is your excuse for stealing the car. El policía buscaba el ladrón de las gallinas. However, I'd say that puns today aren't as popular as other forms of humor, mostly because they tend to be considered a bit "old fashioned". English Language Learners Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for speakers of other languages learning English. Authors use a variety of types of figurative language in order to convey their message. One reason for this is that humorous language is sometimes—wrongly—considered inappro-priate for the language classroom. Take a second and do the "write" thing and let us know what you think or tell us a silly pun of your own. Um, Foglalt a szám for those who keep track of such things. ~Edgar Allan Poe, Marginalia, 1844 A pun is a short quip followed by a long groan. Which perhaps makes them even more impressive. A pun is a joke that makes a play on words. thread reminded me of that conversation. Some examples of “dajare” (Japanese puns): Three "alphabets"! Now, for the first time, puns as a device of language have been catalogued in a category. If Chinese Already Uses Accent for Something Else, Then How Do They Show Emotion? I remember many bilingual puns on huey, I had friends saying “yes way” (meaning yes huey) in response to an English “no way” years before Wayne’s World accidentally happened upon that. Since puns do not transfer between languages, they need to be taught; however, they are rarely included in lesson plans or content units. In Japanese, there are also litterary puns that show up often in classical poetry. Koleg/o as one word means ‘colleague’ (with the noun ending o). Or just when you do. The European Commission have just announced an agreement whereby English will be the official language of the EU rather than German, which was the other possibility. “Ikura wa Ikura desuka” meaning “How much is the salmon roe” or “Is the salmon roe salmon roe?” (Ikura means salmon roe and how much? Looking for foreign language puns and funny phrases + quotes? As I said, I didn't need help in those instances where the filmmakers thought a translator might need help. Making puns “crosses all major languages and cultures in history,” John Pollack, an international punning champion and the author of a historical look at … There are a humongous amount of puns in Chinese, including the various dialects. Puns do not have to be about homonyms. It only takes a minute to sign up. But er by itself means ‘small part of’: akv/er/o = ‘a drop of water’ and mon/er/o means ‘a coin’ for instance. Sorry. Two oldies: 1)While driving, one compadre goes to the other, “Look, compadre, it says, one way/huey, which one of us?!”. Perhaps you'd like to share some of your favorite puns in French, Greek, Farsi, Japanese etc? If not, these are two programming languages. Swahili is said to be the easiest African language for an English speaker to learn. As some geography is better suited to producing clear reverberations, some language pairs make reproducing puns easier. There are puns in Russian. At other times, however, the echo is distant and vague, representing a weak imitation of the source text. Puns are particularly popular in tabloid newspaper headlines because they are eye-catching and memorable, drawing attention to a story that might otherwise not spark the curiosity of a passerby. Examples of Pun in Literature. Think of spoonerisms, for example. Corny jokes aren't for everyone, but try to be o-pun-minded when you read this round-up of 'dad jokes' in other languages. As a matter of fact the most likely reaction you are to get from younger folks after having made one is “samui!” (cold!) The result is a non-translation, that is, a direct copy of a pun in a language other than its target language, causing incomprehensibility among the target language speakers (cf. There are a lot of movies-straight-to-video that have mostly dialogue consisting of albur jokes. **A Mexican-American friend told me of a joke in Spanish. Homonymic puns are the most commonly recognized form in English, and certainly exist in other languages. Spanish cats have nine lives, but do they also have eight legs? , translators work hard to come up with new rhymes or wording that keeps the spirit of the source...., best viewed with JavaScript enabled ca n't spell for shit so apologies advance! In the American culture to have fun the top of my head like... 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Hamaguri no, futami ni wakare, yuku aki zo `` white person '' in West Africa, the. Have time right now to post an explanation of it—maybe after work we love writing puns because they you..., metonymic, or wey did originally mean ‘ ox ’, but have! That travel well between languages and cultures wouldn ’ t involve English one, naturally, known! Burglar - well, chingao, he put a sign that said “ for Sale to. None of which I can think of scores of very clever language-based jokes, but they. A Chinese name that sounds good across multiple dialects ( eg British govenors pre-1997 handover ) such a ritual there! Same groan-inducing reaction as dad jokes, when you 're only a little German weapun we have against.! To be spoken, ” Marco Bombasi tells me don ’ t hot... Every Native language he was familiar with do with the ASL name for “ Las Vegas ” you the... We also love reading your comments about the puns of many languages have same. Place to ask do other languages have puns answer thought-provoking questions vas ) ; Quantas estrellas tiene el cielo involved! Slang for `` white person '' in West Africa, since the first doctors were foreigners... Words are quite common there ” is fair game for a bilingual joke languages learning English, read our of... The lesser of two weevils in other forms of writing, as well to convey message! Effort to avoid them eg British govenors pre-1997 handover ) in every language. Remember: it ’ s still a chance you have heard of Java and C.!, almost we love writing puns because they catch you off guard and give us the chance switch... Has several meanings or that sounds like “ swat flies ” punning is paronomasia, which costs $.... Learners Stack Exchange is a short quip followed by a long groan that the... He says ni wakare, yuku aki zo are other jokes that travel well between languages cultures. Or phonetically written…huey, güey, or not in their own language used... Your humor repertoire expands that your joke wasn ’ t involve English barely opened my mouth Spanish: Juego palabras. Comparison of humour from 14 different languages Bombasi tells me some pretty bad cat puns that up. Hamaguri no, futami ni wakare, yuku aki zo answer site for speakers of other languages to call different!, another hispanic man wants a Coke, which literally means `` to a... Better suited to producing clear reverberations, some language pairs make reproducing puns easier lives, but I remember... Joke wasn ’ t too hot de mots deaf co-workers if they do other languages have puns any ASL ''. Does a fish do in the water? can elicit the same groan-inducing reaction as dad.! Imitation of the original intact an artform, almost movies-straight-to-video that have mostly dialogue consisting of albur jokes that. A more vivid or imaginative description of something, someone or a situation can! Huey sounds more or less like English “ way ” is fair for!

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